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1 . When Mark walked empty-handed up the sand, the sun was shining brightly. The watching children were as disappointed as he was. They looked at each other and spoke softly so he couldn’t hear.

“Is that all?”

“Is he giving up?”

But Mark wasn’t giving up. He rested on the hot sand. He ate some chocolate biscuits and fed energy back into his body. Slowly his strength and determination returned. “Would the crayfish(鳌虾) still be there?” He wondered.

Mark knew crayfish usually hid in the darkness beneath rocks, only coming out at night to feed. How long would his crayfish remain there before it went back under the rocks?

Mark forced himself to be patient. He lay on his back in the sun, eyes closed, nearly asleep. Excitement and speed would only waste energy. Finally Mark rose and went back into the water.

The children, watching from the shore, were silent. They waited, twisting(缠绕) curls of hair in their fingers, digging their teeth into their knees.

Out in the bay, the crayfish was still there. Its feelers moved in the currents(水流).

Mark took long, slow, deep breaths. He cheered himself up with encouraging words, “I can do it. I can. I can do it.” Over and over he told himself, hoping his mind would get the idea and believe it.

Down he dived. Down. Down. Down. Lungs bursting, ears popping, eyes painful. Nearly there. Pressure(压力), Pressure. He reached out his hands. Reaching. Reaching. But it was no good. He couldn’t make it. Only an arm’s length away, but he couldn’t reach the crayfish.

Up he went. Tired, burning, disappointed, annoyed. Floating on the surface, he told himself off.

“You hurried too much. Take your time. Prepare yourself. Don’t dive until everything feels right,” he spoke to himself calmly, and he felt the confidence building up inside him. “I can do it. I can do it.” He felt good. It was going to be a good dive. Breathing deeply, relaxing, concentrating. Three more breaths. One, two, three. Down!

1. What was the weather like in the story?
2. What does the underlined word “beneath” in Paragraph 5 mean?
3. From the underlined sentence, we can see the children were ________.
4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Mark caught the crayfish at last.
B.Mark was building up his confidence.
C.Mark lost heart and planned to give up.
D.Mark hurried to dive before everything was right.
5. What’s the main idea of the story?
A.What Mark ate to get his energy back.
B.What Mark did to reduce his pressure.
C.How Mark kept trying to get the crayfish.
D.How Mark prepared himself well for diving.
2023-10-22更新 | 684次组卷 | 4卷引用:2024年内蒙古呼和浩特市赛罕区中考二模英语试题
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2 .

Darrius was born with three fingers on his right hand and one on his left hand. He had to work hard to do things that were easy for others. Every time his classmates tried to help, he would say, “Thanks, but I can do it myself.” He learned to use the four fingers to do different things.

When Darrius was 10, he told his father that he liked piano(钢琴) music very much. “It's too bad you can't play,” his father said. But the boy took that as a challenge(挑战).“I will show people that I can,” he said to himself.

Months later, a neighbour gave him an old piano when she moved away. He taught himself to play the piano and practised for hours a day.

Darrius's favourite piano music is River Flows in You by Yiruma, a Korean musician. It took Darrius a year to learn it. “I have to come up with my own way with only 4 fingers,” he said. When he succeeded, he felt so proud. Later he was lucky enough to play the music together with Yiruma at a famous concert hall! Yiruma encouraged Darrius to follow his dream of playing his own music. Darrius has made it. And his music is popular today.

“I may have a disability,” he says, “ but I don’t let it hold me back from anything.”

1. What did Darrius take as a challenge at the age of 10?
A.Writing his music.B.Playing the piano.C.Giving a concert.D.Visiting a hall.
2. How long did it take Darrius to learn to play River Flows in You?
A.A year.B.A month.C.A day.D.An hour.
3. Who encouraged Darrius to follow his dream?
A.His classmate.B.His father.C.A neighbour.D.A musician.
4. What can we learn about Darrius from the text?
A.He has a strong will.B.He bought himself a piano.
C.He gave up his dream.D.He only plays others’ music.
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Online classes in space got lots of attention among Chinese students. The “classroom” in space station is about 400 kilometers away from the earth. The space classes make the young be proud of our country. As a special “teacher”, Wang Yaping is regarded as “the most beautiful astronaut”.

