组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 方法与哲理 > 方法/策略
题型:选词填空-短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:142 题号:8927551

A. turn off       B. safety       C. far       D. pulling       E. listen to

Tsunamis (海啸) do not happen very often, but when they do, they are very dangerous. For your    1    , you should know if you are in a tsunami area. If there is an earthquake, a tsunami could follow, so    2    a radio or watch TV for instructions. There may be as much as a two-hour warning or only minutes. You should get to higher ground and go as    3    island as you can.

Sometimes, people at the shore see the water    4    back unusually far. This is called “draw back” and it can happen before a tsunami hits. Run in the other direction, away from the water.


选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
before, get, afraid, how, other, like, listener, if, notice, join

It's hard to make friends if you stay at home alone all the time.     1     out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. For example,     2     a club or play a sport, attend meetings or     3     groups. It's easier to make friends when you have lots of interests.

Learn from people who have friends and watch carefully     4     they make and keep friends. Don't do all the things they do, but     5     what they do. Then try some of those things yourself.

Don't be     6     to show people what you're really good at. Talk about the things you     7    . People will be interested in you     8     there is something interesting about you.

Be a good     9    . Let people talk about themselves     10     talking about yourself. Ask lots of questions and show an interest in their answers.

2021-02-22更新 | 249次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
much     help     quick     take     and     care     use     everything     how     through

Fire is useful and important to us. We     1     it to cook meals every day. But if we are not careful, a fire may happen anytime. Many people get hurt or die in fire. So knowing     2     to protect yourself in a fire is very important.

When a fire happens, the first and most important thing you must do is to find the safest route (路线) to get away     3    . If you are in the taller floors of the building, you can’t use the lift. You should run out along the stairs. From the lower floors of the building, you can jump out     4     the window if it’s necessary for you.

If you can’t get out of the room, you must be     5     of the smoke. In fact, plenty (大量) of hot and thick smoke is the main reason why people die in a fire. Find something wet to cover your nose and mouth. Keeping low to the ground can prevent you from     6     in smoke. And you can also open the windows to keep your head outside to get fresh air and shout for     7    .

Remember that nothing is     8     important than your life. You must leave     9     behind: your money, your jewelry (首饰) and so on. After you’re out, don’t go back for anything.

Follow these ways,     10     you can keep safe in a fire.

2024-03-07更新 | 61次组卷
选词填空-短文 | 适中 (0.65)
A. best       B. When     C. Instead     D. listening     E. first       F. more
G. until       H. miss       I. playing     J. is               K. What     L. interested

Most Chinese students think English is difficult to learn. Do you think so? Here is some advice on learning English.

When you learn a new word, don't just memorize it.    1     try to use it in the sentences. And use it as often as you can on the     2     day you learn it. You will remember the new words much     3     easily in this way.

Practicing sounds, you know it     4     difficult. Take the “th” sound for example: choose the words that begin with “th” and repeat them over and over again     5     you pronounce them well. Have a try!

Read, read and read! Reading is one of the     6     ways to increase your vocabulary(词汇量) and improve your grammar. It's important to choose the books you are     7     in.

    8     someone is talking with you in English, listen to the main points. If you hear a new word, ignore(忽略)it and go on     9    . If you stop and think about the word, you will     10     something else that the person is saying.

2022-01-09更新 | 93次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般