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1 .

In space, it’s impossible to go outside a spacecraft without wearing a spacesuit. Temperatures in the sunlight can reach 120℃. Without a spacesuit your blood would boil and your body would break open. And you`d be exposed to dangerous radiation from the Sun. In the shade, with temperatures falling to-100℃, you would freeze to death. And one other small thing—there’s no oxygen, so you wouldn’t be able to breathe.

A spacesuit is made of lots of different layers, all protecting the astronaut from the dangers of walking in space. The outer layers connect together so that all of the astronaut’s body is covered. On the astronauts chest is the Hard Upper Torso piece, or HUT. All the controls for the spacesuit are on the HUT.

Air and water tubes connect the HUT to a backpack that the astronaut wears. The backpack holds oxygen and water and provides electricity for the suit. A fan moves the oxygen through the suit so the astronaut can breathe. And the water flows through a special piece of clothing that is worn under the suit—the Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment. It is full of tubes. Water flows through them to keep the astronaut cool during a spacewalk.

The backpack also has a radio in it. This radio is connected to a cap on the astronaut’s head under the large helmet. This allows the astronaut to talk with the others in the spacecraft, and with people on the Earth.

Altogether, a spacesuit has fourteen layers. One garment is rather surprising. Some spacewalks can last for six or eight hours. There are no toilets out there, so a very important part of the spacesuit is a diaper!

1. The controls for a spacesuit are on the ___________.
A.helmetB.Hard Upper Torso piece
C.backpackD.Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment
2. ___________ keeps astronauts cool in a spacesuit.
A.Drinking lots of waterB.Going outside a spacecraft
C.Water flows through tubesD.A radio is connected to a cap
3. A diaper is ___________.
A.an instrument that provides electricity
B.an inventor that we use to make air move
C.a kind of bag or box that you wear on your back
D.a piece of cloth that a baby wears between its legs
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce the dangers of astronauts in space.
B.To explain how astronauts communicate in the sky.
C.To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of spacesuits
D.To describe the main parts of a spacesuit and how they work.
2022-11-04更新 | 116次组卷 | 3卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市永嘉县中考三模英语试题
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2 . In most cities you go to, you will see walls outside covered with paintings of names and pictures. This is called graffiti. Some people like these paintings, but others do not. People who like them see this graffiti as art, but others believe it makes cities look terrible and that the people who do it should be arrested.

These days in the UK there are still lots of places where you can paint graffiti because most people like graffiti that has a lot of beautiful colors.

? There are examples of very old graffiti from Greek and Roman cultures. However, modern graffiti started in New York in the early 1970s. It came from parts of the city and the people who wrote it were often teenagers. Graffiti is still part of the city culture in many places in the world today.

Banksy is an England-based graffiti artist. His art is admired around the world. His paintings usually have a political message. Although Banksy has become very famous, nobody knows who he really is. Banksy’s art is so popular that people sometimes try to steal it so that they can sell it at a high price. This makes Banksy angry because the messages in his art are against the idea of money.

In some cities, tourists can take graffiti tours. One of these cities is Bogota in Colombia. There is a lot of beautiful graffiti in Bogota and much of it shows the history of the country or has a political message. You can also see parts of the city tourists do not usually go to. The tour is very popular and is also free. However, they ask you to donate some money if you like the tour. They use this money to help poor Colombian artists.

