组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 饮食 > 点餐
题型:阅读理解-匹配 难度:0.65 引用次数:26 题号:20151688
    1     Mr. Smith loves music. He wants to play the violin for his wife during a meal to celebrate their wedding anniversary (结婚纪念日).
    2     Jim’s grandfather lives alone. Jim wants to take him to have some soft and delicious food to celebrate his coming birthday.
    3     Linda likes robots very much. Her father, a math teacher, wants to take her to a restaurant with robots to spend her 15th birthday.
    4     Mark’s aunt lives a green life. She never uses things that do harm to the environment. Mark wants to find a suitable restaurant to treat his aunt.
    5     Jack’s sister, a musician, likes checking her smartphone when having meals. He wants to find a restaurant to encourage her to give up this habit.
A. This restaurant has a special rule. Anyone that can work out the math problem given by the restaurant owner can get a free meal. Interesting? The owner used to be a math professor at a university.
B. This restaurant is especially suitable for the old and the children. The food there is not only cheap but also soft. Don’t worry about the nutrition (营养). The cooks are good at making tasty and nutritious meals.
C. This restaurant is very popular among people who love music. You can either enjoy music when having a meal or play your favorite musical instrument for other customers. It is also good place to hold a birthday party.
D. This restaurant is environmentally friendly. All of the plates, bowls and chopsticks offered by the restaurant are made of eatable and recyclable material. Amazing? You can eat your bowl after using it.
E. This restaurant can overlook (俯视) the Pearl River. The chief cook from Paris is good at making French food. Some musicians give a concert every Saturday night. It’s a romantic place to celebrate important anniversaries.
F. This restaurant has two special waiters. They are not human beings. But they can send the food you order to you in five minutes. Besides, they can communicate with you in English, French and Chinese. Surprising? They are robots.
G. This restaurant is encouraging its customers to talk to each other instead of checking their smartphones. It promises to offer a free pizza if everyone at the table can make it through during the meal without reaching for a phone.
【知识点】 点餐 健康饮食 应用文


阅读理解-单选(约120词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】Man: Good afternoon, Sir! Can I help you?
Mr. White: Yes, please.
Man: Here’s a table for three. Please.
Mr. White: What would you like, Ann?
Ann: A hamburger and some potato chips.
Mr. White: Anything to drink?
Ann: A glass of Coke.
Man: With ice?
Ann: Yes, thank you.
Mr. White: Tom, what would you like?
Tom: I’m not hungry. Just a big glass of Coke with ice, please.
Mr. White: No food?
Tom: No. What would you like, Dad?
Mr. White: I’d like some rice and fish, and a glass of Coke with ice.
1. How many people are there in the conversation (对话)?
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
2. Where do you think this conversation may happen (发生)?
A.At school. B.On the bus. C.In a restaurant (餐馆).
3. What does Ann want to drink?
A.Coke. B.Tea. C.Coffee.
4. Mr. White wants to eat ______.
A.some potato chipsB.a hamburgerC.some rice and fish
2024-02-25更新 | 14次组卷
阅读理解-六选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

Few people knew about online food delivery (外卖) apps ten years ago, but today, many would find it hard to live without them. For better or for worse, online food delivery services have changed the way we eat.     1    .

These services without doubt have many advantages. They provide jobs for millions of people and help restaurants find more customers. Since the apps are very easy to use, they also do good to customers: we can now have meals delivered at any time of day.     2    . Not only do these apps save time, they also provide us with plenty of restaurants to choose from. They are useful for old people as well. They can buy meals and foods more easily with these apps.

    3    . First, they make it even easier to order unhealthy food. Food safety is another problem: it can be hard to know where the food comes from. As delivery men need to send the orders as quickly as possible, some pay little attention to traffic rules.     4    . What’s more, delivery services are creating too much packaging waste, and this will be harmful to the environment.

There are many advantages of online food delivery services, but we need to make sure that we make the right choices in the long run.     5     We also need to make sure what we eat is healthy. Next time you are thinking about ordering in, ask yourself whether you really need to. Most of the time, it’s better to buy what you need and cook by yourself.

A.This is especially important for people who might not have time to cook
B.Because of this, a number of people have even lost their lives recently
C.They are also making a big difference to our society
D.However, we mustn’t forget the disadvantages of these services
E.We should try our best to avoid waste
F.Learning how to order food on line is necessary for young people
2022-08-27更新 | 121次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A young man called Jack has visited many countries. He knows few foreign languages, but he can always find someone who knows enough English to understand what he says. Last summer he went to China. He enjoyed himself in China and liked Chinese food very much.
One day he went into a restaurant in a small village. He knew the Chinese word ‘rice’, so he ordered some rice. The village was famous for its mushrooms, and Jack thought they must be very fresh and delicious. He asked the waiter in English. However, the waiter couldn’t understand at all, so he could do nothing for Jack. Jack thought hard. When he saw a piece of paper on the table, he had a good idea. He took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom carefully. The waiter looked at the picture for a long time, then he smiled and left. A few minutes later, he came back with a black umbrella in his hand.
1. What does ‘mushrooms’ mean?
2. The waiter didn’t help Jack because _____________.
A.he had no mushrooms in the kitchenB.he disliked the mushrooms
C.he didn’t know English wellD.he thought the mushrooms were poisonous
3. Jack asked the waiter for ___________.
A.a pencilB.a pictureC.an umbrellaD.some mushrooms
4. The waiter smiled because __________.
A.the picture was beautifulB.he was very happy
C.Jack gave a gift to himD.he thought he understood Jack
5. At last the waiter came back with an umbrella, because _______.
A.it is raining outsideB.it is going to rain
C.the mushroom Jack drew looked like an umbrellaD.Jack was good at drawing
2013-04-11更新 | 530次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般