组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:23 题号:16565315

When Ariel rode her bike to the Wildlife Park, she planned to go hiking and bird-watching. Suddenly she saw a swan(天鹅) in the grass. Ariel had worked at the Wild Bird Aid(援助) Center, so she knew that swans can be fierce(凶猛的). But as she got close to this one, it didn’t move.

She knew that the bird needed help. Ariel covered her jacket over the bird’s head to keep it calm, carefully picked it up, and held it in her arms. She decided to send it to the aid center. But the center was very far. She didn’t know how to carry the swan there. Luckily, some strangers took them to a nearby subway station by car.

On the subway, Ariel called the center on the way, and Higginbotham, an animal-care manager, met her at the subway station and drove them to the center. There, doctors found that the swan was poisoned(中毒).

The swan was carefully treated at the center. People all expected good news from her. But sadly, she died two months later, because of too much poison in her body.

“It’s a sad story, but the real story is just how far some people would go to save swan in the big city. In all, Ariel travelled two hours,” says Higginbotham. “That’s the spirit we want in everyone.”

1. When did Ariel find the swan needed help?
A.When she saw the swan.B.When she found it couldn’t move.C.When she was planning to go hiking.D.When she covered its head with her jacket.
2. How did Ariel move the swan to the center?
3. Why did the swan die in the end?
A.Because it was badly treated.B.Because it was lonely and sad.
C.Because it got wounded again.D.Because it was too seriously ill.
4. What is Higginbotham’s opinion?
A.Ariel didn’t try her best.B.People should learn from Ariel.
C.Traffic is a big problem in the city.D.The swan could be helped in a better way.
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Bad news travels fast.B.Time is the best doctor.
C.Little efforts count a lot.D.Think twice before acting.


阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】What is the best virtue (美德)? What can we learn from water? Laozi, a famous Chinese philosopher (哲学家) who lived around 2,500 years ago, might give us an answer,


The top goodness is like water, benefiting all, contending with none, and is content with all that others disdain. Therefore, it is close to the Word.

The Word and the World

A Chinese teacher called Zhen Daqian from a high school in Beijing gave further explanation: Laozi tells us the top character is just like water. All life in the world cannot live without water, but water never asks for anything in return. It just keeps giving quietly. Also, water often stays where people don’t like, such as low-lying wetlands and deserted valleys (山谷). This kind of low profile (低调) makes water the closest to the law of the universe. It seems that we have always taken qualities like bravery and strength as great virtues, but we should not forget what water has taught us.

In dealing with people, we can act as water. Do our best to help others without trying to get fame (名誉) or benefit. At the same time, stay modest. It’s unwise to always talk about the favors you gave to others. Even if no one cares about you in a difficult situation, you need to stay calm. After all, water will not choose where to be, it just flows to where it is needed.

We know that the Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water. In 2014, President Xi Jinping mentioned it at the welcome dinner of the 22nd APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (亚太经合组织会议) in Beijing. He said APEC members are brought together by the water of the Pacific Ocean and have a shared responsibility to make the Pacific an ocean of peace, friendship and cooperation (合作).

1. What is the best virtue like according to Laozi?
A.Water.B.Valleys.C.Wetlands.D.The universe.
2. Water has taught us the following qualities except ________.
A.low profilesB.bravery
C.giving quietlyD.never asking for something in return
3. What is the right way we should act as water in dealing with people?
A.Staying proud.B.Helping others for fame and benefit.
C.Staying excited in a difficult situation.D.Never talking about the favors you gave to others.
4. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?
A.We Chinese nation has always valued Laozi’s ideas about water.
B.The water of the Pacific Ocean is very important.
C.All the APEC members should cooperate well with each other.
D.All the APEC members should keep the peace of the Pacific Ocean.
2023-05-20更新 | 122次组卷
阅读理解-判断(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), there was an official named Zhang Guaiya who worked in Chongyang county (县) , in today’s Hubei. Theft was common, even money from the county’s vault (钱库) was stolen.

One day, Zhang saw a low-ranking official (小吏) come out of the vault in a panic (慌张) . Zhang stopped him and asked, “Why are you in such a hurry?” “No reason,” said the official.

Zhang remembered the things stolen from the vault. So he asked the guards to search the official. They found a copper (铜) coin in his headband (头巾) .

Zhang asked him how much more money he had stolen. The official refused to admit (承认) that he stole anything else. Zhang ordered the guards to beat him.

The official didn’t give in. He said, “I only stole a copper coin. You can’t kill me just because of that!”

Zhang was very angry. He wrote in a red pen, “If you steal a coin every day, there will be a thousand coins after a thousand days. Constant dripping wears away a stone (水滴石穿) .”

1. Zhang Guaiya was an official in Chongyang county during the Song Dynasty.
2. One day, Zhang saw a low-ranking official steal a coin from the vault.
3. The low-ranking official admited he had stolen a copper coin.
4. It turned out that the low-ranking official stole a coin every day.
5. Constant dripping wears away a stone means “small acts have big effect”.
2022-08-14更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】One day, Frank was walking with his mother outside. When they came to a pretty garden, he called to his mother and said, “Mother, I wish I could open the gate and walk in.”

The gardener, being near, heard what Frank said, and kindly invited him and his mother to come into the garden.

Frank’s mother thanked the man. Turning to her son, she said, “Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to mess up anything in it.” Frank walked along the way and looked at everything, but touched nothing. He was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers in case he might break them.

Because Frank was so careful not to make trouble, the gardener showed him the seeds with joy and told him what the flowers and plants were.

While Frank was enjoying the beauty of a flower, a boy came to the gate. Finding it closed, he shook it hard. But it would not open. Then he said, “Let me in. Let me in. Will you not let me in this garden?”

“No, said the gardener. I will not let you in, for when I let you in yesterday, you messed up my flowers, and even picked some fruit. I do not let boys into my garden who messed up the plants.”

Ashamed, the boy walked away slowly.

Seeing this, Frank felt how much happier a boy may be by not messing up what does not belong to him.

1. How did Frank and his mother go into the garden?
A.Frank opened the gate and walked in.
B.Frank’s mother opened the gate and walked in.
C.A boy opened the gate and let them in.
D.The gardener opened the gate and let them in.
2. How did the gardener feel with Frank?
3. What happened to the other boy last?
A.He walks into the garden.B.He walked away.
C.He played with Frank.D.He messed up the garden.
4. What lesson might Frank learn from the other boy?
A.Don’t compare yourself to others.
B.Being polite is very important.
C.Never believe in a little boy.
D.We can’t touch things which belong to us.
2024-03-14更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般