组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:301 题号:16404290

Some people say dolphins (海豚)are smart like humans (人类). They can think, understand and learn things quickly. In fact, dolphins have big brain (大脑)-to-body size ratio (比例), which is second only to humans. Dolphins use brains differently from the way humans do. But scientists say dolphins are like humans in some ways. How?

Like humans, every dolphin has its own “name”. The name is a special sound. Each dolphin chooses a special sound for itself at birth. Dolphins are like people in other ways, too. They “talk” with others in their own groups about a lot of things—such as their age, and how to find food. They also use sounds and body languages to talk. Understanding dolphin words is not easy for humans. No one speaks dolphin words, but some scientists are trying to learn.

Dolphins are also social (社会) animals. They live in groups, and often join others from different groups to play games and have fun—just like people. Scientists believe playing together is something only smart animals do.

Both humans and dolphins make plans for getting things they want. For example, when there are fish near a boat, dolphins jump high to ask the fishermen to put their nets (网), and then the men can catch a lot of fish. Why do dolphins help the men? Because they can get some fish that run away from the net.

1. Dolphins can think, understand and learn things quickly, because of ________.
A.big bodyB.small brains
C.big brain-to-body size ratioD.small body-to-brain size ratio
2. From this passage, in which ways are dolphins and humans like each other?
①They have names.
②They play in groups.
③They can talk with other kinds of animals.
④They can make plans to get things they want.
3. Why do dolphins help the fishermen?
A.To get some fish.B.To run away from the net.
C.To put the nets.D.To jump high.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Smart Animals Can Talk.B.Dolphins Help Humans.
C.Dolphins Like Humans.D.Dolphins Are Like Humans.


阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Fraser is four years old. He has autism (自闭症). He lives in his own world. Everything is very difficult to him. He doesn’t want to play with other children. He doesn’t want to say any words to others. His parents are worried about him.

Then Billy, a cat, comes. It helps Fraser go out of his world.

When Billy sees Fraser, it runs to him quickly. It sits beside Fraser with its paws on Fraser’s legs. They are just like old friends. Fraser says, “This is our cat. He can come to live with us.” “I know our life changes,” says Fraser’s mother.

Billy stays with Fraser all the time. They play together (一起), listen to the story together and sleep together. When Fraser walks in the garden, Billy is never far away. When Fraser is unhappy, it always lies beside him.

It seems crazy. But Billy is like Fraser’s angel. Fraser changes a lot. The doctor says he is getting better. He doesn’t have to see the doctor now.

1. From this passage, we can know Fraser ________.
A.often talks with other peopleB.likes to play games with other people
C.often smilesD.seldom says any words
2. What is Billy?
A.A dog.B.A cat.C.A rabbit.D.A pig.
3. Which is NOT right?
A.Billy stays with Fraser all the time.B.When Fraser is unhappy, Billy lies beside him.
C.Fraser changes a lot.D.Fraser now has to see the doctor once a week.
4. Billy doesn’t ________ with Fraser.
A.playB.go to the doctorC.sleepD.listen to the story
5. We can see this passage in a ________.
A.notebookB.newspaperC.sports newsD.magazine about animals
2022-05-08更新 | 47次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are about five thousand different kinds of ladybugs(瓢虫) in the world. They come in many different colours like blue, yellow, white, orange and black.

In many cultures, people think ladybugs can bring good luck. Most people like them because they are beautiful and not bad for people’s health. But farmers love them because they eat plant-eating insects. One ladybug can eat up to 5,000 small insects in its lifetime!

Ladybugs are colourful for a reason. Their colours tell other animals, “Eat something else! I taste terrible.”

Ladybugs are happy in many different habitats, such as forests, cities and along rivers. Ladybugs like to keep warm. When the weather turns cold, they look for a warm place to hibernate (冬眠), such as inside houses.

Here are some other facts about ladybugs:

● Though most ladybugs eat small insects, a few kinds eat plants.

● Ladybugs will clean themselves after a meal.

● There are more than 400 kinds of ladybugs in North America.

1. How many kinds of ladybugs live in the world?
A.About 50.B.About 500.C.About 5,000.D.About 50,000.
2. Why do farmers love ladybugs?
A.Because they aren’t bad for people’s health.
B.Because they eat plant-eating insects.
C.Because they never eat plants.
D.Because they are beautiful.
3. What does the underlined word “habitats” mean in Chinese?
4. Ladybugs like to stay somewhere ________.
5. Where can we probably (很可能) read the passage?
A.In a science magazine.B.On a hotel menu.
C.In a guide book.D.In a sports newspaper.
2023-10-15更新 | 87次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

In the animal world, the mother is usually the parent that does the most for the child. She gives birth to it and often raises it on her own. However, there are several aquatic animals that are turning this idea upside down.

One of the most interesting examples of an excellent ocean dad is the sea horse. The female lays her eggs in a pouch on the front of a male sea horse. When the eggs finally hatch (孵化), the dad gives birth by pushing the tiny new sea horses from the pouch.

Another father with a pouch is the Darwin’s frog. The female lays eggs and the male guards them for about two weeks. When the tadpoles (蝌蚪) come out of their eggs, the father puts them in the big pouch of skin under his chin, where they stay until they are ready to jump out into the dangerous world.

The clown fish was made famous by the Disney film Finding Nemo. After the female clown fish lays eggs, the male protects them until they hatch. That’s not all. If the mother fish dies, the dad can turn into a female and be the new mom of the family.

Another great ocean dad is the emperor penguin. These dads keep the eggs on top of their feet under a thick fold of warm skin. During the next two months of the Antarctic winter, these fantastic fathers go without food as they keep their eggs warm.

While each of these fathers is very different, they all take responsibility for their children. These dads of the water make sure their kids have a safe place to grow so they will have a good life in the future.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.How the male sea horse takes care of the eggs.
B.How the female sea horse hatches the eggs.
C.How the male sea horse lays eggs in a pouch.
D.How the female sea horse grows the eggs herself.
2. ________ fathers can protect the eggs by turning into females.
A.Sea horseB.Darwin’s frogC.Clown fishD.Emperor penguin
3. The writer introduces the topic by ________.
A.giving examplesB.using numbersC.listing reasonsD.telling a story
4. Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?
A.It is always the mother who does the most for the child.
B.The Darwin’s frog was made famous by a Disney movie.
C.The emperor penguin is an example of a great ocean dad.
D.The fathers all protect their children in the same way.
2019-12-16更新 | 58次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般