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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:22 题号:20606277

If exercise were medicine(药), we would all take it,” Shelton, a doctor from Australia once said.

However, according to the WHO(世界卫生组织), 80% of the children in the world don’t get enough exercise. The WHO thinks that sixty minutes of exercise a day is necessary for children’s growth(成长). Exercise is good for the heart and lungs(肺). Also, children will not become fat if they often exercise. And more and more study is showing that exercise can help to lift spirits(振奋精神)and think clearly.

WHO advises(建议)schools and families to ask children to do more exercise. They can do 20 minutes of exercise three times a day to get 60 minutes of exercise. However, it’s not easy. Now many children are difficult to stay away from smartphones or computers. In their free time, they seem to do only three things: eating, sleeping and going online. They’re interested in talking with friends online or playing online games instead of(而不是)doing exercise. The WHO advises that schools and families should think of ways to help children spend less time in the online world and more time in the real world.

1. What does the underlined sentence mean(划线句子是什么意思)?
A.Exercise can treat illnesses(治病).
B.Exercise is important and people should exercise.
C.If people don’t exercise, they will fall ill(生病).
D.If we take medicine, we don’t need to exercise.
2. How many minutes should the children exercise every day?
3. The last paragraph(段落)tells us that it’s difficult to let the children stay away from ________.
A.the InternetB.exerciseC.sleepingD.eating
4. Which one is TRUE according to the passage?
A.WHO advises children to do at least two hours’ exercise every day.
B.Exercise can make children fat.
C.Most children spend less time if the online world.
D.Exercise is good for both the body and the mind.


阅读理解-单选(约190词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Do you want to reduce stress (减少压力), get better sleep or relax your body? Here are some apps that will help you look after yourself. Let’s take a look.

Developer (开发者): FitOn Inc
This at-home exercise app gives you classes, advice and your own plans to help become thinner and get healthy anytime, anywhere with free exercise videos.
Map My Run
Developer: MapMyFitness Inc
This app is full of tools to track (追踪) your runs, like where you start or stop your running and how far you have run.
Zombies, Run!
Developer: Six to Start
This app plays scary videos, and it gives people fun and fear when running. It works anywhere and at any speed (速度). You can walk or take a walk in a park and run along a beach.
Developer: JuniSmile Food
This app gives healthy meal plans and helps you have delicious and healthy eating habits with fresh vegetables and fruits.
It can also help you track the food you have every day.

For more of the latest fitness tools, head to livescience.com.

1. Which may be the best choice if Tom wants to track his runs ________?
A.Super Food.B.Map My Run.C.Zombies, Run!.D.Fit On.
2. “Zombies, Run!” was developed by ________.
A.Juni Smile FoodB.MapMyFitness Inc
C.Six to StartD.Fit On Inc
3. With the help of the app SuperFood, you can ________ .
A.eat healthilyB.cook delicious mealsC.grow fresh fruitsD.sleep well
4. The passage is mainly about ________ .
A.the apps that help people reduce stressB.some apps to help people relax
C.ways to help people lose weightD.4 apps that help people keep healthy
2023-10-13更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Want to enjoy some exercise at home? Here are some online fitness live courses for you!

Build strong bodies in a fantastic way!
Shuttlecock exercise does not require equipment(装备) and is perfect for people to perform at home. Liu Genghong helps you to keep going until the last minute, and you can burn your fat fast.
Time: 7 p.m.—8:30 p.m. on weekdays
9 a.m.—10:30 a.m. at weekends
Have fun and get fit!
Do you love dancing and parties? Well, Latin dance is for you—it mixes great music and dancing with hard exercise (burn 1,000 calories an hour). Karen is an experienced Latin dance trainer and many people like her classes very much.
Time: 2 p.m.—4 p.m. on weekdays
9 a.m.—11 a.m. at weekends
Exercise your body and mind!
Sara’s yoga classes are perfect for people who want to improve their strength and shape their bodies. Sara has trained in several different styles of yoga.
Time: 3 p.m.—4 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday for beginners.
4 p.m.—5 p.m. every Tuesday and Thursday for experienced learners
Have a lot of fun on a bike!
Spin classes are a safe and effective way to work out—it doesn’t matter how old you are or how fit you are. John is an excellent spin trainer who’ll inspire you to do your best in every class.
Time: 7 p.m.—8 p.m. every day
1. If Mike is busy with his work and he only has free time after 5 p.m. at weekends, he can go to ________.
A.Latin DanceB.Shuttlecock exerciseC.Spin classD.Yoga class
2. If Susan likes dancing and doesn’t mind hard exercise, whose course can she take?
A.Liu Genghong’s.B.Karen’s.C.John’s.D.Sara’s.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
A.Spin classes are only fit for young people.
B.Karen’s Latin dance classes are liked by few people
C.Yoga classes on Tuesday are suitable for the beginners.
D.Shuttlecock exercise can help people lose weight quickly.
2023-03-31更新 | 99次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Today is World Sleep Day. On March 18, the China Sleep Research Society published a “White Paper on Exercise and Sleep 2021”, which explores the relationship between exercise and sleep. The white paper, the product of surveys in 31 provinces, covers many aspects of sleep and sleep quality. It has attracted widespread interest among netizens(网民)after its release.

The report shows over 300 million people in China today have sleep disorders, while the proportion of insomnia(失眠)among people who exercise regularly is only 10 percent. This means the rate of insomnia among the general population is nearly four times higher than those who exercise regularly.

Studies show sleep is essential, as people spend a third of their lives asleep. Yet today more and more people are suffering from insomnia, which causes us to suffer both physically and mentally.

Increased mental stress is one of the major causes of insomnia. Today people generally work more intensely and are under more mental stress, thus causing sleep disorders. Studies show people with higher income are more likely to sleep late because of overtime, and lawyers, business executives and doctors often have to stay up late because of overtime work.

In addition, the popularity of electronics has also enriched our nightlife. Some people say, “I feel empty if I don’t browse Tiktok or Weibo before going to bed.”

Retaliatory agrypnia(报复性熬夜)is also increasing among younger generation. They say “The only time I have is the time before I go to bed, and as long as I don’t sleep today, the next day will never come.” It forms a vicious cycle in which people don’t get enough sleep at night and feel sleepy during the day.

1. What’s the purpose of the white paper?
A.To study the importance of sleep.B.To study the disadvantage of insomnia.
C.To study relationship between sleep and exercise.D.To study why more people suffer from insomnia.
2. According to the passage, ________ is the main reason for insomnia.
A.not exercising oftenB.increased mental stressC.the popularity of electronicsD.retaliatory agrypnia
3. The underlined word “essential” in Paragraph3 probably means ________.
4. What may be the best title for the article?
A.World Sleep DayB.The white paperC.Who takes away our sleepD.How to avoid insomnia
2021-10-11更新 | 75次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般