1. Graffiti is a kind of ________.
A.city wallsB.wall paintingsC.public servicesD.beautiful colors
2. Which of the following can be the best topic sentence of paragraph 3?
A.Who created graffitiB.Where can you enjoy graffiti
C.When did graffiti beginD.Why is graffiti popular around the world
3. What makes the graffiti artist Banksy angry?
A.Nobody knows who he really is.B.Some people make money with his art.
C.People misunderstand his political messages.D.Other people disagree with his idea of money.
4. If tourists take graffiti tours in Bogota, they can ________.
A.buy works of poor Colombian artistsB.talk about Colombia’s history in a show
C.meet the most famous graffiti artist BanksyD.visit some special but not well-known places
2022-11-04更新 | 140次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市第二中学中考三模英语试题
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3 . One midsummer day, biologist Andrew Parker knelt in the baking sand of an Australian desert and gently placed the right back leg of a small lizard into a dish of water. The small lizard that has learned to survive in the extreme heat—has a secret that attracted Parker. “Look!” he shouted. “Its back is completely drenched!” In less than a minute, water from the dish had traveled up the lizard’s leg, across its skin, and into its mouth. It was drinking through its foot. The lizard can also do this when standing on wet sand. Parker had come here to solve the riddle of how it does this, with a specific purpose in mind: to make an object to help people collect water in the desert.

Parker is a leading scientist in the field of biomimetics*—applying designs from nature to solve problems in engineering, materials science, medicine, and other fields. His studies of the body coverings of butterflies and beetles have led to brighter screens for cell phones.

The work of Parker is only one part of a growing global biomimetics movement. Scientists around the world are trving to copy a wide variety of nature’s design secrets. In the United States, researchers are looking at the shape of humpback whale fins to help wind turbines* produce more electric energy. The shape of the body of a certain fish has inspired* designers at Mercedes—Benz to develop a more efficient car design. By analyzing how termites — a kind of insect keep their large mounds’ at the right temperature and humidity, architects in Zimbabwe have built more comfortable buildings. And in Japan, medical researchers have developed a painless needle that is similar in shape to the proboscis* of a mosquito.

Perhaps, one of the most useful applications of biomimetics is the robot. Professor Ronald Fearing is creating a tiny robot fly that can be used in surveillance or rescue operations. Although it will be years before his robot fly can perform anything like an actual fly. Fearing is confident that over time he will close the gap between nature and human engineering.

Nowadays, the gap with nature is gradually closing. Researchers are using more powerful microscopes, high-speed computers and other new technologies to learn more from nature. A growing number of biomimetic materials are being produced. And although the field of biomimetics has vet to become a successful commercial industry, it has already developed into a powerful tool for understanding nature’s secret.

1. Andrew Parker went to the Australian desert to ________.
A.study the diet of lizardsB.learn how lizards collect water
C.catch and bring back a lizardD.prove that lizards don’t need water
2. The underlined word “drenched” probably means ________.
3. The study of termite mounds has inspired people to ________.
A.improve wind turbinesB.invent a painless needle
C.build more comfortable buildingsD.develop a more efficient car design
4. What’s the purpose of writing this passage?
A.To give us examples of some biomimetics designs.
B.To show us the rapid development of biomimetics.
C.To tell us scientists are working on biomimetics.
D.To introduce some great scientists working on biomimetics.
2022-11-04更新 | 179次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市外国语学校中考三模英语试题
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4 . Shipping containers are gaining popularity as a replacement for traditional houses. People can get these 20- or 40-foot steel containers with only several hundred US dollars every piece, and it’s not surprising that some industry professionals and even city planners consider them the future of home building. Here are details of some amazing homes made out of shipping containers.

London Container City (I and II)

London Container City first appeared in the heart of the docklands in 2001. It took just five months to complete the original 12 work studios. Shortly after that, a fourth floor of studios and living apartments were built on top of these. The first container city was so successful that another—Container City II—was added to it.

Los Angeles Redondo Beach house

With its modern lines and attractive spaces, the award—winning Redondo Beach House is an excellent beachside showpiece built from eight recycled steel shipping containers, along with some traditional building materials. According to the architects, the modified containers are very strong and can hardly be destroyed.

Amsterdam Keetwonen

Amsterdam’s large Keetwonen complex provides houses for 1,000 students and it is the largest container city in the world. The housing project is a great success and the units are quiet and comfortable. Each student enjoys a bathroom, kitchen and separate sleeping and studying quarters. The complex even has central heating and high-speed internet as well as areas for parking bikes.

