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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:19350007

Some libraries use special design to encourage visitors to explore them and relax with a new book. These novel libraries are keeping the magic of reading alive.

1. Stuttgart City Library (Stuttgart, Germany)

Opened in 2011, this nine-story public library is famous for its beautiful color and its special shape. It can be entered from any of its four sides.

2. Biblioteca Sandro Penna (Perugia, Italy)

The library built in 2004, is named after a local poet and can be easily recognized by its round pink glass which reminds you of a flying saucer (茶碟).

3. Beach Library (Albena, Bulgaria)

Reading a book on the beach is fun. The white shelves own 6,000 books in 15 languages so every visitor can find the perfect beach read to enjoy while lying in the sun.

4. Macquarie University Library (Sydney, Australia)

This building was made from recycled materials, with a green roof (屋顶) which looks like a tree. It uses robots to bring books to the front desk.

1. According to the passage, which library is environmentally-friendly?
A.Beach Library.B.Biblioteca Sandro Penna.
C.Stuttgart City Library.D.Macquarie University Library.
2. What do you know about Biblioteca Sandro Penna?
A.It opened in 2011.B.It looks like a tree.
C.It’s named after a poet.D.It’s in Albena, Bulgaria.
3. Where does the text probably come from?
A.A film magazine.B.A science report.C.A website.D.A story book.
【知识点】 说明文 景点/建筑


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】From the loss of wildlife to rising sea levels, we all begin to realize the problems that climate change can cause.

But while it may seem like such problems won't influence most of us directly. it looks like future generations could grow up without something that many of us now enjoy so much: chocolate.

According to an article published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration, changes to the climate in the regions that produce cacao(可可豆) - the plant from which chocolate is produced - may mean that it will soon become extinct.

Most of the world's cacao grows in countries close to the equator, with over half of it growing in the African nations of Ghana and lvory Coast.

It's expected that by 2050, climate change will make temperatures in these countries rise faster, making it extremely difficult for cacao to grow there.

The problem doesn’t lie in increased heat, however, but in lower humidity (湿度), as it’s believed that rainfall will stay at the same level if the temperature rises.

“In other words, as higher temperatures take more water out of soil and plants, it’s unlikely that rainfall will increase enough to make up for the loss,” Michon Scott, the article’s author, wrote.

To help fight this problem, researchers from Berkeley University in the US are working on changing the DNA of cacao plants to allow them to survive in dryer conditions by using gene editing technology(基因编辑技术) according to US News.

1. Paragraph 1 is written to__________.
A.introduce the topicB.explain a problem
C.state how the writer feels about chocolateD.show why rainfall has decreased in Africa
2. Where is cacao usually grown?
A.In the southern hemisphere.B.In the northern hemisphere.
C.In countries with lots of rainfall.D.In countries near the equator.
3. What does Michon Scott think is the key to the problem?
A.Hot weather.B.Dry soil.C.Lower humidity.D.High rainfall.
4. What are researchers doing to help solve the problem?
A.Finding new places to grow cacao.B.Asking farmers for help.
C.Changing how cacao is produced.D.Changing the genes of cacao plants.
2022-07-16更新 | 44次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Everyone knows that chickens lay eggs (产卵). Most people know that all the other birds do as well. But have you ever thought about other animals that lay eggs? They include bees, snakes and some sea animals.

When a mother lays eggs, many more babies can be born at once or in a few days, because there is very little development inside the parent. Animals that do not lay eggs often have fewer babies. Animans lay many eggs because other animals may eat the babies. However, even though some of their babies are eaten, they will still have some more to continue their family.

Some animals that lay eggs do not take care of their young. Turtles come on to the beach and dig (挖) holes. Then they put their eggs in the sand and leave. A turtle mother can lay as many as 150 eggs. When the babies come out of the eggs, they must find their own way to the ocean. They must learn how to live on their own. Many young turtles are eaten by other animals. Most eggs have an outside shell (壳) that keeps the growing animal inside safe. The egg shell also keeps the young animal from drying out. After the animal is fully developed, it comes out of the egg. The animal grows bigger and bigger. Then it can have its own young.

1. Which animals lay eggs?
⑴ Snakes        ⑵Turtles        ⑶Dogs          ⑷Bees        ⑸Chickens
2. Why do animals lay many eggs?
A.Because other animals may eat their babies.
B.Because they use their eggs for food.
C.Because they want to have fewer babies.
D.Because they want to eat their babies.
3. What do we know about trutles?
A.They don’t look after their babies.B.Baby turtles hate their mother.
C.Other animals can’t eat turtle babies.D.Turtle babies can’t take care of themselves.
4. Egg shells can be used to ________.
A.make eggs more beautifulB.make eggs more delicious
C.let the young animals dryD.protect the young animals
5. The passage is probably from ________.
A.a newspaperB.a science bookC.a sports magazineD.a story book
2023-06-24更新 | 6次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

It may make you feel surprised when you are told that hot drink you’re drinking could really make you colder.

And that’s not the only thing that makes it hard to stay warm when the temperature continues to drop around you. You’re going to need all the advice you can get to stay warm this winter Beclow are five things that will help you away from the cold in winter.

Loneliness can lower your body temperature

If you are in need of social contact, it may make you ill. In other words giving someone a “cold shoulder” can indeed make them feel colder.

Hot drinks might actually cool you off

When having a hot drink, your mouth “tells” the rest of your body that something “hot” is coming and you need to start sweating (出汗), This will not help you become warm. On the opposite, drinking too much of a cold drink can warm you up because it causes your blood vessels (血管) to tighten.

You don’t catch a cold because of cold weather

If you’re in the lower temperatures, it doesn’t give you a cold by itself. Instead, the rise in sicknesses and colds in the winter months is mainly because people spend more time indoors which allows germs to spread between people more easily.

White might actually be the warmest colour

Usually we wear white in summer and darker clothes in winter because black clothes get more heat from the sun and white clothing reflects it, but this common idea might be wrong. Some researchers say that white’s function as a reflector also applies to (适用于) body heat, that is to say wearing white may trap your natural heat close to your body. Dark clothes may be less likely to trap your body heat in.

The cold weather can help you lose weight

In cold temperatures the body works harder to warm itself up, not only burning more calorie but also activating (激活) brown fat, which burns them more efficiently than white fat. So, some people believe that punishing themselves with icy-cold temperatures can help them lose more weight.

1. Maybe we can read this passage in ________.
A.an advertisementB.a sports magazineC.a novelD.a science magazine
2. What does the underlined word “germs” in the passage probably mean?
A.sick peopleB.something harmfulC.cold feelingD.cold weather
3. If we want to get warm in winter, what clothes may be the best according to the writer?
A.The black ones.B.The dark ones.C.The white ones.D.The brown ones.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.The way to lose weightB.How to stay warm in winter
C.Cold weather leads to warmthD.Hot drinks are good for health
2023-05-08更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般