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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:106 题号:17005680

Li Bai was born in 701. He was also given the name “Taibai”. The name meant “Venus” in ancient Chinese. Legend says that before Li Bai was born, his mother dreamt that Venus fell into her arms. Some people believed that Li Bai was a god. When Li Bai was five years old, his family settled(定居)in a town in today’s Sichuan Province.

·Making Iron into a Needle

There is a legend about Li Bai. He was not a very hard-working student when he young. He often skipped school(逃学).

One day when he was walking by the river, he saw an old woman. She was working on a large piece of iron. He asked, “What are you doing” She said, “I’m making a needle. ”

“But how can you make a large piece of iron into a needle?” She replied, “I must work hard every day.”

Li Bai suddenly understood the importance of hard work, and he started to work hard at school.

· Friendship(友谊)with Meng Haoran

When Li Bai travelled to Xiangyang in Hubei, he went to visit a famous poet called Meng Haoran. He was twelve years older than Li Bai, but they became friends. They both loved travelling to beautiful mountains and rivers. When Meng Haoran left for today’s Yangzhou, Li Bai wrote a poem about it, Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower.

Basic information about Li Bai

·He was born in 701.
·He was also called     1    , which meant “Venus” in ancient Chinese.
·His family lived in today’s Sichuan Province when he was     2    .

Two stories about Li Bai

Making Iron into a Needle
·One day when he was walking by the river, he saw a(n)     3     woman working on a large piece of iron.
·After the communication, he understood it was important to work     4    .
Friendship with Meng Haoran
·Meng Haoran is twelve years older than Li Bai, but they became friends because they have the same     5    .
·The poem named Seeing Meng Haoran off at Yellow Crane Tower shows the friendship between the two poets.
21-22八年级下·四川广元·期末 查看更多[2]


任务型阅读-多任务混合(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】As the saying goes, “①Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles”, traveling is a very common thing in modern society. Almost everyone can go on a trip at any time as long as they want to, in fact, centuries ago, some famous people already traveled around China and they got a lot from exploration (探险).

Xu Xiake, a geographer and writer in Ming dynasty, spent more than thirty years on the road four hundred years ago. With his mother’s encouragement, Xu Xiake traveled around China. He met with many difficulties on the road. But he never stopped traveling and writing. Xu Xiake was on the road all his life, and his travel notes covered as much as his knowledge. His 600,000-word travel notes finally came out in 1776, about 135 years after his death. China Tourism Day is set on May 19th, the date when he started The Travels of Xu Xiake.

Marco Polo, a businessman born in 1254 in Italy, is known as a travel king in the west. In 1271, Marco Polo with his father and uncle set foot on the road to China. It took him four years. Along the way, he met bad weathers, a shortage of food and water and so on.

They reached Shangdu in Inner Mongolia in 1275. Kublai Khan gave them a warm welcome there and took them to Dadu.

Macro Polo’s hard journey created one of the world’s first best sellers ②The Travels of Macro Polo. Medieval (中世纪的) readers fell in love with Polo’s wonderful descriptions of faraway lands and got to know China and Middle Asia.

1. 把①处划线句子译成汉语。
2. 从文章中找出“Marco Polo, his father and uncle began the journey to China.”的同义句。
3. 根据上下文猜测②处:“The Travels of Macro Polo” may be ________.
A.a bookB.a pictureC.a story
4. 根据文章内容回答问题。Why is China Tourism Day set on May 19th?
5. 根据短文内容完成下面时间轴。

(1)________ (2)________
2022-05-07更新 | 124次组卷
任务型阅读-补全句子(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)


On the Tower at Youzhou

Where are the great men of the past?

And where are those of future years?

The sky and earth forever last;

Here and now I alone shed tears (流泪).

Traveling not only opens our eyes but also gives us a chance to think and express our feelings. On the Tower at Youzhou, written by Chen Zi’ang (661—702)in the Tang Dynasty, is an example.

At that time, Chen was upset in his army career (生涯) under the rule of Empress Wu Zetian. He climbed to the top of Youzhou Tower and was amazed by the view of the earth and sky. He couldn’t help wondering where the great men of the past and future are.

Compared to the universe, the poet felt that people are small and unimportant. What lasts forever is the vast earth and sky. Nobody can be free from death. Even so, Chen still wanted to serve his country and people in his short life. But the rulers didn’t see his talents, so Chen felt frustrated and shed tears alone.

With the sincere feelings that fit the setting, Chen created a moving, sad scene in the poem. It is sad but not discouraging (令人气馁的). His language is simple but carries deep meanings. That’s why the poem is still popular now.

1. The poem was written in ________________________ (when).
2. According to Chen Zi’ang, ________________________ will last forever.
3. The English word “________” has the same meaning as “sad” in the text.
4. The writer thinks the language in the poem is ________________________.
5. If I have a chance to meet Chen Zi’ang, I’d like to say “________________________” to him.
2024-03-29更新 | 25次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

Do you know this place of interest? It is Guqin Platform (古琴台) in Hubei. It is in memory of (为了纪念) Yu Boya.

Yu Boya is good at music and he is famous for playing the qin. But he is always unhappy because he thinks no one can understand his music.

On the night of one Mid-Autumn Festival, Yu is playing the qin on a boat. When he finishes playing it, he hears someone’s words, “I can feel high mountains and running water in your music.” It comes from a young man, Zhong Ziqi. Yu invites him to the boat, and talks about music with him. He is quite surprised at Zhong’s deep understanding, and he thinks Zhong is his “zhi yin”.

When Zhong leaves the world, Yu breaks his qin. Nobody will understand his music, Yu thinks.

From then on, when people meet a true friend, they say they meet a “zhi yin”.

1. What is Yu Boya famous for? (不超过10个词)
2. When do Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi meet? (不超过10个词)
3. What is “zhi yin” according to (根据) the story? (不超过5个词)
2024-01-08更新 | 60次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般