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1 .

Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence* (AI) system — Ithaca, to help fill in missing words in ancient writings. The system is designed to help historians repair the writings and find out when and where they were written.

Many ancient people used writings, also known as inscriptions*, to record different parts of their lives. The inscriptions have been found on materials such as rock, china and metal. The writings often contained valuable information about how ancient people lived and how they structured their societies. But in many cases, the inscribed objects have been damaged over the centuries. In addition, many of the inscribed objects were moved from areas where they were created. This makes it difficult for scientists to discover when and where the writings were made.

The new AI-based tool helps researchers repair missing inscriptions and estimate the true origins of the records. The researchers, led by Alphabet’s AI company DeepMind, call their tool Ithaca. Ithaca was able to correctly predict* missing inscription elements 62 % of the time. In addition, the tool was 71 % correct in telling where the inscriptions first came from. And the system was able to effectively date writings to within 30 years.

When historians work on their own, the success rate for restoring damaged inscriptions is about 25%. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca to help their work, the success rate jumped to 72%.

Thea Sommerschield, a lead researcher, said she hoped systems like Ithaca “can unlock the cooperative* chance” between AI and humans. In one case, Ithaca proved new evidence presented by historians about the dating of a series of important Greek laws. The laws were first thought to have been written before 446/445 BCE*, but the new in the 420s BCE. Ithaca predicted a date of 421 BCE. Sommerschield said that the date change may seem small. But it has “meaningful influence for our understanding of the political history of Classical Athens,” she added.

The team is currently working on other versions of Ithaca trained on other ancient languages. DeepMind has showed a free, interactive tool based on the system for use by researchers, educators, museum workers and the public.

1. Ithaca can help researchers ________.
A.repair inscriptionsB.record lifestyle
C.structure societiesD.discover areas
2. The success rate for repairing would be ________ if humans and Ithaca worked together.
3. According to Sommerschied, Ithaca ________.
A.has unlocked the cooperative chance
B.predicted a far different date from historians
C.proved Greek laws were written in 421 BCE
D.has influences on helping understanding history
4. The main purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.introduce a new AI system to usB.make us interested in Greek laws
C.encourage people to join DeepMindD.teach us how to repair inscriptions
2022-06-25更新 | 150次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市教研院附属学校联考中考二模英语试题
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2 . Learning English can be great fun. Today I learned some expressions (表达) about fruit and vegetables. I’d like to tell you something about them.

First, cucumbers (黄瓜) are long and green. People often eat them. If we say a person is “as cool as a cucumber”, that means he never worries about anything or gets angry. He is calm at any time.

If two people look exactly the same, we might say they are “two peas in a pod (豆荚)”.

Potatoes are popular food in many countries. “Small potatoes” means something or somebody unimportant. For example, Jim doesn’t want to be “small potatoes”, so he works hard. Someone might call you “a couch potato” if you sit and watch television all day and get little or no exercise.

Bananas are a kind of popular fruit. We can say you “go bananas” if you are very angry.

1. Who are most probably described as “two peas in a pod”?
2. The underlined word “calm” means “________”.
3. In which part of a magazine can you read this passage?
A.Sports.B.Story Telling.C.Travel.D.Language Learning.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.Fruit and vegetables.B.How to cook fruit and vegetables.
C.Some expressions about fruit and vegetables.D.How to learn English well.
2023-04-25更新 | 154次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023年浙江省温州市瓯海区联盟学校中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 .

Can humans and machines “talk” to each other? We often see this in movies and on TV shows. In the 1960s, in the TV series Star Trek, spaceships could reply to human voice orders. In 1968, in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, HAL 9000 is a computer that human can talk to, it can play chess with humans and fix their spaceship. This type of technology, which help machines understand human speech and act accordingly, is known as voice control, or voice recognition.

Today, voice recognition is not just shown on the screen, but is widely used for everyday tasks. Siri and Alexa, the voice recognition software made by Apple and Amazon, are two examples. You can ask it to do many things, from setting alarms to turning on the television and placing online shopping order.

