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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:776 题号:19293461

Seiichi Sano, an 89-year-old Japanese man, rides a wave at Katase Nishihama Beach, Thursday, March 30, 2023. He has been recognized as the oldest male to surf(冲浪)by the Guinness World Records.

But maybe he will just keep surfing. “I think it would be interesting to try to surf until I’m 100,” Sano said. “I think I take better care of myself when I have dreams like this. Even now, I take better care of myself than I did before.”

Sano said he got the idea to try surfing from a worker at his local bank. The man’s skin was always dark and he did not look like a usual worker. His secret to keep healthy and energetic, he said, was surfing. So, Sano found a teacher.

Sano gets out most weekends on the black-sand beach. “I don’t consider myself an old man,” he said in his wet suit, board standing next to him. “I have never thought of myself as an old person. I always feel that I can still move forward. I can still do it. I can still enjoy it.”

Several young students who also work with Sano’s surf teacher talked about Sano.

“I think age doesn’t matter in surfing,” a 12-year-old surfer said.

“He is so amazing,” added his younger brother.

“To be honest, I was surprised by his age,” said Sano’s surfing teacher. “I was worried that he would get hurt. I did not know how fit he was.”

Sano still works 9-to-5 at his job. Surfing helps make him less stressed. “People often say that surfing is life itself,” he said. “I think it is true.”

1. What does the underlined word “recognized” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. Paragraph 3 mainly tells us ________.
A.where Sano learnt to surfB.why Sano tried surfing
C.how Sano planned to surfD.when Sano went surfing
3. From the words of the young students and Sano’s surf teacher, we can infer ________.
A.they respect Sano very muchB.Sano’s age influences his surfing
C.they’re worried about Sano’s workD.Sano is often hurt when practising
4. According to the passage, we know Sano ________.
A.is too old to start surfingB.gets bored with surfing
C.feels stressed after surfingD.enjoys a lot from surfing
2023九年级·江苏·专题练习 查看更多[5]


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

I used to be a shy girl. To make me more outgoing, my mother told me to develop some hobbies. She thought it could make me relaxed. I finally agreed with her and had a try. I found I was interested in collecting   (收集) leaves of beautiful shapes and colors, so I talked with my mum about it. “Collecting leaves needs to be done outside so you can also enjoy the fresh air. Believe me. It will make your free time more colorful,” my mother said. She also gave me a nice notebook to save the leaves.

There was a park near my home. It was a good place to get leaves. One day, my grandmother went there with me together. We walked slowly around the park and picked up many leaves. After that, she went there with me another several times. “At first, I just wanted to be with you so that you wouldn’t feel lonely. However, I have fallen in love with the activity now.” After hearing her words, I understood something.

Everyone needs to develop a hobby just for himself or herself to live happily.

1. Who wanted the writer to be more outgoing?
A.Her mother.B.Her father.C.Her grandma.
2. What was the writer’s hobby?
A.Taking a walk.B.Collecting leaves.C.Drawing pictures.
3. Why did the writer’s grandmother go to the park at first?
A.Because she wanted to exercise in the park.
B.Because she didn’t feel well when she was free.
C.Because she didn’t want the writer to be lonely.
4. Which of the following is the right order (顺序) of the story?
a.The writer was a little shy.
b.The writer decided to develop a hobby.
c.The writer understood something about hobbies.
d.The writer went to the park to collect leaves with her grandma.
5. What does the writer mainly tell us through her story?
A.We shouldn’t develop as many hobbies as possible.
B.We should try to spend time with our family.
C.We should develop some hobbies in the life.
2024-04-09更新 | 16次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

Once there was a famine(饥荒)in the town. A rich and kind baker(面包师)sent some bread to twenty of the poorest children. He said to them,“In this basket,there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf(一条面包)every day until the hard days end. ”

The impatient children couldn't wait to gather around the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread because each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without even thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, she remained standing modestly in the distance. When the other children left, she took the smallest loaf left in the basket, kissed the gentleman's hand and went home.

The next day the children were as rude as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother was very surprised and said,

"Take the money back to the good gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf by accident. Be quick, Shirley!Be quick!"

But when the little girl gave the rich man her mother's message,he said,“No, no, my child. It was no mistake. I put silver into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and honest girl. Go home, and the money is yours now. ”

1. From the story,we know the twenty children lived a ________ life.
2. The rich baker gave ________ to the children.
A.some bananasB.some booksC.some clothesD.some bread
3. When the other children shouted and fought for the bread,Shirley ________.
A.stood modestly in the distance
B.shouted at them
C.joined them
D.laughed at them
4. Shirley's mother let her ________ when she saw the money.
A.buy some foodB.hide it quickly
C.give it back to the rich manD.tell her father the news
5. The story tells us that ________.
A.it's not important to say thanks to others
B.fighting with others can help us get more
C.Shirley's mother didn't like silver
D.a kind and honest person will be rewarded
2020-10-10更新 | 192次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A young queen was given a magic box by a wizard(男巫).The box would bring happiness to the whole country whenever it was opened in a place full of the spirit of generosity.
The queen travelled all over the country,looking for
the most generous people.   If she collected them all,she
would open the magic box.   However,nothing special
happened.   How disappointed she felt!
Until one day when the queen returned to her palace,
she saw a poor little boy begging.   She would like to give the boy some money,   but she didn't have any with her.   So the boy asked her if she could give him the old box. Then he could sell it for a little money. At first the queen hesitated(犹豫),because she had been told the box had magical powers. But seeing how poor the boy was, she gave it to him.   The boy took the box and opened it.
Immediately, all the most wonderful things one could imagine started flying out of the box, with the sound of singing,"Why look for it in others Goodness always starts in yourself. "
While enjoying all the wonders of the magic box, the queen learned to set an example to others, and she became the best queen ever in history.
1. The queen travelled all over the country to        .
A.have a great time
B.look for the most generous people
C.look for the poor little boy
D.show off the magic box to people
2. The underlined word "generosity" here   means "      " in English.
3. All the most wonderful things happened when the boy opened the box because        .
A.the boy was a beggar and he was poor
B.the queen didn't have any money
C.the queen had the spirit of generosity
D.the boy wanted to sell it for money
4. From the story we can learn that        .
A.queens should be kind
B.wizards were very great
C.only poor people could own the box
D.people should be generous
5. Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?
A.The queen was disappointed at the box at first.
B.The queen saw the wonders of the box.
C.The queen was generous.
D.The boy and the wizard were good friends.
2018-01-24更新 | 68次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般