Mexico M2ATK Container House

M2ATK designed this simple house with three containers for an artist. There are great paintings on the walls. It’s fully equipped with heating and cooling, a kitchen and bathroom. On the bottom floor are “public spaces” such as the kitchen and living room. The second floor is the bedroom, and the top floor is a studio space in which to work, read and “let fly the imagination”.

1. Compared with traditional houses, container houses are________.
A.easier to take care ofB.less expensive to build
C.more fashionable in styleD.more comfortable to live in
2. What can be learned about Amsterdam’s Keetwonen complex?
A.It has won a design award.B.It provides modern services.
C.It is the first container city in the world.D.It includes living space and car parks.
3. Which of the following picture might be Mexico M2ATK Container House?
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.Home in a Steel BoxB.Housing Problems and Solutions
C.Future Home ChallengesD.Recycled Material for Ideal Home
2022-11-04更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市外国语学校中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 .
Simple tips on
Preparing a road trip can be tiring. There are a few things you can do to make it successful.
Keep your car running well by getting it checked before you head out on the road. Cheek the turn signals, headlights and brake lights. Make sure they all work properly. You’ll save yourself a headache later on.
Cheek the weather forecasts for the places you’ll visit so you’ll know what clothes to pack. Also, remember to take all the necessities like the Nintendo Switch, tablets, laptops, phones and so on.
Make sure you entertain yourself and others. When young kids travel with you, pack some snacks for them. Also, it is a good idea to download some movies in advance to kill the time during the trip.
How long do you intend to travel? The longer the distance, the more rest stops and overnight hotels. When making a long trip, you should stop for a rest every two hours, or you may be too tired to focus on driving.
The power of preparation!
1. This text mainly tells the readers how we can ________.
A.keep a road trip comfortableB.get ready for a road trip
C.make a road trip meaningfulD.share a road trip experience
2. Tips ________ mentioned above can promise us a safe road trip.
3. Which of the following is the best to be put in ________?
A.Take your time!B.We’ll be there for you!
C.Take care and have fun!D.To be an independent traveller!
2022-11-04更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市外国语学校中考三模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 .

Utopia is a perfect place. It is a place without war, hunger, poverty, or crime. All of the people are equal in Utopia, and the laws are all fair.

Utopia is not a new place. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, described a perfect society in his famous dialogue The Republic. In Plato’s Republic, every person had a Zplace in the society. In 1516, Sir Thomas More wrote about an island in the Pacific Ocean where everything was perfect. He named the island “Utopia.” In 1872, Samuel Butler wrote a novel about a perfect country.

Many people came to the New World to find Utopia. Rapp, a German farmer came to the United States in 1804 to start a Utopian community. In 1815, Rapp and his followers bought land for their community in Harmony, and they made the things they needed with machines. In 1824, they sold the community to Owen, who started the Utopian community of New Harmony there. In New Harmony, everything belonged to everyone and men and women were equal, but New Harmony lasted only two years. Then Francis Wright began Nashoba, a community where white people and black people could live and work together. Nashoba lasted from 1825 to 1830. A group of intellectuals founded Brook Farm, a Utopian farming community, in 1841. However, they did not have many farming skills, so the farm closed in 1847.

Utopia is a perfect place. There is no money in Utopia because people do not need money. They do not have personal possessions because everything belongs to everyone, but it is not a real place. Most “real” Utopias last only a short time. This is because everyone wants to live in Utopia, but no one knows how to make it work. As a result, when we say something is “Utopian” today, we mean that it is a good idea, but it is not realistic.

