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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:32 题号:18196441

Hotels are no longer the first or the only choice for travelers in China to sleep in at night. A new type of accommodation(住宿)choice called bed-and-breakfast(B&B)is welcoming more visitors in China.

During this month’s Golden Week, bookings for the B&B in China grew by 400 percent from 2016, according to the B&B booking website tujia.com.

Starting in Europe, B&B is often a private family home. Travellers pay to stay overnight and have breakfast. In China, many B&Bs are in rural(农村的)areas and more about fun, experiences and new friendships, reported by China Daily.

“The meals are cooked by the host. Very often, vegetables are homegrown. Hosts and guests chat over the meal and play with the pets together,” Yu Minliang, a 23-year-old tourist from Shanghai, told China Daily.

However, as more B&Bs come out, the service sometimes may not be good enough. Some guests complained the soundproofing(隔音)was bad and the house was dirty.

To solve the problem, the first national industry standards were carried out on Oct.1. For example, every B&B should provide not more than 14 guest rooms and things like towels and sheets must be changed after every visitor.

The standards will help the B&B industry develop in a healthy and sustainable(可持续的)way, reported CNR(中国广播网).

1. What is B&B?
A.A new way of welcoming visitors in Europe.B.A new type of sleeping at night in China.
C.The first choice to sleep at night in China.D.A new type of accommodation choice in China.
2. What do travelers usually do in B&Bs in China?
A.Cook meals and grow some vegetables.
B.Sleep at night and have breakfast.
C.Chat with each other and draw some pictures.
D.Cook meals and play with the pets together.
3. Which of the following is NOT included in the standards?
A.Changing towels and sheets.B.Providing not more than 14 guest rooms.
C.Making sure the rooms are clean and tidy.D.Making sure hot water is in service all day.
4. According to the last paragraph, we can infer ________.
A.the national standards are useless for the B&B industry
B.people have no interest in B&Bs
C.there will be a brighter future for the B&B industry
D.people will no longer choose B&Bs to live
【知识点】 旅行 说明文


阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti. Recently I took my son Brian there for a week, hoping to educate (教育) him.

Before setting out, I told Brian this trip would be tiring and hard. For the first two days, he said almost nothing. Then, on the third day, as we were climbing over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned (咧嘴笑), “Pretty hard.”

After that there was no turning back. A five-year-old girl, wearing a too large dress and broken shoes, followed Brian around. Later he said regretfully (遗憾地), “I wish I could speak French.” I was surprised that this was from a boy who always hated French classes.

However, the moment that really touched my heart occurred (发生) in a village deep in the mountains. I was interviewing a woman villager for an article. By working hard, she had learned to read and write, and became part of the leadership (领导层) of the village.

Learning her story, Brian was greatly touched. His eyes were wet and there was love and respect (尊敬) on his face. He finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home, Brian even offered to stay there as a volunteer. The trip was very meaningful.

1. Why did the writer take his son to Haiti?
A.Because they wanted to take a trip there.
B.Because the writer wanted to educate his son.
C.Because his son wanted to help the poor there.
D.Because they went there to visit a friend.
2. Why was the writer surprised about his son?
A.Because his son wished to speak French.
B.Because his son said nothing about the hard trip.
C.Because a little girl liked his son.
D.Because his son wanted to talk with the little girl.
3. What did NOT the boy learn from this trip?
A.To love and respect poor people.B.To be an excellent leader.
C.To offer help to people in need.D.To be a kind and hard-working man.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.An excellent tripB.How to be a volunteer
C.A story of a volunteering tripD.The importance of voluntary work
2023-01-29更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】I had a special summer vacation with my friends last year.

Early in the morning, we met at the high railway station with our own luggage. Our parents said goodbye with a little worry while we were all happy and even excited. It took us more than two hours to arrive at our destination—Mount Huang. We got off the railway happily and took another one hour to find our hotel by taxi successfully.

During the first night, we had a big party. Everyone had a good time singing, dancing, talking and playing. Nobody seemed to be homesick, although it was the first time we went to a vacation by ourselves. The next day, we got up very early to climb the mountain because we didn’t want to wait in line. Mount Huang is no wonder one of the most famous mountain s in our country. Along the way climbing the mountain, we could enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and special rocks. At Guang Ming summit, we had lunch and took lots of photos. We even met several wild monkeys when we went down the mountain. They were so cute that we wanted to touch them. However, it was dangerous. So we just watched them far away. How lucky we were!

At about five p.m., we reached the foot of the mountain. We were tired but satisfied. Mount Huang is really a good place to visit.

1. How did they go to Mount Huang?
A.By plane.B.By subway.C.By taxi.D.By railway.
2. How long did it take them from home to hotel?
A.Three more hours.B.More than two hours.
C.One hour.D.Four hours.
3. What is the structure of the passage?
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.They sang and danced when they climbed the mountain.
B.They were glad to be away from parents to take a vacation.
C.They took lots of photos at the first night.
D.They touched the wild monkeys.
2024-03-14更新 | 35次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

France is one of the top European countries for travelers because it has so much to offer excellent food and wine experiences, romantic city views and beautiful countryside.

Take a bus tour of the top sights in Pairs. Taste wine in the countryside. Enjoy a French meal. See castles in Loire Valley. Ski in the French Alps. Tour a town.
Go to Disneyland Paris.
Spring is a great time to visit, before crowds set in. The weather is nice and the days are long.
Summer is the red season for a number of reasons. It’s hot, crowded and expensive.
Fall is a greater time to visit. The crowds have gone, the weather is good and it’s cheaper.

Paris is the cornerstone of any trip to France.
You’ll want to see major sights like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and the Louvre Museum.

Wine Country
Wine is a symbol of France. The wine regions always have something special to provide for the visitors.

French Coasts
The French coasts, from the beautiful beaches to wonderful cities by the sea, are full of exotic appeal (异国风情).


Train travel throughout France is easy and fast (on high speed trains).
Be a respectful and friendly tourist: you’ll receive the same in return.
Don’t leave valuable things in your car.
It’s usual to enjoy cups of coffee at a cafe, or at lunch and dinner.

Cafe au Lait and wine,
of course: Champagne,
Beaujolais, Burgundy.
(most of the young speak English)

1. A person prefers to save money on travel would probably visit France in ________.
2. From the passage, you can find out ________.
A.the price of hotel roomsB.wonderful beaches in Paris
C.different things to do in FranceD.the way to reach the Louvre Museum
3. Which of the following is NOT true about France?
A.There is a Disneyland in Paris.
B.Most of the young French can speak English.
C.French people seldom drink coffee in the evening.
D.It’s convenient to travel around France by high speed train.
4. Where is this passage most probably from?
A.A postcard.B.A travel guide.C.A news report.D.A sports magazine.
2024-06-10更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般