Wang Yaping was born in a small village in Shandong in 1980. She studied hard all those years. She was good at all subjects, especially sports. Luckily, in 1997, she was accepted by the Air Force, Changchun Flight Academy.

Wang’s space dream started in 2003, when China sent its first astronaut Yang Liwei into space. She told herself, “China now has a male astronaut. When will there be a female one?” At that time, Wang was a pilot in the Chinese army. After having safe flights for 1,600 hours during nine years in the training center, Wang was a strong candidate (候选人) to become an astronaut in 2010. In 2013, Wang realized her space dream. She was sent to space by Shenzhou-10. She joined the team of Shenzhou-13 in 2021 and flew into the space for the second time.

However, it is difficult to be an astronaut. She has to experience a lot of pain that most people can’t stand and keep training all the time. Wang Yaping told Xinhua, “The space environment won’t change because you are a woman.” She pushed herself hard, getting the same training as men, including the pull-ups and barbells (杠铃). That finally made her dream come true.

“You are on the way to success as long as you stick to your dreams.” Wang Yaping said. She set a good example to the young. Millions of students are encouraged and inspired by the most beautiful astronaut.

1. How far is the space station from the earth?
A.About 2,400 kilometers.B.About 1,800 kilometers.
C.About 400 kilometers.D.About 600 kilometers.
2. When was Wang Yaping born?
A.In 1979.B.In 1980.C.In 1997.D.In 2013.
3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Wang did well in all subjects except sports.
B.Wang took part in Shenzhou-10 tasks in 2003.
C.Wang flew into the space for the second time in 2021.
D.Wang’s training was different from men astronauts’.
4. What made Wang Yaping achieve her dream?
A.Beautiful look.B.Strong spirit.C.Nice family.D.Good luck.
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.The Most Beautiful AstronautB.The Special Space Classes
C.The Introduction to ScienceD.The Life in Space Station
2022-06-26更新 | 435次组卷 | 5卷引用: 内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题
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4 . I prefer to go slowly when I drive in the mountains of my home, because the forest scenery is beautiful no matter what the season is. This morning I was driving slower than usual because an early March snow had made the roads slippery (湿滑的). Going up a mountain road, I had to slow down as I rounded a sharp, snowy curve (转弯处). That was when I saw a strong and handsome male deer standing in the middle of the road. I came to a full stop and for a few seconds we just looked at each other. His eyes seemed wise and calm. Finally, he nodded his head at me. I nodded in return and waved with my hand for him to go on. He then jumped and ran across the road, up the hill, and back into the woods. I drove on smiling at the magic of this moment and thanked that I had been going slowly enough not to hit this beautiful creature.

Most of us rush through this life not knowing what we are missing. We hardly get to enjoy what each day brings us. Wouldn’t it be better to go slowly through our days here? Life is meant to be savored. Moments are meant to be valued. Days are meant to be lived in love and joy not flown through at a crazy speed.

The next time you find yourself going too fast, slow down. Take the time to watch the sunrise fill the world with light. Take the time to smile, laugh and sing. Take the time to read and relax. Take the time to live your life with love and delight in all the miracles each day brings you. If you do, your life will be much better and more beautiful. And you might even end up not hitting a deer on your way home.

1. Why does the writer like to go slowly in the mountains?
A.Because there is much snow.
B.Because the forest scenery is beautiful.
C.Because the road is dangerous.
D.Because there is a male deer.
2. What might the writer regret most if he drove too fast in the mountains according to Paragraph 1?
A.Missing the beautiful scenery of the mountains.
B.Missing the chance of spending time with animals.
C.Missing the chance of enjoying an early March snow in the mountains.
D.Missing the chance of having magical communication with a deer.
3. How did the writer feel after meeting the deer?
4. What does the underlined word “savored” mean in Chinese?
5. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Enjoy LifeB.Love Nature
C.Protect AnimalsD.Drive Slowly
2022-07-28更新 | 320次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024年内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿荣旗中考一模英语试题
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5 .

A crow lived in the forest and was pleased with his life. But one day he saw a swan. “This swan is so white,” he thought, “and I am so black. This swan must be the happiest bird in the world.”

