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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:114 题号:22703344

We are getting used to having robots in our homes, stores, and factories. What about on stage? In fact, the word robot comes from a 1920 science-fiction play. In Rossum’s Universal Robots, people performed as the machine-like creatures. Recently, some directors and artists have invited actual robots to share the stage in dances and other performances. Catie Cuan is one of them. “Robots are for everyone,” she says.

Cuan began her career as a dancer and choreographer — a person who maps out the movements of dancers. But she fell in love with robots and has pioneered a new field called robot choreography (编舞). Today, she’s studying robotics at Stanford University in Northern California.

You might imagine robots would dance like machines. After all, that’s how the popular dance “the robot” looks. Most robots today, however, can move in a more life-like manner. It takes time and effort to program robots to do the movements Cuan wants. But the results, she says, “will surprise you.”

At first, Cuan knew little about robot choreography. In 2022, she wrote, choreographed and performed the stage show In Her Prime. She danced with two other women and two Boston Dynamics spot robots. In the dance, the robots stayed behind a screen so the audience (观众) only saw their shadows. Cuan says that cave paintings inspired her.

In the media, Cuan says, “Robots are often described negatively (负面地).” They may seem alien, cold, or scary. Seeing a robot dance may make the technology seem fun, attractive, or friendly instead. Sometimes after her performances, audience tell her that the dance changes the way they think about robots.

Robots may seem like they’re all about maths and engineering. But, as Cuan suggests, they belong in art, too. “We as humans have been making art a lot longer than we’ve been doing maths,” she says. She points out that we use art and dance to make sense of the world. Cuan thinks that performances like hers will help people feel more at home with robots. “We need to dance with robots to make sense of them,” she says.

1. Why did Catie Cuan use a screen in her dance In Her Prime with robots?
A.To show the robots’ shadows.B.To display cave paintings.
C.To hide the robots’ movements.D.To catch the attention of the audience.
2. Which one has the closest meaning to “inspired her”?
A.offered her chancesB.brought her successC.sent her messagesD.gave her ideas
3. The following sentences would best be placed at the beginning of ________.
This is only one of many dances Cuan has performed with robots. Her goal is to show people new ways to relate to these machines.
A.Paragraph 2B.Paragraph 4C.Paragraph 5D.Paragraph 6
4. What can we learn from the article?
A.The word robot comes from In Her Prime.
B.Dancing with robots can help us understand them better.
C.The audience will develop an interest in robotics engineering.
D.Some students in Stanford University enjoy studying robotics.


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】The great Chinese composer(作曲家) had different names in different places. In China, he is remembered as Xian Xinghai, one of the greatest musicians. In Kazakhstan(哈萨克斯坦), he was known as Huang Xun, a poor person with amazing talent.

Wherever he went, his music gave people courage and strength to fight against enemies during wartime. His Yellow River Cantata(《黄河大合唱》 ) once encouraged millions of people. President Xi Jinping told the composer’s story when he visited Kazakhstan in 2013.

When the war broke out in 1941, the composer was working in Moscow. He stopped working and tried to return home through Kazakhstan. But because of the war he was left alone in the Kazakh city of Almaty. He was sitting on his suitcase(手提箱) with a violin in hand when Kazakh musician Baikadamov noticed him. Baikadamov spoke Kazakh and Russian, the composer replied in English and French. “But it was clear that the Chinese musician really needed help. So my father just took his hand and led him to us,” Baikadamov’s daughter said, “From then on they became great friends. Together they overcame the wartime hardships and wrote a new chapter(篇章) in the history of music.

Touched by the story, Chinese filmmaker Shen Jian has turned it into a movie The Composer. We can learn more about the great composer in the movie.

