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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:43 题号:14276821

Sometimes your friends start to talk about a new video game or a new app they have downloaded. It sounds pretty cool, and your friends really seem to like it. You become so interested in it that you want to buy it too. Has this ever happened to you?

In the US and in places around the world, there is a similar feeling of wanting the newest, greatest tech gadgets (小玩意). There is a big attraction to getting the latest technology even though people may not need it. But why is this?

As to(关于) these technologies, there’s initial (最初的) excitement that gets people’s attention, according to Richard Larson, a director at MIT, US. If there’s a big group of people who want these things, you want to be a part of the excitement too.

One of the major US companies that really take advantage of this is Apple. It comes out with a new iPhone with very small changes every year. But people still flock (涌入) to the stores even if they have just bought the previous phone.

However, buying these things may not always be the best choice. You could be buying things that you don’t really need and spending too much money just for the right to show it off to your friends.

Not only that, but our need to always be on our phones or playing video games takes up a lot of time in our lives. So is this excitement over technology a good or a bad thing?

1. According to the passage, if many of your classmates are talking about a new phone that comes out lately, you may ________.
A.dislike is and walk awayB.ask them to buy one for you
C.tell them not to talk about itD.be interested in it and join the discussion
2. Paragraph 3 tells that ________.
A.people want to be differentB.People like to follow the crowd
C.new technologies are not that usefulD.people’s excitement comes easily and goes easily
3. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.
A.a part of groupB.the storeC.the company AppleD.the previous phone
4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.Buying a new iPhone is the best choiceB.People sometimes buy things to show off
C.People may not need the things they have boughtD.People may spend too much time on tech gadgets


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】More and more people choose paid study rooms with cute tables and chairs, green plants, pretty walls and quiet computer keyboards. Some places have sunrooms and learners can enjoy beautiful nature from large windows. The staff will tell people to keep quiet in the study areas.

“We hope to offer (提供) a perfect learning place to people who want to study,” said Wang Yi, founder of a 24-hour paid study room. “Over the past six months since we opened, the number of people coming was much bigger than we first thought. So we are now looking for new places.”

Feng Jia comes to the paid study room every day to prepare for exams. “There are not enough seats in public libraries. Also, there are many people talking or walking around,” he said. At home, it is even harder to focus (集中) because of phones, snacks and pets.

While many people welcome the paid study rooms, others are afraid these rooms will replace (替代) libraries. Xu Qiang, director (经理) of the Shanghai Library’s reader service centre believes that public libraries and paid study rooms are meeting the different needs of people. “People come to public libraries for the large number of books, while they go to the study rooms for the learning environment.” said Xu.

1. What does the underlined word “staff” in Paragraph 1 probably refer to (指的是)?
A.The workers in the paid study room.B.The teachers in the paid study room.
C.The readers in the paid study room.D.The owner of the paid study room.
2. What can we infer (推断) from the second paragraph?
A.Paid study rooms have been used for one year.
B.Many people refuse to work in paid study rooms.
C.Wang Yi worries about the future of paid study rooms.
D.There will be more paid study rooms in the near future.
3. From the passage, what can we know about paid study rooms?
A.They provide learners with perfect light.
B.They are bigger than public libraries.
C.They have a better learning environment.
D.They are places with phones, snacks and pets.
4. Which one is Xu Qiang’s opinion from this passage?
A.Paid study rooms will replace libraries.
B.People go to the study rooms for study.
C.People with different needs go to different places.
D.People come to public libraries for buying books.
5. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Learning to focus on study is unnecessary.
B.Paid study rooms are becoming popular.
C.Readers should learn to prepare the exams.
D.Public libraries have plenty of rooms for reading.
2024-06-12更新 | 13次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you know how to build houses? To build a house, you need workers. They use their hands, tools(工具) and machines to put things together. Building the ISS (国际空间站 International Space Station) is the same. The difference is that the workers are astronauts. They walk in space and use robots’ arms and hands to do their work.

The temperature in the space station is about 21℃, so it is quite comfortable for astronauts to stay inside. But outside the station, it can be too hot or cold for people. In the sunlight, it’s about 120℃. In the shadow (阴暗处) of the station, it’s about -85℃. So when astronauts walk in space, they have to wear heavy clothes—spacesuits.

These spacesuits also keep astronauts safe from flying rubbish (垃圾) in space. Each time people go into space, they leave rubbish there. So astronauts should be careful because there’s a lot of rubbish, and some rubbish goes much faster than a plane!

Space walking is not easy, and it can be dangerous. So getting ready for it takes a lot of time to learn. Astronauts will need to do 160 space walks to finish their work in the ISS. That will take about 1900 man-hour of work.

1. Who build the ISS?
2. Why do astronauts wear spacesuits when they walk in space?
①Because it is too hot or cold outside the space station.
②Because spacesuits can help astronauts walk faster in space.
③Because spacesuits can keep them safe from flying rubbish.
④Because it is easy to wear spacesuits.
3. What do you think of space walking?
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The temperature in the space station is quite comfortable.
B.The astronauts work in space with robots’ arms and hands.
C.People don’t leave any rubbish each time they go into space.
D.It takes a lot of time for astronauts to learn to walk in space.
5. Where can we read this passage?
A.In a storybook.B.In a science magazine.
C.In a guidebook.D.In a sports magazine.
2023-08-23更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约160词) | 适中 (0.65)

Modern science proves that a healthy lifestyle matters much to how long you can live and how well you live.     1    .

Keep a healthy diet. Stay away from sugar in your daily diet.     2    . Over intake of protein or fat and low intake of fiber can also lead to getting fat. We only need a few grams of protein to keep our body in order.

Be always in a good mood. There is a relationship between the mood and health. A good mood keeps you in high spirits.     3    . Just keep happy.

Enough sleep. Why don’t we have enough sleep?     4    . Everyone needs at least 8-hour sleep to recover from tiredness and the hurt caused by hard work in the daytime. A study of young children shows that lack of sleep in their early life may lead to serious problems in future.

Proper exercise.     5    . Because of the quick pace of the modern life, you don’t have time to do exercise every day, but at least three times a week and 45 minutes each time.

A.Doing sports can keep you away from getting fat
B.Here are some tips for you to form a healthy lifestyle
C.Over intake of sugar is one of the main reasons for fatness
D.The major reason is playing mobile phone or too much work
E.You can enjoy music, see movies and chat with good friends when you are low
2023-05-09更新 | 255次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般