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1 .
An Alaotran gentle lemur, Michael, was born at Bristol Zoo in England. The baby, which weighs less than an apple, is the third born to its parents. Workers said the baby is healthy and “making great progress”. This kind of animal is seriously endangered, so its birth is quite good news.
●LIFETIME IN THE WILD: Up to 23 years
●LIVING PLACE: Marshlands around Lake Alaotra, the largest lake in Madagascar
●SIZE: Up to 30 cm long
●FOOD: Fruits and leaves
●FUN FACT: They are cathemeral animals, so they go out and play during day and night.
1. How many babies does Michael’s parents have now?
2. What can we learn from the passage?
A.The lemur can be 40 cm long.
B.The lemur sleeps during the day.
C.Michael is growing healthily now.
D.Michael weighs more than an apple.
3. Where might we see the passage?
A.In a travel guide.B.On a notice board.
C.In a school report.D.In a nature magazine.
2023-04-28更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市南浦实验中学2022-2023学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约470词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Home plays an important part in our life. Home is more than a house. It is not just a place we live in, but a place that is full of love. Family members give their love at any time and any place.

What makes our home the warmest place in the world? It’s our family members. Whoever we are, our family members are the most valuable* in our lives. We can feel warmth all the time.

When we have something happy, we first want to tell our family members. When we get into trouble, home is the first place for us to look for help.

So it’s important to get on well with our family members. But how can we do that? These ideas may help. Firstly. we can communicate with them about our happiness and sadness. Always try to tell them how we are going now. Secondly, we can spend time listening to family members.

Listening shows we care about them. A good listener can make people feel good. Finally, we can give our help to our family members as quickly as we can. When they meet difficulties and feel sad, we can cheer them up and help to solve the difficulties. With our help, they can get their confidence* back and move on. So. we live happily because we can get strength from our home.

In a word, family members can support* each other in many ways. That is just the true love in the world.

1. valuable /’væljuəbl/ adj.     1    
A. very important 重要的            B. worth a lot of money 值钱的
2. confidence /’kɒnfidəns/ n.     2    
A. a feeling of trust 信赖             B. a belief in your own ability to do things 信心
3. support /sə pɔ: t/       3    
A. hold sb/sth in position支撑          B. give or be ready to give help to sb支持;帮助
C. a thing that holds sth支撑物                 D. help that you give to sb支持;帮助
A. is full of          B. get into trouble          C. communicate with          D. care about
My fridge     4     different kinds of foods like fruit and vegetables.
This man doesn’t     5     anyone else because he only loves himself.
It’s important to ask your parents or friends for help when you     6    .
After Jack’s teachers     7     him for an hour, they know more about him.

From the passage, we know we can get     8    ,     9     and     10     from our home.

2023-04-28更新 | 53次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2022-2023学年七年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 .

Pizza is a kind of delicious food in the world. People from America like pizza best. In Turkey, pizza is one of Three Delicacies. More and more Chinese people like to eat pizza, too. But we usually call pizza “Italian Pizza” because it is from Italy. There are pizza shops everywhere in Italy. The first pizza shop is still in Naples, Italy. It opened in 1830.

There are different kinds of pizza today. Toast pizza is one of them. It’s easy for people to make toast pizza at home. Here are the steps about how to make it.

·Get vegetables, meat, cheese, jam and bread on the table.

·Cut vegetables and meat into pieces.

·Put the meat pieces on the bread.

·Put the vegetable pieces on the meat.

·Put the cheese on these pieces.

·Cook the bread slowly for about three minutes.

·Put a little jam, like strawberry jam, on the toast pizza.

·Wait a minute, then the toast pizza will become crispy.

1. Pizza comes from ________.
2. The first pizza shop is about ________ years old.
3. At first, you can put ________ on the bread to make toast pizza.
4. How many steps are there before you cook the bread?
5. This passage is about ________.
2023-04-28更新 | 130次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2022-2023学年七年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .

Astronauts in space just got a tasty delivery. It came from students in Melbourne, Australia. They are starting a test on space yogurt. The 40 high school students are working with the scientists from Swinburne University. Together, they are studying bacteria that produce yogurt.

In December 2021, a rocket delivered the bacteria to the International Space Station(ISS). The students are hoping to learn what will happen to bacteria on the ISS.

