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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,去年作者和朋友创建非盈利项目The Pop-Up Care Shop的经历,该项目为需要的人提供免费的捐赠品,他们发现小型庇护所在获取社区支持方面常遇困难,但更欢迎创新和帮助,作者意识到物质帮助虽重要,但无形的爱、陪伴和耐心更能帮助人们生活,他们虽不能帮助所有人,但能为至少一个人带来改变。

1 . Last year, my friend, Kydee Williams, and I started a non-profit project because we wanted to do charity work differently. Thus, The Pop-Up Care Shop was _________.

TPUCS is a traveling shop of _________ donated goods for people in need. During the holidays, we _________ clothing drives and then went to women’s shelters. Our main goal was to help inspire women who were _________ with hope as well as bring a little holiday cheer to our local communities. _________ any project or movement wasn’t easy. Brainstorming and coming up with cool ideas was the _________ part, but actually bringing those ideas to life can seem almost _________ at times. However, there were lessons about _________ that we didn’t fully realize until we started this journey.

From our experience, we learned smaller shelters, especially those in less-commercialized areas were often _________ when it came to getting community support. Actually, they were typically more __________ to new and creative ideas and would greatly welcome __________ who offered help. Under our inspiration, many __________ people devoted themselves to non-profit work. Many shelters are understaffed and the staff overworked. Working directly with them helped us __________ the specific needs of the shelter.

While material things like food, clothes, money, and shelter can help people survive, what __________ helps people live is the intangible (无形) necessities like love, presence, patience. Even though we can’t help every single person in the world, we can __________ a world of difference for at least one person.

A.breaking downB.giving backC.keeping upD.pulling through
昨日更新 | 391次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届浙江省9+1联盟高三下学期3月模拟预测英语试题
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2 . Will your happiness differ if you are doing a kind action without any expectation of rewards or with an expectation of rewards? A study by University of Sussex, headed by Dr. Daniel Campbell­Meikeljohn, tried to answer that question. He and his partners analyzed over 1, 000 brain scans from other studies related to reactions to making a decision based on kindness. They split the studies based on who was making a decision for altruistic (无私的) reasons and who was making a decision due to the expectation of an obvious reward. The results were interesting.

In both instances, the reward center of the brain lit up on the MRI scans (磁共振成像扫描). Yet, for those who made their decision without any rewards, other areas of the brain lit up as well. Specifically, it lit up the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex (前扣带皮层区域), which scientists believe plays a role in emotional regulation. Also, it might aid in maintaining excitement related to an event that creates a positive emotional state.

In one study about the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, it is believed that this brain region could be related to depression if it isn’t developed properly or is dysfunctional. The fact that this part of the brain lights up during acts of generosity and caring without expectation of rewards shows that the altruistic individuals are getting more sustainable pleasure than those motivated by rewards. It also could aid in explaining how it helps depressive individuals feel happier after doing a kind deed.

We live in a society, and no man is a lonely island. We all need each other. For those who genuinely desire to help others regardless of repayment, maintaining a balance of helping others and yourself is very important. It is healthy and necessary to be kind to yourself, as well as to others.

1. Why did the author think the results interesting?
A.There are no differences as to the lit­up area of the brain.
B.The reward center of the brain lit up in one case alone.
C.The subgenual anterior cingulate cortex makes no difference.
D.The reward center of the brain lit up in both cases.
2. What can be learned about the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex?
A.It might help keep calm.B.It may make a difference to controlling emotion.
C.It can create positive emotion.D.It has nothing to do with depression.
3. What does the author seem to suggest in the last paragraph?
A.Help others regardless of yourself.B.Treat others and yourself with kindness.
C.For the sake of yourself, lend a hand.D.Practise kindness at all costs.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 5 Education Topic talk 课时作业-2023-2024学年高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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3 . A huge section of the Milne Ice Shelf, located on Ellesmere Island in the northern Canada, collapsed into the Arctic Ocean, according to the Canadian Ice Service. This created an “ice island” which is about 30 square miles in size. As a comparison, Manhattan Island is about 23 square miles.

“Entire cities are that size. These are big pieces of ice,” Luke Copland, a glaciologist at the University of Ottawa who was part of the research team studying the ice shelf, told Reuters. “This was the largest remaining intact (完整的) ice shelf, and it’s collapsed, basically. ”

The Canadian Ice Service said on Twitter that “above-normal air temperatures, offshore winds and open water in front of the ice shelf are all part of the recipe for the ice shelf to break up.” A huge section of the Milne Ice Shelf has collapsed into the Arctic Ocean, producing a 30-square-mile ice island.

