组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:14 题号:21983139

We often see ants looking for new homes and returning with other ants if they’ve found a good one. Ants do this by teaching. And a team of scientists have developed small robots to study how ants teach one another. The robots can behave like rock ants. They use one-to-one teaching — an ant discovers a better home and teaches the route (路线) to another.

In their research, the scientists replaced the teaching ant with a small robot. They circled an area with two homes for the ants. One was their old home, and the other was a new, better home built for them. The researchers waited for an ant to leave its old home and put the robot directly ahead of it.

Then the robot moved towards the new, better home. During its journey, the robot stopped from time to time to wait for the follower ant. The ant needed to look around and get familiar with things around it. When the robot led the follower ant to the new home, the ant examined the new home in its own time and began its way back home. The robot had successfully taught the route to the pupil ant.

A key part of the teaching is tandem (纵排的) running. One ant leads another slowly along a route to the new-found home. The pupil ant memorizes the route so that it can find its way back home by itself and then lead another ant to the new home, and the process repeats.

1. What’s the role of the small robot in the study?
A.A student.B.A teacher.C.A researcher.D.An engineer.
2. Paragraph 2 mainly talks about ______.
A.steps in building a home for ants.B.preparations for the teaching process
C.locations of the small robot and the antD.differences between the two homes for ants
3. The small robot stopped on its way because ______.
A.it ran too fast
B.it went the wrong way
C.the follower ant returned to its old home
D.the follower ant needed time to remember the route
4. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A.Some ants can learn from humans.B.Ants usually look for new homes together.
C.Things around may help an ant find its wayD.Repeating can help an ant improve its memory.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Using robots to study ants’ teaching process.B.Passing knowledge to ants in an easy way.
C.How rock ants look for a new home.D.How rock ants know their way.


阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)


Otters(水獭)are cute water animals. These days, keeping otters as pets is getting popular. In Japan, some “otter cafés(咖啡馆)” are open for business. People can pay to play with the otters there and to take photos with them. In Indonesia, people go swimming with their pet otters and take funny videos. These photos and videos posted online have interested more people to buy otters as pets.

However, these enjoyable photos and videos hide the damage(损害)that the online trade is doing to otters. In fact, wild otters are facing many threatsthey have long been hunted(猎杀)for their coats; in some places, fishermen have been killing otters in order to stop them from eating fish; and now, the online pet trade has become another big problem for otters.

In the wild, baby otters usually stay with their mothers during their first year of life. According to a report, 70% of the otters sold online are under one year old. These baby otters have been stolen from their mothers. When they are kept as pets by humans, they do not live full and natural lives.

Otters are very social. They live in family groups of up to 15 in the wild. Keeping an otter as a pet can make it very sad and lonely. These animals also need enough space to swim. Their owners’ bathtubs(浴缸)or pools are nowhere near as large as the bodies of water in the wild.

On the other hand, otters simply don’t make good pets. They have a very special fishy smell. If they are kept indoors, they will leave a lot of waste around the house. This would make the smell even more unpleasant. Besides, when otters are unhappy, they will make loud noises and even attack(攻击)people. If a person is hurt by an otter, he or she needs to go to hospital at once.

        So, we should stop the otter pet trade and never share photos and videos about them online.
1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.The ways of buying otters online.
B.The advantages of playing with otters.
C.The popularity of keeping otters as pets.
2. What does the underlined word “threats” mean in Paragraph 2?
3. What do we know about otters in the wild?
A.They live in family groups of up to 15.
B.They don’t need enough space to swim.
C.Baby otters never stay with their mothers.
4. Why don’t otters make good pets?
a. They may attack people.
b. They may make loud noises.
c. They have a special fishy smell.
d. They need to go to hospital often.
A.a, b, cB.a, b, dC.b, c, d
5. What is the writer’s main purpose of writing the text?
A.To tell people the otters’ living habits.
B.To teach people how to keep a pet otter.
C.To call on people to stop the otter pet trade.
2022-06-29更新 | 871次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Every year, millions of birds are killed or hurt when they fly into buildings. Why does this happen?     1     Birds are flying into windows and tall buildings that are all covered by glass.

Many birds fly from one place to another. Most of the time, they live in the wild, such as forest and wetlands.     2     They might see small trees and flowers inside a window and want to rest on these plants. The birds do not know there is glass between them and the plants.     3    

Some birds fly at night. They use the moon and stars to help guide them in the right direction. Tall buildings with lights on at night can confuse (迷惑) the birds.     4     The birds see the light, but they can’t tell that the light is coming from inside a building. They fly toward the light and crash (撞) into a building. On many mornings, there might be several dead birds lying on the ground.

    5     Many office buildings now turn off their lights at night. This helps reduce (减少) the number of birds that fly into buildings and it also helps save energy (能量).

A.The answer is glass.
B.People are trying to solve the problem.
C.These birds have no idea what glass is.
D.As a result, they fly right into the glass.
E.This is a big problem, especially on foggy and rainy nights.
2023-07-10更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

In the last passage we've already talked about some dangerous plants, but we don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea. The truth is that some plants can hurt you, but most are completely harmless. In fact, there are plenty of plants that are actually very useful to humans.

That is why plants are so popular in Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine has been using plants for at least 4, 800 years. One of the most popular plants in Chinese medicine is ginseng(人参). Doctors of Chinese medicine believe that ginseng can help your lungs(肺), clean your blood and do many other thing. Ginseng also provides energy for people. In fact, many modern energy drinks that you see in stores have ginseng.

In some parts of U.S., there is a plant called lady fern(蹄盖蕨). This is the plant you need if you’ve been stung by a bee, or if you’ve got a small burn or a cut. Lady ferns are great for making your skin feel better. All you have to do is roll one of its leaves and make it into pieces in your hands. The juice inside the leaf will help your skin feel better.

If you’re hiking in Europe, look for a flower called tansy(艾菊). This yellow flower is a natural insects' enemy. You just rub it on your skin, and insects will leave you alone.

Sage(鼠尾草)is one of the most useful plants in the world. Because it has so many uses it's also quite valuable. Human beings have been using sage for a very long time. In Europe before fridges appeared, people used sage to keep food. Over the years, people have used sage to fight all kinds of health problems. Sage has been used to treat colds, stop muscle(肌肉)problems and reduce(减少) swelling. In fact, sage comes from the Latin word “salvere”, which means “to be saved”.

1. How many kinds of useful plants are mentioned in the passage?
2. Which of the following about ginseng is NOT TRUE?
A.It's still being used in Chinese medicine.
B.It can make people feel sleepy.
C.It can be found in many modern energy drinks.
D.It is helpful to our lungs and blood.
3. Lady ferns can make your ________feel better.
4. What does the passage say about sage?
A.It's the most useful plant in the world.B.It hasn’t been used by people for long.
C.It was once used to keep food in Europe.D.Its name comes from a German word.
5. What can be the best title for this passage?
A.How to protect plantsB.Some harmful plants
C.How to grow plantsD.Some useful plants
2020-07-31更新 | 264次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般