组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 日常活动 > 家庭生活
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:316 题号:7696520
It was yard sale time again, and everyone in the Jones family was getting ready.
Billy, the youngest, was clearing out his old toys. He put several old robots and games in his yard sale box. He also found some clothes that didn’t fit.
Suzy, the middle child, decided to part with some stuffed animals (毛绒玩具) from her collection. She also found some old books.
Regina, the eldest, had music CDs and some clothes to sell. She had the most clothes of the children to sell.
Dad had many things he could part with: some tools, some records he didn’t listen to, some computer parts and a few old jackets and suits.
Mum had a few things to sell. She chose some handbags, some shoes and some clothes. She also found some old dishes.
Together, the five of them set up their tables and the sale began at 7:30 a.m. People came early and the buying and selling was fierce. They hardly had time to take a rest. Many people brought young children, so Billy did well. He sold out his toys quickly. Girls liked Suzy’s stuffed animals, and a few teenagers bought most of Regina’s music CDs. Mum and Dad had the most things, so they took longer to sell them, but they also made more money.
In the end, Billy made $22, Suzy made $18 and Regina made $43. Mum and Dad made a bit more. Dad made $143 and Mum made $97. It was quite a good day.
1. Who didn’t bring clothes to the yard sale?
2. Mum didn’t bring ________ to the yard sale.
A.shoesB.dishesC.handbagsD.music CDs
3. What does the underlined word “fierce” mean in Chinese?
4. Mum and Dad took longer to sell their things because they ________.
A.were bad at selling
B.had the most things
C.had to prepare food and drinks
D.had to take care of their children
5. How much did the three children make at the yard sale?


阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难 (0.4)


Jack loves to read a book each night. He reads all day. He reads at night, Jack’s books are here. His books are there. He can not even find his chair. He can not see which clothes to wear.

“That’s enough!” His mother says, “Clean up these books and get to bed!”

“Clean them up? But how? Right now? What should I do? How do I move them all from here? Should I stack them up behind the door?”

“Wait! What is his book I see here? Hmmmmm... How To Make A Library! I can organize(整理)by writer’s name— That sounds like a real cool game! Arrange(整理)them like the alphabet(字母表). That sounds easy. That’s no sweat Or I could organize by title(标题)too. I know now that’s what I will do!”

“All A titles I’ll put here. This is great! Now I see! Next will come for B. This is really so much fun!”

Following these rules, Jack organizes them one by one. He sorts(分类)them all from A to Z. He organizes them happily. His mother is also happy. She never thinks he can pass that test(测试). But Jack comes through(获得成功)after all.

“Books are great, ” says Jack with a smile, “They help me make a library!”

1. What does Jack’s mother ask him to do at first?
A.Clean up the books.B.Find his chair.
C.Make a library.D.Read more books.
2. What can we get from the third paragraph(段落)?
A.Jack has little time at that moment.
B.Jack has a lot of things to do every day.
C.Jack doesn’t want to clean up his bedroom.
D.Jack doesn’t know how to organize his books.
3. What does the sentence “That’s no sweat!” mean?
A.That’s too hard.B.That’s very easy.C.That’s very cold.D.That’s too busy.
4. Jack’s mother is very happy at last because _________.
A.Jack can pass the reading test
B.Jack finds his favourite book
C.Jack organizes the books very well
D.Jack puts his books here and there
2022-11-06更新 | 254次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约140词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐2】Homes and families

Many British people live in houses, not flats. Most houses have gardens.

Daily life

Most office workers start work at about nine in the morning, and finish at about five or six in the afternoon. Most people don't go home for lunch; they just have a quick meal.

School life

Children start school at about nine in the morning. Most children have lunch at school. All children go to school when they are four or five years old, and leave when they are sixteen or seventeen.


Most shops open at nine in the morning and close at about six p.m. Usually, they don't close for lunch.

1. Many British people live in ________.
2. Most ________ start work at about nine in the morning.
A.office workersB.peopleC.studentsD.teachers
3. Most office workers and school children don't have lunch ________.
A.at schoolB.at homeC.in the shopD.in the garden
4. Children spend ________ at school in Britain.
A.four yearsB.four or five years
C.twelve or thirteen yearsD.sixteen or seventeen years
5. You can't buy things in most shops at ________.
A.seven p.m.B.nine in the morningC.lunch timeD.twelve o'clock at noon
2019-12-05更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 较难 (0.4)
【推荐3】I'm Wang Ling.There are many rules in my family.From Monday to Friday,I have to get up at six.After I have breakfast at seven,I have to take the bus to go to school.After school I have to go home,so I have no time to play with my friends.After I get home,I have to do my homework first.I can't watch TV before I finish my homework.We have dinner at seven in the evening.After dinner I can watch TV for an hour.Then I have to practice my piano in my room.At nine o'clock,I take a shower.Then I go to bed.On weekends,I can't go to meet my friends.I have to wash (洗) my clothes and help my mother do the housework (家务劳动).I don't have any fun.
1. When does Wang Ling get up on Wednesday?
A. B. C. D.
2. What does Wang Ling do after school?
A.She goes home.B.She plays with her friends.
C.She cleans the classroom.D.She watches TV.
3. Wang Ling can watch TV for ________ in the evening from Monday to Friday.
A.three hoursB.two hours
C.one hourD.half an hour
4. What does Wang Ling have to do in her room after dinner?
A.Play the guitar.B.Play the piano.
C.Play the violin.D.Play computer games.
2018-01-30更新 | 273次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般