组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:61 题号:21271622

I had been skiing since childhood. I had hardly fallen. I had never crashed into anything, and I’d skied mostly on the “blue” trails—the ones for intermediate (中级水平的) skiers. For this season, I decided to take a blue run, one I had done many times before. But whenever I reached the top, I started to slow down. Why did the blues look so...vertical (垂直的)? Were they always like this?

Simply having skied “many times before” didn’t mean I was getting better at it. Practice doesn’t always make perfect. Getting better or learning means doing different types of tasks instead of repeating the same mistake. With skiing, rather than just doing that same “blue” over and over again, we should go to different hills, trying different trails. The joy of getting better comes after the pain of getting worse.

One afternoon, I met a ski coach named Bob. When I told him my problem, he offered to watch me practise once, to see what I was doing wrong. Bob told me that the learning process isn’t always an up or forward improvement. When babies first learn to talk, they do it by copying adults. As they learn to talk about something in the past, they add an “-ed” to the end of a word. They might say something like, “We goed to the library today.” Though that’s not correct in grammar, the baby progressed from copying to using one of the rules of grammar. Adults do this, too.

Bob skied with me a bit more, until I had completed enough turns to make him feel like his volunteer-coach time wasn’t wasted.

“You’re skiing better already, young man!” he said.

“Thank you!”

Then I skied a few more feet and fell.

1. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that the writer might be ________ when he reached the top.
2. Bob talked of “babies learning to talk” to show that ________.
A.practice doesn’t always make perfect
B.learning always takes time and trouble
C.people make progress by making mistakes
D.adults should sometimes learn from babies
3. We can infer (推测) that the writer ________ from the last paragraph.
A.would try to go on skiingB.had no chance of winning
C.wanted to stop and gave upD.might become a skiing coach


阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】A friend wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. He felt terrible at that time. He finished his letter with this question, “We can’t really change this cray (疯狂的) world we live in, right?”

I wrote back to him and started my own letter with these words, “Yes, we certainly can!”

I can still remember someone changing my world. She was a music teacher at my primary school. She played the guitar quite well. I wanted her to remember me. However, I didn’t know how to play any instruments.

One day, she let me try to play her guitar. I did my best, but I couldn’t play it well. I put my head down and told her, “I guess I am not good at it.” She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled at me and said, “We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then, you can share it with the world.”

Those simple words changed me. They planted a seed (种子) in my heart. It has kept growing to this day. They made me know that I had something good inside of me. I just had to find it and share it.

Can you change the world? Yes, you can! Mother Teresa once said that we didn’t have to do great things to change the world. Small things with great love can make it, too. So all you have to do now is to share your kindness.

1. What may be the main purpose (意图) of the writer’s friend writing him the letter?
A.To ask the writer a question.B.To ask the writer to write back to him.
C.To ask the writer for help.D.To share how he felt with the writer.
2. Who changed the writer according to the passage?
A.The writer’s friend.B.The writer’s music teacher.
C.Mother Teresa.D.The writer’s classmate.
3. Why did the writer mention his music teacher?
A.To introduce his music teacher to his friend.
B.To show his friend his music talent.
C.To give an example of someone who changed his world.
D.To tell his friend how he learned to play the guitar.
4. Which is the right order according to the passage?
a. The writer received his friend’s letter.
b. The writer learned something from his teacher’s words.
c. The writer tried to encourage his friend with his letter.
d. The writer tried to play his teacher’s guitar.
5. What is the main idea of the story?
A.Nobody can be good at everything.
B.We can change the world by sharing our kindness.
C.People must try their best to change the world they live in.
D.We need to find out what we are not good at and change it.
2024-03-06更新 | 19次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

A boy was at a market with his sister. The sister was standing in front of a toy shop. She was looking at something inside the shop’s window.

The boy asked, “What are you looking at?” The sister pointed at the doll. The boy told her that he would buy the doll for her. The sister was very happy.

Then the boy asked the shopkeeper, “How much does this doll cost?”

The shopkeeper looked at the boy and said, “Well, what can you pay?”

The boy took out all the seashells (贝壳) that he had collected from the beach and gave them to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper took the shells and started counting as if he were counting coins (硬币). Then he turned to the boy. The boy asked him, “Is it enough?”

The shopkeeper said, “No, it’s plenty. In fact, it’s more than enough,” He kept four of the seashells and gave the rest back to the boy.

The boy happily put the shells back in his pocket and left with his sister and her new doll. The shopkeeper’s assistant (助手) was surprised. He asked the shopkeeper, “Why did you do that? That doll cost a lot of money. And it certainly costs more than four seashells.”

The shopkeeper replied, “To us, these are just seashells. But to that boy, they’re very valuable. When he grows up, he’ll remember that he once bought a doll for his sister with seashells. It might remind him that the world has generous and kind people in it. And perhaps, he too will be generous and kind to others.”

1. Why did the little girl stop at the shop’s window?
A.Because she was very tired and couldn’t walk.B.Because she wanted to buy a toy for the boy.
C.Because she saw some beautiful seashells.D.Because she was interested in a toy inside.
2. As the shopkeeper was counting the seashells, he ________.
A.thought there were coins inside the seashells
B.knew the boy was playing a trick on him
C.acted like what he was counting were coins
D.knew he could get the money back from their mom
3. What does the story teach us?
A.Be generous and kind to others.B.Be ready to learn from others.
C.Don’t treat children like fools.D.Don’t give kids valuable things.
2022-12-08更新 | 68次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难 (0.4)

①When I was a university teacher in Ningbo, I told my students that it would be wise to keep their smartphones in their backpacks. They were young adults. I didn’t want to take their property(财产), nor could I shout at them. You can guess what happened. Some students were polite, using their phones between activities. Others would rudely text(发短 信)their friends during lessons, sometimes even while I talked to them individually. One young woman, K, openly played a game at her desk with earphones!

②I began to think my class was boring (probably true) and that my students hated me (I could understand). But what could I do? I couldn’t fail every student. Maybe I was just being a crazy old person.

③With all the recent talks about banning(禁止)smartphones at schools, you might think I’m in favor. I’m actually not so sure. This technology isn’t going away. Teachers probably need to adjust(调整)as much as students.

④I designed(设计)activities to force more participation, using pens and paper and moving around the room to talk to classmates. It kind of worked! I also found ways to use their phones. Things like research, translation and creative projects. I found that my students worked hardest on these activities.

⑤Phones might not be the biggest problem. Once, walking on campus, I saw K standing alone in the dark. I could see her face lit up by her mobile game. Maybe smartphone addiction(上瘾)at school is a sign of loneliness or a boring teacher.

1. Which of the following shows the structure(结构)of the passage?
2. What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?
a. How the author(作者)treated his students. .
b. Why the author supported the idea of banning smartphones in schools.
c. What all the students looked at on their phones in the author’s class.
d. How students used their phones in the author’s class.
3. How did the author adjust to the situation?
A.Me forced his students to use pens and paper.
B.He took his students’ phones away before class.
C.He designed activities to get more students to take part in.
D.He talked to students who used their phones in class.
4. What does the author really want to tell us in the last paragraph?
A.Many students are addicted to smartphones.
B.Teachers feel upset when students misbehave.
C.Smartphones should not be banned in universities.
D.Smartphone addiction might have some deeper causes.
2021-11-03更新 | 48次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般