组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:48 题号:21423187

Ladybugs (瓢虫) are loved by people so much. In many cultures they’re considered good luck. There are about 5,000 different types of ladybugs in the world. They come in many different colors and patterns, but the most familiar in the UK is the seven-spot ladybug which has a shiny, red-and-black body. Most people like ladybugs because they are pretty graceful and harmless to humans. Farmers also love them very much. They eat aphids (蛀虫) and other plant-eating pests.

Most ladybugs have oval, dome-shaped bodies with six short legs. Depending on the types, they can have spots, stripes (条纹) or no markings at all. Seven-spot ladybugs are red or sometimes orange with three spots on each side and one in the middle. Their head is black with white patches (斑点) on either side. The ladybug’s bright colors can warn animals they’d better not eat them. When they are in danger, the ladybugs produce an oily, yellow fluid from joints in their legs—and their coloring acts as a reminder to any predators who have eaten their kind before that they taste disgusting (令人厌恶的)!

These bugs have another trick to avoid danger too—remain still and pretend to be dead. Simple, eh? Birds are ladybugs’ main predators, but they also fall victims (牺牲品) to frogs, spiders and dragonflies.

Seven-spot ladybugs are native to Europe but were introduced to North America in the mid-1900s to control aphid populations. These ladybugs are happy in many different habitats (栖息地), including grasslands, forests, cities, suburbs and along rivers. During spring and summer, when they are most active, these ladybugs can be seen fluttering around or walking on the leaves of plants. But when the weather turns colder in autumn, they look for a warm, secluded place to hibernate, such as under rocks or even inside houses. They like to group together, too.

1. In many cultures what do ladybugs stand for?
2. Why do farmers love ladybugs?
3. What will ladybugs do when they are in danger?
4. Do you love to keep ladybugs as pets? Why or why not? (Write 30 words or more.)


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

Birds don’t like eating plastic. But more seabirds are eating plastic waste in the world’s oceans. Why?

It is possible because the plastic waste smells like food, according to a new study published in the journal Science Advances.

Matthew Savoca is the study’s lead author (作者) at the University of California. “Animals usually have a reason for the decisions they make,” he said. “If we want to truly understand why animals are eating plastic in the ocean, we have to think about how animals find food.”

The study found that plastic waste easily collects algae (海藻) on the water. Together, they give off a smell that is very similar to the krill (磷虾), many seabirds feed on the krill. It could explain why some birds—including albatrosses (信天翁) and shearwaters (剪水鹱)—are nearly six times more likely to eat plastic than other birds. They usually find food by their sense of smell.

More plastic pollution enters the world’s oceans every year. A study last year showed that about 8 million tons of plastic enter the oceans every year. It is enough to cover every coastline (海岸线) in the world.

Birds and other sea animals, such as fish, eat plastic. It can badly hurt their organs (器官). Some birds even mistakenly feed their babies waste instead of food.

Scientists hope this study can wake people up and help save the seabirds.

1. Where does Matthew Savoca work?
2. How do albatrosses and shearwaters find food?
3. Is the plastic pollution a serious problem now?
4. What is the scientists’ purpose?
5. What is the passage mainly about?
2022-08-21更新 | 50次组卷
任务型阅读-补全句子(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Fish live in water. They use their special organ(器官) called gills(腮) for breathing. Some fish are dangerous to humans. Here are the world’s most dangerous fishes.

Electric Eel(电鳗) — It is a South American fish. Electric eels are long and usually gray-brown in color. The electric eel can reach up to 9 feet long and can weigh up to 22 kg. The fish has a mouth. It is rich in blood vessels(血管). The fish can use them as lungs(肺). Its tail has the electric organ that gives off 300 — 650 volts of electricity.

Stonefish — These venomous(有毒的) fish are generally found in the waters of the tropical Indo-Pacific. These fish have small eyes, large heads and mouths. If you ever see one, stay away from it.

Piranha(水虎鱼) — There are more than 60 kinds of Piranha fish. These meat-eating fish have sharp(尖利的) teeth. Most of the Piranha fish eat plants or anything that they can find.

Puffer Fish(河豚) — It can inflate(使膨胀) itself with water and air to turn into a ball several times its real size. One puffer fish has enough toxins(毒素) to kill about 30 humans. There are total 120 kinds of puffer fish all over the world.

Four World’s Most Dangerous Fishes
Electric Eel◆It comes from     1     and it is long and gray-brown.
◆The blood vessels in its mouth can     2     as lungs.
◆The electric organ in its tail can give off electricity of 300 — 650 volts of electricity.
    3    ◆They live in the waters of the tropical Indo-Pacific.
◆They are venomous and they have small eyes, large heads and mouths.
Piranha◆They have     4    .
◆They feed on meat, plants and so on.
Puffer Fish◆It can inflate itself to turn into a much bigger     5    .
◆It can kill humans with its toxins.

2020-07-21更新 | 262次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约200词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】When we talk of plants, most of us will think of things that grow from the ground and have green leaves, but there are plants that do not look or act like other plants. Some of these belong to a special class of plants called fungi.

Fungi may appear almost everywhere. ①________________________Because fungi do not have green leaves to make their own food, fungi must take their food from animals, other plants or water. Some fungi live on dead or rotting wood, while others grow on living trees or in dirt or moss(苔藓). Mushrooms(蘑菇) are the best-known fungi.

___________________For example, cauliflower mushrooms are found in forests from July to October. They can grow to be as heavy as fifty pounds! They grow at the foot of trees. Squirrel’s bread(松茸) is another kind of wild mushroom. Its appearance and use can explain its name. These fungi look like small golden cakes. Squirrels can easily eat them or carry them off to their hole to eat later.

③食品店里的蘑菇是人们精心种植的,可安全食用。People are warned never to touch or taste wild mushrooms, because some of them are deadly. Even less dangerous ones can still make a person very sick.

1. 将①句译成中文。
2. 将②句译成中文。
3. 将③句译成英文。
4. From what can fungi take food?
5. What is squirrel’s bread? How to understand the name?
2016-11-25更新 | 441次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般