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1 . Many years ago, I was living with my best friend and we had many happy moments together. But there was one night that ________ our lives forever.

On the night of November 25, 2011, I got into a fistfight with my best friend in our kitchen. It all started because I was trying to help him. He was drinking a lot, arguing with everyone and ________ himself from others by keeping silent most of the time. This had been going on for weeks and finally I decided it was time for a(an) ________ I told him that he needed to stop drinking so much and tried to ________ his alcohol and he got angry and started ________ with me. It was scary, but by the end of the night, we were able to calm down and talk to each other.

I thought alcohol ________ was his main problem. But he was just using alcohol to ________ himself through. He was lonely, heartbroken and struggling to connect with people. So during the Christmas season a few weeks later, I gave him a ________ that I didn’t even know I had.

That Christmas my friend didn’t have any place to go, so I invited him home to my parents’ house in Lancaster. They ________ cleaned up our guest room for him and even bought him some Christmas gifts. I’ll never forget the night we arrived at my home. My parents were already ________, but my mom had prepared dinner for us, baked some cookies and left us a note. My parents are known for their ________, so I wasn’t surprised by this warm welcome. But when my friend read my mom’s note and saw all that she had prepared, he broke down and cried. That’s when I ________ how much I took my loving family for granted.

That year my friend and I both received gifts that we would ________ forever. I gave him the gift of a warm, loving, safe place to spend Christmas. And he gave me the gift of a new ________ on life. If I hadn’t shared my home with him, I wouldn’t have understood how ________ I am.

A.put upB.take awayC.break outD.call off
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2 . Overcoming learning disabilities has long been a challenge for educators and students alike. However, recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have shown promise in revolutionizing the way we approach education for students with learning disabilities.

One of the most significant ways AI can assist is through the use of adaptive learning systems. These systems use algorithms (算法) to analyze a student’s performance and adjust the learning content and pace accordingly. This personalized approach allows them to progress at their own pace, without feeling overwhelmed or left behind. Furthermore, adaptive learning systems can identify areas where a student may be struggling and provide targeted support.

Another way AI can support them is through natural language processing (NLP) technology. NLP enables computers to understand and interpret human language, allowing AI-powered tools to provide real-time feedback on a student’s written work. This can be particularly beneficial for students with dyslexia, who often struggle with spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. By providing immediate feedback, students can identify and correct their mistakes, leading to improved writing skills and increased confidence.

AI can also play a role in developing their social and emotional skills. Many students with learning disabilities experience social isolation. AI-powered social robots can recognize and respond to human emotions, allowing students to engage in interactive conversations and activities that help develop their social and emotional intelligence.

While the potential benefits of AI in education are clear, it is essential to recognize AI isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Educators must carefully consider the moral implications of using AI in the classroom and ensure these tools are used responsibly and with the best interests of the students in mind. Moreover, it is crucial to remember AI shouldn’t replace human educators but rather serve as a tool to enhance and support their efforts. Teachers play a vital role by providing empathy, understanding, and guidance that cannot be reproduced by a machine. By combining the power of AI with the skills and compassion of human educators, we can create a more inclusive and effective educational environment for all students.

1. How can adaptive systems help students with learning disabilities?
A.By adjusting their learning methods.B.By analyzing their learning abilities.
C.By satisfying their curiosity in learning.D.By offering personalized learning assistance.
2. What does the underlined word “dyslexia” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.A mental illness affecting human intelligence.
B.A brain disease leading to lack of confidence in study.
C.A language-related skill applied in the learning process.
D.A learning disorder involving difficulty in reading and writing.
3. What is the value of AI-powered social robots?
A.Engaging students in learning activities.B.Narrowing the social distance between people.
C.Assisting learners to overcome social isolation.D.Helping learners adopt effective reading strategies.
4. What does the author say about AI in the last paragraph?
A.It can’t provide understanding like human educators.
B.It can’t create an inclusive learning environment.
C.It can meet a wide range of learning needs.
D.It can guarantee learners’ data security.
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I lost my sight when I was four. I can hardly_________the brightness of sunshine.

It_________to me that I might not have loved life so if I hadn’t been blind. I don’t mean I would prefer to go without eyes. I_________mean the loss of them made me more appreciate what I had.

Life asks a continuous series of_________to reality. The hardest lesson was to_________myself. When I say belief in myself, I am not only talking about the kind of self-confidence that helps me down an unfamiliar staircase alone. But I mean something_________than that: an assurance that I am,_________ imperfections, a real and positive person. It took me years to discover and_________this assurance.

Once a man gave me a baseball. I thought he was kidding me. I was_________and refused.

