组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 科普知识与现代技术 > 发明与创造
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:217 题号:9652905
Some Cool Inventions
Selfie Stick(自拍杆)
How to take a perfect selfie? Luckily, a selfie stick is helpful! When using a selfie stick, you position your phone on one end and your hands hold the other end. Then, you connect the stick with your phone through Bluetooth. Press the button on the stick and say cheese. Your selfie is made!
Apple Watch
Apple Watch is a computer and phone on your wrist. Besides telling the time, the watch can send messages and make phone calls. To make your life easy, the watch can also show you a map on the screen. If you want to find the nearest cafe, you just need to speak to your watch. Then, it will show you the direction. Apple Watch also comes with many health and fitness features. The watch is not just smart. It is also fashionable, with six different styles and colors.
3-D Printers
Is there a machine that can build almost anything? Thanks to 3-D printers, theyhave been used to make many different things. People have made candies and cars. Doctors have even used a 3-D printer for human organs. What else will the 3-Dprinter bring us?
We can turn on lights and televisions because electricity travels through wires. But Witricity, a US-based company is working on this technology---wireless electricity. The technology tries to create a magnetic(有磁性的) field in your room. This way, smartphones will charge in your pocket as you wander around and lights will glow with no wires attched.

1. How can we take a perfect selfie?
A.By using a selfie stick.B.By using Bluetooth.
C.By saying cheese.D.By using a better phone.
2. What can anApple Watch do?
A.It can tell the time and create a magnetic field.B.It can send messages and cure illnesses.
C.It is with different styles and colors.D.It can tell the time and show you the way.
3. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Apple watch can show maps on the screen.B.A US-based company is working on wireless electricity.
C.3-D printers can build almost everything.D.Wireless electricity has already been widely used.
4. How can wireless electricity work?
A.By traveling through wires.B.By creating a magnetic field in the room.
C.By using smartphones.D.By wandering around in the room.
5. Where can you find the passage?
A.In newspapers.B.In a magazine on science and technology.
C.In a tour guide.D.In textbooks.


阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Computers, smart phones, and other machines are the perfect servants. They always do what they are “told”. We usually “tell” them to do things by using a mouse or keyboard. But what if we could just talk to them normally and tell them what to do in our daily life?

This type of technology, known as voice control or voice recognition(声音识别), has been shown in films and TV shows since the 1960s. And real-world voice recognition is used for more everyday tasks. You might be familiar with Siri and Alexa, two examples of voice recognition software made by Apple and Amazon. They can be asked to do many things, from setting alarms and playing music to placing online shopping orders and controlling household appliances(家用电器).

One of the nice things about voice recognition is that it can be used when we’re on the go. When you’re driving a car or walking down the sidewalk, it can be inconvenient or even dangerous to pick up your smart phone and type away on the keyboard. Voice recognition allows you to focus on(专注于)whatever you’re doing at the moment while still doing other tasks. What’s more, people with hearing disabilities can also benefit(获益), as speech recognition software can be used to “listen” to spoken words and turn them into text that deaf people can read.

1. We usually “tell” computers and smart phones to do things by ______________.
A.other machinesB.the perfect servants
C.using a mouse or keyboardD.talking to the people who are using them
2. What does the word “familiar” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?
3. We can’t use voice recognition to ______________.
A.set alarms and play musicB.cook some food
C.place online shopping ordersD.control household appliances
4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Siri and Alexa are made by Apple and Alibaba.
B.We can pick up and type on our phones when we’re driving a car.
C.The deaf people can’t use voice recognition because they hear nothing.
D.Voice recognition can make people do different things at the same time.
5. This passage is mainly about ______________.
A.the uses of voice recognition
B.the reason why people use voice recognition
C.the advantages and disadvantages of voice recognition
D.how to use computers, smart phones, and other machines
2021-05-07更新 | 174次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】①ChatGPT is back in news! Open AI, the company behind die popular chatbot(聊天程序), has now introduced a powerful new language model: GPT-4.

