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任务型阅读-阅读表达(约120词) | 容易(0.94) |

1 . There is a popular(受欢迎的) club in many US middle schools. It’s homework club. More and more students spend their afternoons at these clubs.

The US middle school students need a quiet(安静的) place to study. But games, computers and TV are all around kids at home. So the homework club is just for them to do their homework. The club is also good for students to study in. Some teachers are there, too.

They can answer students’ questions and help with their work. When the students finish(完成) their homework, they can go home. Then they play games and watch TV happily.

1. What club is popular in the US?
2. What can students do after they finish their homework?
3. Do you want to study in the club? Why or why not?
2021-11-03更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省苏州市工业园区第一中学2019-2020学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题

2 . Many Americans love sports. This does not really mean that they get any exercise. What they do is to watch national teams on TV. They watch baseball, football, basketball, hockey, golf and tennis which means that for most of the weekends they sit in front of the TV. Sometimes, their friends watch with them.

Baseball is the great American sport and every team has fans. Almost every big city has a team, and as each team plays 162 games a year, following baseball can take up a lot of time. The playing season begins in spring and finishes in the fall World Series(世界职业棒球赛), when two leading teams play against each other. The first to win four games wins the Series. Although called World Series, it has only one other country to take part in —Canada.

Football played in autumn and winter is also popular. It is not at all like the game called soccer. There isn’t much kicking in American football, which has more to do with running with the ball and knocking people down. Each team only plays 16 games during the season, and these take place on Sundays and Monday evenings. Half the country watches the final game on a Sunday, in January.

When there are no good games on TV, Americans watch college sports. Many colleges feel that if they want their former(以前) students to give money to their old schools, they need a winning football team. To our surprise,this seems to be true.

1. When do most Americans and their friends usually watch games on TV?
A.On Sundays.B.On a Sunday, in January.C.On most weekend.D.On Monday evenings.
2. How many countries are there in the World Series?
3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Half the country watches the final football game in America.
B.American football is like the game called soccer.
C.Many Americans like watching games on TV.
D.Many colleges want their former students to give money to their old schools.
4. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence “this seems to be true”?
A.The colleges are really poor and need money most.
B.The former students love their old schools very much.
C.The college always get a lot of money from the former students.
D.The former students will give money if their school team wins the game.
5. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Games on TVB.Football in AmericaC.The Way to Play SportsD.Americans Love Doing Exercise
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 容易(0.94) |

3 . Everything has a name. All people, places, and things have names. Jenny is the name of a student from the UK. The UK is the name of a country. Cities and towns have names, too. Schools also have names. Tomato, potato and carrot are names of vegetables. Apple, orange and banana are names of fruit.

When we meet a new person, we usually ask, “What’s your name?” Most people have two names. People’s names are different all over the world. In Jenny’s class, she must know the names of the students from all over the world. This is not easy because the names are very different.

In the USA, most people have a first name, a middle name and a last name. Parents choose the first and middle names for their babies. The last name is the family name. Usually it is the father’s family name. In a family, the mother, the father and the children usually have the same last name.

Sometimes a person has a nickname, too. A nickname is a special name. It’s not a person’s real name. Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe”, because he was honest. And it is short for Abraham. Pele is the nickname of the football player, Edson Arantes do Nascimento.

1. The UK is the name of ________.
A.cityB.a townC.a countryD.a school
2. It is not easy for Jenny to know all the names of the students in her class because ________.
A.the names are differentB.most people have two names
C.some people have nicknamesD.some names are very long and some are very short
3. In the USA, ________.
A.parents choose the middle and last name for their babies
B.the mother, the father and the children usually have different last names in a family
C.every person has a nickname
D.Abraham Lincoln’s nickname was “Honest Abe” because he was an honest person
4. From the passage, what is Pele’s real name?
A.Honest Abe.B.Abraham Lincoln.C.Edson Arantes do Nascimento.D.We don’t know.
5. In the USA, the last name is usually ________ family name.
A.the father’sB.the mother’sC.the neighbor’sD.the teacher’s
2021-11-03更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市外国语学校仙林分校2020-2021学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . Coffee is the best!

Wake up in the morning and drink coffee. Coffee is a kind of drink. It helps you wake up and feel ready for the day.

When you are tired but you have a lot of work to do, you can have a cup of coffee. So you can finish the work. Coffee tastes great too. You can drink coffee from Brazil (巴西) or China.

Tea! Tea! Tea!

Chinese tea is famous (有名的). There are many different kinds of tea like black tea, green tea and flower tea. You can drink tea from different places of China. There is Longjing tea from the West Lake in Hangzhou and Pu’er tea from Yunnan. Tea is not very expensive (贵的) but there is also very expensive tea from some places. Wulong tea from Taiwan or Fujian is very expensive.

Hot chocolate—the best friend in winter!

Hot chocolate is the best drink for winter days. It makes you feel warm. In summer, drink a chocolate milkshake (奶昔) with ice. It’s nice and it will help you keep cool.