One of the nice things about voice recognition is that it can be used when we’re on the go. When you’re driving a car or walking down the sidewalk, it can be not easy or even dangerous to pick up your smartphone and type away on the keyboard. With voice recognition, you can focus on whatever you’re doing at the moment while still finishing other tasks.

People with hearing problems can also benefit. Speech recognition can be used to listen to spoken words and turn them into text that deaf people can read. Advanced speech recognition software can even hear words spoken in one language and then translate it into another language.

As voice recognition software becomes more advanced, it will be able to help us in even more ways. So far, most voice recognition technology is not able to recognize specific voices. That is to say, your voice “sounds” the same to the software as your friend’s voice. However, Apple and other companies are already working to develop voice recognition software that replies only to specific voices.

How would this be useful? It could make your things safer. You could set your phone, computer or even other things like your car or home to open only when they hear your voice.

1. Voice recognition is a kind of technology which helps machines ________.
A.protect and fix spaceshipsB.play chess controlled by humans
C.develop films and shows on TVD.reply to humans’ voice orders
2. According to the passage, with voice recognition software, ________.
A.deaf people are able to hear spoken wordsB.you can do another task while driving cars
C.a TV can be asked to show your favorite programD.your computer can only be opened with your own voice
3. What does “this” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.The software helping to renew computers.B.The software used to recognize particular voices.
C.The technology used to drive cars for humans.D.The technology helping to improve software.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Machines Know Your VoiceB.How to Help Deaf People?
C.Is Technology Safe or Not?D.Technology Creates a Better Life
2022-07-03更新 | 142次组卷 | 6卷引用:2022年浙江省温州新希望联盟学校中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Parades, music, art, and food from many different cultures…if this sounds fun to you, then you can’t miss the Mombasa Carnival, a huge multicultural street party that takes place every November in Mombasa, Kenya. It’s a festival that celebrates not only African culture, but also cultures from other countries.

Mombasa is the second largest city in Kenya, Africa, and since the 12th century, it has been a stopping place for many foreign traders. Indians, Arabians, as well as the Spanish, all came there and left pieces of their cultures behind.

During the festival, businessmen line the streets, selling products. Some traditional artists show and sell their works, and local bands play Afropop and other types of music while traditional and modern dancing all take place on stage and in the streets.

Men and women wear traditional clothing, such as the kikoy. It’s a large piece of cloth that covers around the body and is tied at the waist or below the armpits with bright colors, usually worn by both men and women. The cloth can also be a skirt or even be used as a bag to carry babies. This type of clothing represents African culture.

There’s plenty to eat and drink for sale, like mnazi, a drink made from coconut, and madafu, which is fresh coconut milk. There are vegetables or meat dishes, often very hot and served on rice. Or try nayama choma, made by beef over a fire.

The festival is Mombasa’s celebration of all the cultures that have combined to make the city special. It’s an excellent way to experience some different cultural influences on Mombasa while having a great time!

1. People can enjoy Mombasa Carnival in ________.
2. In Mombasa Carnival, kikoy may be ________.
A.bags in black or whiteB.cloth used in different ways
C.skirts mainly worn by womenD.clothing covering around the head
3. According to the passage, why does the writer think Mombasa Carnival is special?
A.The foods there are cheap and delicious.
B.Mixed cultures can be experienced there.
C.Mombasa is the second largest city in Africa.
D.Visitors can play traditional music with local bands.
4. The purpose of this passage is to ________.
A.introduce the development of Mombasa Carnival
B.show us the traditional food in Mombasa Carnival
C.invite people to Mombasa to enjoy Mombasa Carnival
D.tell visitors the activities they can do in Mombasa Carnival
2022-06-12更新 | 145次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市绣山中学中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约420词) | 较难(0.4) |
5 .

Before the discovery of DNA analyzing in the 1980s, fingerprints were the easiest way to solve serious crimes due to two basic features: their persistence and their uniqueness.

It’s believed that of the 7 billion or so people on Earth, each one of us has our own unique fingerprints. But did you know that our fingerprints could actually reveal a lot more about us than just our identity?