“Take it with you,” he__________me, “and roll it around.”

The words__________in my head. By rolling the ball, I could listen where it went. This inspired me to achieve a goal I had thought__________: playing baseball.

All my life, I have set different goals and tried to reach them. I had to learn my__________. It was no good trying for something wildly out of reach, because that only invited the bitterness of__________. I would fail sometimes but on the average I made__________

A.apply toB.rely onC.believe inD.disapprove of
A.in spite ofB.in addition toC.out ofD.for the sake of
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Have you heard of these four monuments?

Carhenge. Floralis Genérica. Traffic Light Tree. Hand of the Desert — these are four unusual monuments from around the world you might like to visit.

• Carhenge

Carhenge is in Alliance, Nebraska (USA). As the name suggests, it has a lot in common with Stonehenge, the famous stone circle on Salisbury Plain. But while Stonehenge was built with stones, Carhenge was created with cars. The monument was made in 1987 by a local artist Jim Reinders and his family. He used old cars and even an ambulance. At first, the people of Alliance didn’t like it, but they soon changed their minds after it became popular with tourists, who brought lots of money to the town.

• Floralis Genérica

Floralis Genérica is a massive statue of a flower. It stands in a pool of water in front of the National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Eduardo Catalano, a native of Argentina, gave the statue as a gift to the city in 2002. Every morning, the flower opens. Ask anyone who has seen it and they’ll tell you that watching it open is an unforgettable sight. In fact, many people believe it is one of the most beautiful statues in the world.

• Traffic Light Tree

The Traffic Light Tree is situated at Heron Quay, in one of London’s financial districts. The tree has 75 sets of traffic lights. It was created by French artist, Pierre Vivant, and was installed in 1998. A computer controls the lights, which are turned on and off randomly. The roundabout where the tree is was voted the most popular roundabout in the UK in a recent survey.

• Mano del Desierto (Hand of the Desert)

The Hand of the Desert is in the Atacama Desert in Chile. The sculpture was designed by the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrazabal. From a distance, it looks as if there’s a giant in the sand who has stuck his hand out of the ground.

If you’re looking for something new to see, you know where to go!

1. Why did the people of Alliance change their attitude toward Carhenge?
A.It reminded them of Stonehenge.B.It brought them financial benefits.
C.It added beauty to their community.D.It displayed the creativity of the designer.
2. Which of the four monuments was designed by a foreign artist?
A.Carhenge.B.Floralis Genérica.
C.Traffic Light Tree.D.Mano del Desierto.
3. Where is the text probably from?
A.A guide book.B.A news report.
C.A science magazine.D.An architecture advertisement.
2024-04-10更新 | 453次组卷 | 6卷引用:2024届浙江省绍兴市高三下学期二模英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . The title of “Aaron’s younger brother” was earned when I had won the second place in my first tennis tournament at the age of six. Whenever I ________ onto a tennis court, it was as though a gluey name label, which had been ________ stuck onto me.

I wanted to ________ Aaron, my older brother, whose fame had reduced me to a ________ tennis player. Then came a big tennis match against Aaron. As I shook Aaron’s hand at the start of the match, I stared at him and focused on how this match was going to ________ everything.

The tennis court seemed to stretch out further than usual, but I could still ________ the confident look on Aaron’s face. He knew that my honor ________ in comparison to his. Finally, we were down to the last set, neck and neck in points. That was when the setting sun cast his figure over me, ________ me that I would always be walking in his ________ if I did not prove myself.

I prepared myself for the finishing blow, ________ of Aaron’s past matches flooding through my mind as I ________ the weakness of his smash (扣球) the ball would always fly towards the left of the court. I extended my arm to the left in anticipation of where the ball was going to land. The ball made ________ with my racket and was lobbed over Aaron’s head successfully. He could do nothing but ________ his undefeated status as champion being removed by his younger brother.

While I was still enjoying the unfamiliar feeling of ________ minutes after the match was over, a man, whom I vaguely recognized from a ________ tennis club, approached me. “What is your name, son?” he asked. A smile spread across my face.

A.put downB.pull outC.take upD.make out
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Living in a city is a well-known risk factor for developing a mental disorder, while living close to nature is largely beneficial for mental health and the brain. A central brain region, the amygdala (大脑杏仁核) involved in stress processing, has been shown to be less activated during stress in people living in rural areas, compared to those who live in cities, hinting at the potential benefits of nature. “But so far the hen-and-egg problem could not be resolved, namely whether nature actually caused the effects in the brain or whether the particular individuals chose to live in rural or urban regions,” says Sonja Sudimac.