1. Why does the writer say coffee is the best drink for you in the morning?
2. Where is Longjing tea from?
3. If you feel very hot, what drink is the best according to the passage?
4. What tea is not cheap in the passage?
5. What drink do you like best? And why?
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Say No to Bullying

Bullying(欺凌)happens to millions of children around the world every year, but we can all do something to help. What is bullying? Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts(伤害)you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school or online.

Bullying includes(包括):

• calling people mean names                                                          

• laughing at people

• telling lies(撒谎)about people

• taking someone’s things without permission(允许)

• not letting someone play in a group

• hitting(打)people

What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying happens online and includes:

• sending mean messages(信息)

• sharing someone’s photos without permission

• not letting people be in an online group

What can you do?

If someone is mean to you, tell an adult who you know and like. For example, when someone sends mean messages to you, ask your parents or teachers for help. Don’t send a message back.     

Talk to your parents or teachers too when you see bullying or when you are worried about a friend. Say sorry if you are mean to someone. You can write a message or talk to a person. Think about how to be kind in the future.

We can all help to say no to bullying.

1. If a boy meets bullying, what does he feel?
2. What does the word “mean” probably mean in this passage?
A.differentB.wonderfulC.not friendlyD.not interesting
3. Which of the following is bullying?
A.Laughing at someone.B.Sending messages to someone.
C.Letting someone play in a group.D.Sharing your photos with someone.
4. What should you do if someone bullies you?
A.Talk to him or her.B.Say sorry to him or her.
C.Tell friends to hit him or her.D.Ask a parent or a teacher for help.
阅读理解-单选(约180词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . When my cousin Julia eats chocolate, she feels bad, because many people tell her chocolate has much sugar, and it can make one fat. But Julia says she loves chocolate. If she starts eating it, she can’t stop.

Chocolate is popular all over the world. People like chocolate with ice cream, cakes, and cookies. Most Americans like milk chocolate, and most people in England like dark chocolate.

Is chocolate really bad for health? The new study shows that chocolate is good for us. The study shows chocolate has many vitamins (维生素). One vitamin can help us feel happy. Feeling happy is important for health.

Good chocolate doesn’t have much sugar. “I eat a little chocolate at a time, and I enjoy it!” says Tara Berish, another chocolate lover.

Chocolate not only tastes good, but also smells nice. Girls like it very much. On Valentine’s Day, chocolate is always chosen as a present. People will send chocolate to their lovers.

1. Most people in America like chocolate with ________.
A.milkB.cakesC.ice creamD.cookies
2. Tara Berish ________.
A.studies chocolateB.eats much chocolate at a timeC.hates chocolateD.likes chocolate
3. What can chocolate express (表达)?
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Chocolate is very popular all over the world.B.Chocolate can sometimes make us feel happy.
C.All chocolate has much sugar.D.Eating a little chocolate is good for health.
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约220词) | 较易(0.85) |
7 . 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。

Hi, I’m John. I’m a new member of the Reading Club. I have two Chinese friends here, Li Dan and Song Jia.

Li Dan is from Beijing. He lives in New York with his grandparents. He is 12 years old. He has short black hair. He wears glasses. He draws very well. He often draws pictures for us. He likes reading too. He usually reads some books about basketball because he likes playing basketball very much. He often plays it at the weekend. He is not good at English. We often help him with his English.

Song Jia is a Chinese girl, but she was born in America. She lives here with her parents. She is 11. She is short but slim. She is a nice girl with two big eyes and long hair. She is a good student. She is good at Maths. She loves dancing and reading. She always listens to music when she is reading books. She is kind to everyone. We all like her very much.

John’s Chinese friends

Li Dan

Song Jia

He is 12 years old. He comes from     1    . He has short     2     hair. He wears     3    . He likes playing basketball at     4    . But he is not good at     5    .She is     6     years old. She was born in    7    . She is a     8     girl with big eyes and long hair. She loves     9    and reading. And she likes to     10    to music when she is reading books.
2021-11-01更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省盐城市亭湖区明达初级中学2020-2021学年七年级上学期期中英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约400词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . Be good when abroad

What does it mean to be a good tourist?

According to a recent survey, when asked which tourists are most welcomed in their country, one nation stood out above all others: Japan. YouGov, a UK market research firm, did the research, polling(对……进行民意调查)nearly 28, 000 people from 26 countries and regions.

The Japanese have a reputation(名声)for being among the world’s most well-dressed tidy, punctual(守时的)and polite travelers, the Telegraph reported. They line up politely and they never turn up late, raise their voices or try to take photographs in art galleries when they know they’re not allowed to do so.

Japanese tourists greatly impressed the world during last summer’s World Cup. The country’s soccer fans made headlines for their habit of helping to clean stadiums(体育场)after matches, South China Morning Post noted.

Who are the worst tourists?

The survey also showed that another nation stood out at the same time, but in the opposite way.

British tourists ranked as the worst-behaved tourists in the world. Even local people in the UK don’t like British tourists.

