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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:49 题号:21111075

Located in the middle of the Egyptian desert is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Great Pyramid of Giza. Apart from being an unbelievable achievement, it also serves as the final resting place for the great Pharaoh Khufu. It has been standing for centuries and attracted travelers from all over the world. A survey shows one third people from America, one quarter people from Europe and two sevenths people from Asia hope to take a vacation to the great wonder. Yet, one question which has puzzled all of us is how this amazing wonder was built.

Many people don’t believe that humans were technologically advanced enough in ancient Africa to build such a large and highly advanced building. This brought about many crazy theories that the pyramids were built by a race of giants or even aliens from outer space. Another popular theory suggested that the pyramids were built by an army of poor slaves.

Modern technology and some recent findings have helped make it clear. An explorer accidentally found a tomb containing some written information about the builders. The records show that the workers were paid and well-fed, and came from poor families in Egypt. Further analysis made it clear that people considered it an honor to work on the pyramids, and the builders were treated with great respect. In fact, anyone who died while working on the pyramids was given the honor of being buried in the tomb near where the pharaohs lay.

To avoid exhaustion, the builders worked for about three months and then were allowed to stay at home to have a rest. A recent researcher shows that fifteen thousand people could have completed the building in about ten years. An analysis of the bones of the builders shows their work was extremely hard, as most of them were hurt badly. But thanks to their unbelievable effort, the human has an amazing wonder that should stand the test of time.

1. According to the survey, people from ________ most like to visit the Great Pyramid of Giza.
2. Why did ancient Egyptians build the great wonder?
A.To show how wise the people of that time.B.To attract people to visit the ancient country.
C.To be the tomb for the Great Pharaoh Khufu.D.To remember the people who built the wonder.
3. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.Some new findings about the modern technology.
B.New information about the builders of the Pyramids.
C.How ancient people built the unbelievable wonder.
D.The builders of the Pyramids had a better life than we thought.
4. Which of the following is TRUE about the Great Pyramid of Giza?
A.It lies in the center of Egyptian desert.
B.About 1,500 people built it for 10 years.
C.We still don’t know who built the great wonder.
D.It was one of the Seven Wonders of ancient Egypt.
【知识点】 说明文 景点/建筑


阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】①What will you do if you see a cockroaeh (蟑螂)? Quite a few people are very afraid of it, so they may shout for help or try to kill it. Next time you see it, you may need to think twice before killing it.

②There were cockroaches on the earth long ago, and many people believe that they will still be here long after all the people leave it. Cockroaches are small in size, and they are good at climbing and jumping. A cockroach can live for about a week even without a head. These make them great helpers during the search and rescue missions (搜救任务).

③Alper heads up a scientist team at North Carolina Stage University. “I joined the search and rescue missions in Turkey in 1999,” he said. “one of the most difficult problems was to find where the living people were. We needed to find them in a short time, but there was no useful way to help us at that time.” So Alper and his team had the idea of turning cockroaches into special robots.

④Scientists put a small sensor (传感器) and a smart camera (相机) on a cockroach’s back. Cockroaches climb everywhere with them, cockroaches can tell people from other things, and then find where the missing people are. In this way, more people can be saved in time.

⑤All in all, the scientists hope these special cockroach roots will be used for more work over the next five years. “We never thought we would see the day, but here we are!” a scientist said.

1. What’s the main idea of paragraph 2? ________
A.What do cockroaches look like?
B.How do cockroaches have a long life?
C.Why can cockroaches help with the search?
D.When can cockroaches help us during the search?
2. According to Alper, ________ at that time.
A.It was very important to find cockroaches
B.It was difficult to find the living people
C.They didn’t find any living people
D.They didn’t know about Turkey
3. How do the cockroach robots work? ________
A.By climbing and jumping everywhere.
B.By trying to learn to use cameras.
C.With the help of the sensor and camera.
D.With the help of the special scientist.
4. What does the writer want to tell us? ________
A.A useful way of helping kill cockroaches.
B.A smart sensor for studying cockroaches.
C.A new way of searching and rescuing.
D.An important way of making robots.
5. What’s the structure of the passage? ________
2024-08-27更新 | 21次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you know the marathon (马拉松)? It’s a long running race of 42 km. The 2023 Zhuhai Marathon is on November 26th. Over 10,000 runners from across China and the world take part in it.

