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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:57 题号:14960582

Americans love cars. They go everywhere in them. 85% of people in the US go to and from work by car. And most adults have driving licenses. Why does this car culture exist?

How it started

America’s love of cars started after the war when soldiers returned home from World War Π to rebuild their lives. They borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars which became the symbols of status(地位). The more money they had, the bigger their cars were.

Making of roads

During the war, President Eisenhower noticed what good roads Germany had. He decided to build new four-lane(四车道)roads in America. He said if something happened suddenly, the two-lane roads wouldn’t be able to carry all the cars that would suddenly leave the cities. Car and oil companies liked his idea and building started.

Car lovers

Not just teenagers are crazy about cars. Some Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars beautifully. These are called Art Cars. Every April there is an activity in Houston, Texas, where they show their cars.


Cars have polluted the environment. American President Bush refused a worldwide law that is against pollution. Many countries were angry about it. Bush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from cars. Factories say they want to make cars that pollute less. But others say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars.

1. When did Americans begin to love cars?
A.Before the new two-lane roads were built.B.After World War Π.
C.During World War Π.D.Before World War Π.
2. The underlined word “building” here means “the building of________”.
A.companiesB.soldiers’ livesC.housesD.roads
3. What were other countries’ feeling about Bush’s decision?
A.They agree with him.B.They showed anger to it.
C.They paid no attention to it.D.The passage doesn’t tell us.
4. The meaning of the last sentence is: “________”.
A.It’s better to have fewer cars.B.It’s better to make cars that pollute less.
C.It’s easier to make cars that pollute less.D.It’s easier to make people have fewer cars.


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】In Spain, children and their families are riding bikes to school together in large groups. The program is called “bicibús” or bike bus.

In the autumn of 2021, children in the Eixample area of Barcelona(巴塞罗那) had a new way to get to school on Fridays—they rode their bikes. A group of five children began biking to school with their parents in September. Soon the group grew to150 or more.

The bike bus begins around 8:25 every Friday morning. The path it will follow is always posted(贴出) ahead of time, so everyone knows where to join. Instead of riding in bike lanes(车道) or on sidewalks, the bicibús takes over the street. With music playing and bike bells ringing, the bicibús feels like a party.

It was possible to bike to school in Eixample before, but it wasn’t really safe for kids. There are a few bike lanes, but there are also lots of cars. One of the main roads used by the Eixample bicibús as about 20,000 cars every day. Because these are busy streets, the local police are helping stop traffic by riding in front of the bicibús and behind it. Parents want the city to create wider, kid-friendly bike lanes that are separated from car traffic. They point out that the bicibús also helps shrink pollution.

Recently, pictures and videos of the Eixample bicibús got a lot of attention when they were posted on the Internet. Many people pointed out what a simple idea it is, and how easy it is to get started. Many people join in the activity, and more and more bikes appear in the street. Barcelona isn’t the first bicibús ever. Some bike buses have even been organized in many other areas.

1. What is “bicibús”?
A.It’s a program that makes kids and their families go to school by bike together.
B.It’s a program that only includes small children.
C.It’s a game that lets kids play on the way to school.
D.It’s a group that helps parents send kids to school.
2. Where do students ride bike buses?
A.On sidewalks.B.In bike lanes.C.In main streets.D.On the playground.
3. What can be inferred(推断) from the fourth paragraph?
A.Local police don’t support bicibús.
B.Almost every family in Eixample has a car.
C.It used to be very safe for kids to bike to school in Eixample.
D.Many parents aren’t satisfied with the present bike lanes.
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “shrink”?
A.Come out.B.Cut down.C.Put off.D.Put on.
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Riding to School with TeachersB.Getting around in the Streets
C.A “Bike Bus” Race in SpainD.Taking the “Bike Bus” to School
2023-05-19更新 | 137次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some people have to use public transport. Some dislike it and some love it. If everyone has a car and drives anywhere they want to go, there will be serious traffic problems on the road. Luckily, trains are a good form of public transport.

British people use trains a lot. This is especially for people who are traveling from London to Paris. Every day about 20 trains leave London. They travel at a high speed and people feel glad that the trains take only 2 hours and 30 minutes to reach Paris. It’s much faster to travel by train than by bus or by car. This is because people have to drive cars or buses very carefully and slowly for many reasons, such as speed limits and traffic jams. However, when you are traveling by train, the speed is almost the same and there is no traffic jam.

Besides, Londoners think taking a train is one of the safest ways of traveling on the ground. Trains take quite a number of quality tests when they are made. More importantly, they have to take many safety checks before they are used on the rail track (轨道).

What’s more, trains in Britain are comfortable and provide fine services for their users. When you are on a London train, you will find that the train has comfortable tables and seats where people can sit. They also provide food services and power plugs (电源插头) for personal computers or mobile phones.

1. In a traffic jam on the road, ________.
A.drivers can drive fastB.drivers can drive carelessly
C.cars are not moving fastD.cars will stop working
2. The third paragraph mainly talks about the ________ of trains.
3. Londoners often travel by train because trains are ________.
A.old and slowB.large, clean and powerful
C.fine and importantD.fast, safe and comfortable
4. What can we know from the passage?
A.We can travel from London to Paris in less than 2 hours.
B.We can do our work with personal computers on the train.
C.We have to wait till we get off the train in order to have some food.
D.The trains are only checked for quality reasons before they are used.
5. The main idea of the passage is that ________.
A.British people enjoy public transport
B.it’s fast to travel from London to Paris
C.trains in Britain provide fine services for their users
D.trains are a good form of public transport for Londoners
2023-10-13更新 | 34次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I am Miko and I am from Japan. I am twelve years old. My home is far from my school. It is about 25 kilometers. So I usually take a train to my school in the morning. My friend Sena goes to school with me. The journey (旅程) takes us 25 minutes. Our first lesson starts at 8: 15. I often leave my home at 7: 25.

I’m Aram. I have a big family. I live with my grandparents, parents, sister and brother in Canada. It’s a bout 10 kilometers from my home to school. It takes me about 20 minutes by bus. I go to school at 8:15 and my first class starts at 9:00. I like music and my dream is to buy a piano for myself. So I work at a supermarket every Sunday. The supermarket is about 6 kilometers away from my home. I usually go there by bike. The bike ride takes about 30 minutes.

1. How long does it take Miko from her home to school?
A.15 minutes.B.25 minutes.C.30 minutes.D.45 minutes.
2. Aram goes to school ________.
A.by bikeB.on footC.by trainD.by bus
3. Aram’s dream is to buy a ________.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Miko goes to school with her sister.B.Miko lives far from the school.
C.Aram’s first class starts at 8:15 a.m.D.Aram works in a clothes store on Sunday.
2023-03-05更新 | 126次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般