According to Bailey of The Conversation, fingerprints can show people’s lifestyle and living environment, eating habits, possible medical problems and even the job of a person.

So how can we figure all these out from just a simple fingerprint?

Well, a fingerprint is formed when a finger makes contact with a surface. Most fingerprints are not visible to our eyes and require a chemical way to make them visible. Stuck between the ridges of a fingerprint, however, are substances that can tell a story about who we are. Things like traces of sweat, blood, and food reveal a lot of information about us–what we’ve touched, what we’ve eaten and even what medicine we’ve taken.

At the moment, the skills to discover these substances are mostly used in solving the crime cases, but its application could be much wider, according to Bailey, who gives speeches in chemistry at the University of Surrey in the UK. For example, she and her fellow researchers were able to tell what medicines people were taking from their fingerprints, which may be of great help in the future to doctors treating their patients. A fingerprint check may also be able to tell a doctor whether a patient is properly taking the medicine they’ve been given. In the treatment of some of the most serious illnesses, it’s deadly important that the body is taking in these medicines. As Scientific American noted, this is particularly important for patients undergoing treatment for heart conditions and psychosis*, as these people might struggle to take the medicines or forget or choose not to take them.

And while it’s commonly believed that our fingerprints never change, but in fact, they do—and people can get a great deal of information from the ways they change. In the future, fingerprint science won’t only be restricted to the crime lab but can help doctors keep us in the best possible health as well. Won’t that be really amazing?

1. The purpose of Paragraph 2 is ________.
A.to make a conclusionB.to lead to some unknown facts
C.to further explain the themeD.to make a common sense known
2. What could a fingerprint tell according to Bailey?
A.What a patient had taken.B.How a doctor gave medicines.
C.Who made a serious crime.D.How a man was different from others.
3. What can we infer from the passage?
A.We can see a fingerprint with our eyes.
B.The change of fingerprints is of great value.
C.Fingerprints are the easiest way to solve crimes.
D.Things stuck between fingerprints’ ridges are of little use.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Fingerprints: Uniqueness of HumansB.Fingerprints: Traces to Solve Crimes
C.Fingerprints: Secrets Hidden on FingersD.Fingerprints: Ways for Treating Illnesses
2023-05-16更新 | 173次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023年浙江省温州市绣山中学、第二外国语学校中考二模联考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 .

Why do zebras have stripes? Scientists think they might have the answer. The team studied horses, zebras and horses dressed as zebras. They spent more than 16 hours standing in fields and watching these animals. They wrote a new study that was later published in the journal Plos One, showing the pattern seems to confuse flies. The stripes make it harder for flies to bite zebras.

Martin How, a scientist at the University of Bristol in England, helped write the study. He said the flies moved naturally around both zebras and horses. However, landing was different. Fewer flies landed on zebras than horses. Scientists saw that the flies moved too quickly and were not able to control their flight when they got close to the zebras. Instead of controlling their direction, they would turn away or run into the zebras. “This is probably because of the flies’ poor eyesight.” How said, “From about 6 feet away, a zebra would just look like a grey horse to a fly.” So when the flies got close, the stripes might deter them at once by making them feel either confused about the direction or uncertain about how fast things were passing by, affecting their ability to land.

The scientists wanted to make sure the effect was not caused by something else. For example, it could have happened because zebras and horses smell different. So the scientists put black, white and zebra-striped coats on seven horses in turn. There was no difference in the rate at which the flies landed on the horses’ uncovered heads, but the flies touched and landed on the zebra coat far less often than either the black or white coats.

The team said that biting flies must be one of the reasons why stripes developed. Zebras come from pars of the world where flies carry bad diseases. There could be some very terrible results when being bitten by flies. But horses are different. They have lived in different environments where diseases from flies are less dangerous.

That’s big news for outdoor enthusiasts who have suffered from fly bites. Perhaps they could get ideas from zebras.