To achieve causal evidence, the researchers from the group examined brain activity in regions involved in stress processing in 63 healthy volunteers before and after a one-hour walk in Grunewald forest or a shopping street with traffic in Berlin. The results revealed that activity in the amygdala decreased after the walk in nature, suggesting that nature elicits beneficial effects on brain regions related to stress.

“The results support the previously assumed positive relationship between nature and brain health, but this is the first study to prove the causal link. Interestingly, the brain activity after the urban walk in these regions remained stable and showed no increases, which argues against a commonly held view that urban exposure causes additional stress,” explains Simone Kühn, head of the group.

The authors show that nature has a positive impact on brain regions involved in stress processing and that it can already be observed after a one-hour walk. This contributes to the understanding of how our physical living environment affects brain and mental health. Even a short exposure to nature decreases amygdala activity, suggesting that a walk in nature could serve as a preventive measure against developing mental health problems and reducing the potentially disadvantageous impact of the city on the brain.

In order to investigate beneficial effects of nature in different populations and age groups, the researchers are currently working on a study examining how a one-hour walk in natural versus urban environments impacts stress in mothers and their babies.

1. What does the hen-and-egg problem mean by Sonja Sudimac?
A.Living in rural areas actually affects brain activity.
B.People in cities tend to have a higher risk of mental problems.
C.It’s unnecessary to work out the complex issue of stress and health.
D.It’s hard to clarify the impact of living environment on mental health.
2. How did researchers collect evidence for the study?
A.By quoting authoritative experts.
B.By interviewing healthy volunteers.
C.By researching on a previous theory.
D.By comparing volunteers’ amygdala activities.
3. What contribution did Simone Kühn and his team mainly make?
A.Confirming the assumption of nature’s benefits to brain health.
B.Supporting a commonly held view of urban exposure.
C.Revealing the link between age and mental health.
D.Identifying the causes of mental health problems.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Benefits of a regular walk in nature.
B.The focus of the follow-up research.
C.An appeal for living in urban regions.
D.Nature’s positive effects on women and children.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Now, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. We still face many challenges, such as climate change, plastic pollution, and deforestation. But we can all make a difference.

Her Trees Save Lives

Adeline Tiffanie Suwana was 12 when her family’s home flooded. Indonesia, her island nation, is often hit hard by floods and other natural disasters.

Adeline learned that mangrove trees play a key role in flood protection and rallied classmates to plant 200 trees during a school break. They started a group called Sahabat Alam or Friends of Nature, which works to conserve the region’s biodiversity and combat climate change.

Today. Adeline attends university, studying how businesses can help the environment.

Teens’ Two-Fold Invention

EPS—expanded polystyrene foam—is the white, lightweight stuff used to make things like takeout food containers, foam egg cartons, and packing “peanuts”. But it takes up a lot of space and is difficult to recycle. EPS breaks into small pieces as it floats down waterways into oceans, harming wildlife along the way.

Eighth-graders Julia Bray, Luke Clay, and Ashton Cofer looked at EPS’s chemical makeup and saw that it was mostly carbon. That sparked an idea. Could they turn it into activated carbon, a material that filters toxins from water?

After 50 hours of experiments, including one that accidentally set the family grill fire, they succeeded!

Solar for Her School

When Claire Vlases of Montana was in seventh grade, she learned about plans to expand and modernize her middle school. Claire asked the school board to add solar panels to the project. The board liked the idea but said it could contribute just $25,000, one-fifth of the cost. So Claire organized a group of kids and adults who set to work raising the rest.

They asked for donations, even going door-to-door for them. And they appealed to charitable foundations too. One even donated half the cost!

After two years of hard work, the group paid for the solar panels, which now supply one-fourth of the school’s electricity needs.

1. What do the three groups of teenagers have in common?
A.They are Earth-helping heroes.B.They are from island countries.
C.They are high school students.D.They are keen on experiments.
2. How much did one of the charitable organizations donate for solar panels?
3. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To give models for colorful school activities.
B.To explore the ways to deal with plastic pollution.
C.To inspire people to act for environmental problems.
D.To display the amazing power of effective cooperation.
2023-12-24更新 | 384次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届浙江省嵊州市高三上学期12月一模诊断性考试英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . I was interested in volunteering at a hospital because both of my parents work in hospitals. I wanted to see what the ________ was after hearing them talk about it. To be more ________, I wanted to work at the VA — Veterans (老兵) Affairs hospital — in Palo Alto because the ________ of VA is “to serve those who served” and I really ________ this very idea.

To my greatest joy, I was ________ the VA program, and throughout this summer break I’ve spent around 110 hours ________ at VA Palo Alto in different departments. To be honest, I had never at all felt more welcomed and ________ in every department I went to. After some initial experiences, I ________ to work in the Office of Information Technology (OIT) since I am interested in computers, and I wanted to see how they are used in a hospital setting.

