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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:14 题号:19455402

Because of the coronavirus, we couldn’t go back to school. But I tried to make my life at home exciting during the holiday.

I often listened to music after finishing my schoolwork. Because of this, I learned about a lot of new songs and excellent singers. Listening to music can make me relaxed and keep my mood light.

I watched the news every night. It can help me understand the world. The news tells me the strength of our motherland and the difficulties some parts of the world face. From this, I learned that peace is important.

On weekends, I sometimes watched movies, such as The Shawshank Redemption 《肖申克的救赎》and Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》. These movies are very educational. They taught me not to give up. I like them very much.

Even if I couldn’t go out, I still played sports. Sometimes I went to the gym(健身房)downstairs. I ran and did strength training. I think exercise is the best way to relax my mind and body, so I’m still exercising.

I also developed a new hobby—I planted a pot of flowers. Because of my care, it is growing very well now. I think growing flowers can cultivate(培养)my sense of   responsibility.

During this period of time, I learned a lot and felt a lot. It was a colorful and meaningful time.

1. Why couldn’t the writer go back to school?
A.Because he was tired of schooling.
B.Because it wasn’t time for school.
C.Because the coronavirus broke out.
D.Because he wanted to learn more at home.
2. What did the writer do at home during the epidemic(疫情)?
a. Listened to music.        b. Did homework.
c. Watched movies.          d. Planted a lot of trees.
3. What did the writer think about the news?
A.It could make him relaxed.B.It could keep his mood light.
C.It could make him feel peaceful.D.It could help him know the world.
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Forrest Gump is an educational movie.
B.The writer jogged at the gym every day.
C.The writer lived a colorful life at home.
D.Exercise is the best way to relax mind and body.


阅读理解-单选(约140词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It’s Wednesday. Emma is on a school trip with her teacher and classmates.

They are in a science museum (博物馆). A robot says, “Come and know about   AI.” Emma asks the teacher, “Mrs. Miller, what is AI?” Mrs. Miller says, “How about asking the robot?” Then Emma asks the robot, “What is AI?”

Oh! AI is an artificial intelligence (人工智能). It can answer questions and do some difficult things…

Emma says, “AI is so helpful.” Then she sees many interesting things in the science museum. After lunch, Mrs. Miller and her students go to a music festival. Emma has a good school trip today.

根据语篇内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。
1. When is Emma’s school trip?
A.On Wednesday.B.On Thursday.C.On Friday.
2. Where does Emma see a robot?
A.In a library.B.In a store.C.In a science museum.
3. Who answers Emma’s question?
A.Her classmates.B.Mrs. Brown.C.The robot.
4. What’s the meaning (意思) of the word “helpful” in Chinese?
5. What do the students do after lunch?
A.They go to a book sale.B.They go to a music festival.C.They go to a birthday party.
2024-01-12更新 | 13次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Pam is busy every day. She has two jobs and works six days a week. And she is a mother of two children. She drinks a lot of coffee. It helps her stay awake.

After work, Pam cooks dinner for herself and her children. Then she asks her children to go to sleep. She goes to bed too, but cannot get to sleep. She turns again and again, and only gets about four hours of sleep each night.

In the morning Pam is tired, so she isn't friendly to her kids. She often thinks, "I need more sleep. I want to feel good and be a kind mom. Pam asks for help on the Internet. She finds a good website with these sleep tips: Do not drink coffee; take a walk; read a book; take deep breaths (深呼吸). Pam plans to try them this week.

1. How many days does Pam work a week?
A.Four days.B.Five days.C.Six days.D.Seven days.
2. Why does Pam drink a lot of coffee?
A.Because it is good for her health.
B.Because it helps her stay awake.
C.Because it makes her cool.
D.Because she likes coffee.
3. Which of the following is NOT a sleep tip according to the passage?
A.Do not drink coffee.B.Watch a movie.C.Read a book.D.Take a walk.
2021-01-17更新 | 199次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Two years ago, my family moved to a new city and I had to study in a new school. As I had few friends there, I felt lonely. Then I met Tony. The first time I saw him, he was standing in the center of a group of students telling jokes. The children around laughed from time to time. Tony knew about my problem. He asked me to play basketball with his friends and helped me with my studies. We soon became good friends.

About a year ago, however, Tony’s father was killed in an accident. As a result, his family had to move to a small house. Tony changed into a different person. He became silent and he even lost his interest in studies. Several times, I invited him to go out and play basketball with me, but he refused. I wanted to help him, but didn’t know what to do.

Then something strange happened in my class. Two classmates lost the money in their schoolbags.

Last Friday, just before the P.E. lesson, I went back to the classroom to get my running shoes I would use. The door was half open. I went in. To my astonishment, I saw Tony was searching one of my classmates’ schoolbags. I was shocked...

1. What kind of boy was Tony at the beginning of the story?
A.He was a clever boy.B.He was a poor boy.C.He was a popular boy.D.He was a shy boy.
2. Why did the writer become friends with Tony?
A.Because Tony helped him do his homework.B.Because Tony was kind to him.
C.Because Tony liked playing basketball.D.Because Tony told jokes.
3. The underlined word “astonishment” means “________”.
4. What caused the change of Tony?
A.His father’s death.B.His strange character.
C.The move of his family.D.The loss of his interest in playing with his friends.
2022-10-05更新 | 17次组卷
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