1. People can become ________ after listening to Xian Xinghai’s music.
A.kind and helpfulB.lively and friendlyC.brave and strongD.polite and understanding
2. Where was Xian Xinghai when the war broke out?
A.In China.B.In Kazakhstan.C.In Russia.D.In Canada.
3. Which of the following words can be put in ?
4. What does the 3rd paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Where Xian Xinghai was during wartime.
B.How Baikadamov helped Xian Xinghai out.
C.Why Xian Xinghai was left alone in a foreign country.
D.How Xian Xinghai and Baikadamov became friends.
5. According to the passage, we can know ________.
A.Xian studied music in different countries
B.Xian created Yellow River Cantata in Kazakhstan
C.Xian was looking forward to singing for a movie
D.Xian’s story has been turned into a movie
2022-12-30更新 | 123次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约360词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Artificial intelligence (AI) can do many different things. From controlling the lights in our homes to helping us order pizzas, it seems there aren’t many more uses for AI than we already have. However, can AI make music like human beings?

Thanks to a team of Swiss scientists, AI may soon be able to come up with music especially for us. Researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have created a computer algorithm (算法), the “Deep Artificial Composer” (DAC), which can create original music all by itself.

Florian Colombo, an EPFL scientist who helped create the DAC, said that AI could produce complete melodies (旋律), with a beginning and an end.

At present, the DAC is only able to produce several pieces of traditional Irish folk music, but it’s hoped that it will be able to create songs based on any type of music in the end.

To “teach” the DAC, the scientists trained it to “listen” to over 2,000 different folk songs. Based on this input (输入), the AI taught itself how to compose music, from getting the pitch (高音) and timing right, to choosing the right notes.

This process is still in its early stages, with the DAC still not producing perfect results, but Colombo told AFP that the AI’s music is still “quite pleasant to listen to”.

While the idea sounds very hopeful, we shouldn’t expect the DAC to replace real-life composers any time soon. According to Colombo, the system was designed to produce only simple melodies. So far, it can only create songs based on a single instrument.

Colombo said that his purpose in creating the DAC was to help people create their own music, not to have it made for them. His exciting new ideas came from Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart. It’s said that he used to throw dice (掷骰子) to help him pick which notes to use when making new music.

“A good composer with creative ideas will never be replaced by an algorithm.” Colombo told AFP.

1. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?
A.AI has been used in more places than we already know.
B.AI has already composed music for people.
C.DAC was created by a group of scientists in Switzerland.
D.DAC was refused by some composers.
2. What does the underlined word “itself” refer to?
A.A robot.B.The EPFL.C.A composer.D.The DAC.
3. According to the passage, we can infer that the scientists ________.
A.have achieved their purpose of creating the DACB.are amazed at the melodies made by the DAC
C.are not satisfied with the system of the DACD.expect the DAC to replace good composers
4. Which is the best title for this passage?
A.Colombo Helped Create the DACB.AI Composers VS Human Composers
C.AI might take place of ComposersD.The DAC Changes the Way of Composing
2024-05-14更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】The young violin player Vanessa-Mae was the first musician to use dance and rock music in classical(古典的)music. Vanessa-Mae love pop music, and she was also a very good classical violinist, and she brought these kinds of music together.

She likes lots of different kinds of music, from Beethoven to the Beatles, and she wants to play the music she likes. Not only has she played in classical concerts all over the world, but she has also played in pop concerts with pop stars.
A lot of people don’t like the way she uses modern rhythms(节奏), noisy drums and guitars in traditional(传统的)music. But Vanessa-Mae has done one important thing: she has brought many new fans to classical music. For the first time, many young people began to listen to classical music.
1. Vanessa-Mae was a young        woman.
2. The type of music Vanessa-Mae likes is       .
A.traditional musicB.different kinds of musicC.classical musicD.rock and roll
3.        listen to classical music because they like Vanessa-Mae.
A.Pop starsB.Young peopleC.Classical musiciansD.Old people
4.       was the first instrument(乐器)she learnt to play.
A.The violinB.The pianoC.The drumsD.The guitar
2014-04-18更新 | 523次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般