组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 人际交往 > 合作与交流
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:240 题号:8457730
Science Night
It's almost time for Science Night.But what about Shel, who's good at art?
I need a partner.Who should I ask?He paints and draws and sculpts so well.
I have three friends who all want to help.Our project would look great no doubt!
How can I choose just one for the task?I'm sure I should be asking Shel.
My best friend Jule is fun to be around.How can I choose just one from three?
But she's as chatty as a bird.I need them all! I'm feeling sick.
When she start to talk-just watch out!I'm as dizzy as a spinning top.
I can't get in a single word.When trying to choose.I just can't pick!
Still, that might work for Science Night;But wait-why not ask them all to help?
She'd show our project to the crowd.A group of four is better than one.
Jule's voice would boom out like a drum.I'd love to work with all my friends.
I wouldn't mind if she were extra loud!In such a group, we'd have such fun!
The work could be shared by four of us
And then there's Dan, who's really shyBy me and Shel and Dan and Jule.
But wise as an owl-he's so smart!We'd fit together like puzzle pieces
He'd help with the thinking for the job.And take the grand prize in the school!
He wouldn't talk, but he'd do his part.

1. How many friends does the speaker talk about?
2. Who is the speaker of the poem?
A.A reporter at a school science night.
B.A student who does not like science.
C.A science teacher hosting science project.
D.A student choosing a partner for a science project.
3. Why does the speaker compare Jule's voice to a drum?
A.To show how loud Jule's voice is.
B.To show that Jule likes to play drums.
C.To show how she likes to order others.
D.To show that her voice makes many sounds.
4. How does the speaker feel about Shel?
A.He is talkative.B.He is a good artist.
C.He is shy but very smart.D.He helps with the thinking for the job.
5. What does the speaker learn in this poem?
A.Everyone has a talent.B.Projects should be done alone.
C.Puzzles are easy to put together.D.Deciding on a topic for a project is difficult.


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Do you know how to get on well with people? Do you ever feel shy? What situation makes you feel shy? Do you sometimes feel that you don’t know how to interest people and have conversations with them? Do people find an excuse to leave you as soon as they can?

Try listening! Here is an example of mine.

One evening last week, I was sitting with Hannah, and she said to me, “You are a great mom!” And I said, “Why do you say that suddenly?” She said, “Well, although you are always busy, you always stop to listen to me.”

Here is some advice about listening:

※ Show the other person that you are listening.

※ Look at them.

※ Smile and nod quite often.

※ Shake your head or raise your eyebrows if you don’t follow what they are saying.

※ Don’t tap your foot because this will show impatience.

※ Don’t look at your watch unless you really have to know the time. If you show the impatience, then the other person won’t make friends with you any more.

A good listener has magic! A good listener can make people feel good, and is as important as a good talker at a party. But just listening is not enough. One should listen smartly by trying to find out what the other person would really like to communicate.

1. Hannah thought her mother was great because ________.
A.her mother always listened to herB.her mother was busy
C.her mother got on well with othersD.her mother was sitting with her
2. When you are listening to others, you shouldn’t ________.
A.look at your watch all the timeB.look at their eyes
C.smile and nodD.show your attitude
3. If you tap your foot when listening to others, maybe you’ll ________.
A.be a good listenerB.lose their friendship
C.agree with themD.be a good friend
4. What should be the best title of the passage?
A.How to make friends.B.How to talk to people.
C.How to be a good listener.D.How to know a person.
2023-03-07更新 | 134次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

Do you know your neighbors? Do you often talk with them? Good neighbors are just like our friends and relatives.     1    . They make our lives more pleasant and give us a sense of who we are, both as an individual and as a member of the community. Here’s how to develop your relationships with these very important people in your life.

Start a conversation.     2    . However, most neighbors enjoy making small talk with each other in their community. The best way to break the ice is to smile, wave, and say hello to your neighbors.

Be friendly to the newcomers. Your new neighbors may be feeling lonely, especially if they’re far from home, and might expect a friendly face. If they have kids, tell them where the children play in the neighborhood.     3    . Invite them over for coffee or tea, and give them your phone number.

    4    . Return anything that you borrow from a neighbor, such as tools, in good repair and as soon as you’ve finished with them. Make sure that your car is not blocking their doorway. Such small actions will help you build up a good relationship with your neighbors.

    5    . In a good relationship, it’s really the little things that count. When your neighbors carry a lot of things, you can give them a hand. Help to bring in the mail for the elderly neighbor when it rains. If you care about them, they will give you a surprise, too. The respect for your neighbors’ feelings can develop your relationship with them.

A.Care about the details
B.Develop better relationships
C.They are the important people in our lives
D.Introduce the best places to eat and shop
E.Often neighbors don’t even know each other’s names
2022-04-22更新 | 18次组卷
阅读理解-五选四(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

Have you ever crossed the road to avoid talking to someone you recognize? Would you love to go to a party and talk confidently to every guest? Do you want to make more friends but lack (缺乏) the confidence to talk to strangers? And are you nervous about the idea of being at a social event in another country? Don’t worry—we can help you!

You needn’t worry about situations like this if you have good social skills.     1     People with good social skills communicate well and know how to have a conversation. Here are a few ideas to help you.

Learn how to do small talk. Small talk is very important.     2     Have some low-risk conversation openers ready. You can talk about a story about a film star or sports star.

Develop your listening skills. Listening is a skill which most people lack, but communication is a two-way process. It involves (包括) speaking and listening. You won’t impress people if you talk too much.     3     You can keep good eye contact (交流) and ask for more information to show your interest.

    4     If you go to a social occasion in another country, remember that social rules can be different. In some countries, you have to arrive on time at a party. In other countries, you don’t need to. You also need to know how long you should stay, and when you have to leave.

A.Learn the social rules.
B.However, there are some important ways to build relationships.
C.It prepares you for more serious conversations.
D.And they are easy to learn.
E.You should make yourself a better listener.
2024-05-08更新 | 16次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般