组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:18702131

One day, a man was walking by the corner of a street. There he met a little boy holding a bird cage and selling the birds inside. The man stopped and looked very sadly at the birds in front of him. The birds were screaming in the cage, giving a high cry and trying to fly away.

After standing for a moment, he said to the boy, “How much does your bird cost? I want. . . ”

“One, fifty cents, sir, ” the boy answered quickly.

“I am afraid that you are mistaken. I am not asking how much it is.” the man said, “I would like to buy all of them. What I ask is how much you want for them. ”

Hearing this, the boy happily counted the number of the birds in the cage.

“Five dollars. ”

“Here you are!” The man passed the money. The boy counted excitedly. Suddenly he was surprised to find the cage was empty!

“Oh, my god, for what reason did you do that, sir? You don’t even get a bird!” the boy asked the man who set the birds free.

“My boy, let me tell you why I did this.” The man said, “I have no right to keep them. Every life should be free and they are our friends. So we should let them free. ”

1. Where did the man meet a little boy holding a bird cage?
A.At the crossing of a street.B.At the corner of a street.
C.At the gate of a market.D.At the door of a shop.
2. What does the underlined word “screaming” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.sing happilyB.speak gladlyC.shout loudlyD.talk gently
3. What does the writer mainly want us to learn from the passage?
A.We should love and protect birds.B.We should keep birds in cages.
C.We should be friendly to each other.D.We should try to understand each other.


阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Have you ever been sad because you failed in something? If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Here is a story to tell you why.

One day a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The older boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.

The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He collected them and put them into a glass box patiently. Then he talked to himself quietly and proudly, “Maybe I can’t finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have found in the process of digging!”

The boy’s goal was too difficult, but it did cause him to go on, in other words, it caused him to keep working.

Not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true. But when you can’t achieve your goal, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look at what I’ve found along the way! There are so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is in the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has a meaning.

1. Why did the boy dig the hole?
A.He dreamed to make it through the earth.B.He planned to give others a lesson in this way.
C.He wanted to bring some fun to his friends.D.He knew there were some colorful stones.
2. When the older boys laughed, they might think the boy is ________.
3. What does the writer suggest in the last paragraph?
A.Hard work will pay off (取得成功) in the end.B.Try our best to realize our dreams.
C.Enjoy the process of working hard.D.Not every dream is worth the efforts (努力).
2024-05-10更新 | 8次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Joe was an old man. The 75-year-old lived very happily in a village and had a beautiful family. Joe had four grandchildren, and they visited him during their holidays.

During one vacation, Joe was preparing his home for the kids: cleaning and buying their favorite foods. After he finished working, he realized he lost his favorite watch. The watch was a gift from his wife when their first child was born. Joe treasured the watch very much. He was very upset about losing it.

Once his grandchildren came, they promised him they would find the watch.

One granddaughter asked: “Grandpa, do you remember when you saw the watch last before it went missing?”

“I guess when I was cleaning the barn (谷仓)!”Joe replied.

The children looked for more than two hours with Joe, but they could not find it. The kids were now also sad, but they tried to comfort their grandfather.

One grandson went back to the barn to search again. Joe asked why he was going there a second time. But the little boy just asked the others not to follow him and to remain silent.

He was there for about fifteen minutes and then rushed to his grandfather. He found the watch and happily gave it to Joe.

Joe was surprised and asked how he was able to find it. The little boy replied: “I sat there without making a noise, and the barn was so silent. After a few minutes, I heard the tick, tick sound and found the watch.”

Joe hugged and thanked the little boy.

This is the power of silence. If we stay calm, we are more able to find the solution.

1. From Paragraph 2, we learn that Joe ________.
A.talked with his grandchildren well
B.liked doing housework very much
C.got tired of his grandchildren’s visits
D.looked forward to his grandchildren’s visits
2. How did one of the grandchildren find the watch?
A.He did a thorough cleaning of the barn.
B.He searched the barn carefully for two hours.
C.He made no noise and followed the ticking sound.
D.He asked other children for help.
3. Which is the right order of what happened in the story?
a. His grandchildren came.
b. They searched for more than two hours.
c. The little boy sat in the barn without making a sound.
d. One grandson went back to the barn again.
e. Joe lost his watch accidentally.
A.e a b d cB.e b a c dC.a e d b cD.a e c b d
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Love keeps us busy all the time.
B.Silence sometimes is more powerful than using your voice.
C.Look after the old well and keep them happy.
D.Helping those in need makes one feel good.
2022-04-03更新 | 88次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I was on the train one afternoon. Our carriage was almost empty, just a few people.

At one station, a drunk man suddenly entered the train. He shouted and swung his fists(拳头) at a woman holding a baby. Luckily the baby wasn’t hurt. Then he tried to kick an old woman. Everyone was scared.

I’d been learning Chinese Kung fu for the past three years. But I’d never fought in real life. As students of Chinese Kung fu, we are not allowed to start a fight. “Kung fu,” my teacher always told us, “is about resolving conflict(解决冲突), not starting it.”

I decided that this was my moment. If I didn’t do something fast, somebody might get hurt. So I stood up, ready to fight. Just then, someone shouted, “Hey!” It was an old man. He was smiling at the drunk man. “What have you drunk?” he asked. “I’ve drunk wine, but it’s none of your business!” said the drunk man angrily. “Oh, that’s wonderful,” said the old man. Then he told how he loved drinking wine with his wife and eating watermelon. “I also love watermelon,” said the drunk man. “And I’m sure you have a wonderful wife, too,” said the old man. “No,” replied the drunk man. “My wife died.” Then he began to cry. “I have no wife, no home, no job. I’m so ashamed of myself.”

“Oh, that is so difficult. Sit down here and tell me about it,” said the old man.

As I got off the train, I realized I’d just seen real Kung fu in action. This was the real spirit of how to resolve conflict.

1. What happened on the train?
A.A man was drinking wine.B.A drunk man was acting wildly.
C.A baby was hurt by a man’s fists.D.An old woman was knocked down.
2. What can we learn from the Kung fu teacher’s words?
A.Students shouldn’t learn Kung fu.B.Kung fu is not used to start fights.
C.Kung fu can’t actually resolve conflict.D.Using Kung fu always starts conflict.
3. What was the drunk man’s situation in life?
A.His boss didn’t give him money.B.He got into a fight with wife.
C.He was living a great life.D.He had no family.
4. What does the writer mean in the last paragraph?
A.There are many forms of Kung fu.B.We should learn Kung fu to protect ourselves.
C.The real spirit of Kung fu is to start conflict.D.Fighting is not the only way to resolve conflict.
2023-02-16更新 | 30次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般