组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:20 题号:22825647
Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Saving the Well

Once upon a time, in a vast desert, there was a small village that depended on a single well for water. The well was not only a source of life for the villagers but also for the travelers who passed through the desert.

One year, a really bad drought hit the village. The plants died, animals moved away, and the well’s water level started to drop. The villagers grew worried, knowing that they needed the well to live. Among them was a young boy named Amir. He noticed that while everyone was worried, very few were taking action to save the precious water.

Amir decided to make a difference. He started by using less water for his daily needs and collected rainwater in pots. He also suggested planting drought-resistant (抗旱) plants around the well to keep the soil wet and reduce water evaporation (蒸发). At first, only a few villagers took him seriously, but as the well’s water even got lower, more started to listen.

Amir taught the villagers how to create small basins around the plants to catch more rainwater and how to cover the ground with stones and leaves to reduce evaporation. He also organized teams to clean up around the well and dig small channels to direct any rainwater into the well.

As the weeks passed, the villagers noticed a change. The water in the well didn’t go down as much, and the plants around it began to grow well. The efforts to save water paid off, and the village was able to make it through the drought.

1. What happened to the village one year?
2. A lot of villagers took action to save the precious water at the very beginning, didn’t they?
3. Where did Amir collect rainwater at first?
4. When did the villagers start to take Amir’s suggestions seriously?
5. How did Amir and the villagers direct rainwater into the well?
6. What can you learn from the story?


任务型阅读-阅读填表(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A nine-year-old boy touched the hearts of officers at the Chengguan Town Police Station after he donated (捐赠) 80.3 yuan. He hoped to help out Hubei General Hospital.

Ma Yunhu, a third-grade pupil at a primary school in Ningxia, visited the police station on February 9th with his mother, and gave away all his pocket money to the officer Ma Xiaojun.

“I want to donate my pocket money to the doctors and nurses at Hubei General Hospital because they really work hard in fighting against the COVID-19 (新型冠状病毒肺炎),” the boy told the police officer.

Officer Ma was moved when the boy said the police would help him, as his teachers had told him police officers are believable.

Officer Ma later gave the boy’s donation to the hospital by the Internet. “Thank you, little boy! Although we don’t know what you look like, the doctors and nurses at the hospital have kept you in mind. We will try harder to defeat the virus as soon as possible,” they replied.


A boy donated pocket money to a hospital in Wuhan


Ma Yunhu


He went to a     1    

What he did

He     2     all his pocket money. He wanted to help the     3     at Hubei General Hospital.


Ma Yunhu gave the money to the police. Officer Ma gave the boy’s donation to the hospital     4    .

What they said

They were moved and gave thanks to the boy.
They would     5     to fight against the COVID-19.
2022-01-10更新 | 135次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】( E )

Peter is thirteen years old. He is in Grade Seven this year. He likes to watch football matches. And he often reads newspapers. He does his best to know where and when there is going to be a football match. Now Peter is having lunch. He is listening to the radio ,too. He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon. He wants to watch it very much. But he is going to have English and Chinese lessons. He thinks hard and finds a way. “Hello,Mrs. Black,”Peter says to his teacher on the phone. “Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a day’s leave(假期).”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,”says Mrs. Black. “But who’s that?”

“It’s my father , Mrs. Black”.

Answer the questions according to what you read.
1. How old is Peter this year?
2. What does he like to do ?
3. Why is Peter very happy?
4. What does Mrs. Black do ?(职业)
5. Does Peter’s father speak to Mrs. black?
2020-01-14更新 | 61次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】I am Lucy. One day I sat under the tree. Things weren’t going well in my life, and I felt upset and disappointed(失望的). Then a little boy walked to me. He stood before me and said with great excitement, “Look what I found!”

In his hand was a flower. I tried to be polite. I smiled and waited for him to leave. However, instead of going away, the boy sat next to me, placing the flower in front of his nose and said, “It smells sweet and it’s beautiful, too. That’s why I picked it. And it’s for you.”

I knew I must take it, or he might never leave. So I reached for the flower and replied, “It’s just what I need.” But he didn’t put the flower in my hand. He held it in the midair(半空中). It was then that I noticed that there was something wrong with the boy’s eyes.

I heard my voice quiver(颤抖) as I thanked him. “You’re welcome,” he smiled and said. Then he ran off to play. He had no idea how much difference he had made to me.

I sat there and wondered how he managed to see a sad woman under the tree. Perhaps from his heart, he had been blessed(保佑)with true sight. I realized that there were so many beautiful things around me and I had never seen them.

From then on, I decided to try my best to discover and enjoy the beauty in my life.   

1. How did Lucy feel when she sat under the tree?                 
2. What did the boy think of the flower in his hand?                    
3. Why did Lucy take the flower?                  
4. When did Lucy notice that there was something wrong with the boy’s eyes?
5. What can we learn from the passage?
2021-06-17更新 | 64次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般