“On Earth, you feel gravity. But this does not happen on the ISS.” said Aysel, who studies at Swinburne University. They want to know what conditions the astronauts need to make yogurt.

But how exactly do bacteria make yogurt? It all starts with the bacteria that live in milk. These bacteria eat the sugar in milk. Then they make a kind of acid. The acid turns the milk thick and sour.

The students packed 36 boxes with milk and bacteria in them. Then, they sent the boxes to the ISS. The astronauts will use different kinds of milk and bacteria and run tests for 6 weeks. Then, they will send the yogurts back to Australia.

The students will study the yogurts when they come back to Earth. They want to look at the nutrients in the yogurts.

“We even might get to taste them.It is pretty exciting,”Sgori, a student at Swinburme University, said. The students also want to compare the space yogurts to the ones they grew on Earth.

Dr. Sara Webb works with the students on this project. She hopes they can send astronauts to space with bacteria and milk. Then they can easily make their own tasty yogurts in space.

1. The students want to find out _________.
A.what will happen to bacteria in space
B.why gravity does not happen on the ISS
C.why yogurt tastes better on the ISS
D.how the astronauts drink yogurt in space
2. According to the passage, what do the astronauts need to make yogurt?
A.Nutrients and bacteria.
B.Bacteria and milk.
C.Milk and acid.
D.Acid and nutrients.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The tests in space will last for 6 weeks.
B.Yogurts made in space taste better than that made on Earth.
C.The astronauts on the ISS have received tasty yogurts made by the students.
D.Dr. Sara hopes astronauts can make their own yogurts when they come back.
4. The best title of this passage is _________.
A.Delivery has arrived at space station
B.Space yogurt test has begun.
C.Astronauts learn to make healthy yogurt
D.Tour on the ISS becomes popular
2023-04-01更新 | 69次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州十二中、十四中2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . There’s a lot of important information that comes with the drug label. It lets you know how to take the drug, what’s in it, and how it might make you feel.

Purpose                                                                         Uses
□fever reducer                                        □headache        □toothache       □ common cold
Other information
□Keep at room temperature (15℃﹣30℃)
Adults and children (12 years and older): Take two tablets every six hours when needed.
Children under 12 years: Don’t give this product to children under 12 years old.
□You may have serious heart problems if you take 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day while using this product.
□Do not use for more than 3 days for fever.
□Stop using it when pain or fever gets worse.
□If red spots appear on your face, legs, arms and etc., stop using and ask for medical help immediately.
1. Where can you probably buy Naproxen?
A.At a restaurant.B.At a drugstore.
C.At a bus stop.D.At a bookshop.
2. Who might need Naproxen?
A.An adult who has a backache.
B.An adult who has a fever.
C.A ten-year-old child with a headache.
D.A fourteen-year-old child with a stomachache.
3. Stop using Naproxen when you ________.
A.see red spots on your body
B.drink more than three cups of coffee
C.hurt your legs or arms
D.keep it in a room with the temperature of 20℃
2023-04-01更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州十二中、十四中2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Wildfires, heatwaves and floods... recent climate disasters in many parts of the world once again stress one issue—the effects of climate change. Carbon emissions is the main enemy of it. Thus, the whole world is making an effort to achieve a carbon-neutral world.

Being carbon neutral means taking away the same amount of carbon dioxide(CO₂)from the air as you put into it. It is part of a goal worked out by UN Climate Change in 2015. China, the world’s largest producer of carbon dioxide, has promised to achieve carbon neutral before 2060.

There are two main ways to achieve carbon neutral. One is to balance the carbon dioxide given off with the amount that is taken in by forests. Turning farmland into forests, planting trees in cities and towns, modernizing agriculture, restoring wetlands and building nature parks all help. The other is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by using non-fossil fuels. China, the biggest automobile market worldwide, is taking a technologyically open-minded approach to explore innovative technologies for green mobility such as electric and fuel-cell vehicles. Tesla and other homemade electric cars have a rapid development in China in recent years.

There will be a carbon dioxide emissions peak before achieving carbon neutral. Then the emission goes down without reaching to the peak again theoretically. Most countries in the European Union saw their carbon emissions peak in around 1980. For the United States and Japan, the peak occurred in around 2005. They hope to realize carbon neutrality by 2050: Actually, the emission didn’t have a straight-line decline and rebounded in the USA later. These nations have had 45 to 70 years to realize an unhurried transition to low carbon, while China is expected to reach carbon dioxide emissions peak before 2030. Its strong will set a good example.