1. According to the passage, ________ was the turst person to call a place “Utopia”.
A.PlatoB.Thomas MoreC.Samuel ButlerD.Rapp
2. The underlined word “possessions” means ________ .
3. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3?
A.All the triers found that Utopia also had disadvantages.
B.People spent a lot of money on Utopian communities.
C.Utopian communities made these triers very satisfied
D.None of the tryouts of Utopian communities succeeded.
4. Which of the following persons is “Utopian”?
A.Amy, a middle school student who likes to write novels about a perfect world.
B.Mia, who wants to have a bright future but doesn't know how to go for it.
C.Tim, who dreams to be a presenter and makes his effort to get a job in CCTV.
D.Bush, a teenager who studies hard to realize his dream of becoming an engineer.
2022-11-04更新 | 133次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市南浦实验中学八校联考中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约380词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . No other planet has captivated our imaginations quite like Mars. Changing from a landscape similar to that of Earth to a red wasteland, Mars seems to hold many questions waiting for answers. With countless possibilities, countries around the world are sending spacecrafts to it.

And one of the most ambitious spacecrafts launched yet is China’s Tianwen-1. Tianwen-1, a Mars spacecraft named after a poem titled the Quest for Heavenly Truth by ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan, was launched by China on July 23, 2020. The reason why this spacecraft is regarded as ambitious is that it consists of an orbiter, a lander and a rover and is going to achieve these missions in one go. However, realizing all three missions on a first-attempt is a fear that hasn’t been achieved by any country before.

Let’s start with Tianwen-1’s first mission, entering the orbit of Mars. The orbiter will not only be used as the vessel for the lander and rover to enter the orbit of Mars, but it will also be responsible for taking pictures and analyzing the surface of Mars. Equipped with many scientific instruments, the orbiter will study Martian soil, geological structure, environment and atmosphere.

Once the orbiter manages to enter the orbit around Mars, it will release the lander and rover system. To successfully land on Mars, the lander needs to decelerate from its release in the Martian atmosphere, or it will be damaged because of the high speed. NASA scientists once referred to a Mars landing as “the six minutes of terrors”, because the Martian atmosphere creates heat to any object that hopes to land on the surface. Ideally, when the lander touches the ground, it will release a 240-kilogram rover. The rover, with an expected lifespan of at least 90 Martian days, will conduct various kinds of scientific exploration on Mars.

The exploration of Mars is in its early stages. But hopefully, Tianwen-1, which also marked China’s first step in planetary exploration of the solar system, will help to provide answers to longtime questions from scientists and provide insight into mysteries of the Red Planet.

1. From the first paragraph, Mars is attractive to us because ________.
A.it holds a large number of secrets to discover
B.many spacecrafls have arrived on Mars so far
C.we don’t know why it changed into a red wasteland
D.exploring Mars is harder than exploring other planets
2. What does the underlined word “decelerate” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Set offB.Slow downC.Turn offD.Cool down
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.NASA has managed to land spaceships on Mars before
B.the rover will take pictures of Mars and study its surface
C.the orbiter plays the most important role in exploring Mars
D.scientists are not confident about the success of the missions
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
A.The Structure of China’s Tianwen-1B.Chinese Key Step to Explore Mars
C.A Mars Spacecraft with New TechnologyD.Countless Secrets behind the Red Plane
2022-11-03更新 | 168次组卷 | 2卷引用:2022年浙江省温州市南浦实验中学中考二模英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Chinese paintings serve as a symbol of China, which come in different types such as figure, landscape, bird-and-flower painting. Traditional Chinese painting is usually done using a brush with black ink, mostly on paper or silk. The finished work can be put up on the wall. Traditional painting has also been done on walls, china, etc.

The goal of the traditional Chinese painter is interesting: to pursue not only the outer appearance of a subject but its inner theme as well—its energy, life force and spirit. To achieve his goal, the Chinese painter more often refused the appearance of color in its painting, as the color is seen as distraction. Instead, he preferred lines.

However, Chinese paintings come in varied styles. Some are made in Line drawing, using inked lines to draw the outline of objects. Some are made in ink and wash, using a brush, dipped into ink with more or less water, to spread the ink across the paper. It felt like painters brush the paper with great strength. Some are made in liberal style, using free and simple lines to show the spirit of the objects. Others are made in gong-bi, using every detail to appear much more decorative and real. Painters will make it “as detailed as it can be”.