He expressed his thoughts to the swan. The swan said, “I was feeling that I was the happiest bird around until I saw a parrot with two colors. I now think it is the happiest bird in the world.” The crow then came to the parrot. The parrot explained, “I lived a very happy life until I saw a peacock. It has many colors!”

The crow then visited the peacock in the zoo and saw that hundreds of people came to see him. After people left, the crow came to the peacock. “Dear peacock,” the crow said, “you are so beautiful. Every day thousands of people come to see you. When people see me, they immediately shoo me away. I think you are the happiest bird in the world.”

The peacock replied, “I always thought that I was the most beautiful bird in the world. But I am trapped (困住) in the zoo. I have examined the zoo very carefully, and I find that the crow is the only bird not kept in a cage. So for the past few days, I have been thinking that if I were a crow, I could happily travel everywhere.”

The clever crow seemed to understand something and he flew away. From then on, he has become happier than before.

1. According to the swan, which is the happiest bird in the world?
A.The crow.B.The swan.C.The parrot.D.The peacock.
2. Which is the right order of the following events?
a. The swan said the parrot was happier than her.
b. The crow went to visit the white swan.
c. The parrot thought the peacock was the happiest bird in the world.
d. The crow wasn’t pleased with his color.
3. What does the underlined word “shoo” mean in Chinese?
4. What was the peacock’s problem?
A.He was more beautiful than other birds.
B.Many people came to see him every day.
C.He had too much food to eat in the zoo.
D.He was kept in the zoo and couldn’t travel everywhere.
5. What do you think the crow understood in the end?
A.Doing good is the happiest thing in life.
B.Black is the most beautiful color of all.
C.The happiest thing in the world is being free.
D.It’s an unhappy thing to have different colors.
阅读理解-单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . “Why can’t Grandpa just be normal? Why does he take wave ski as a hobby? He’s so weird,” Carter asked Grandma.

Grandma laughed. “I’ve wondered that for many years.”

They were sitting on the beach watching Grandpa and some of his friends in the ocean.

“None of my friends even knows what a waveski is,” Carter continued.

“Just tell them it’s a lot like surfing but the riders sit on top of a waveski. When the waves come, they will ride the wave just like a surfer, only they paddle (划桨) to get out to the waves.”

“Nobody’s grandpa does this.”

Grandma laughed. “Well, what should he be doing instead?”

“I don’t know. Maybe things that old people do.”

“Look! A big wave is coming in!” Grandma pointed to the ocean.

Carter saw Grandpa in front of his friends. He was leaning (倾斜) forward and paddling hard, just ahead of the large incoming wave. Carter was surprised at how hard Grandpa was paddling and how fast he was moving. Just then, another huge wave came. Carter jumped to his feet and held his breath. This was not good. What if something bad happened?

As the wave drew near, Grandpa paddled harder. He was suddenly lifted by the water and stopped paddling. He leaned toward the wave, changing the direction of the waveski. Now, he was riding the wave, moving fast. Carter was amazed. Grandpa was totally in control.

Carter now realized his grandpa wasn’t weird at all. He was amazing. Absolutely amazing! “Go Grandpa!” Carter shouted, even though he knew Grandpa couldn’t hear him.

When the wave was gone, Grandpa turned toward the beach and waved to Carter and Grandma. He looked so happy.

Carter waved back. He wasn’t sure why, but he had tears in his eyes. He quickly dried them and then waved again.

“Do you think I can be the one riding waves like him?”

“Of course,”Grandma said.

1. What does the underlined word “weird” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.strange and unusualB.normal and shy
C.outgoing and generousD.friendly and helpful
2. When did Carter come to understand his grandpa?
A.When he learned from Grandma what waveski was.
B.When he saw Grandpa paddling ahead of the wave.
C.When Grandpa was riding the wave and moving fast.
D.When Grandpa turned toward the beach and waved to him.
3. What would Carter probably after talking with Grandma?
A.Buy a new waveski for Grandpa.B.Share his own hobby with Grandma.
C.Encourage Grandma to try waveski.D.Ask Grandpa to teach him to waveski.
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.An exciting experience.B.A “weird” grandpa.
C.A happy family.D.A smart grandson.
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . It happened today, which we never want to happen, but we’ve been preparing for it for a whole school year. A tornado touched down (登陆) near our school.