The ice shelf has now been reduced in area by about 43%. An ice shelf is a thick slab of ice, attached to a coastline and extending out over the ocean, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. “Some shelves have existed for thousands of years,” the center said.

So what’s going on up there? Though the planet is warming worldwide due to climate change, the Arctic has been warming at a rate twice that of the rest of the world. This summer has been particularly warm: Arctic sea ice melted to its lowest July level on record and in June, a town in Siberia soared (急升) to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, believed to be a record high for the Arctic.

“When I first visited those ice caps, they seemed like such a permanent fixture of the landscape,” Mark Serreze, director of the NSIDC and geographer at the University of Colorado, Boulder, said in a statement. “To watch them die in less than 40 years just blows me away.”

1. Why does the author mention Manhattan Island in Paragraph 1?
A.To stress that Manhattan Island is vital for Canada.
B.To introduce where Manhattan Island locates.
C.To say the great collapse is terrible.
D.To compare two different places.
2. What’s one reason that made the ice shelf collapse?
A.Its location.
B.Its huge body.
C.Special intact form.
D.Higher air temperatures.
3. What do we know from Paragraph 5?
A.Arctic sea ice melted to its lowest in June.
B.Climate change brings about great changes.
C.The earth is warming because of the loss of ice shelf.
D.The Arctic warms more slowly than the rest of the world.
4. What is Mark Serreze’s attitude to the collapse?
2024-04-17更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 6 Nurturing nature(一)同步练习-2023-2024学年高二英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册
文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章给读者介绍了一个非常好的免费上网看电视的网站Free Tube。

4 . A few years ago my sister moved from her home in Alabama to Buffalo, New York. Since moving to Buffalo she’s become a big hockey (曲棍球) fan and has encouraged me to start watching it. Unfortunately it’s very difficult to find hockey on television here in Alabama. Since hockey games don’t air very much on television, I’ve had to look for different ways to watch hockey games.

I often see websites that claim if you go to their website you can watch television on your computer. I try out many of these websites, hoping that one of the television stations is a northern station that airs hockey games. Unfortunately, most of them don’t work. Either the site doesn’t really give you what they advertise or their video player doesn’t work properly. But finally I’ve found one websites that actually works.

Free Tube is a site that you can go to and watch Television online for free. You don’t have to download any kind of special software or pay money or even sign up for anything. All you have to do is go to Free Tube, choose your channel and start watching.   

The different channels to choose from are separated into different categories like news, business, entertainment, music and sports. You’re not going to find channels like NBC or ABC, so you can watch the latest episode of Heroes or Grey’s Anatomy but it does include some popular channels like Cartoon Network and ESPN.

There is also a movie section. Each movie channel airs different sorts of films like adventure, classics, comedy or horror and that channel will always air that kind of movies. The movie section also includes my favorite station called Max Trailers (预告片). Max Trailers airs nothing but movies trailers 24 hours a day. Some of the trailers are for movies coming out and some are for movies that have already been released but already released movies don’t go back farther than a couple of months.

So far I haven’t had any problems with Free Tube’s video player either. Whenever I choose a channel the video almost always works and usually loads every quickly. The only problem I have with Free Tube is that there is currently a fault if you’re using Firefox. Once you choose a channel you can’t select another channel to change to, your web browser will freeze up. So if you’re using Firefox, the only way to switch channels is to leave the site and re-enter the site, when choosing what channel you want to go to. However, Free Tube is aware of this fault and is working with Mozilla to get it fixed right away.

If you’re missing some show everyone is talking about like Grey’s Anatomy or Heroes, this isn’t really a solution for that. But Free Tube is a good way to find channels that you weren’t aware of; there are several good stations to be found.