Many respondents said that British travelers are loud, poorly dressed and behave badly. They are also stingy(吝啬的)when tipping at restaurants and hotels, Reuters noted.

It’s not hard to be a good traveler. The Chinese government issued guidelines for outgoing tourists in 2006. Tourists were reminded not to throw trash on the ground or talk loudly. They were also told to line up properly and be more polite in general.

Tips for being a good tourist

Learn a few of the most common words or phrases in the local language. These include “excuse me”, “thank you” and “good bye”.

Watch your body language. Customs are different from place to place. Do your homework ahead of time(提前)so you know if certain gestures might be considered rude in the country or region you are traveling to.

Be good when abroad

A recent survey

Tourists from Japan are most welcomed.

A     1     market firm did the research.

Japanese people’s reputation around the     2    

They dress     3    . When art galleries don’t allow them to take photographs, they never     4     the rules.

They always wait in lines and never turn up     5    .

Japan’s soccer fans have the habit of     6     stadiums after matches.

The worst tourists

British tourists behave     7    .

British travelers speak     8     and dress poorly.

British tourists don’t tip     9     at restaurants and hotels.

How to be a good tourist

Learn local words and phrases. Know the certain meaning of certain gestures     10     travelling.

2021-10-26更新 | 315次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市玄武区南京外国语学校2019-2020学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . English is becoming more and more popular in China. It can be used in every field, such as on some signs and restaurant menus. But there are some problems when people use it. Perhaps you’ve seen the English letters “WC” in your city. They show public toilets. But do you know it is far from native(地道的)English? In fact, foreigners from English-speaking countries seldom use the letters.

Workers in our city are changing, “WC” signs all over the city. The government is spending much money changing all the bad English on signs and restaurant menus. Many other places in China are following our steps.

“WC, or water closet, is old-fashioned English. It sounds dirty to me.” says Nancy, a young woman from the US. The old sign will become “Gents/Men” and “Ladies/Women”. “I see much poor English in daily life, and not only on signs,” she says, “I know what they mean, but they are Chinglish, not real English. For example, when someone says to me ‘My hometown is Guizhou Province’, I know he or she should say ‘My hometown is in Guizhou Province’. Hometown is a smaller place in a province.” The common mistakes that Nancy picked up include “Not Entry”, which should be “No Entry”, “Direction of Airport” should be changed to “To the Airport”. And it is “Room Rate”, not “Room Price”. And remember to “Keep off the Grass” rather than “Care of the Green”. The next time you walk on the street or eat in the restaurant, you can go and see if the expressions(表达) are right.

1. Who seldom uses letters of “WC” according to the passage?
A.Chinese students.B.Foreigners from other countries.
C.Teachers in China.D.English-speaking foreigners.
2. What’s the attitude(态度)of the government towards the bad English on signs?
A.It’s native.B.It should be changed.
C.It doesn’t matter.D.It can be used on signs.
3. When Nancy sees much poor English in daily life, ________.
A.she thinks it should be correctedB.she thinks it is not clear
C.she thinks it doesn’t matterD.she likes to use it
4. Which of the following signs is right?
A.Not Entry.B.Room Price.C.To the Airport.D.Care of the Green.
5. The passage is mainly about ________.
A.Chinglish signsB.money spent on Chinglish
C.how to use English correctlyD.letters of “WC”
2021-10-26更新 | 138次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市玄武区南京外国语学校2019-2020学年七年级上学期10月月考英语试题

10 . Decathlon is a famous sports center near Nanjing South Railway Station. The center is very big. I often go to the center with my family at weekends. The shop sells all kinds of balls, bicycles, sports clothes and other sports things. When you are hungry and thirsty, there are also some snacks and drinks in the shop.

Do you like playing ball games? They have Spalding basketballs for 299 yuan each. A volleyball from Li Ning is only 99 yuan, and an Adidas football is only 169 yuan.

Do you need some sports clothes? Decathlon also has sports clothes at a very good price for only 99 yuan. They sell sports shoes for 199 yuan. Do you like going camping? They have camping tents, and they are also on sale for only 499 yuan.

There are many good things on sale. Come and see for yourselves from 25 December to 7 January.

1. What kind of shop is Decathlon?
A.A clothes shop.B.A supermarket.C.A sports shop.D.A toy shop.
2. Where is Decathlon?
A.It’s near the writer’s home.B.It’s near Nanjing South Railway Station.
C.It’s in the center of Nanjing.D.It’s in the west of Nanjing.
3. How much does it cost to buy a Spalding basketball and a camping tent?
A.299 yuan.B.468 yuan.C.698 yuan.D.798 yuan.
4. What CANNOT people buy in Decathlon?
A.Books.B.Bicycles.C.Sports clothes.D.Sports shoes.
5. How long does the sale last?
A.For two months.B.For two weeks.C.For a week.D.For five days.
2021-10-25更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市建邺区金陵河西分校2020-2021学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题
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