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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:25 题号:21074210

Shenzhou V was the first man-controlled spaceship of China, which travelled around the earth for 21 hours in 2003. Since then, China has become the third nation that could send humans into space. Yang Liwei has become our hero because of this space flight.

Shenzhou VI was launched on October 12, 2005. It travelled around the earth for five days. Astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng carried out this space flight and finished the task successfully. It stands for a great leap (跳跃) of China’s space industry.

Shenzhou X was sent into space on June 16, 2012. It was launched in Jiuquan. The spaceship travelled in space for over ten days. This time the first woman astronaut of China called Liu Yang took part in the flying task. Jing Haipeng and Liu Wang flew into space with her.

On June 17, 2021, Shenzhou XII was launched in Jiuquan. Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo carried out this important task. They were the first astronauts working in Chinese space station. They ended their task and returned to the earth in September, 2021.

1. Which spaceship traveled around the earth for 21 hours?
A.Shenzhou V.B.Shenzhou VI.C.ShenzhouI X.D.Shenzhou XII.
2. Who took part in two of the four space flights above?
A.Yang Liwei.B.Fei Junlong.C.Nie Haisheng.D.Liu Yang.
3. When was Shenzhou X sent into space?
A.In 2003.B.In 2005.C.In 2012.D.In 2021.
4. What do we know about Shenzhou XII?
A.It stands for a great leap of China’s space industry.
B.Two astronauts carried out this great task.
C.It went into space in September this year.
D.This space flight lasted about three months.
5. Which section of a website does this text most probably come from?


阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Are you always looking at your mobile phone while you’re walking or studying? Are you unwilling to put it down when you go to bed? Tired of a life controlled by mobile phones, many young people are trying to keep themselves away from the phones.

That’s why the mobile phone isolation box is becoming popular. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock(锁) to stop themselves from getting it. Han Yue is one of the users. She bought the box as she was preparing for a very important exam. She thought highly of it and said it was certainly worthwhile.

Lin Tiangi, a student at Beijing Technology and Business University, bought an isolation box, too. She stuck several eve-catching stickers(贴纸) on the box, which read “God helps those who help themselves”, “The harder you work, the luckier you are” and so on. “The stickers remind me that I must face reality(现实).” Lin says.

However, Liang Wenyu, another college student, says it is funny to use a box to cut down mobile phone use. “ It is completely meaningless. No matter how useful the isolation box is, you might lock yourself up as well,” he says. “I can understand why they put those stickers on the box— because they have very poor self-discipline(自律). How about simply taking back your time? Self-disciplined people are sure to succeed without such tricks,” adds Liang.

What’s your opinion on the isolation box? Do you think it’s a good idea?

1. Young people use the isolation box to help them ________.
A.face difficulties bravelyB.fall asleep more quickly
C.spend less time on phonesD.make fewer mistakes at school
2. The underlined word “worthwhile” means “________ ” in Chinese.
3. Why did Lin Tiangi put stickers on the isolation box?
A.To make the box beautiful.B.To encourage herself.
C.To show her love for the box.D.To tell others the box belongs to her.
4. Which of the following can be Liang Wenyu’s suggestion?
A.Asking others to help keep the phone for a while.
B.Locking the mobile phone in another room.
C.Developing the ability to do things without being asked.
D.Turning off the mobile phone while studying.
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Whether the mobile phone isolation box is a good idea.
B.How to use the mobile phone isolation box.
C.What people can do with their mobile phones.
D.Why the mobile phone isolation box is becoming popular.
2023-11-08更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In Tianjin, China, a group of people are waiting at the bus stop. Soon, the special bus comes to the bus stop. It looks like a panda with black ears and black eyes. After getting on the bus, people only need to buy their tickets by scanning(扫描) their hands! About one minute later, the bus begins its self-driving mode. When the traffic lights turn red or when it reaches the bus stop, it stops automatically. There is also a robot on the bus. People can talk to it and ask it for help. If there is a bad person on the bus, the robot will call the police. “It’ s very convenient.” says a woman taking the bus. “And kids love it.”

A company called Deep Blue Technology makes this kind of buses. They’ re working in ten cities all over China. More cities in China will put this kind of buses into use this year. I think soon you can take the bus in your city.

Now smart buses are no longer buses in the future. Would you like to take a ride on the smart bus?

1. What does the bus look like?
A.A cat.B.A duck.C.A panda.D.A bear.
2. What does the underlined word “automatically” in the first paragraph mean?
3. What can the robots do on the bus?
①Call the police.②Talk to people.③Play with kids.④Drive the bus.
4. What can we know from the passage?
A.People can only take the bus in Tianjin.
B.People don’t need to pay for tickets on the bus.
C.It’s a smart bus with black ears and black eyes.
D.Ten cities will put this kind of buses into use this year.
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Buses in the futureB.A new kind of busC.Deep BlueD.A modern city
2023-09-06更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When I was a boy, we had a tiny television set. It only had one channel (频道). Still, I would always be in my chair when cartoons came on.

The one I liked best was The Jasons (《杰森一家》). It was a cartoon series set in a future that was full of fantastic machines that could do anything. I always smiled when I watched it and dreamed of a day when I would have machines like this to do all my work, so I could just sit back and relax.

Now my life is full of machines like these. But if anything, I seem to have more to do than ever. Just today I had to spend most of the morning downloading (下载) a new word processing program so I could write this article. When I first started out, I wrote my stones on lined notebook paper and it took half the time. Last week, I spent most of another morning trying to get my new coffee maker to work right. I seem to be drowning in a sea of new rules and problems that come with new technology.

Now don’t get me wrong. Computers and machines have done a lot to help all of us. I just want us to be able to use them without them using us. We always seem to be busy because we’re spending all of our time using these machines.

I hope that in the future, machines can be more user-friendly, so we don’t spend all our time on them. With machines we can live an easier life, but they can never replace time spent with family and friends.

1. What did the writer think of the machines when he was a boy?
A.They are friendly.B.They are boring.
C.They are fantastic.D.They. are relaxing.
2. Now the writer has to spend more time to ________.
A.download the articlesB.repair the new machines
C.buy new machinesD.learn to use the machines
3. The last paragraph tells us ________.
A.we should spent time on studying machines
B.machines help us live an easier life in the future
C.machines can replace our family and friends
D.we should spend time with friends and family
2024-04-19更新 | 18次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般