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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:30 题号:19531733

Duan Jiayang, a 12-year-old student of a primary school in Sichuan, learns the skills required to take care of vegetable fields.

“I learned how to place the mulch film (地膜),” he says, “It’s not easy.”

In China, many parents place a heavy focus on their children’s good results in study, but vocational (职业的) skills have little been cared.

“Some parents do everything for their children,” says Yan Mei, a teacher in a primary school, adding that many students are short of the basic skills needed in their daily lives. For example, Yan says, some parents would do the school’s general cleaning instead of their children. Since March last year, the governments have given out a lot of policies (政策), requiring that colleges, middle schools and primary schools pay more attention to teaching students practical skills.

Following these policies, the primary school founded an “agricultural (农业的) class base” on one of its schoolyards. Students plant fruit and vegetables on an area of land about 4,000㎡ in size.

In the days coming up to the May Day holiday, students of different grades at the school worked together in the fields, says school principal Yang Bo. They planted watermelon, carrot and corn. May Day, also known as Labor Day, is celebrated on May 1st in China.

The school hopes that students will understand the food is quite valuable so that they will better realize the difficulties that their parents went through.

1. What does Duan Jiayang think of this activity?
2. What do many parents care most in the passage?
A.Children’s life skills.B.Children’s good results in study.
C.Teachers’ skills course.D.Teachers’ teaching level.
3. What can students learn from the agricultural class?
A.Students will understand the importance of labor.
B.Students can realize the difficulties their parents went through.
C.Students can learn the basic life skills.
D.All of the above.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Youths Get a Lesson in Life through Skills Course
B.Duan Jiayang, a Hard-working Student
C.Schools Follow the Governments’ Policies
D.Parents Hope for Children’s Good Results in School
【知识点】 教育 说明文 劳动实践


阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Zhang Guimei is the headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls. She is a member of the Communist Party of China (CPC). On June 29, the 64-year-old won CPC’s top honor—July 1 Medal. She should have it.

In 1996, Zhang began to teach in a middle school in Huaping County, Lijiang, Yunnan. There, she saw many girls drop out of school because their families were poor. She was sad and thought it was important for girls to get a higher education. So she had a dream—to build a free high school for girls.

In 2007, Zhang went to Beijing for the 17th CPC National Congress. She talked about her dream at the meeting. A year later, with help from the local government, Zhang started her school. During the past 13 years, over 1,800 students in the school have made it to universities.

With no child of her own, Zhang lives in a building with her students. She gives most of her money to the students. Zhang is in poor health, but she is still working hard. She gets up at 5:00 a.m. and is always the first to arrive at school. Three times a day she goes to see how the classes are going. She has made over 1,600 visits to students’ families for the past years.

“The things I have done are what many CPC members are doing every day. As long as I can work, I will stand in the classroom to give my all,” she said.

1. What do we know about Zhang from Paragraph 1?
A.She is 66 years old.B.She got a great honor on June 29.
C.She works as a teacher in Beijing.D.She became a CPC member last July.
2. What does the underlined part “drop out of school” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?
3. When did Zhang start Huaping High School for Girls?
A.In 1996.B.In 2007.C.In 2008.D.In 2013.
4. What’s Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What help Zhang gets.B.Zhang’s plan for the school.
C.Zhang’s work in the school.D.What Zhang thinks of her work.
5. Which of the following words can we use to describe Zhang?
① hard-working       ② interesting       ③ kind-hearted        ④ creative
2023-04-17更新 | 46次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)


US Schools Fight with Behavior
American students had been learning at home for more than a year during the pandemic. When they returned to school, teachers began to see more behavioral problems. Bad behavior among students is part of a mental health crisis (精神健康危机) among children. Even before the pandemic, research found that bad behavior in the classroom was increasing. School officials provide enough support to deal with the crisis at Putnam. For the school of around just 250 students, there is also a counselor (辅导员), social workers, and two recently hired interventionists.

Since the pandemic started, experts have warned of a mental health crisis facing American children. The Silver Lining is a special mental training for teachers. This training helps teachers learn warning signs of mental health risks and unusual behaviour in children, and how to prevent a tragedy. The program is run by the National Council for Mental Well-being. The trained teacher can help students in trouble and let them know teachers want to help.

Why will the GCSE exam change
To students in the UK, the GCSE exam is the equivalent (等同) of Zhongkao, the senior high school entrance exam in China. Due to the pandemic, the UK has made changes to GCSE exam requirements. The GCSE exam boards announced (宣布) they would cut down the amount (数量) of information covered in the upcoming summer exams.

1. In which section of the newspaper can we read the news?
2. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE according to the first news ________
A.Bad behavior among students is due to the pandemic.
B.American students had studied at home for a long time.
C.Bad behavior is part of mental health crisis among children.
D.School officials help to deal with the crisis at Putnam.
3. What would be the best heading for the second piece of news?
A.The Silver Lining.
B.Teachers Get Mental Health Training, Help Students.
C.A Mental Health Crisis in the U.S.
D.Warning Signs of Mental Health Risks.
4. The GCSE exam this year will ________.
A.have higher requirements than beforeB.remain the same as before
C.cover less information than beforeD.cover fewer subjects than before
5. All the news above has something to do with ________.
A.students’ bad behaviors
B.health problems the students are facing during the pandemic
C.exam skills about how to pass the GCSE exams
D.effective actions to reduce the influence that the pandemic has brought to schools
2024-04-25更新 | 21次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A viral (爆红) video showing a school girl first argued with and kicked (踢) her mother and then a passenger tried to stop her. This video has started an online discussion about children’s upbringing (教养).

It all started when the woman and her daughter took the wrong subway. They got off at a station after realizing that. Then the girl began to argue with her mother, though the mother was carrying their bags, the girl offering little or no help. During the argument, the girl kicked her mother six times.

When the girl kicked her mother, the mother just stood there. And she wasn’t angry with her daughter for kicking her at all.

Parents are responsible (负责的) for telling children what are impolite and can’t be accepted. Only by pointing out their small mistake, parents can stop them from making bigger ones.

To be good parents, it is necessary for them to set examples themselves. Also, they should pass on these values (价值观) to their children.

1. Who ever tried to stop the girl?
A.A subway worker.B.A policemanC.A passenger.D.Her mother.
2. What happened in the video?
A.A woman lost her bag.B.A girl fought with a passenger.
C.The subway stopped at a wrong station. D.A girl was very impolite to her mother.
3. How many times did the girl kick her mother?
4. How did the mother feel during the argument?
A.She wasn’t angry at all.B.She was very angry.
C.She was excited.D.She was comfortable.
5. We can know from the news that ________.
A.parents shouldn’t ask their children to accept their own values
B.parents should teach their kids which is wrong or right and set a good example
C.it is more important to teach children with words than with examples
D.parents should pay more attention to their children’s big mistakes
2024-05-23更新 | 9次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般