It begins at 7:30 AM at Zhuhai Sports Center. The fastest runners begin running first, and the others run behind them. When they are running, they can see some famous places and buildings, such as Zhuhai Library, Zhuhai Opera House, and Hong Kong—Zhuhai—Macao Bridge. It ends at Lvyangwan, a beautiful beach park.

It takes the winners about 2 hours to finish the race. Most people need 3 or 4 hours. Many families bring their kids to join in the running. They only run 6 km. They just run for fun, so people call it Fun Run.

Running makes the runners sweat a lot. Along the way, they pick up cups of water to drink or to pour over their heads, to cool down. It’s good for them to eat some bread, rice and potatoes after the race.

The Zhuhai Marathon is not just about running. It brings people together, shows our beautiful city to the world, and calls for a healthy lifestyle. Do you want to join in the marathon next year? You can visit its website at www.zhuhai-marathon.com.

1. The 2023 Zhuhai Marathon is ________.
A.on the morning of November 26thB.on the afternoon of December 26th
C.on the morning of December 26thD.on the afternoon of November 26th
2. What does the underlined word “sweat” mean?
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.All the runners can begin running at 7:30 AM.
B.Only the winners can enjoy the beauty of the city.
C.Fun Run runners run 1/7 of the marathon.
D.Bread, rice and tomatoes are good food for the runners after the race.
4. The right structure (结构) of this passage is ________.
5. Which can be the best title for the passage?
A.Running Keeps People HealthyB.The 2023 Zhuhai Marathon
C.A Good Sport—MarathonD.Many People Run A Marathon
2024-01-20更新 | 36次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

Air-conditioner is a kind of machine used at home, at the office or in the shopping hall and any other places. It is designed to change the air temperature and humidity within an area. Air-conditioner is used for cooling and sometimes heating depending on the air properties at a given time to create more favourable conditions. But the traditional air-conditioners not only take up more space but also need more power.

A young man from Bangladesh(孟加拉国) designed an air conditioning system called the Eco Cooler. It does not require power, and it’s made of the world’s most common waste—plastic bottles.

The Eco Cooler is simple to build because there is no need for special engineering skills.

First, to fix it, a window should be taken away and replaced by it.

Second, a board should be cut into the size of a window. Some bottle-neck sized holes should then be cut onto the board.

Third, the funnel-shaped bottlenecks, cut from the plastic bottles, should be put into the holes.

Lastly, fix the design onto the window frame(框) with the wider side facing outwards.

The Eco Cooler then works by catching the winds and sending them inside the building. It can reduce the temperature of a room by as much as 5℃. There is a big difference when looking at comfortable 25℃ compared to uncomfortable 30℃.

The idea of the inventor, Paul, was to show his great product to as many people as possible. For this purpose, he received help from some groups of volunteers. They offered to teach local people how to make the Eco Cooler themselves.

The Eco Cooler is not a super high-tech air conditioning system, but it is one that can make a big difference.

1. The function of an air-conditioner is to ________.
A.be used at homeB.keep warmC.make us coolD.change the air temperature and humidity
2. What does the underlined word “humidity” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese?
3. Which is the correct order of building a Eco Cooler?
① take away a window②cut holes onto the board
③fix the cooler onto the window frame④cut the funnel-shaped bottlenecks
⑤cut a board into a size of a window
4. Which of the following is true?
A.The Eco Cooler is good for the environment.
B.The Eco Cooler can fix the room temperature to comfortable 30℃.
C.Paul is a successful businessman.
D.Local people won’t use air-conditioner because of the Eco Cooler.
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.An amazing air-conditioner made from plastic bottles
B.The Eco Cooler is expensive
C.The use of air-conditioner
D.A super high-tech air conditioning system
2023-11-20更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般