组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 健康 > 健康饮食
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:130 题号:15702359

We choose food to eat every day. We might know some of the reasons for the choices, but food scientist Dr. Brian Wansink has found that we are unaware of 90% of our food decision. Here are some “big ideas” in his research on the hidden power that drives our eating.

Food for thought

In one of the studies, Dr. Wansink made volunteers eat chocolate yogurt in a dark room. He told them the yogurt was with a taste of strawberry even though they were all eating chocolate. Finally, 65% of volunteers described the yogurt as having a “nice strawberry flavour”!

The research shows that our imagination has an effect on our taste. If you expect a food to taste good, it will. So take a moment before you eat your unpleasant healthy food to remind yourself that you are eating delicious fish and chips.

Our eyes eat first

How your food looks is just as important as how it tastes. Dr. Wansink gave cakes to three groups of people. The cakes were exactly the same but served in different ways.

①Group one got the cake on a nice plate.

②Group two got the cake on a paper plate.

③Group three got the cake on a piece of paper.

Dr. Wansink then asked the people how much they would pay for each cake.

①Group one who got the cake on a nice plate would pay $ 1. 27.

②Group two who got the cake on a paper plate would pay 76 cents.

③Group three who got the cake on a piece of paper would pay 53 cents.

Take some time to make your healthy food look amazing. Cut your fruit into a flower shape and put your colorful vegetables on nice plates. This works really well for your appetite (胃口).


Dr. Wansink also found that when people sat at the desk full of snacks, they ate 71% more of snacks a day than those sitting near a clear table. We eat what we see. As a result, put all the unhealthy food in your fridge.

Hide it and make it really hard to get to. The closer bad food is, the more you eat it.

1. Which of the following can be put in the blank?
A.Eating what we see
B.Eating in a clean place
C.Out of sight, out of stomach
D.Away from fridge, away from food
2. Why did the volunteers say the yogurt had a strawberry flavour?
A.They ate it in a dark room.
B.Their imagination affected them.
C.They didn’t like chocolate yogurt.
D.The yogurt had a taste of strawberries.
3. According to the article, how can we possibly make a child eat more vegetables that he doesn’t like?
A.Tell him vegetables are healthy.
B.Make vegetables more delicious.
C.Serve vegetables on lovely plates.
D.Have same vegetables every day.
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.What makes our food decision
B.How to make a healthy diet
C.What are good eating habits
D.How to make food more delicious


阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文主要介绍了这是一家名为“Green Bus”的餐厅, 主打健康蔬菜饮食,提供多种植物性食材制作的菜品,注重营养和环保。

【推荐1】Are you a vegetable lover? Are you trying to find anything healthy to eat? Here is an ideal restaurant for you!

        Green Bus Welcome to Green Bus! You can eat healthy vegetables here.
       ●Opening hours: 11: 30 a. m. —8: 30 p. m. from Tuesday to Sunday
       ●Address: 1/F Smith Shopping Center. 334 Victor Road
       ●Tel: 6000﹣0006
       The menu of Green Bus offers all kinds of choices from different plant-based (植物基) materials. Each dish is created with balanced taste and color. You can start from the classic Green Bus warm salad to the special plant-based crab (蟹). You also eat delicious smoked vegetables, meatballs and other special sauces.
       ●Green Bus warm salad $18
       ●Daily soup $13
       ●4 plant﹣based meatballs $12
       ●Lemon green tea $10
       Green Bus uses different cooking methods for different food. Low temperature is important to keep nutrition (营养) in the food.
       It pays attention to not only the nutrition of each meal, but also environmental protection. Nothing is wasted in the kitchen. Seven kinds of sauces are prepared. They are made from the remaining food like tomatoes, strawberries and apples.
       Welcome to Green Bus to try more dishes!
1. When can people go to the restaurant for a meal?
A.At 8: 00 p. m. on Monday.
B.At 1: 00 p. m. on Tuesday.
C.At 9: 30 a. m. on Friday.
D.At 10: 00 p. m. on Sunday.
2. Which of the following can Jack buy in Green. Bus if he has only 11 dollars?
3. Where is this passage most probably from?
A.A storybook. B.A travel guide.
C.A science book. D.A food magazine.
7日内更新 | 9次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Health is very important. How can we stay healthy? Look at the three children. They’ll tell you what helps them stay healthy.

Zhang Wei: What helps me stay healthy? Well, I like fruit and vegetables. I eat a lot of them. I don’t eat unhealthy snacks like chips. Chips make me fat—I hate that! I am also on the badminton team. My teacher makes me practice a lot. All that exercise helps me stay in shape!

Susan Brown: My mom helps me stay healthy. She always makes me go to bed early on weekdays. So I feel ready for school in the morning. My mom also gives me a lot of work around the house. Sometimes I don’t like that, but I still do it all. The work keeps me busy—it’s like exercise! I like any kind of exercise.

Wang Gang: Well, I go swimming in the summer and skating in the winter. I don’t watch television very much. I read books. I learn a lot in this way! I also drink a lot of milk. Milk helps bones become strong. All these things keep me healthy and happy.

1. What’s the passage about?
A.How to study hard.B.How to be healthy.
C.How to stay busy.D.How to eat every day.
2. ________ often practices playing badminton.
A.Susan BrownB.Zhang Wei
C.Wang GangD.Susan Brown’s mother
3. Who helps Susan Brown stay healthy?
A.Her mother.B.Her teacher.C.Her friends.D.Herself.
4. Wang Gang usually gets a lot of knowledge by ________.
A.reading newspapersB.watching TV
C.listening to his teacherD.reading books
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Susan loves eating apples.B.Wang Gang likes milk.
C.Vegetables are unhealthy.D.Zhang Wei never exercises.
2023-11-28更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

What’s the most important thing in your life? I think health comes first.     1     Here, I have some suggestions for you.

At the very beginning, I want you to move your body. Of course, it is comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV.     2     It may make you have a backache or become fat. To keep healthy, you’d better walk 5 000 to 10 000 steps a day. You also need enough sleep when you feel tired.     3     If you want to live a healthy life, you should have enough sleep.

As we know, it’s important for us to eat some fresh food like fruit and vegetables. Too much meat may make you become fat.     4     And you must say no to smoking. It’s harmful to your health. It can cause lots of illnesses, even cancer.

    5     So you should smile to your life and make yourself happy. Everyone has difficulties and troubles in life. Don’t keep them in your mind. Try to find something that makes you happy every day.

I hope my advice can make you become healthier and happier.

A.Scientists believe happiness is important for our health.
B.However, it’s unhealthy to sit for a long time.
C.Getting enough sleep can help you feel good during the day.
D.You shouldn’t eat it too much.
E.But do you know how to keep a healthy life?
2024-05-27更新 | 22次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般