组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:253 题号:15790622

It just hadn’t been a very good week. On Tuesday, Sam’s father lost his job. Then on Wednesday, Sam’s mother announced that the rent on their apartment was going up. Now it was Friday, and Sam had just opened his e-mail to find an invitation from Rosa to her birthday party.

An invitation to a party at Rosa’s would have been good news. Sam knew Rosa from Adventure Club. Members of the club took trips to places such as the Museum of Natural History.

Sam knew that he would enjoy Rosa’s party, but he didn’t want to go without a gift. What could he possibly buy her with the little bit of money he had left in his pocket? Sam knew he couldn’t ask Mom or Dad for any money—not this week! “Well,” Sam thought, “I don’t have time to worry about this right now. I’ve got a report to write for school, and I’d better get to the library before it closes.”

Later that afternoon, as Sam was leaving the library, he noticed a sign that said there was a book sale going on downstairs. Sam headed down for a quick look, and two books caught his eye. The first was a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods, and the second was a book about women explorers. “Rosa would like these,” Sam thought, “but would it be tacky to give her used books for her birthday?”

Sam decided that a used gift was better than no gift at all. Besides, Rosa supported recycling in a big way, so probably she would not mind. With his last dollar, Sam bought the books and went home feeling a little better.

The party on Saturday was a lot of fun. Everyone told stories about the funny things they had done in Adventure Club—like the time they went hiking in a nearby park and fell into the lake. Rosa’s mother and grandmother served them delicious food and creamy coconut milkshakes. Rosa opened all her gifts and thanked everyone for the nice things they had given her. She stopped for a moment when she opened Sam’s gift, which made him wonder if she liked the books, but nothing was said. The moment passed, and soon the party was over.

When Sam got home, he opened his e-mail to find this note from Rosa:

Dear Sam,

Of all the gifts I received today, yours was the nicest. How did you know I would love a book about women explorers and a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods? Now I have something to read that will inspire me to follow my dream of becoming an adventurer, and I have a book that I can share with my grandmother. She is getting older and wants to be sure her granddaughter knows how to make the wonderful foods of Puerto Rico. Thank you so much. You are a good friend.



The week turned out to be a good one after all.

1. What was the main problem in this story?
A.Sam’s mother was out of work.
B.Rosa’s grandmother was getting older.
C.Rosa had not invited Sam to her birthday party.
D.Sam didn’t have enough money to buy Rosa a gift.
2. According to the passage, which word best describes Sam?
3. Why was Rosa so pleased with the cookbook?
A.Her dream was to become a great cook.
B.She wanted to be better at cooking than before.
C.She had never tasted Puerto Rican foods before.
D.She wanted to learn how to cook Puerto Rican foods.
4. After reading the thank-you note from Rosa, Sam will most probably _________.
A.join the Adventure ClubB.buy Rosa more books
C.ask Rosa to lend him the booksD.write back to Rosa
5. Which saying best expresses a theme of this story?
A.Practice makes perfect.
B.It’s the thought that matters.
C.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
D.If at first you don’t succeed, try again.


阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Little Toby is doing very badly in math. His parents try everything—tutors (家庭教师), cards, special learning centers—in short, everything they can think of. Finally they take Toby to a catholic (天主教的) school.

After the first day, little Toby comes home with a very serious look on his face. He doesn’t kiss his mother hello. Instead, he goes straight to his room and start studying. Books and papers are spread (铺开) out all over the room and little Toby is hard at work. His mother is surprised. She calls him down to dinner and as soon as he finishes eating, he goes back to his room without a word. In no time he is back hitting the books as hard as before. This goes on for some time. Day after day the mother tries to understand what is happening.

Finally, little Toby brings home his report card. He quietly puts it on the table and goes up to his room and hit the books. His mom looks at it and to her surprise, little Toby gets an A in math. She can no longer hold her curiosity (好奇心). She goes to his room and asks, “Son, what is it? Is it the nuns (修女)?”

Little Toby looks at her and shakes his head, “No.”

“Well then,” she asks again.

“WHAT is it?”

Little Toby looks at her and says, “Well, on the first day of school, when I see that man nailed (钉) to the plus sign (十字架), I know they aren’t kidding (开玩笑).”

