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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:16 题号:21433900

People living in big cities are often busy and tired. Many of them would like to spend some relaxing time in small villages. There are lots of great villages in the world. Read and learn about some of the world’s most beautiful villages.


Rein e is a fishing village in Norway. There are only 300 people living in the village. The village is small, but it sees visitors from all over the world every year. The village is very beautiful. It is near the sea and has mountains around it. There, one can go fishing, biking, or hiking during the day, and spend the night at a Rorbu, a traditional   kind of fisherman’s house, or camping out under the stars.

Hani Village

Hani Village is in Yunnan Province. There live more than 800 people. This village lies on a mountain. Around people’s houses are not busy roads but green trees, and there are no noises but birds’ singing. Walking around the village for just a few hours, visitors can enjoy seeing the traditional Hani mushroom houses and learn about the life of the Hani people. Also, when visiting, a person cannot miss the village’s famous rice terraces (梯田). They are very beautiful.


One of the most beautiful small villages in England is Bibury. The village only has a population of about 600. It sits on the River Coln. Along the river, there are many stone (石头) buildings. These buildings have a long history and show visitors the rich past of this village.

1. Why do many people want to spend some time in villages?
A.They don’t want to work.B.It is expensive to live in big cities.
C.They want to relax themselves.D.They can visit relatives there.
2. From the underlined sentence, we can learn that Hani Village is ________.
A.quiet and smallB.small but noisyC.quiet and beautifulD.beautiful but noisy
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.These three villages are all in Europe.
B.If you want to see the mushroom houses, you can visit Reine.
C.The population of Bibury is larger than that of the other two villages.
D.The village Bibury has many stone buildings.
4. Where can we probably read this passage?
A.In a guidebook.B.In a history magazine.
C.In a population report.D.In a school newspaper.
【知识点】 说明文 景点/建筑


阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Is it shi(是) or si(斯) in the sentence “Thus when Heaven is about to confer a great office on any man(故天将降大任于是/斯人也)…”? Not long ago, people had a heated discussion online about this. Most people “clearly remember” that it’s si, while their childhood textbooks say it’s shi.

It shows how unreliable(不可靠的) our memory can be. According to US psychologist Faith Brynie, memories can be influenced by imagination, belief and time. Many studies have proven that “feeling certain” about a memory sometimes has nothing to do with the facts.

Attitudes and beliefs change our memory.

Scientists at Cornell University, US, told college students a story about a man who walked out without paying a restaurant bill. The first group was told that the man “liked to steal”. The second group was told that he left because he got an emergency(紧急的) phone call.

One week later the first group remembered a higher bill—10 to 25 percent more than the bill actually was. The second group remembered a lower bill. The study showed that how we expect or believe things to happen can distort(扭曲) our memories.

Remembering things that never happened

In another experiment(实验), people watched a film and were asked: “How fast was the white car going when it passed the barn(谷仓) while traveling along the country road?”Actually there was no barn in the film. But about 20 percent of the students said they had seen the barn. Northwestern University scientist Kenneth Paller said that parts of the brain for really seeing an object and imagining an object overlap(重叠). So imagination after getting a hint(暗示) could leave a memory trace(痕迹) in the brain.

Si or shi

In the case of si or shi, some people said that si sounds more like ancient Chinese. That’s why most people relate it to the ancient classic. On the Internet, the version(版本) of si is also more widespread than shi, giving people a wrong hint.

1. In the first experiment, the first group remembered a higher bill because ________.
A.the students forgot the bill completely
B.the students thought the man was rich enough
C.the scientists made the students believe the man was bad
D.the scientists told the students that the man should pay more
2. What does the underlined word “hint” in the second experiment refer to?
A.The sights in the film.B.Kenneth Paller’s words.
C.The word “barn” in the question.D.A real barn in students’ memories.
3. What can we learn from the case of si or shi?
A.Feelings can decide people’s memories.B.The version of shi is more widespread.
C.People’s memories are always unreliable.D.There was no sound of shi in ancient Chinese.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Are you really sure?B.Have you forgotten yet?
C.What should be remembered?D.How is the memory improved?
2023-05-04更新 | 198次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

There are many kinds of graphs(图表) that can be used to show information. Another name for information is data. Graphs make reports and science research more powerful. They let us see with our eyes what the numbers actually mean. They bring the numbers to life so we can analyze(分析) them. We can look at the results and understand them better.

