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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:108 题号:21330200

Imagine turning on the GPS and seeing an image of your car from above. As the car drives, the map follows along in real time, alerting you to any traffic, walkers, animals, or other things nearby. Routes and names of roads appear over the livestream. It’s like the map has come to life. The special map is called the live map.

This type of map isn’t available yet. But it could be soon. In 2014, the Worldview-3 satellite was sent into space. Even though it moves around Earth at more than 370 miles (600 km) away, it can catch images of objects on Earth that are just 10 inches (25 cm) across. For example, it can recognize a smartphone held in your hand. It can tell what types of cars are traveling down a road. But it can’t identify your face or read the cars’ license plate numbers... at least not openly.

According to some reports, some other US spy satellites can take even sharper images, with a resolution of up to around 4 inches (10 cm). But US law doesn’t allow making these super-sharp pictures public. But the idea that anybody might be able to spy on the entire Earth in such detail may seem uneasy. Ray Purdy of University College London told CNN that he was worried about what this could mean for privacy. “Most satellites are commercially owned, so if you have money you can buy that image. It means anyone can spy on anyone,” he said.

However, live and detailed maps of Earth’s surface could aid humanity in amazing ways. Satellite images can help professors follow storms as they form and record their paths. At high detail, live maps of a disaster area could quickly show the people in need of help as well as the safest routes in or out. Higher detail may make it possible to catch people who are fishing or hunting illegally. The images could also make it easier for farmers to watch over their crops.

Do you wish everyone could make use of high-detail live maps of Earth’s surface?

1. A live map can ________.
A.take control of your carsB.get animals out of the way
C.warn you of walkers nearbyD.come to life when turned on
2. Which of the statements is TRUE about the Worldview-3 satellite?
A.It flies around Earth 600 km every hour.B.It can take pictures of things about 25 cm wide.
C.It can read plate numbers of the cars on the road.D.It began to work in space more than 10 years ago.
3. The underlined word “sharper” probably means ________.
4. How does the author introduce the live map in Paragraph 3 and 4?
A.By comparing the new live map with the old map.
B.By introducing its advantages and people’s worries.
C.By showing different experiences of using the live map.
D.By interviewing a professor in University College London.


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】Mercury 水星

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It is a planet slightly larger than the Earth’s moon. It is covered in craters . Some craters have ice in them, even though the planet is hot. Sunlight never touches some parts because of the planet’s special position.

Without air, there are great temperature differences between the coldest and hottest parts. Mercury days are so long that there are big differences between temperatures on the daylight side and the night side.

Mercury was created billions of years ago, when big rocks ran into each other.

After these accidents, the planet was frequently visited by meteorites for several hundred million years. There were also many volcanic eruptions(火山喷发). As the planet cooled, the thin, rocky outside shell reduced in diameter by about 3 kilometers.

The Caloris Basin is one of the largest craters on Mercury. This big crater is 1,300 kilometers wide and was formed when a large rock, about 100 kilometers across, knocked into the surface. Beethoven, another large crater, is 643 kilometers across.

The cliff (悬崖) on Mercury are up to 2 kilometers high and hundreds of kilometers long. The cliffs were formed when the thin surface fell apart, as volcanic activity slowed down and Mercury became cooler.

One Mercury day lasts about 59 Earth days. Mercury takes about 88 Earth days to have a complete year, instead of the 365 days that we have on the Earth. Mercury speeds around the sun so that there are three Mercury days every two Mercury years. Mercury has a strange relationship with the Earth. Every 117 days, when Mercury is closest to the Earth, it always has the same side facing us.

Mariner 10 is the only spacecraft to visit Mercury. It made three visits to Mercury in the 1970s, taking photos of many cliffs and craters. Although the first three visits answered many questions, they have raised others.

1. What is the surface of Mercury like?
A.It is generally flat (平坦的).B.It’s hot everywhere.C.It’s bright everywhere.D.It’s cold in some parts.
2. Why did Mercury’s diameter get smaller?
A.A drop in temperature changed its size.B.A great many meteorites ran into it.
C.It got out of shape as time passed.D.Lots of surface rocks fell off.
3. What do we know about Mercury?
A.One Mercury day lasts about 88 Earth days.B.It turns around the sun faster than the Earth.
C.Six Mercury days are two Mercury years.D.It has more cliffs than large craters.
4. What happened after Mariner 10’s three visits to Mercury?
A.Another spacecraft visited Mercury.B.New cliffs and craters were formed.
C.New signs of volcanic activity appeared.D.Lots of new puzzles needed to be solved.
2021-11-23更新 | 262次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】According to Ken Croswell, the Sun and the Moon are different. We often think that the Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night. That’s kind of right, but not totally.