Carbon neutral requires attention not only from governments, organizations or companies. Frankly speaking, everyone should be responsible for carbon neutrality. Individuals can do a lot to lower carbon emissions and push for stronger public awareness of climate issues, such as planting our own vegetables, using cold water when washing clothes and so on.

1. ________ influences the climate change.
A.The wildfireB.The heatwaveC.The floodD.The carbon emission
2. According to the passage, ________ can help achieve carbon- neutrality.
①using both sides of paper
②protecting the wetlands
③farming in the traditional way
④driving electric cars like Tesla instead
3. Which picture shows the carbon dioxide emissions of the USA? ________
4. What’s the best title of the passage? ________
A.Results of Heavy Climate Emissions
B.Plans for the Future Carbon-neutrality
C.Benefits of Achieving Carbon Neutrality
D.Changes of Carbon Emissions all over the World
2023-03-21更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2021-2022学年九年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Nowadays the intelligent parcel lockers like Hive Box started to play an important role in most of the deliveries in our life.

Before the introduction of intelligent parcel lockers, although a large part of the delivery process started to use machines and technologies, last-mile delivery mainly depends on couriers. With the increase in the number of express orders, there are more problems such as shortage of couriers and too much work pressure. At the same time, because of different locations and the uncertainty of the picking time as well as other factors, the efficiency of couriers was very low. What’s worse, second deliveries often occurred. Under such situation, intelligent parcel lockers were put into use. They greatly improve users’ experience and delivery efficiency.

However, some serious problems actually impede the development of it. That’s why it doesn’t develop as fast as we expect. Installation cost of the lockers at the early stage is expensive. Although the free storage with no time limit once attracted a large member of users, such kind of method is not practical in the long run and has caused losses these years.

Take Hive Box, the leading company as well as China’s largest self-service parcel locker operator in this industry, as an example. In 2019, the intelligent parcel lockers of the Hive Box led a wide-spread debate. Because the locker put up a notice that tried to let the users pay 1 RMB to get their parcels without informing in advance. On April 30, 2020, Hive Box began a membership system. It also caused dissatisfaction.

It seems that the intelligent parcel lockers industry has been exploring its way to get more profits and reduce losses, but so far, there has been no perfect solution. So reformation and more studies should be done to guide it to the correct path to a better development.

1. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2? ________
A.How the intelligent parcel lockers worked.
B.How the intelligent parcel lockers came out.
C.What problems intelligent parcel lockers met.
D.What advantages the intelligent parcel lockers had.
2. What does the underlined word “impede” probably mean? ________
3. Why does the writer mention Hive Box? ________
A.To attract people to use Hive Box more often.
B.To show Hive Box is the biggest company in the industry.
C.To prove how difficultly the intelligent parcel lockers develop.
D.To explain why people don’t like Hive Box’s membership system.
4. According to the passage, the future of the intelligent parcel lockers is ________.
2023-03-21更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2021-2022学年九年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
8 .

Have you ever realized that you’re dreaming in the middle of a dream? If this happens during a night mare, you can wake yourself up. If it happens during a common dream, you can decide what to dream about next. Want to fly? Go right ahead! People call this type of experience a lucid dream.

Some people have lucid dreams naturally, while others need to practise. The key to lucid dreaming is realizing that you are in a dream. To do that, most people need a “reality check”. One way of checking is to look at a clock or words on a page, look away, and then look back again. In a dream, words and numbers are often unclear, or change completely.

A lot of lucid dreaming devices promise an easy way to lucid dreams. These devices play sounds or shine red lights as reality checks. If these sounds or red lights appear in the dream, the user may realize, “Hey, I’m dreaming!”

Unluckily, a scientific report of lucid dreaming devices found that none of them were reliable. For example, the Remee lucid dreaming mask was popular on Kickstarter when it came out in 2012. But many people complained that it didn’t work. They didn’t have lucid dreams, and didn’t remember seeing any red lights. Another device, the $299 Aurora headband, which can record brain-waves as well as body movements, also made people unsatisfied.

What do you think? Have you ever had a lucid dream? Would you want to try a lucid dreaming device? Or are these devices just a lie?