1. The new study is mainly about ________.
A.bow flies bite zebrasB.how stripes on zebras confuse flies
C.how zebras get stripesD.how zebras and horses are different
2. What does the underlined word “deter” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
3. Scientists put zebra-striped coats on horses to ________.
A.separate horses from zebrasB.keep flies from landing on them
C.see if the stripes keep flies awayD.show that horses smell like zebras
4. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Flies will be confused by stripes from far away.
B.Horses live in places where there are fewer flies.
C.Outdoor enthusiasts may avoid wearing striped clothes.
D.Zebras developed stripes to get used to the environment.
2022-05-21更新 | 151次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市绣山中学中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . ①The COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the world. The newly found COVID-19 variant(变种), Omicron, is causing new concerns. Since vaccinations(接种疫苗)are still an important tool to help build protection, more countries in Europe are targeting(针对)the unvaccinated.

Greece. It will be the first country in the European Union to fine unvaccinated people. The country plans to make COVID-19 vaccinations mandatory(强制的)for all people aged 60 and over. Those who have not gotten their first shot(第一针)by Jan 16, 2022 will face a monthly fine of 100 euros(about 718 yuan). The money goes to fund(资助)hospital services. Since November, the unvaccinated have been banned from going to many indoor places such as museums, theaters and gyms.

Germany. On Dec 2, Germany carried out a nationwide lock-down for the unvaccinated. Unvaccinated people will be banned from going to all but the most necessary businesses, such as supermarkets and drugstores. Unvaccinated people can only meet up with two people from another household, CNN reported.

Austria. In Austria, unvaccinated people aged 12 and older have been under a lock-down since Nov 15. They can only leave home for work, medical reasons or to get groceries(生活用品). If anyone goes against the rule, he or she will be fined up to 500 euros.

Italy. Unvaccinated people are banned from dining indoors in restaurants and bars as well as from attending shows, sports events and public ceremonies(典礼). The rule came into effect on Dec 6 and will last until Jan 15. But those who have a negative(阴性)COVID-19 test result will be allowed to go to work.

1. Starting from Jan 16, 2022, people who           will be fined in Greece.
A.break the rule of lock-downB.haven’t gotten a second shot
C.refuse to see a doctorD.are unvaccinated and older than 60
2. Which country has a time limit for the restrictions(限制规定)?
3. If a 22-year-old Austrian hasn’t gotten vaccinated, he/she         .
A.won’t be able to go to workB.will be fined up to 500 euros
C.will be forced to get vaccinatedD.can leave home for medical purposes.
4. What does underlined word “fine” mean in Paragraph②?
2022-03-16更新 | 294次组卷 | 4卷引用:2022年中考英语第二次模拟考试(浙江温州卷)
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校
8 .

The balalaika, also called the "Russian guitar", is a traditional Russian musical instrument. It has a long neck, a wooden triangle-shaped body and strings. It is usually used to play Russian music by plucking the strings with fingers or a pick.

Russians like the balalaika. The music played with it can be cheerful, as if the farmers were dancing happily to celebrate their harvest. It can also be energetic, as if the workers were working hard to make their country richer and stronger. If a Russian moves to live or work abroad, he will probably take a balalaika with him. When he feels lonely and sad, he will play it to cheer himself up.

The balalaika was originally played by the poor in Russia. At that time, balalaikas were made by the players themselves. They were rough, simple and cheap with different numbers of strings, from two to even six. Later a Russian musician Vasily Vasil'yevich Andreev (1861-1918) improved the balalaka. He created a whole family of balalaikas of different sizes, all with three strings. The smallest balalaika is called Prima. It is 60-70cm long. The biggest, Contrabass, is almost 2metres high with a leg to sit on the floor. Andreev founded the first balalaika orchestra in the world, mainly using balalaikas to perform. He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.

Today, there are blalaika groups performing around the world. More and more people get to know the balalaika and are attracted by its Russian style music.