The Sun shines all the time. It shines during the day when we see it, and even at night when we don’t.

As the Earth turns, sometimes we face the Sun. That’s when we get day. When the Earth’s spin (自转) turns us away from the Sun and we are in the Earth’s shadow, we get night. When people on the opposite side of the Earth face the Sun, those people have day while we have night.

The Moon is a different story. Unlike the Sun, it doesn’t make its own light. Moonlight is actually the Sun’s light reflecting(反射) the Moon back to us.

The Sun lights up only the side of the Moon that faces the Sun. At Full Moon, the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. Then the side of the Moon facing the Earth is all lit up. During Full Moon, the Moon rises around sunset, shines all night, and sets around sunrise. Since he moonlight is so bright, you can sometimes see it during the day, too. A few days before Full Moon, if you look east in the afternoon, you may see the Moon in the sky. After Full Moon, you may find it if you look west in the morning.

The Moon is most difficult to see at New Moon, when its orbit(轨道) puts it between the Earth and the Sun. Then, the side of the Moon facing the Earth is dark and we can’t see the Moon at all.

1. What can we know about the Sun?
A.The Sun rules the Moon.
B.The Sun shines during both day and night.
C.The Sun lights up all the sides of the Moon.
D.The Sun shines everywhere on the Earth at the same time.
2. Which of the following in the dictionary best explains the underlined word “shadow” in Paragraph 3?
shadow n.
①the shape of the Earth
②the force from the Sun
③the dark area on the Earth
④the opposite side of the Sun
3. What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?
A.How the Moon makes its light.
B.Why there is day and night on the Earth.
C.Why the Moon can be seen during the day.
D.What the difference is between Full Moon and New Moon.
4. Which following picture shows us New Moon?
5. What is the theme(主题) of the text?
2023-06-23更新 | 312次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

Tianwen 1, China’s first Mars probe, gave us amazing pictures of the red planet on March 4, 2021.

“ These are the first close-up pictures of Mars’s surface taken by China. Although it’s not a new technology in the world, it’s the milestone in the development of China’s space exploration.” said Bao Weimin, an expert of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars. The two black-and-white pictures were taken by the high-resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330-350 kilometers above the red planet. As for the color picture, it was taken by Tianwen 1’s medium-resolution camera when the probe was about 5,000 kilometers above. It shows Mars’s North Pole.

The probe took high-resolution pictures while it was traveling around Mars, CNSA said. Craters can clearly be seen. CNSA added that the largest crater in the picture could be about 620 meters in diameter

“Whether the pictures are black-and-white or colored depends on the way they are taken,” said Liu Tongjie, deputy director of the Lunar Exploration and Space Engineering Center of CNSA.

The high-resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic pictures. Panchromatic pictures, which are black and white, are the clearest, containing the largest amount of data for scientific study, said Liu. The medium-resolution camera can only produce less clear pictures. Scientists combined the panchromatic and color pictures, getting a clear and beautiful color picture, Liu added

Tianwen 1, China’s first Mars mission, was launched in July, 2020. The probe is going to land on the red planet sometime between May and June this year.

1. How many pictures are taken by Tianwen 1?
A.1B. 2C.3D. 4
2. When will Tianwen l land on Mars?
A.Sometime between March and April.B.In May or June.
C.In October.D.By the end of this year.
3. Which of the following about Tianwen l is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Craters are not clear enough in the pictures.B.They are the first close-up photos taken of Mars.
C.The photos were all taken by a high-resolution camera.D.The panchromatic pictures include more data.
4. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?
A.To describe the technology used to take these pictures of Mars.
B.To tell us the difficulties in taking pictures of Mars.
C.To introduce pictures of Mars made public by CNSA.
D.To tell readers of the importance of these photos of Mars.
2021-09-17更新 | 78次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般