1. What type of experience can be called a lucid dream?
A.Dream about keeping flying in the sky.B.Decide what to dream about in a dream.
C.Realize you had a dream after waking up.D.Have an unpleasant dream during the night.
2. According the passage, which picture is one way of checking the reality?
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Most people need to practise hard to have lucid dreams.
B.Sounds and red lights are sure to appear in lucid dreams.
C.Reality check helps people know if they are in lucid dreams.
D.Remee lucid dreaming mask was popular because it worked well.
4. The underlined word “reliable” probably means ________.
5. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.Some good suggestions on having lucid dreams.
B.Different kinds of reality check for lucid dreams.
C.The introduction of lucid dreams and the devices.
D.Opinions on buying lucid dreaming devices or not.
2023-03-19更新 | 108次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市第二中学2021-2022学年八年级下学期期中英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,完成相应练习。

Few things are as wonderful as visiting a beautiful place in the nature. But enjoying nature comes at a price. People may do harm to a place if they don’t pay attention. The following are seven rules to encourage people to both enjoy and protect the great outdoors.

1 This means more than just deciding which day to go. Check the weather report, plan what clothing to wear, and think about a water supply to make sure you have enough water.

Hike and camp on places that won’t be damaged easily. Places with no grass are better choices for camping as grass is easily damaged. Watch your step when hiking.

2 Never leave garbage behind. Put away your food bags, cans or leftovers. What you take in, take out.

3 Take home any camping or hiking things, but leave behind that cool rock or pretty flower.

Reduce campfire danger. Build your fire properly in a right place. Check on the place before going there. You can’t build campfires in some places. Also, never build a fire when it’s too dry or windy.

4 You should stay at least 100 meters away from wildlife. Getting too close could be dangerous. Take care of your food so animals can’t get into it, and don’t feed the animals anything.

5 Don’t make loud noises or play loud music when you’ re out in the nature. It annoys both animals and humans. Don’t travel in large groups as it makes it troublesome for people to move around.

Following these seven rules can help us share the outdoors comfortably. We all need to take care of the earth we love.

A. Respect wild animals.
B. Plan before you go.
C. Leave what you find.
D. Be kind to other visitors.
E Take away your litter.
1. ________
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. Parents should ________ their children to believe in themselves all the time. (请选择文中划线的黑体单词或短语补全句子。)
7. By reading the passage about healthy living, we know how to eat ________. (请选择文中划线的黑体单词或短语补全句子。)
8. Food is in short ________ in some areas of Shanghai because of COVD-19. (请选择文中划线的黑体单词或短语补全句子。)
9. Spending too much time in front of the computer will ________ your health. (请选择文中划线的黑体单词或短语补全句子。)
10. Although making a cake is ________, it’s a way to show my love to my family. (请选择文中划线的黑体单词或短语补全句子。)
2023-03-18更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Are you looking for a special place for your holiday? How about having fun in space? Lucky for you, a US company is going to build a space hotel.

The Orbital Assembly Company will start the work in 2025, and open the hotel in 2027. It will be able to carry up to 400 people. The hotel will be shaped like London Eye, a large sky wheel with 24 space pods around it. Each pod is 24 meters long and 12 meters wide.

The company will plan everything for the tourists. The pods will be used for restaurants, bars, gyms, labs and so on. There are even private rooms that people can buy. And the company hasn’t decided the price for that yet.

The space hotel will allow you to enjoy 1/6 of the earth’s gravity. When you are there, something really fun can happen. Less gravity means you can do things like jumping higher, lifting heavier things and playing basketball in a new way.

“In future, going to space will just be another choice for holidays, just like going to Disney World.” says the CEO of the company. He says the hotel may even have a concert hall and a movie theatre.

Are you ready to try the space hotel? Let’s wait and see.

1. What might the space hotel be like?
2. Which of the following is TRUE about the space hotel?
A.The hotel will open in three years.B.People can buy some of the rooms.
C.It is fun to live there with no gravity.D.There is a Disney World in the hotel.
3. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.A New Choice for Holidays.B.Get Ready for Travelling.
C.The Orbital Assembly Company.D.Enjoy Sports in the Space Hotel.
2023-03-18更新 | 70次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市实验中学2021-2022学年七年级下学期期中英语试题
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