组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:95 题号:14136977

Since May 1,2015, Beijing started to allow blind people to take guide dogs(导盲犬) onto the subway(地铁). How much do you know about guide dogs? What can they do to help blind people?

Not every dog can become a guide dog. The most common guide dog breeds(品种) are Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers. That’s because they are smart and have a good temper.

To help blind people, dogs need to learn many skills, such as finding and following a clear road, moving around obstacles(障碍物), and stopping when they reach a curb(路牙) beside a road. Of course they should pass tests. They also need to learn an important lesson called as “intelligent disobedience(智能抗命)’’. For example, blind people ask the dog to go forward when crossing a road. But if the dog knows that a car is coming, it will not move until it is safe.

At about 10 or 12 years old, guide dogs retire(退休). Some of them stay at their owner’s home and become their pets. Others may go back to training schools and live there.

What can a guide dog do to help blind people?

●Follow a direct road, paying no attention to other things such as smells, animals and people.

●Keep a steady(稳定的) pace and just in front of the owner.

●Stop at all curbs until the owner tells them to move forward.

●Stay quiet when the owner is sitting down.

●Help the owner to move around buses, subways and other public transportation.

1. What can blind people in Beijing do when they go out by subway?
2. Why do people choose Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers as guide dogs?
3. What important lesson should guide dogs learn?
4. How many things can guide dogs do to help blind people according to the passage?
5. What can you do to help blind people? (自拟一句话作答)


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约150词) | 适中 (0.65)

A crow (乌鸦) is in the forest (森林), and he is happy every day. But one day, he sees a swan (天鹅). He is not happy.

        “You are so white, but I am so black. You must be very happy,” says the crow.

The swan says, “I’m not happy. I just have one color. Peacocks (孔雀) have many colors. They look beautiful. I think they are happy."

Then the crow goes to the zoo (动物园) to see a peacock. “You are so beautiful. I think you are very happy,” says the crow.

“No, I’m not happy. I have no friends,” says the peacock. “You can play with your friends everywhere. But it’s difficult for me.”

1. What color is the swan?
2. Who has lots of colors?
3. Where is the peacock?
4. Why is the peacock not happy?
5. Is it difficult for the crow to play with friends everywhere?
2022-05-11更新 | 55次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Animals do many different, amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them migrate(迁徙). They travel to other places where the weather is warmer or where they can find food.

Many birds migrate in autumn. Because the trip can be dangerous, some travel in large groups. For example, geese(鹅) fly in noisy, “V”-shaped groups. Other kinds of birds fly alone.

Some animals stay active in winter. They must ____①____ themselves when the weather changes. Many change their doing or their bodies. For example, snowshoe rabbits grow white fur to help them hide in the snow.

Food is hard to find in winter. Some animals, ____②____ mice, collect lots of food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some animals eat different kinds of food as the seasons change. Some animals sleep for part or all of the winter. The animals body temperature drops, and its heartbeat and breathing slow down so it uses very little energy. In autumn, these animals get ready for winter by eating much more food than in summer and storing it as body fat. They use this fat to keep them alive while sleeping.

Every type of insect has its own life cycle and that is the way it grows and changes. Different insects spend the winter in different forms of their lives. Some insects also spend the winter without moving. Some insects spend the winter as pupae(蛹). Other insects die after laying eggs(卵) in autumn.③The eggs change into new insects in spring and everything begins all over again

1. ①________________
Snowshoe rabbits can hide themselves in the snow because of their white fur.
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. Why do some animals slow down their heartbeat and breathing in winter?
5. Which is the topic sentence of the passage?
2021-06-09更新 | 25次组卷
任务型阅读-补全句子(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Camels(骆驼) are amazing animals. They aren’t the most beautiful animals in the world. But they are certainly the most useful animals in the hot areas such as North Africa and the Middle East. They usually help people carry things. Now let’s learn more about camels.

There are two kinds of camels on the Earth. They are Arabian(阿拉伯的) camels and Asian camels. Arabian camels are dromedaries(单峰骆驼), but Asian camels are bactrians(双峰骆驼).

An adult camel is about 2 meters tall and about 500 kilograms in weight. Its legs are long. And its feet are big and soft. Most of the camels can live for about 40 years, but they usually stop working when they are about 25.

Camels live alone in the desert(沙漠). They aren’t afraid of the hot and cold weather. Their main food is grass, leaves and bushes. They can walk for more than 600 kilometers and don’t need to drink water. They only need to drink water every six or eight days. But when there is water, they can drink up to 90 liters(升). Camels walk slowly. They don’t like running because it’s too hot. But if they need, they can run at 20 kilometers an hour.

1. There are two kinds of camels on the Earth. They are ________ camels and ________ camels.
2. Camels live ________ in the desert areas ________ ________ North Africa and the Middle East.
3. ________ camel can live for about 40 years, but they usually don’t ________ any more at 25.
4. They mainly live on ________, ________ and bushes.
5. They only need to drink water every six or ________ days.
2021-06-02更新 | 73次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般