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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:99 题号:19170849

An An, the world’s oldest captive (被圈养的) male panda, died on July 21 at age 35. The panda’s life was ended by an animal doctor due to his poor health condition, Hong Kong’s Ocean Park said online. “He was clever and lovely and we would miss him,” the park’s chairman Paulo Pong said.

An An was gifted to the park in 1999 by the Chinese central government, along with Jia Jia, a female panda that died in 2016 at age 38. The pair were seen by millions of tourists and schoolchildren over the years, many of whom posted their memories of An An online in photos and videos after its death.

On average(平均来看), a panda in the wild can live for 14-20 years, but they can live far longer with humans’ care, according to World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF). Pong said that An An lived longer than most wild pandas, which shows that the park has done a good job taking care of the pandas. The park still houses two other pandas—female Ying Ying and male Le Le—which were gifted by the Chinese government in 2007.

China has spent half a century trying to increase the population of this rare (珍稀的) animal. It has built many protected areas to save them from disappearing. It’s well known   that pandas are hard to raise, but after years of decline (下降), their numbers in the wild have increased in recent years. In 2017 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) removed the animal from the list of endangered animals after their population grew nearly 17% in the past 10 years. The Chinese government also did so last year after the wild panda population increased to 1,800.

In China, pandas are considered an umbrella species, which means experts believe methods to protect them will help protect other species, as well as the larger ecosystem (生态系统).

1. Why did the animal doctor end An An’s life?
A.To save him from further suffering.B.To help reduce the park’s pressure.
C.To protect other pandas from disease.D.To find the causes of this death problems.
2. How old was Jia Jia when she was gifted to the park?
A.12 years old.B.15 years old.C.18 years old.D.21 year old.
3. According to Pong, what does the fact that An An lived to age 35 suggest?
A.Raising An An in the park wasn’t easy.B.The park raised An An with great care.
C.An An brought many good memories to him.D.Ying Ying and Le Le will live as long as An An.
4. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that ________.
A.pandas are still endangered animals
B.pandas are easy to keep with human’s care
C.the number of wild pandas is rising in recent years
D.TUCN is working with China to protect wild pandas
5. The writer’s writing purpose is to ________.
A.ask people to protect wild pandasB.tell the story of An An and Jia Jia
C.explain why An An died at age 35D.share the news of An An’s death


阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A cicada is a large insect. It is about three centimeters long. Like many other insects, it has six legs. On the forehead are two big eyes, between which is a long beak. It uses its beak to drink juice from trees. The adult cicada has two sets of wings which can shake together to produce a high, continuous sound when the weather is hot.

In its whole life, it mainly goes through two stages. In the beginning, when a cicada is under the ground, it is called a baby cicada. It drinks juice from tree roots and it is covered in a hard shell (壳). At this time, it has no wings—just legs. After coming out of the ground, it breaks out of its old shell. Under the old shell is a new shell and four wings. The cicada finds a place in the sun to dry its new shell and wings. Gradually, the baby cicada grows into an adult. After a cicada becomes an adult, it sings loudly in hot summer. That’s why it is called a born singer in nature.

At present, over two thousand kinds of cicadas are distributed (分布) around the world. All of them spend most of their life underground. You can find about four hundred and fifty kinds in Africa. Besides, there are about one hundred and twenty kinds in China. There are also about seven unusual kinds in the US that stay under the ground for many years.

A.a large headB.a high soundC.a shellD.a born singer
A.in the worldB.in the UKC.in the USD.in China
A.100 kindsB.110 kindsC.115 kindsD.120 kinds
2023-10-25更新 | 9次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Day after day Buck pulled a sledge. They started in the morning before it was light, and stopped in the evening after it was dark, eating a piece of fish, and going to sleep in their holes under the snow. Buck was always hungry. Francois gave him 750 grams of dried fish a day, and it was never enough. The other dogs were given only 500 grams; they were smaller and could live on less food.

Buck learned to eat quickly; if he was too slow, the other dogs would steal his food. He saw Pike, one of the new dogs, steal some meat from the sledge when Francois wasn’t looking. The next day Buck stole some and got away unseen. Francois was very angry, but he thought another dog, Dub, had taken it and punished him instead of Buck.

Buck was learning how to live in the north. In the south he had never stolen, and there he had never been so hungry. He stole cleverly and secretly, remembering the beatings from the man with the club (击棍).

Buck was learning the law of club and tooth. He learned to eat any food—anything that he could get his teeth into. He learned to break the ice on waterholes with his feet when he wanted to drink. He was stronger, harder, and could see and smell better than ever before. In a way, he was remembering back to the days when wild dogs traveled in groups through the forest, killing for meat as they went. It was easy for him to learn to fight like a wolf, because it was in his blood. In the evenings, when he pointed his nose at the moon and howled long and loud, he was remembering the dogs and wolves that had come before him.

— Adapted from The Call of the Wild

1. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?
A.Buck was good at learning.B.Buck ate meals very slowly.
C.Buck was angry with other dogs.D.Buck didn’t get on with Francois.
2. Where did Buck come from?
A.The east.B.The south.C.The west.D.The north.
3. The result of hunger is ________
A.that Buck ate other dogs.B.that Buck became very weak.
C.that Buck missed his hometown.D.that Buck got his wildness again.
4. What is the story mainly about?
A.Dog food.B.A dog keeper.C.A dog.D.A winter.
2022-05-09更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Do you know panda bears? They live in southwestern China. There are two main kinds of pandas. They are the giant (巨大的) black-and-white panda and the red panda. They weigh anywhere from 175 to 275 pounds. They get anywhere from five to six feet in height. They are born blind and are completely helpless. So they need to live with the help of their mothers. But they grow up quickly, and by the age of 3 months, they are already starting to become active. Once a baby panda leaves its mother, it will live all alone.

Pandas are active during both the day and night. The most important plant in the life of a panda bear is bamboo. They spend about 12 hours of their day eating bamboo. They usually eat the soft part of the bamboo, such as the bamboo leaves. Pandas also eat grasses, fish, fruit, and rice.

To protect themselves from the cold, pandas build up fat in their body. They have a thick coat of fur and they live in places with dense (浓密的) bamboo forests.

Pandas move in a very slow and orderly way. Unlike some bears, the panda bear does not hibernate. Where they live is able to make them be active and eat all year round.

1. What do pandas eat ?
A.Bamboo.B.Bamboo leaves.C.Bamboo, grasses, fish fruit and rice.
2. How long does a panda spend eating bamboo every week ?
A.About 12 hours.B.About 84 hours.C.About 60 hours.
3. What does the underlined word “hibernate” mean in the last paragraph?
A.play gamesB.sleep in winterC.climb trees
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A.Pandas can’t see anything when they’re born.
B.Pandas don’t become active until the age of three months.
C.A panda lives with its mother all the time.
5. What is the passage mainly about ?
A.The kinds of the panda.
B.The living habits of the panda.
C.The introduction of the panda.
2024-05-14更新 | 14次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般