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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:275 题号:16163338

Malls are popular places for Americans to go. Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called mall rats.

People like malls for many reasons. They don’t feel any danger around them because malls have police stations or private security guards. People don’t need to pay for parking in malls, and the weather inside is always fine. The newest malls have beautiful rest area with waterfalls and large green trees.

The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota. It covers 4.2 million square feet. It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a seven-acre park! There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars. About 750,000 people shop every week.

The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota. People loved doing all their shopping in one place. More malls were built all over the country. Now, malls are like town centers where people come to do many things. They shop, of course. They also eat in food house that have food from all over the world. They see movies at theatres. Some people even get their daily exercise by doing the new sport mall walking. Others go to malls to meet friends. In some malls, people can see a doctor or a dentist and even attend church. In other words, people can do just everything in malls. Now residents(居民)can actually live in their favourite shopping centre.

1. Do people need to pay for parking in malls?
2. How many people shop in the largest mall in the United State every week?
3. When and where was the first indoor mall built in the United States?
4. Why were more malls built all over the country?
5. Some people do mall walking as their daily exercise, don’t they?
6. Do you prefer to have a one-day trip to such malls? Please give your reason.
21-22七年级下·上海闵行·期末 查看更多[4]
【知识点】 城市 说明文


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

Chinatown is the name of an area (地区) in the middle of London. It is a large Chinese community (社区) with a lot of Chinese restaurants, Chinese supermarkets and shops.

In the 1950s, it was a poor area. Everything was very cheap. At the same time, the world rice market became bad and thousands of farm workers in Hong Kong lost their jobs. They began going to London to look for work. They found jobs in the restaurants in this area.

These restaurant workers often worked 17 hours a day and had no time to learn English. As more Chinese arrived, more shops and businesses grew up. Women came to join their husbands and children came to join their fathers. The community grew, and Chinatown was born.

In the 1970s and 1980s, British-born Chinese started to have a better education (教育) and this brought economic success to the area. Many families moved out of Chinatown, and there was more space for businesses. Chinatown soon became a popular place for tourists.

Now everyone knows about London’s Chinatown. During the Chinese New Year, the streets are full of flags and thousands of Chinese go into the streets. For most time of the year, though, Londoners and tourists go there mainly for the food in the Chinese restaurants. The best restaurants are the ones where the Chinese eat.

1. How was Chinatown in the 1950s?
2. Who lost their jobs and went to London to look for jobs in the 1950s?
3. Why didn’t the restaurant workers have time to learn English?
4. When did British-born Chinese start to have a better education?
5. What do Londoners and tourists go to Chinatown mainly for?
2022-08-30更新 | 337次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐2】Wugang is the political, education, medical health services and cultural center of southwestern Hunan Province. It has a gross area of 1549 square kilometers, with a population of 832,500. The urban area takes 16.52 square kilometers, with 266,000 urban residents.
This city has a long history and splendid culture. It was a county built in Western Han Dynasty more than 2200 years ago. It has spectacular landscapes, beautiful and natural scenery. Religions are free and prosperous here. Let me show you a few examples, Yunshan mountain (literal means Cloudland Mountain”) is not only famous for its vagaries of clouds, but also known as one of the 72 Buddhist Holly Lands in China, Faxiang Carved Stone (A branch of Buddhism which came from Indian), Sun Yat- sen Memorial Hall, Xuanfeng City Gate Tower, Lingyun Tower (Built in 1225). All of these are showing the rich cultural heritage of this ancient yet vibrant city.
This land is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources. Coal, Manganese, Iron and other 38 kinds of mineral are proved to be highly productive. Especially, Coal reserves account for 70 percent of proved reserves in Southwest Hunan. What’s more, the Marinated Food gains great reputation both at home and abroad. Besides, Virus-free orange and corn are also Wugang’s local specialties with high-yield and high-quality.
Welcome to Wugang.
1. Where is Wugang?
2. What’s the urban population of Wugang?
3. When was the Lingyun Tower built?
4. What kind of local specialty fruit talked about in this passage?
5. The Marinated Food doesn’t gain great reputation, does it?
2017-08-16更新 | 175次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! It is in a foreign country. It is a place where many overseas Chinese live together.

There are lots of Chinatown in America. The biggest one is in New York. There are about 150, 000 people in it. It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers. And it is also a good place to go.

Shopping in Chinatown: Shopping in Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things here. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap.

Eating in Chinatown: Chinatown has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food here. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.

Living in Chinatown: Living in Chinatown is comfortable. You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture.

1. What is a Chinatown?
2. How is life in Chinatown?
3. Will you visit the Chinatown if you go to New York one day? Why or why not?
2022-09-22更新 | 178次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般