组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 健康 > 疾病
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:16149699

You wake up and don’t feel well. You have a headache and don’t want to get out of bed. And you can’t breathe out of your nose. What’s wrong? You may have a cold!

Signs of a cold

·low fever        ·sore throat            ·coughing        ·a runny(流鼻涕的) nose and watery eyes                  ·feeling cold          ·tired and not hungry            
·hard to breathe because of your stuffy nose
·Hot drinks make you cough less, and your sore throat will be better, so drink some chicken soup.
·A hot shower helps your nose feel better.
·Have a good rest. Go to bed a little earlier for a few nights.
·If you’re nervous, you will feel worse when you have a cold. So try to relax and use the time to read, listen to music or watch a movie.
1. Which may NOT be a sign of a cold ?
A.Having a sore throat.B.Having a low fever.
C.Getting a bad cough.D.Always feeling hungry.
2. Your sore throat may get better if you________.
A.have some hot soupB.take a hot shower
C.exercise moreD.get some sleep
3. The underlined word “stuffy” means “________” in Chinese.
4. The last part is mainly about________.
A.what the signs of a cold are
B.why young children catch a cold easily
C.what we can do to feel better if we have a cold
D.why we should develop healthy habits
5. Which of the following sentence is Not true?
A.When you have a cold, you should go to bed earlier.
B.If you don’t feel well and have a headache, you must have a cold.
C.When you have a cold, don’t be nervous or(否则) you’ll feel worse.
D.When you have a cold, you should relax yourself.


阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)
Report warns of growing smoking risks
More than 1 million people in China are killed by smoking-related(相关的)diseases each year, and the number will be twice as many as that by 2030, a report warned on Wednesday. It pointed out that there are more than 300 million smokers in China nowadays. The smoking rate of Chinese people over 15 years old is 26.6%, down by about 7.3% from 1984. The global rate stands at 19.2%.
Short videos can be addictive(上瘾的)
A recent survey found that 60% of respondents spend about more than an hour a day watching short videos and 11% spend three hours or more on them. Short videos can be addictive as social media platforms(平台)keep suggesting related content once a video ends. 74.2% said time management is necessary to avoid it. 73.7% said people should take part in more offline activities while 50.8% suggest such platforms set up an anti-addiction system.
During the COVID-19 epidemic, more and more Chinese have started exercising at home on the Internet. Besides such health games, they are also choosing to follow online exercise short videos. The number of people was about 300 million last year, and is expected to rise to 420 million by 2026. A few are old men, inspired by their families.
1. All the news above has something to do with ________.
2. From the first news, we can know that ________.
A.the global smoking rate has dropped to 19.2%
B.by 2030, there are more than 300 million smokers in China
C.the smoking rate of Chinese people over 15 years old is 7.3% in 1984
D.by 2030, 2000000 Chinese people may be killed by smoking-related diseases each year
3. According to the passage, why can’t people stop watching short videos?
A.Short videos can’t end.
B.Short videos are interesting.
C.People think it is necessary to watch short videos.
D.Platforms keep suggesting related content one by one.
4. How many ways are suggested in the passage to stop watching short videos?
5. The best heading for the third news would be ________.
A.Many Chinese are playing games on the Internet
B.Old men are inspired by their families to do exercise
C.Many Chinese are doing exercise at home on the Internet
D.Many Chinese are choosing to follow online exercise short videos
2023-06-06更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you know cold is not a serious illness, but it spreads (传输) very fast? Colds are caused by viruses (病毒). A sneeze (喷嚏) or a cough may take viruses from one person to another. Cold viruses can also be spread by objects, such as telephones or cups. When you have a cold, you will have a headache, a sore throat, a fever and so on. Here are some tips to stop colds from spreading.

1. Wash your hands a lot.
2. Don’t sneeze or cough in front of others.
3. Have a rest if you don’t feel well, don’t study late at night—colds are always worse then.
4. Drink lots of water or juice.
5. Don’t play sports or games for a while. It’s really hard to run around with a running nose.
6. Don’t have your friends come to visit someone who is sick.
1. ________may take viruses from one person to another.
A.Sneeze or a coughB.HandsC.Noses
2. When you have a cold, you should not ________.
A.have a headacheB.have your friends at your homeC.have a fever
3. The underlined words “a running nose” mean “________” in Chinese.
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.What can I do for you?B.Wash your hands a lot.C.What can you do to stop colds from spreading?
2021-10-07更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-匹配(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】下面的材料 A—F 分别介绍了六种建议,请根据下面的信息,选择对应的建议。
A. Don’t use lift. The lift may get trapped(被困) between floors. Use the stairs and leave the building at once.
B. Clean the wound. Use cold running water to clean the wound. Then stay at home to have a rest at once.
C. Wash the cut. Wash the cut under running water. Cover the broken part, if there is any, with a piece of clean cloth. Then see a doctor as soon as possible.
D. Press hard. You should press on the bleeding point with a piece of clean cloth and hold up the part to the body which is bleeding.
E. Perform CPR. Blow into the person’s mouth, then press on his chest and then repeat the process.
F. Cool the burnt. Run cool (not cold) water over the burnt part until it is less painful. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the burnt part.
1. If the person has stopped breathing, you must try to start his/her breathing at once.
2. If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding.
3. If you are bitten by an animal like a fierce dog, you must do something at once. The cold running water is the best and doctors are needed.
4. If you are burnt (hurt by fire or something very hot), deal with the burnt part at once. The cool water is better.
5. If there is a fire in a building, stairs are safe and lift is dangerous.
2023-06-23更新 | 14次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般