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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:13 题号:22943677

Aru Village is located by Lake Ra’og Co in Xizang, China. Many years ago, people from the village used rafts (筏子) to go across the lake and pick up rubbish in the water. The villagers revered (敬畏) the environment, so they started this practice to keep their lake clean.

Later, a bridge was established over the lake, so villagers no longer needed to use rafts to cross it. But the idea of cleaning the lake stayed. Tsering Dondrup, a village official who used to go to school on rafts, knew how the older villagers picked up rubbish in the lake. He and other officials did a lot to help protect the lake and its ecosystem.

The village has 43 households with 227 people now. A team of 44 people from the village are paid by the government to take turns to help keep the lake and nearby forests clean. They are also in charge of cleaning the roads and the area around the lake. They collect the rubbish and take it to the right place to be recycled.

Dampa, a 46-year-old man from the team, started picking up rubbish in the lake 20 years ago.“As part of this team, I can make about 3, 500 yuan a year. I’m happy to do my part in keeping the lake clean,” he said.

Now, Aru Village has become a model village for eco-friendly actions. Lake Ra’og Co gets about 300,000 visitors every year. Village official Xu Cong says the support of both the villagers and the government has helped maintain (保持) the beauty of the area.

1. The underlined word “established” means “________” in the second paragraph.
2. When did Dampa begin picking up rubbish in the lake?
A.When he was 16 years old.B.When he was 26 years old.
C.When he was 43 years old.D.When he was 46 years old.
3. Which of the following is RIGHT according to the passage?
A.Villagers like to keep the lake Ra’og Co clean by themselves.
B.The villagers live their life by fishing on the lake Ra'og Co.
C.There are only 44 people in Aru Village.
D.The first bridge will be set up on the lake Ra'og Co soon.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Country Education.B.Everyday Life.
C.Xizang Travelling.D.Environment Protection.


阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文讲述了Gladys Kalema 实现了小时候的梦想,成为了一名野生动物医生,并保护野生动物的故事。

【推荐1】When she was little, Gladys Kalema liked to stay with dogs and cats at home. She wanted to work with animals when she grew up. This dream came true when Kalema was in her early twenties. She became a wildlife doctor in Africa.

That was thirty years ago. Since then, Kalema has never stopped caring for wild animals. She does her best to save the mountain gorilla (大猩猩). This animal is in great danger. But she doesn’t just protect the animals. She also tries her best to help the local communities.

Many local people lived a poor life. Some of them made money by catching wild animals. Kalema wanted to protect these animals. The key to doing it, she realized, was to make the local people’s life better. The woman provided these people with fast-growing crops (庄稼). By growing the crops, the locals could feed themselves and make a better living. They no longer needed to capture animals. Slowly, their thought towards these wild animals began to change. Now, many of them have become animal protectors.

Last year, Kalema received the highest environmental prize from the United Nations because of her actions.

1. What was Kalema’s dream?
A.Helping the poor.
B.Travelling to Africa.
C.Working with animals.
D.Creating a new community.
2. How do the local people make their life better now?
A.By winning environmental prizes.
B.By keeping mountain gorillas.
C.By catching a lot of wild animals.
D.By planting fast-growing crops.
3. What does the underlined word capture mean?
4. Which of the following can best describe Kalema?
A.Wealthy and patient.
B.Wise and honest.
C.Helpful and humorous.
D.Kind and thoughtful.
2022-07-07更新 | 65次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We all know that a small kindness can make our life journeys brighter and more enjoyable. Kindness doesn’t cost money or take up time but it can make a big difference to how you feel. A random (随意的) act of kindness is doing something for someone else without expecting to be rewarded (奖励) for it. It’s an unplanned active action, and you can do it for others.

In our daily life, there are many ways of being kind. You can show kindness anywhere—at home, at school or in your community. For example, if you notice a person drop his gloves on the ground, you can pick them up and give them back to him. You can look for chances too, such as holding a door open, praising someone or tidying up your classroom.

And then you may surely wonder how kindness is good for people. Actually, everyone benefits (得益) from kindness. It includes the person who receives it, the person who carries out the kind act, and even anyone watching it happen. Kindness can spread among people. When seeing an act of kindness, you’re more likely to do something kind for another person by yourself. Studies show that being kind to others can make you feel more optimistic. You will see the future is hopeful and your life is quite happy. It is also a great way to feel closer to each other and you can get a lot of energy from it.

Just try to think more about the people around you. Remember that true kindness isn’t expecting to be thanked or to get anything in return.

1. What can we know about a random act of kindness?
A.It costs money.B.It gets a reward.
C.It takes up time.D.It is unplanned.
2. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
A.A lot of people can benefit from kindness.B.What a random act of kindness means.
C.There are many ways to show kindness.D.Kindness can spread among people.
3. Which word is close to the underlined word “optimistic”?
4. What’s the structure (结构) of the text? (①=Paragraph 1…)
5. What can be a proper title for the text?
A.Advice about How to Be KindB.Meanings of Being Kind
C.Ways to Own Better RelationshipsD.A Call for People to Be Kind
2024-03-21更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Ann a Brown was an artist who believed that it was important to help others. When she heard of a summer camp for children with serious illnesses, she came up with an idea. It cost money for these kids to go to camp, so Anna decided to see what she could do to help. It was impossible for her to donate (捐赠) a lot of money, so she had to think of another way.

She wanted to take advantage of her love of art. So she started making and selling beautiful cards to raise money for these kids. Because these cards were all handmade, it would take her a long time to make a lot of them. So Anna had another idea. She started inviting friends to her house to help her make the cards. At first her friends were hesitant (犹豫的). Many said that they were not artistic and didn’t know how to make cards. But once they saw the beautiful materials that she had in her workroom, her friends felt more comfortable doing things such as drawing and cutting in order to make a new card.

But the materials were expensive. To make money without spending money, Anna asked for and got donations of paper, glue, scissors, and other things from nearby stores. She sold her cards for three dollars each in different art markets during the year. Ann a raised more than $30,000 in her 10 years making cards.

1. What did Anna invite her friends to do?
A.Sell cards.B.Make cards.C.Buy materials.D.Donate materials.
2. Where did Anna sell her handmade cards?
A.In her house.B.In her workroom.C.In nearby stores.D.In art markets.
3. We know that Anna is ________from the passage.
2024-03-21更新 | 7次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般