1. The balalaika is a musical instrument __________.
A.without stringsB.with a long neck
C.of a round shapeD.with a metal body
2. The music played with a balalaika is usually__________.
A.slow and sadB.strong and serious
C.soft and modernD.cheerful and energetic
3. Andreev is mentioned in Paragraph Three to introduce __________.
A.the success of balalaika concertsB.the history of balalaika orchestras
C.his talent for playing the balalaikaD.his contributions to the balalaika
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.Balalaika: The "Russian Guitar" for the Poor
B.Russia: The Home of Famous Balalaika Musicians
C.Balalaika: A Traditional Russian Musical Instrument
D.Russia: The International Hand-made Balalaika Factory
2020-06-30更新 | 520次组卷 | 3卷引用:浙江省温州市2020年中考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 .

Pizza is a kind of delicious food in the world. People from America like pizza best. In Turkey, pizza is one of Three Delicacies. More and more Chinese people like to eat pizza, too. But we usually call pizza “Italian Pizza” because it is from Italy. There are pizza shops everywhere in Italy. The first pizza shop is still in Naples, Italy. It opened in 1830.

There are different kinds of pizza today. Toast pizza is one of them. It’s easy for people to make toast pizza at home. Here are the steps about how to make it.

·Get vegetables, meat, cheese, jam and bread on the table.

·Cut vegetables and meat into pieces.

·Put the meat pieces on the bread.

·Put the vegetable pieces on the meat.

·Put the cheese on these pieces.

·Cook the bread slowly for about three minutes.

·Put a little jam, like strawberry jam, on the toast pizza.

·Wait a minute, then the toast pizza will become crispy.

1. Pizza comes from ________.
2. The first pizza shop is about ________ years old.
3. At first, you can put ________ on the bread to make toast pizza.
4. How many steps are there before you cook the bread?
5. This passage is about ________.
2023-04-28更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2022-2023学年七年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约410词) | 较难(0.4) |
10 .

Like all mammals, we humans are only able to see light in the visible spectrum, which include all of the colors of the rainbow. This is because the photoreceptors in our eyes are only able to notice light with a wavelength of around 400 to 700 nanometers. That means we can’t see infrared or near-infrared light, which has a wavelength a little bit longer.

And that got scientists thinking. “We’re always curious about if we can use any method to allow us to be able to see near-infrared or infrared light,” said Tian Xue of the University of Science and Technology of China. He reached out to his workmate Gang Han at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, who engineered a really small object he named “up-conversion nanoparticle”. The nanoparticle can be activated by infrared light.

Then they tested their system in mice’s eyes. The nanoparticles fix themselves to photoreceptors in the animal’s retina. There, they take in infrared light and change it to visible green light. This green light is then taken in by the retina and is analyzed by the brain as regular visible light. The improved super-sight allows the animals to not only see in infrared, but also to recognize different infrared patterns. They can use the patterns to guide their behaviors very correctly and effectively.

Han says the improved nanoparticle system did not appear to affect the animal’s original visual abilities. “The treated mice were able to see the light patterns in the daylight conditions, clearly suggesting that nanoparticles work at the same time as usual visible sight.”

The technology, in addition to its possible use in law or military, might even be a cure for color blindness. “And best of all,” Xue notes, “___________, because the nanoparticle can be directly activated by the infrared light itself, and it will remain active for as long as two months before it is replaced.”

A similar infrared improvement could someday allow us humans to break through our natural visual limitations and see things in a whole new light.

1. The visible spectrum includes light with a wavelength of _________ nanometers.
2. Which of the following shows the correct order of how the nanoparticle system works?
a. The retina takes in green light.
b. The brain analvzes the green light.
c. The nanoparticles stick to the retina.
d. The nanoparticles take in infrared light.
e. The Infrared light is turned into green light.
3. Which of the following can be put in _________?
A.it doesn’t need other kinds of energy sourcesB.it works for several years once put in the eyes
C.it doesn’t affect human’s abilities to see thingsD.human eyes work in a similar way as the mice’s
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The light in the visible spectrum can activate the nanoparticle.
B.The nanoparticles have been widely applied in law and military.
C.The nanoparticle system may allow humans to see infrared light.
D.The blind will see things clearly with the help of the technology.
2022-05-06更新 | 142次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市外国语学校中考二模英语试题
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