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题型:任务型阅读-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:22874259

The first Memorial Day (纪念日) started on May 30th 1868, by General Logan. He tried to unite the country after the American Civil War (内战) fought between the Northern and Southern States.

By 1890, all the Northern States had joined in to celebrate this important day. However, the states in the South refused and instead chose other days to honor (给予……尊敬) their fallen heroes. After World War I ended, the purpose of the holiday was changed from honoring just the fallen soldiers from the Civil War to honoring all Americans that had given up their lives for the country.

Although Memorial Day was understood throughout the country, it was not until 1971, that it was clearly agreed to be a national holiday. In order to make sure that Americans could enjoy a three-day weekend, the government moved the date from May 30th, to the last Monday of May.

Though allowing another holiday was a great idea, it has made the day become less important. Kids think of it as the day that marks the “beginning of summer” or the “first day when swimming pools open”, while adults think it as a time to have dinner parties or go shopping.

To make people know the importance of this important day, in December 2000, the US Congress (国会) passed and the President signed (签署) into law, The National Moment of Remembrance Act. The law requires all Americans to keep a minute of silence at 3:00 pm to honor the heroes that have given up their lives for the safety and freedom of the country.

1. Who started the first Memorial Day?
2. For what did people celebrate Memorial Day after World War I?
3. When did Memorial Day become a national holiday?
4. What did people think of Memorial Day before 2000?
5. What should Americans do to celebrate Memorial Day since 2000?


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

Known as China’s national opera, Beijing Opera mixes many art forms. It has nothing in common with the opera of the West.

Beijing Opera is a mix of singing, dialogue, acrobatics (杂质), kung fu, etc. Actors wear beautiful costurmes and perform to music produced by traditional musical instruments. They include Erhu, Huqin, Pipa, Sheng and other instruments.

In Beijing Opera there are four types of roles: Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou. Sheng are the leading male actors who play the role of scholars, officials, etc. Sheng can be divided into the old, the young and the kung fu experts.

Dan, or female (女性的) roles, include the young, the middle-aged, and old women. Additionally, female roles were played by male actors.

Jing are the painted-faced roles, and they represent heroes, statesmen, bad men, etc. The painted faces are symbolic and exaggerated (象征的和夸张的), and are used to represent a character’s personality. For example, wise and brave character would have a purple face.

Chou are basically the clowns (丑角) marked by a small patch of white chalk on their noses. They are sometimes kind-hearted and humorous, but at other times bad or silly.

Symbolism is very important in Beijing Opera. Very few props 道具) are used on stage, the actors must depend on the use of their hands and body movements to express messages. For example, lifting a foot means going through a doorway and walking in a circle around the stage shows a long journey.

Beijing Opera is an important part of the Chinese culture and has become an important art form as a result of the hard work of hundreds of artists over the past two centuries.

1. Does Beijing Opera have anything in common with the opera of the West?
2. How many types of roles are there in Beijing opera?
3. Who often played female roles traditionally?
4. How can actors express they travel a long journey in Beijing Opera?
5. How long has Beijing Opera been in history?
2022-08-21更新 | 92次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Counting the hairs on your head would be very difficult. Many have tried, but most people give up after losing count or getting bored! However, scientists say people have more than 100,000 hairs on their heads on average. Of course, this number is different from person to person. Some people have much more hair than others.

What causes hair loss? There are many reasons, such as stress, illness and styling. It also runs in families. Besides, many people simply lose hair as they grow older. To avoid losing hair, you should wash your hair correctly and condition(养护) your hair to help keep your hair healthy. It’s also important to be gentle (轻柔的) when brushing or combing hair.

Hair loss is not the same as daily shedding(脱落). People lose an average of 50 to 100 hairs a day. It’s normal. If you are losing more hair than average, talk to the adults you trust. They can help you decide whether to ask a doctor for help.

Why do humans have hair on their heads? Most other mammals(哺乳动物) have thick fur(毛) covering their whole bodies. While humans grow small and fine(细微的) hairs on much of their skin, it’s much thicker on the top of the head. Scientists say the answers come down to evolution (进化). Humans probably evolved without fur because they have more sweat glands(汗腺) than other mammals. Humans walk upright on two legs. Therefore, the top of their heads needs protection from the sun. This is why people have more hair on their heads than on the rest of their bodies. The hair also helps keep heat in cold weather and keep a healthy body temperature.

1. How many reasons for hair loss are mentioned in Paragraph 2?   
2. List one way to avoid losing hair.
3. If I lose over 50 to 100 hairs every day, what should I do?   
4. Why people have more hair on their heads than on the rest of their bodies?   
5. What can you learn from the passage?   
2023-07-07更新 | 33次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

Over the past billions of years, many animals and plants have lived on this beautiful planet. But about 99.9 percent of them died out. This is because they couldn’t adapt to (适应) where they lived. To survive, living things must change over time. This is called evolution (进化).

When reading this article, please remember that every one of us is a lucky dog. We evolve, and we survive! After years of evolution, now we have the abilities to live in the world and enjoy it. Just like humans, other animals on Earth also evolve great abilities. For example, giraffes live on the grassland of Africa. To adapt to life there, they have evolved longer necks to reach the high trees, as well as longer legs to run away from lions and cheetahs (猎豹).

However, evolution also gives giraffes a strange habit: They only sleep for about 30 minutes a day and less than 5 minutes a time, and they sleep standing! Why are they so wakeful? Well, that’s because they are so tall. They need longer time getting off the ground and run. Because of this special sleep style, they won’t become easy meals for others.

As you see, evolution isn’t always perfect. It helps animals to live, but it sometimes also gives them what they don’t really want. Don’t feel sorry. It’s part of natural selection (选择). In order to survive, all of this is necessary.

Facts About Evolution

Why evolution happensHumans and other animals on earth need to evolve great abilities to adapt to the     1    .
Take giraffes for     2    They have evolved longer necks to     3     the high trees, as well as longer legs to run away from dangerous animals.
They only sleep for a very short time and they sleep standing, or they will be eaten by others     4    .
Whether evolution is perfectEvolution isn’t always perfect. On the one hand, it helps animals to live. On the other hand, it sometimes can not
just     5     their needs.
2023-01-31更新 | 47次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般