To appreciate Chinese paintings, people usually have to go to special occasions. Paintings are usually placed in good condition out of reach by hand. Collectors who choose to display their works continuously should stop the sunlight from reaching on the paintings. Man-made low light and conditions that are neither too dry nor too wet are the best for keeping a traditional Chinese painting in good shape.

1. According to the passage, traditional Chinese paintings ________.
A.avoid the use of colorB.have mainly two types
C.are hardly found on chinaD.are only done on the paper
2. Which of the following is a landscape painting made in ink and wash?
3. Paintings are usually kept in a place with ________.
A.direct sunlightB.natural low light
C.quite dry environmentD.certain distance from visitors
4. The writer mainly expects to ________ by writing this passage.
A.tell people the history of Chinese paintings
B.explain some facts about Chinese paintings
C.offer advice on how to draw Chinese paintings
D.prove Chinese paintings are a symbol of China

9 . Online learning is a good way to learn a language. By using the Internet, you can practise at any time of the day or night for as many minutes or hours as you have. You can practise anywhere—at home, on the bus or in the park.

Here are some websites (网站) for you to learn English online.


MOOEC has courses for learners at all levels. The courses are short. If you’re not sure if online study is right for you, MOOEC is a good place to start, because it will just take a little bit of your time. People in Australia built the website, so there are some courses about Australia and its history.


You may learn many online courses by yourself, but you can talk with other people and practise your spoken English while taking courses on FutureLearn.With more than one million users, it’s easy to find someone to talk with you.


As a free language learning website, Duolingo is a great choice for beginners to learn vocabulary and grammar. It’s not very useful if you have learned some English before.


This website offers free video lessons. They are mainly about English conversations. So if you want to make a fluent (流利的) conversation, the website is a good choice for you.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.What online learning is.B.How to learn a language online.
C.The advantages of leaning online.D.The importance of leaning a new language.
2. For an English leaner who is interested in Australia, _________ is the best choice.
3. We can lean that the courses on Duolingo are __________.
A.short and cheapB.easy and free
C.useful but difficultD.interesting but expensive
4. People can improve their English _________ quickly on engVid.
①listening   ②speaking   ③reading       ④writing
5. The writer writes the passage mainly to _________.
A.advise readers to learn English online
B.compare the four English learning websites
C.tell readers how to find useful websites to learn English
D.show why online learning is good way to learn English
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . What do Helen, Bob and Alice talk about? Let’s have a look!

Eleven-year-old Helen

There are many colors, like white, blue, orange and red. But my favourite colour is green. Green is the colour of life. Green is good for eyes, too.

Twelve-year-old Bob

My jacket, quilt and cup are blue. Blue is the colour of the sky. When the sky is blue, we are happy to have a nice day. Blue is also the colour of the sea. I like swimming in the sea. It’s my favourite sport. What colour do I like? Do you know now?

Nine-year-old Alice

I love white best. White is the colour of snow. After a snow, everything is white. I think it’s a clean colour. I can play with snowballs with my friends.

Now can you tell me what colour you like?

1. Helen is _________ years old.
2. We know _________.
A.Bob’s pencils are blue
B.Bob is happy to see snow
C.Bob is Helen’s good friend
D.Bob’s favourite sport is swimming
3. Alice likes white, because _________.
A.it’s a clean colour
B.she can spell “white”
C.it’s the colour of life
D.she likes white jackets
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Helen’s eyes are blue.
B.Bob likes the weather with a blue sky.
C.Helen likes many colors.
D.Alice’s favourite sport is playing with snowballs.
5. What do they talk about? What do we know about the topic? (三到四句话)
2022-10-21更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市第二中学2022-2023学年七年级上学期第一次月考英语试题
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