1. Why do Tommy’s parents send him to a catholic school?
A.Because he can eat well there.
B.Because he can learn more about nuns.
C.Because his parents want him to do better in his math.
D.Because his parents don’t want him to learn math anymore.
2. Tommy’s mother feels surprised that his son ______.
A.is still the same as usualB.eats so much at dinner
C.kisses her hello after schoolD.works hard but says little
3. “Hitting the books” means _________ in Chinese.
A.studying really hardB.doing exercise
C.being angryD.playing games
4. The last sentence in the passage shows that ________.
A.Toby feels sorry for the nailB.Toby is afraid of being nailed
C.Tommy doesn’t like the plus signD.Toby likes playing jokes on others
2022-05-30更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Louis woke up early Monday morning to get ready for his first day of school. In fact, he was so excited that he didn’t even need the alarm clock to wake him. He practically jumped out of bed and put on his new clothes. Then he sat down to a delicious breakfast that Moan had made. It included all his favorites—orange juice, toast with strawberry jam and sausage.

When he finished eating, Louis grabbed his baseball cap and his backpack, and he waved good-bye to Mom.

“Have a wonderful first day at school, Louis!” she called after him.

As soon as Louis opened the door and stepped out, huge drops of rain suddenly started falling. Louis looked up and was surprised to see grey clouds covering the entire sky. The weather forecast had been for a beautiful, sunny day but it was raining outside! Louis quickly came back inside the house.

Louis needed to do something at once, because the school bus was going to arrive any minute. Louis patiently tried to think of what he could do. Then he put on his raincoat and rain boots and took his umbrella.

Then Louts headed out the door again. He wouldn’t let anything else ruin (毁坏) his first day of school. He carefully walked to the corner where he waited for the school bus. Within minutes, the big yellow bus drove up. As it was coming to a stop, the bus went through a huge puddle and splashed the water right on Louis!

Louis could have been upset about this accident, but instead he put on a smile. “Thanks for waking me up with a splash!” he said to the bus driver. “It’s a good thing I was wearing my raincoat.”

Most people would have thought that the day was off to an awful start. It might have been enough to put anyone in a bad mood, but Louis is not like most people! He remained cheerful and upbeat. He still loved the first day of school, and he was certain that exciting things were still going to happen on this day.

1. What did Louis NOT have for breakfast?
A.Toast with jam.B.Orange juice.C.Eggs.D.Sausage.
2. According to the weather forecast, it is expected to be a ________ day on Monday.
3. What happened at the bus stop?
A.The bus driver forgot to stop for Louis.B.Louis left his umbrella and raincoat there.
C.Louis fell asleep when waiting for the bus.D.A puddle of water was splashed on Louis.
4. Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?
A.Always look on the bright side of things.B.An awful start may put anyone in a bad mood.
C.Show your kindness to the people around.D.Never give up and you will be successful.
2023-06-19更新 | 42次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】            Last week, my washing machine stopped working and wouldn’t wash my clothes. I tried to fix it by searching online, but the repairs were too expensive. Then, this week, my daughter’s older washing machine also broke down. I tried to fix it myself, but it was beyond repair. Unfortunately, I had to buy two new machines now.

                   ★           I remembered watching my grandma use an old-fashioned washing machine to wash my dirty clothes. This machine didn’t have a spin cycle (甩干模式), so grandma would squeeze out (挤出) every drop of water from each piece of clothing through a pair of rollers (滚轮).

       After washing the clothes, grandma would pat (拍) the machine lovingly, before hanging outside on the clothesline to dry. She grew up hand-washing clothes, so having a machine that did most of the work was once a wish for her.

       Thinking back on this memory made me realize something important I have more luxuries (奢侈品) than my grandma, mom, and dad had when they were younger. Instead of focusing on modern-day problems, I should be thankful for what I have and who I am.

       Remembering where we came from and how far we’ve come can help us treasure what we have today. Maybe someday we will look back on these moments as the good old days too. We should take a moment to treasure the little things in life, whether it’s a warm cup of tea or the sound of birds in the morning. It’s the simple things that make life worth (值得) living.

1. Which of the following can be put in        ?
A.But I changed my mind soon.B.It’s OK to wash clothes by hand.
C.However, things were not like that.D.I planned to give the old machine away.
2. What childhood memory did the writer call back?
A.Watching grandma wash clothes.B.Grandma’s hard.
C.His experience of washing clothes.D.Nice days living with grandma.
3. Why did grandma pat the machine after washing clothes?
A.Because she considered it as a poor pet.B.Because she was thankful for having this machine.
C.Because she wanted to dry the clothes.D.Because the machine was too old.
4. In the end, the writer would probably __________ .
A.buy a new washing machineB.sell his old machine online
C.wash all the clothes by handD.get the old machine repaired
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Treasure New ThingsB.Life Is Worth Living
C.Remember Good Old DaysD.Little Things Matters
2024-03-20更新 | 58次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般