组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.85 引用次数:273 题号:11425702

A rabbit weighs between 0.4 and 2 kilograms and can live for up to 12 years.

However, a rabbit in the wild can seldom live for more than a year.

At birth, a baby rabbit cannot see. An adult rabbit cannot see very far, but it can see behind itself without turning its head.

Adult rabbits can give birth to many baby rabbits, and their population can grow very quickly. This can cause problems for farmers, because rabbits like to eat the farmers’ vegetables.

1. How much does a rabbit weigh at least? ___________________________________
2. What kind of rabbit can seldom live for more than a year? ____________________
3. When can a rabbit see nothing? __________________________________________
4. Can an adult rabbit see behind itself without turning its head or with turning its head?
5. Why are rabbits bad for farmers? _________________________________________


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 较易 (0.85)

Most bees are brown, hairy and 8 mm to 22 mm long. Bees live as part of a large family. Over 25, 000 kinds have been found. Among all of them, honey bees are the most common.

Honey bees always live in groups called hives (蜂群). Each hive has a queen, drones (雄蜂) and workers (工蜂). Like a human society, each bee in a hive knows its own job.

The queen is the largest bee. She doesn’t go out to work, but lays eggs. Sometimes a queen can lay 3, 000 eggs in a day.

Drones do not collect food from flowers. They are the queen’s husbands. When there’s not much food, drones are often kicked out of the hive.

Workers are the smallest and busiest bees. A colony can have 50, 000 to 60, 000 workers. They collect food for the queen and babies. They guard the hive and help to keep it cool by fanning their wings. A worker only lives for 28 to 35 days.

To collect a pound of honey, a bee may have to fly a long way. Sometimes it is equivalent to (相当于) twice around the world. Bees have to visit more than 10, 000 flowers to make a pound of honey.

1. How many kinds of bees have been found? (不超过 5个词)
_____________________________________ .
2. What does the queen mainly do in a hive? (不超过 10个词)
_________________________________________________ .
3. How can workers collect a pound of honey? (不超过 15个词)   
___________________________________________________________________________________ .
2022-07-26更新 | 26次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约170词) | 较易 (0.85)
【推荐2】阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题, 每个题目的答案不超过 5个单词。

Service dogs are very good because they are helpful. They are trained to help their owners. Who can own a service dog? Disabled people can. For example, a person may be blind or deaf. Service dogs can do many things to help these people. For example, they can help blind owners cross the road.

Can any dog become a service dog? In fact, many dogs can. Just remember service dogs should be healthy and friendly. Many organizations train the dogs. The training takes months or years. After this, the dogs are given to an owner.

Most public places let service dogs come in with their owners. The dogs can go into restaurants, banks and shops.

In my opinion, service dogs are more than just pets. They enjoy helping people!

1. Who can own a service dog?
2. How can service dogs help blind owners in the passage?
3. How long does it take to train a service doe?
4. According to the writer, why are service dogs more than just pets?
5. What do you think of service dogs?
2023-09-02更新 | 34次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约280词) | 较易 (0.85)

Since 1 May 2015 , Beijing started to allow blind people to take guide dogs(导盲犬) onto the subway(地铁). How much do you know about guide dogs? What can they do to help blind people?

Not every dog can become a guide dog. The most common guide dog breeds(品种) are Labrador Retrievers(拉布拉多猎犬)and Golden Retrievers( 金毛猎犬). That's because they are smart and have a good temper(脾气).

To help blind people, dogs need to learn many skills, such as finding and following a clear road, moving around obstacles( 障碍物),and stopping when they reach a curb( 路牙) beside a road. Of course they should pass tests. They also need to learn an important lesson known as “intelligent disobedience(智能抗命)". For example, blind people ask the dogs lo go forward when crossing a road. But if the dog knows that a car is coming, it will not move till it is safe.

At about 10 or 12 years old, guide dogs retire(退休). Some of them stay at their owner's home and become their pet. Others may go back to training schools and live there.

What can a guide dog do to help blind people?

●Follow a direct(直接的)road, paying no attention to other things such as smells, animals and people.

●Keep a steady(稳定的) pace and just ahead of(在……之前) the owner.

●Stop at all curbs till the handler tells him to move forward.

●Stay quiet when the owner is sitting down.

●Help the owner to move around buses, subways and other public transportation(公共交通).

1. What can blind people in Beijing do when they go out by subway?
2. Why do people choose Labrador Retrievers and Colden Retrievers as guide dogs?
3. What important lesson should guide dogs learn?
4. How many things can guide dogs do to help blind according to the article?
5. What is the article about?
2018-03-22更新 | 409次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般