I wasn’t even in the classroom at the moment. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help gather something for a test. When the emergency alarms went off, immediately I grabbed my student’s hand and ran as fast as I could back to the classroom.

I never imagined needing to put our tornado practice into use. I never imagined actually needing to line my students up against the wall and have them crouch down (蹲伏) with their knees and heads touching the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hearts beat so fast that they couldn’t catch their breath. Their fear-filled eyes looked up at me as they asked if their parents, grandparents and friends were going to be fine. Never could I imagine that the silence would come over the whole schoolyard, with hundreds of students gathered in the classrooms of one building.

Other teachers and I tried our best to comfort our students, assure (使确信) them of their safety and promise them everything would be all right, though we truly didn’t know what the result would be.

Today has done something bad to me, and I am sure it has done harm to the hundreds and thousands of teachers in the local areas and surrounding areas. But at the same time, I am very proud, surprised and pleased with how my students behaved. Never have I seen they follow directions so quickly and quietly. Even though tears were in eyes and hearts were beating fast, my students were brave beyond their age today. They were able to be 100% calm and collected (镇静的) the whole time and for that, I was greatly moved.

1. Where did the students gather during the tornado?
A.In the gym.B.In the hallways.C.In the classrooms.D.In the playground.
2. What can we know from paragraph 3?
A.The students’ hearts beat fast because of fear.B.The students were asked to stand against the walls.
C.The students were organized to run to the nearest exit.D.The students felt certain about the safety of their families.
3. Why was the teacher greatly moved?
A.Because the tornado did not do harm to the local areas.
B.Because the parents worked well with the school all the time.
C.Because the students were brave and well-organized during the tornado.
D.Because hundreds of students lined up against the walls of one building.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.A horrible tornado hit the school.
B.The school was in a mess after the tornado.
C.A brave teacher saved many people’s lives during the tornado.
D.The teachers and students stayed calm when the tornado happened.
2024-05-08更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市伊金霍洛旗中考一模英语试题(含听力)
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8 . Tom had a book in his hand and tears in his eyes. “What worries you, Tom?” asked Mrs. White.

“Our teacher asked us to recite the poem Little Jim. I don’t think I can do it well. ” said Tom.

“Why not?” asked Mrs. White.

“The boys said that I can’t.” said Tom in a sad voice.

“Don’t mind what they said. Let them see that you can do it.” said Mrs. White.

“I don’t think I can.” said Tom. “The poem is so long and difficult for me. But I want to try my best to recite it. ”

“Well, dear son.” said Mrs. White, “Look at that snail (蜗牛) on the wall. How slow it is! Watch it. You will see it get to the top at last. So just try a few lines each day, and you may recite it in the end. ”

Tom thought he could catch up with the boys, and he might run a race with the snail. So he planned to try it.

At last, the day came. The teacher called up the boys to recite the poem. After six boys had recited it, it was Tom’s turn. Most of the boys thought Tom could fail. But to their surprise, Tom did not miss a word. His heart was full of joy when the teacher said, “Well done, Tom!” After the rest of the class had tried, the teacher said Tom did best.

“And now tell us how you could recite the poem so well.” said the teacher.

“A snail on the wall taught me how to do it.” said Tom.

There was a loud laugh when Tom said this. But the teacher said, “Don’t laugh!   How did the snail teach you, Tom?”

“I saw it climb up the wall bit by bit. It didn’t stop. At last, it climbed to the top. And I thought I could do the same. So I recited it bit by bit, and did not give up. ” said Tom.

“Well done, Tom!” said the teacher. “Now boys, let us give a good cheer to Tom and the snail on the wall.” The classroom rang with a great cheer.

1. What did the teacher ask Tom to do?
A.To write a poem.B.To recite a poem.
C.To read a poem.D.To copy a poem.
2. Mrs. White is Tom’s ________.
3. What’s on the wall?
A.A map.B.A picture.C.A clock.D.A snail.
4. What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指代)?
A.The snail.B.The poem.C.The book.D.The wall.
5. Which of the following can be put in the   ?
A.We can learn a lot from things such as snails.
B.For you, you can easily recite this poem.
C.It is very important for you to recite this poem.
D.Excuse me, do you know who wrote this poem?
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Nellie and I were born only a few days apart, so every year we plan a birthday party together. This year, our birthday theme was “Discover the Pyramids”.