②On March 14, 2023. GPT-4 showed the world how smarter it is than GPT-3.5. One of its best new advantages is that it can understand pictures. For example, if you show a picture of a phone using the wrong charger(充电器), GPT-4 can tell why the picture looks strange or funny.

③_____▲____The new language model can create classic games very quickly. It can also change the tone(语气)and style based on what you ask it to do. GPT-4 is much better than the older GPT at passing tests, which may worry teachers. According to CNN, GPT-4 did really well on a law school test, with a score in the top 10 percent of test takers. But GPT-3.5 only got a score in the bottom 10 percent.

④ GPT-4 will also see greater use as a tool to power other apps and services. For example, the language learning app Duoling plan to use GPT-4. Their users can learn languages by talking with AI. Another app, Be My Eyes, will use GPT-4 to help blind people better understand the world around them. The government of Iceland also plans to use GPT-4 to protect the Icelandic language.

⑤ There are still problems with the new language model, however, GPT-4 still can’t get completely correct answers, especially with newer information after September 2021.

1. Which of the following sentences can be put in the _____▲ ____.
A.GPT-4 has the same use as GPT-3.5
B.GPT-4’s developments don’t stop there
C.People all over the world like GPT-4
D.GPT-4 is completely different from GPT-3.5
2. The writer’s main purpose in writing the passage is to _________.
A.encourage us to use GPT-4 more often
B.introduce the popularity of chatbots
C.show us the improvements of GPT-4
D.praise the developments of the games
3. According to the passage, we can infer __________.
A.GPT-4 is popular with teachersB.GPT-4 never makes mistakes
C.GPT-4 is not as smart as GPT-3.5D.GPT-4 can understand blind people
4. If there’s a paragraph 6, it may talk about _________.
A.what games GPT-4 can create
B.where GPT-4 will be often used
C.why GPT-4 is different from GPT-3.5
D.how the company will improve GPT-4
2023-05-18更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Water is the most basic building block(组成部分)of life. Just over half of our body is made up of water. We always think that we’ll always have clean water to drink. But in many parts of the word, clean water is more expensive than gold. People get sick and die every day because they don’t have enough clean drinking water. What can we do to solve the problem?

A teenager named Marcus Deans might have the answer. He has just invented(发明)NOCOS, a cheap and easy-to-make filter(过滤器). The 17-year-old Canadian once saw a picture of an African child drinking dirty water. He then decided to find a way to solve it. But it wasn’t easy at first. Deans was just 12 years old when he started working on his filter. “It was difficult                    to find help with the project at the very start. I was lucky enough to receive help from inventors from across the world who offered me advice.” he said.

Many people before Deans have tried to find ways to bring water filtration to the people in some poor countries. The problem is that their filters were usually too expensive or needed special parts. But Deans’ filter is quite cheap—it costs just $2 to make. And it’s made out of materials like sand an sugar that are easy to find, even in poor parts of the world.

Deans has taken part in many charity(慈善)activities. Now he is preparing to make his NOCOS filter used in some developing(发展中的)countries. Probably the people living in those places will be thankful for his hard work.

1. ________ let Marcus Deans decide to invent a new water filter at first.
A.A picture of an African childB.A few expensive water filters
C.Some advice from inventorsD.The introduction to poor countries
2. How long did it take Marcus Deans to invent NOGOS?
A.Two years.B.Five years.C.Ten years.D.Twelve years.
3. Marcus Deans’ water filter is different from other filters because ________.
A.It’s bigger than other filtersB.it’s easy to make and cheap
C.it uses new materialsD.it can filter water more quickly
4. What can we infer(推断)from the story?
A.Deans will make lots of money by selling his filters.B.The NOGOS filter is not fit for developing countries.
C.Deans needs to improve NOGOS filers later.D.Water filtered by NOGOS is clean enough to drink.
2021-07-30更新 | 36次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般