组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 哲理感悟
题型:任务型阅读-补全短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:10 题号:21966928

It was Alex’s 7th day of losing his job. A week ago, he was fired (解雇) for poor sales performance. He looked for more jobs but all of them were unsuccessful. He felt very down, hanging out helplessly on the streets.

In the quiet street, a homeless man sat on the side, singing a song. The song was simple, but with some warmth. As Alex walked closer to the man, he caught some words. The homeless man sang about finding happiness in life’s simple joys, and enjoying what one has instead of (而非) thinking about what had been lost. The words greatly touched Alex’s heart. He stood there, listening carefully, as the homeless man kept singing the song. It was a song of thankfulness, a song that spoke of finding light even in the darkest of times.

As the song stopped, Alex felt a change within himself. Although he had lost the job, there was still much to be thankful for in life—kind parents, understanding wife, lovely daughter, warm-hearted friends…Alex decided to focus on (专注于) the good things in his life. No more hanging on to lost jobs, he decided to find out the beauty of the world around him, and the chance (机会) for new beginnings. He wanted to find the good things in life and put them down in writing. He wanted to make a book of them.

The homeless man’s song became a turning point for Alex. It was a song of thankfulness that guided him to a better way—even in the face of hardship, one can find a new turn of events.

Alex lost his job a week ago, feeling down and hopeless. Walking down a quiet street, he heard a(n)     1     man singing a simple, warm song about finding joy in life’s simple things. The song     2     Alex’s heart, making him realize there’s much to be thankful for, like his kind parents, understanding wife,     3     daughter, and warm-hearted friends. Stopping to be sad about the loss of his job, Alex decided to see the     4     of the world around him. The song became a turning point for him and     5     him to see the good things even in difficult times.

【知识点】 哲理感悟 记叙文


任务型阅读-补全句子(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

There was a photographer(摄影师)who often took group photos of hundreds of people. But there was a problem that always troubled him.

Before taking a picture, the photographer would carefully say, “I’ll shout ‘one, two, there’. When I shout ‘three’, I will press the camera shutter(快门). At that time, do not close your eyes!” But at the moment of pressing the shutter, the photographer was angry because there was always someone closing his or her eyes.

One day he heard a man who could move mountains and was curious(好奇的)about him. He decided to visit him. The man sat on one side of the mountain, then stood up and ran to the other side. The man said, “The only way to move the mountain is if the mountain can’t move. I can climb it to other mountains.”

After listening to this, the photographer thought of an idea. When the group photo was taken again, he did the same as before. But this time, he changed the time he pressed the shutter. He pressed the shutter as “two” was called, then everyone opened their eyes together. Sure enough, the method was completely successful and he got beautiful photos.

Whether it is life or study, it is difficult for us to go smoothly all the way. So when we meet difficulties, we should change our thinking.

1. There was a ________ that always troubled the photographer.
2. The photographer was angry because ____________________ at the moment.
3. The photographer heard a man who could move mountains and ____________________.
4. The photographer pressed the shutter as “two” was called, everyone ____________________.
5. When we come to difficulties, we should ____________________.
2023-05-16更新 | 100次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A man was walking on the street. Then he saw a boy with many birds for sale in a cage. He stopped and watched those little prisoners(囚犯). They were flying about the cage and trying to get out.

“How much do you ask for your birds?” He said to the boy.

“Fifty cents(美分) for any one, sir,” said the boy.

“I do not mean how much for one,” said the man, “but how much for all of them? I want to buy them all.”

The boy started to count and found they came to five dollars(1 dollar = 100 cents).

“Here is your money,” said the man.

As the boy happily took it, the man opened the cage door, and he made all the birds fly.

The boy, in great surprise, cried, “What did you do that for, sir? You have lost all your birds.”

“I will tell you why,” said the man. “I was kept in a French prison(监狱) for three years, because of the war(战争). In my life, I will never see anything in prison as long as(只要) I can make it free.”

Please answer the questions with no more than SIX words.

1. What was the boy selling?
2. How many birds are there in the boy’s cage?
3. What did the man do after he bought all the birds?
4. Why was the man kept in a French prison?
5. What do you think of the man?
2023-11-21更新 | 58次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

Migrating(迁移的)Wild Geese

In autumn, the wild geese migrate to a warmer place. They fly in a V formation(队形). Why do they fly like this? Here is the story of the migrating wild geese. If they fly in a V formation, the whole flock(整个群)will increase the flight efficiency(提升飞行效率) by 71% compared(对比)to just one bird flying alone.

They share the same direction and work as a team so they get to the destination(目的地)quicker and easier. When a wild goose leaves the formation, it will feel the resistance (阻力)of the air and the difficulties of flying alone. Then, it quickly comes back to the formation to be protected by the flock’s power(能量)in front of it. If the leader wild goose gets tired of flying, it will go to the end of the V formation while another one takes the lead. This is how they share the leadership and have respect for everyone in the team. The wild geese flying at the back of a V formation quack(嘎嘎叫)to encourage the ones in the front so that they keep the same speed. The progress(进步,进展)is greater by encouraging each other. If a goose gets sick, it must leave the formation, other wild geese leave the formation too, and they fly with it to help it out and protect it. Or they stay with it until it dies or it is able to fly again. They just make another V formation. So they stay beside each other in times of difficulties and great challenges(挑战).

Let’s learn from this teamwork story of the wild geese. If we know the spirit(精神)of teamwork, if we understand the real value(价值)of friendship, if we are aware(意识到)of the feeling of sharing, life will be easier and full of success.

1. When do the wild geese migrate to a warmer place?
2. Where will the leader wild goose go if it gets tired of flying?
3. Why do the wild geese flying at the back quack to the ones in the front?
4. What does a goose do when it gets sick?
5. What can you learn from the story?
2023-10-13更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般