You choose a graph depending on what you want to show. Certain kinds of graphs are better than others to make information stand out. When you have data to include in a report or presentation, choose the one that fits your data best.

A pie chart( 饼状图) is good for showing a part of a whole. A line graph is an excellent choice if you want to describe how something changes over time. It is also good for showing big differences. Use it to compare the highest and lowest numbers or the shortest and tallest plants. Data is represented with pictures or symbols on a pictograph(图画文字). Each picture or symbol can represent whatever number of items you choose. A colorful bar graph can show changes over time. You can also use it to make comparisons between two or more things. A Venn diagram usually uses two overlapping circles, with one circle covers part of the other. They are perfect for grouping information. You can use them to group plants. For example, plants with green leaves go on the left. Plants with flowers go on the right. Plants with both go in the middle where the circles overlap.

Choosing the right graph can help you create a better project. Your data will be displayed clearly for others to understand.

1. The first paragraph is mainly about the ________of graphs.
2. Which of the following statements is true?
A.A pie chart can show how something changes over time.
B.A line graph is a good choice for showing differences.
C.A colorful bar graph is good for showing a part of a whole.
D.A Venn diagram uses pictures to compare two or more things
3. According to the third paragraph, which picture shows the right Venn diagram about plants?
2021-03-12更新 | 45次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Every living thing is part of the food web, and every living thing depends on other living things in the web. A producer is a living thing, such as a plant, that makes its own food. A consumer is any living thing that eats producers, the food producers make, or other consumers. A decomposer is a living thing that breaks down wastes and the remains of other living things. They work together and need each other.

Producers need decomposers. When decomposers break down dead plants or animals, they create nutrients (营养物). The tree then uses the nutrients to create food. Producers also need consumers.

When a consumer such as a lion dies, it leaves dead material (材料) behind. That dead material becomes nutrients that trees use.

Consumers need producers. Horses are consumers. Plants are producers. Horses eat plants. Lions are consumers, too. They eat horses. Without the plants, there would be no horses, so lions need plants, too. Consumers also need decomposers. Without them, there would be no nutrients in the soil (土壤). Trees and other plants could not grow, so horses would have nothing to cat. Without horses and other smaller animals, lions could not cat.

Decomposers need producers and consumers. Decomposers need dead plants or animals that they can use for food. They get that dead material from dead producers and consumers. When a tree or a horse dies, decomposers use that dead material. They use some of it for food. They turn the rest into nutrients.

If you took away all of the decomposers, there would be no nutrients. So there would be no producers. That would mean that. consumers would have nothing to eat. If you took away all of the producers, there would not be food for the consumers to eat. And if you took away all the consumers, there would not be dead material to make nutrients. Every part of the food web is important.

1. What can break down dead animals into nutrients for plants?
A.A producer.B.A consumer.C.A decomposer.D.A food web.
2. Why are plants important to lions?
A.Because they are the main food of lions.
B.Because they can provide nutrients for lions.
C.Because there will be no food for lions without plants.
D.Because there will be more enemies for lions without plants.
3. What may a decomposer eat?
A.A rock.B.A dead tree.C.A paper.D.A living flower
4. Which best shows how living things depend on each other?
5. Which purpose for reading is closest to this text?
A.I want to know why trees are green.
B.I want to know why elephants never get lost.
C.I want to know how horses and lions are similar and different.
D.I want to know how living things are connected and work together.
2024-05-22更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般