组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自然 > 动物与植物 > 常见动物
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:28 题号:22404393

Last summer, Jody went on vacation with her parents and her litter brother Joe. They went to the beach. The weather was fine, and the children went swimming every day.

One day, Jody and Joe went boating. It was a nice small boat. They had a great time near the beach. Suddenly (突然), a strong wind came and took the boat far from the beach.

Jody wanted to go back, but she fell into (掉入) the water. Joe was very scared and he didn’t know what to do. “Help! Help!” shouted Jody. She was going down in the water. She saw water and dolphins (海豚) all around. She wanted to swim, but she couldn’t. One of her legs was trapped (缠住) by the seaweed (海草)! Just then a dolphin quickly came to save her. The dolphin took Jody on its mouth and took her up to the boat! Then it swam away.

“Did you see that? That dolphin saved your life!” shouted Joe when Jody was back to their boat.

“Yes, I saw it, but I couldn’t believe (相信) it,” said Jody.

1. What took Jody’s boat far from the beach?
A.A dolphin.B.A big ship.C.A heavy rain.D.A strong wind.
2. What did Joe do when Jody fell into the water?
A.He called for help.B.He jumped into the water to save her.
C.He got scared and didn’t do anything.D.He went back to the beach to tell their parents.
3. Why couldn’t Jody swim in the river?
A.Because she was too tired.B.Because the water was too cold.
C.Because the weather was so bad.D.Because her leg was trapped by the seaweed.
4. When the dolphin saved Jody, she ________.
A.got a surpriseB.felt very scaredC.made friends with itD.went swimming with it
5. Which is the best title (标题) for the passage?
A.A kind dolphinB.An interesting vacation
C.Dolphins are our friendsD.Jody’s boat trip
【知识点】 常见动物 记叙文


阅读理解-匹配(约40词) | 较易 (0.85)

As we all know, 2022 is the year of Tiger (老虎). Here are some English saying (谚语) about tiger.

    1    . Work like a tiger.

    2    . Three people make a tiger.

    3     People are afraid of tigers, tigers are afraid of people.

    4    . Like a tiger with wings (翅膀).

    5    . The child (小孩) of a tiger is a tiger.

2023-02-28更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约140词) | 较易 (0.85)

Class: Science     Date: 2023/6/17

What Should You Do If You Find a Baby Bird Out of the Nest?
IF the bird is HURT:
Call the animal center(0-123-4567).
Carefully pick the bird up and take it to an animal hospital.
(Keep it warm and don’t give it any Food!)
If the bird is NOT HURT:
You CAN reach the nest
Put the bird back.
IF you CAN’T find or reach the nest
Call the animal center.
Just leave it there!
(It’s learning how to fly!)
People believe birds will give up their babies if they have the smell of people on them. WRONG! Birds don’t care!

1. Which is the WRONG way to help a baby bird that is out of its nest?
A.Feed it before you take it to a hospital.
B.Leave it alone if it is not hurt and has feathers.
C.Call the animal center if you can’t find its nest.
D.Put it back in its nest if it is not hurt and has few feathers.
2. What do birds do if their babies have the smell of people on them?
A.They leave the babies behind and move to a new nest.
B.They clean the babies until the smell goes away.
C.They push the babies out of the nest.
D.They keep taking care of the babies.
2024-04-27更新 | 111次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】Children in the Bird Watching Club keep a blog (博客) of what they see in the garden:

Week One

Day 1: A bird looks into the birdhouse.
Day 2: The bird looks at the birdhouse with its partner.
Day 3: The two birds find sticks (树枝) for the nest (鸟巢).
Day 4: The birds make the nest in the birdhouse.
Day 5: One bird lays its eggs in the nest.
This bird sits on the eggs for two weeks.

Week Four

Day 1: The baby birds hatch (孵出) from the eggs. They are hungry.
Day 2: An old man finds food for the baby birds.
Day 3: The baby birds shout for food.
Day 4: The baby birds get bigger as they eat more.
The old man brings more food for the baby birds each day.

Week Six

Day 1: The baby birds leave the nest.
Day 2: The baby birds learn to fly.
Day 3: The baby birds must find their own food now.

1. The children are in the club to ________.
A.dance togetherB.watch birdsC.sing a new songD.catch birds
2. The two adult birds find sticks for the nest on ________.
A.Day 4; Week 1B.Day 4; Week 4C.Day 2; Week 4D.Day 3; Week 1
3. The children find that the birds spend ________ sitting on the eggs.
A.ten daysB.fourteen daysC.one monthD.forty days
4. Where does the bird lay the eggs?
A.In the nest.B.On the food.C.Under the garden.D.Behind the tree.
5. Which is RIGHT according to the passage?
A.The nest is made only by one bird.
B.People must find sticks for the baby birds.
C.The baby birds begin to fly on Day 2, Week 6.
D.The baby birds fly well on Day 2, Week 6.
2023-06-03更新 | 21次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般