My overall experience of volunteering at VA can be ________ into the words of “eye-opening and ________.” Throughout my whole life I have been ________ to health care, from both my parents being physicians and my health problems, but I have never ________ been on the other side of the glass, so to speak. What I ________ most about my experience was the ________ to see what it’s like to help people. I want to continue volunteering at VA because I believe there is no other experience that can be as ________ as working in a hospital that treats Veterans.

A.accepted intoB.committed toC.concerned aboutD.withdrawn from
完形填空(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Devi had never been to a swimming lesson in her life. But now that her mother had found a new job in the city, Devi faced a new _________—school field trips to the local pool.

The first time Devi went with her class to the pool, she had no _________ what she was in for. Devi _________ into the water and held onto the side of the pool, expecting to be able to touch the _________ with her feet. But when Devi _________ the side of the pool, she sank under the water. Devi soon _________ the cement ledge (水泥平台) to prevent herself drowning. Then, seized by _________, she just sat on a bench, too embarrassed to try again.

When she came home, her mother _________ right away that Devi was upset. “Honey, I made a call to the local pool, and you start lessons this weekend.” Devi felt _________ that lessons would help, but she had to __________ her fear.

__________, when the time came to take her first lesson, Devi was even more embarrassed than before. “I’m 13, and I’m taking lessons with all little kids! This is __________!”

When she was standing there, her __________ came over and said, “Hi, Devi! I’m Angela. You know what, I didn’t learn to swim until I was 20, and now I’m a swimming teacher!”

Angela’s words put Devi __________. She couldn’t help but smile, realizing that she might never be a fearless swimmer, but she would sure have fun __________.

A.took hold ofB.let go ofC.got rid ofD.caught sight of
A.at easeB.in troubleC.at riskD.in need
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Anthony Perry在火车站看到跌落在铁轨上的受害者后,不顾个人的安危勇敢地进行救助的英勇故事。

10 . It was a sunny afternoon in June of 2022 when 20-year-old Anthony Perry stepped off the train at Chicago’s 69th Street station. On the platform, two men were fighting bitterly. Then the unthinkable happened: the pair fell over the edge and onto the tracks. One man ended up on his back. Suddenly, he started convulsing (抽搐) unnaturally. He had fallen on the third rail, the conduit (导线管) for the 600 volts of electricity that powers Chicago’s L trains. The aggressor leaped backward, bounded back up onto the platform and disappeared.

Perry couldn’t just stand there and watch. He sat at the edge of the platform and eased himself down. He took a few quick bounds and approached the victim. The guy looked dead, his body still moving violently as the electricity pulsed (搏动). Gathering up his courage, Perry reached down and grasped the victim’s wrist. Instantly, he felt a blast of electric shock shoot through his body. Perry shrank and jumped back. He reached down a second time, and was shocked again. But the third time he seized the man’s wrist and forearm and, braving the shock, pulled with all his strength. The guy’s body slid briefly along the third rail, coming to rest on the gravel on the outer edge of the tracks.

The man was breathing, but irregularly. Something wasn’t right. “Give him chest compressions (按压)!” yelled a woman. Perry was no expert, but for a few moments he worked on the man’s heart until the victim began convulsing. Then he heard a sudden noise behind him — medical workers and firefighters had arrived. Perry let the professionals take over. His heart still racing from the electric shocks, he climbed back up onto the platform, grabbed his things and headed home.

The evening news reported the incident. After a friend outed him to the media, Perry became the toast of Chicago. Perry was then recruited by the Chicago Fire Department and is now training to be an emergency medical technician.

1. What made the rescue of the victim particularly difficult?
A.The man had lost his consciousness.
B.The victim lay injured on top of a track.
C.The rescuer was at risk of an electric shock.
D.The electricity powering trains was hard to cut off.
2. What can be inferred about Perry according to paragraphs 3—4?
A.He had received professional first aid training.
B.The local newspaper interviewed him on the spot.
C.His chest compressions played a key role in saving life.
D.His heart beat fast because of nervousness and tiredness.
3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Perry landed a job in the Fire Department.
B.The city of Chicago awarded Perry a prize.
C.People in Chicago toasted Perry for his brave deeds.
D.Perry got popular and greatly admired in Chicago.
4. What is the author’s main purpose of writing the text?
A.To credit a hero with saving a victim’s life.
B.To highlight Perry’s courage in stopping a fight.
C.To stress the importance of calmness in rescue work.
D.To display people’s cooperation in assisting the victim.
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