“What about inviting Mary?” Nellie asked.

Mary was a loner, and hadn’t made many friends, but she was better at Math Pyramid than anyone else in class.

“Hmm, she wears the same old trousers every day. How could she even afford a party dress?”

After school the next day, Nellie handed me a box. “What’s that?” I asked.

“My birthday gift from my aunt. I thought it would be nice to give this to Mary,” Nellie said.

I opened the box. Inside was a gift certificate (礼品券) for our favorite clothing store.

“Wow,” I gasped. We both knew how many cute clothes that would buy.

“So, are we going to just hand it to her?”

“How embarrassing (尴尬的) that would be!” Nellie answered.

She was right. Mary would be totally embarrassed if we gave her money for clothes.

“What if we ask our teacher…”

“Wait a second. I have an idea.” Nellie said.

“What? What?”

“I’m not going to tell you!”

On the day of our party, Mary arrived, with no surprise—the very old brown trousers.

We sang, danced and ate biscuits. “And now for the big prize game”, Nellie said. “Big prize”?

My mouth dropped. This was not in the plan.

“The big prize game is like this: Tom and Sam were building pyramids……If their pyramids had to be 60 feet high, who would finish first?”

A Math game. Of course! Nellie winked (眨眼示意) at me. No one was surprised when Mary came up with the answer before anyone else and walked off with the box.

The next week, Mary wore a new pair of trousers, and even a new dress. The whole time she had a big smile on her face.

And so did we.

1. Whose birthday party was it?
A.Mary’s.B.Nellie and the writer’s.C.Nellie’s aunt’s.D.Tom and Sam’s.
2. How did Nellie try to help Mary?
A.By giving her the gift directly.B.By asking the teacher for help.
C.By setting up a big prize game.D.By inviting her to the clothing store.
3. What do you know about Mary according to the story?
A.She didn’t do well in Math Pyramid.B.She got the gift with the teacher’s help.
C.She had many clothes at home.D.She didn’t have many friends at school.
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.An interesting game.B.An unforgettable party.
C.A Pyramid surprise.D.A lonely but clever girl.
2024-04-22更新 | 43次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024年中考考前押题密卷-内蒙古包头卷
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10 . Steve is very interested in painting. He plans to become an artist when he grows up. Drawing makes him feel very happy. He often reads some books about painting to find his feelings. In the painting class last week, he drew a duck with one leg. It has a strange shape. When he showed his works to his teachers and classmates, they were surprised. They didn’t understand. It made Steve shy and nervous. After class, his teacher told him to prepare the works to show in the next class. Mr. Green cared for him and comforted him. Steve thought he was kind. He wanted to draw a flying horse with wings (翅膀).

It was time for the painting class. Steve was very worried. He was afraid that his classmates would laugh at him. Mr. Green said to the students with a smile on his face, “Good morning, class, we are going to paint…”

While waiting, Steve guessed what the teacher would say. Suddenly the teacher smiled and said, “You can paint as you like. Your painting makes people feel happy.” “Yes! Great!” said Steve excitedly.

Steve started to paint a running horse easily on a large piece of white paper. It was not a flying horse. It was really beautiful. It looked like a real horse. The whole class cheered for him and felt proud of him.

From that day on, Steve was never nervous about art classes.

1. What is Steve?
A.An artist.B.A student.C.An art teacher.D.A worker.
2. Why did Steve feel nervous at first?
A.Because his work was poor.
B.Because he had too many works to do.
C.Because he was not good at painting.
D.Because his classmates didn’t understand him.
3. What does the underlined word “It” refer to (指代)?
A.A piece of paper.B.A drawing pencil.
C.A painting of a duck.D.A duck.
4. Which picture is Steve’s work?
5. What can we know from the passage?
A.Steve’s painting couldn’t make people happy.B.Steve’s classmates were surprised at his painting.
C.Steve was too nervous to paint a duck well.D.Steve painted a flying horse at last.
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