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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:14697015

People around the world felt excited on the night of April 10, 2019. For the first time in history, people saw a photo of a black hole(洞). The photo became popular immediately(立刻). But do you know it has something to do with a computer scientist Katie Bouman. Without her, there wouldn’t be this photo.

Black holes are very far from us, so it is very difficult to take photos of them. It’s like taking a photo of an orange that is on the moon. Many scientists had tried. However, none of them is successful. These failures(失败) didn’t stop Bouman from trying. Several years ago, she started working on a special computer program. During the past years, she has improved the program many times. Finally, it turned telescope data(望远镜数据) into a photo of a black hole.

Bouman has received lots of praise(赞扬) because of her work. The young woman, however, is modest. She said the success mainly depends on(依靠于) her team. “None of us could do it alone,” she said.

Would you like to make history as Bouman did? Set a goal(目标) for yourself and work hard at it. Maybe you will make it come true in the future.

1. When people saw a photo of a black hole for the first time, they felt very ________.
2. Why is it hard to take photos of a black hole?
A.Because it is too big for us.B.Because it is too far from us.
C.Because it is too dark to see.D.Because it is as small as an orange.
3. How did the photo of a black hole come into being successfully?
A.By taking a photo of an orange carefully.
B.By working on a special computer program.
C.By turning telescope data into a photo of a black hole.
D.By using more advanced cameras with the help of others.
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “modest”?
5. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.A Surprising PhotoB.A Great Photo of a Black Hole
C.Make Your Dream Come TrueD.A Photo of a Black Hole and Katie Bouman
2021·山东青岛·二模 查看更多[3]
【知识点】 科普知识 新闻报道


阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】How do you study each day? You may answer it in one second: have classes at school, take notes and do homework. Feeling a little bored? There are other ways that can make learning interesting and varied. It’s called digital learning.
Digital learning is a way to help students learn by using the Internet. There are three important kinds of digital learning. Apps are computer software applications (应用). People can download them on their mobiles. The other two kinds are social networking services, including weibo and WeChat and websites. Every one of them is like your teacher. They help you master what you learn at school.
Compared with traditional learning ways, digital learning has its advantages. Digital learning is also varied. It covers almost every school subject. More importantly, it always offers students the newest resources (资源) to learn from.
Digital learning is also personalized. You can choose what you like to learn. If you don’t master what you have learned at school, you can learn again through digital ways.
However, digital learning also has disadvantages. When you use digital ways to learn, you’ve got little chance of talking with teachers and classmates. As digital learning uses computers or smartphones, watching the screen too long may be bad for your eyes. It is better to take a rest every 20 minutes.
1. How do students usually study everyday according to the story?
A.Have classes at school and use online tools at home.
B.Have classes at school, take notes and do homework.
C.Learn through digital ways and have classes in the classroom.
D.Have classes, take notes and do homework at school.
2. Three important kinds of digital learning are mentioned in the passage. They are _______.
a. Apps. b. smartphones c. computers d. websites
e. mobiles f. weibo and WeChat
A.a b fB.a d fC.b c eD.c d e
3. The underlined word “master” in Paragraph 2 most probably means “_________”.
4. What is the problem of digital learning?
A.You can’t communicate with your classmates or teachers.
B.You have to use both computers and smartphones.
C.You can’t decide what you want to learn by yourself.
D.It’s impossible to learn from the newest resources.
5. How can you protect your eyes when learning in digital ways?
A.Try to take a rest for 20 minutes when watching the screen.
B.Try to use traditional ways to learn as often as possible.
C.Try to take a break every twenty minutes if possible.
D.Try to learn through digital ways less than 2 hours a day.
2016-11-26更新 | 768次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Homesick is a compound(复合) word made up of home and sick. You know what each word means on its own, of course. But think about what the words mean when they are used together. Homesick means sick for home.

Now think for a minute about it. If you change the word home in the definition(释义) to the word “sea”, would the definition fit seasick? Does seasick mean sick for sea? It means something quite different. Seasick means sick by the movement on the sea. When you are homesick, the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, the last place you want to be is at sea.

Have you ever heard of a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesn’t mean that something is wrong with a person’s heart. People are heartsick when they are hurt deep inside and when they feel as if their hearts are broken.

But, on the other hand, we have such compound words as handshake and handbag. Perhaps you may write definitions for them and knowing something like this must be helpful in your English study.

1. When we say a person is heartsick, we mean that ________.
A.there is something wrong with his heartB.his heart needs testing
C.he’s sorry at heartD.he’s terribly disappointed and sad
2. The underlined part the last place you want to be in Paragraph 2 means ________.
A.where you want to be mostB.where you want to be least
C.where you go the lastD.the last place you want to go to
3. The definitions of handbag and handshake are ________.
A.easy to knowB.difficult to know
C.impossible to learnD.unnecessary to learn
4. The writer wants to tell us that ________.
A.there are many compound words in English
B.the building of compound words is simple
C.the definitions of compound words are hard to guess
D.not all the compound words are what they seem to be
2023-02-22更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We’ve all had bad experiences with restaurants, stores or hotels. Maybe you’ve been to a restaurant that served terrible food. Perhaps you’ve been to a store that had high prices and bad service. Or maybe you’ve booked a hotel and found out later that the room was nothing like the advertisement (广告).

These days, we have a better chance of stopping these unpleasant surprises. We can do this by using apps. An app is a computer program on a smartphone. You can use apps to do almost anything. Apps can help you play games, get directions, talk to friends, and so on.

       If you want to find information about a store or a hotel, you can use a review app. Review apps help us evaluate (评价) service and products before we hand over our money. The idea is very simple. After you go to a restaurant or stay in a hotel, you can post a review with one of your apps. You can say anything you want. If you like a hotel that you stayed in, you can tell people that it was wonderful. If you think that the food in a certain restaurant was bad, then you can tell people not to eat there. Other people can use their app to read your reviews.

Plenty of people prefer not to use these review apps. Many of these people think that it’s a waste of time to look through websites and read reviews. These people prefer to go out and decide for themselves whether or not a service is good. However, review apps are getting more and more popular every day. Some apps are for exact services. For example, trip adviser gives attention to travel, and good reader pays attention to books. There are also other larger apps that provide information for just about every service that you can think of.

1. What does the article say about apps?
A.You can use apps for many things.B.There are very few good apps.
C.Apps are only useful for travel.D.Apps are very expensive to use.
2. If you want to book a hotel, how can a review app help you?
A.It can help you write better reviews.
B.It can tell you how to use a smartphone.
C.It can tell you about the hotel before you book it.
D.It can tell you about other people who post reviews.
3. In the third paragraph, what does the underlined word “it” refer to?
A.A restaurant.B.A hotel.C.A review.D.A store.
4. According to the article, why do some people prefer NOT to use review apps?
A.They don’t trust review apps.
B.They think review apps are too hard.
C.They prefer to make their own decisions.
D.They don’t know how to use review apps.
2022-07-03更新 | 134次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般