1. The author mainly ________ in this passage.
A.tells us his experience in using the Web.B.shows us the disadvantages of Free Tube
C.introduces Free Tube to the readersD.shows us how to enjoy films online
2. The author got interested in watching hockey games ________
A.because he is a sports fanB.because he has nothing to do all day long
C.since everyone enjoys the gamesD.due to his sister’s influence
3. Form the passage we can learn that ______________
A.the author is also very fond of movies
B.Max Trailers airs to-be-released movies
C.ABC is a very famous TV station in America
D.Firefox is the only software used to watch films online
2024-04-16更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 A Glimpse of the Future 单元检测卷-2023-2024学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第三册
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Mike Fiorito和Nick Fiorito兄弟因为缺乏成就感而辞去高薪工作,创立了Blankets of Hope组织,旨在帮助无家可归的人。通过建立该非营利组织,并鼓励学校参与行善活动,兄弟俩已经成功地向美国、加拿大和墨西哥近2万名需要帮助的人提供了帮助。他们还鼓励成年人通过网站GoFundMe捐款,以支持购买毯子,并计划在今年冬天再送出2万条毯子。

5 . Brothers Mike and Nick Fiorito had a smooth life in the first 30 years. _________, they decided to quit their highly paid jobs since they realized that they often felt unfulfilled. At first they felt _________ about future without knowing what to do, but eventually they came up with an idea to help the homeless folks after _________ their poor situation on the street.

They _________ Blankets of Hope with their own efforts, which turned into a global nonprofit organization that also encourages kindness in schools. The brothers sent the blankets to schools. The kids would write the notes, and then _________ the brothers in delivering the blankets to homeless shelters in their local communities. They _________ students so that every blanket includes a note handwritten in classrooms to _________ homeless folks across the country.

Now, their organization is very _________ — reaching nearly 20,000 people in need across America, Canada and Mexico.

Adults can _________ as well. They can make efforts by donating on a GoFundMe page so that the brothers could have enough money to purchase the blankets. Thanks to people’s generous __________, the brothers aimed at __________ another 20,000 blankets this winter. And they expected these blankets would not only keep people warm, but provide a friendly __________ to another soul. The brothers tried to do what they could to make a __________ despite the sweat. They are __________ that more and more people can join them in __________ the kindness.

A.backed downB.backed upC.set upD.cooperated with
A.giving awayB.giving inC.handing inD.wearing out
2024-04-15更新 | 73次组卷 | 2卷引用:辽宁省鞍山市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第三次月考英语试卷
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文章大意:本文为一篇应用文,为慈善组织Fare Share的招募捐助者的公告。

6 . The cost of living crisis is causing suffering for millions this winter. One in five people are worried about where their next meal will come from. Parents who live near you are burdened with anxiety about how they will afford to feed their children. Families are struggling and don’t know where to turn. Yet while people go hungry, three million tonnes of surplus(剩余的) food is being wasted every year.

Fare Share is a national charity working to get that food to people who are struggling—but we need your help. A gift of £90 could provide three meals a day to a family of four for a whole month. Plus, you may be entitled to recover 25p of tax on every £1 you give as gift money.

Your gift will help us redistribute food to our network of 8,500 local charities and community groups across the UK. You’ll also help people to access other services and support through these groups, strengthening communities and easing loneliness through food.



How could your £90 help feed a family in your community?

surplus food is received from suppliers.

FareShare redistributes the food to local charities helping people in need.

People and families can get healthy meals at day centres, youth groups and community cafes.

We’d love to keep you up to date on Fare Share’s work including fundraising updates. Please get in touch by calling us on 0300 302 3677 or emailing fundraiser@fareshare.org.uk

To give online, please visit fareshare.org.uk/community 1. For more information please scan the QR code.

1. What is the primary focus of FareShare?
A.Providing gifts for families.B.Redistributing surplus food.
C.Organizing festival events.D.Offering tax recovery services.
2. What additional benefit will Fare Share donors receive?
A.They will receive a tax refund.
B.They will help run the local charities.
C.They will be recognized as organizers.
D.They will receive free meals for themselves.
3. Where does this text probably come from?
A.A travel blog.B.A news report.
C.A community noticeboard.D.An entertainment magazine.
2024-04-15更新 | 121次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届山西省高三下学期一模英语试题

7 . Like many others who are autistic (患自闭症的), Bobby Latheron has known for most of his life that there was something that made him different from his peers. As a child, he often preferred spending time with adults.

Throughout school, Bobby struggled. He suffered from panic attacks that would cause him to run out of the room crying, which made teachers view him as a “naughty child”. Then, at around 13 years old, he was officially diagnosed (诊断) with autism. But because autism was still so misunderstood, this didn’t improve his situation by much.

Still, Bobby persevered and made it to university. But after a while, he struggled academically here, too. Things were looking up when he switched to art, design, and photography, but he simply couldn’t do it. That’s when a kind teacher changed his life for the better.

“I was telling one of the music teachers about my life with autism—my relationships and my struggles,” Bobby tells InspireMore. “She said, ‘Why don’t you write a book about your life?’ So I did.”

This is how My World in My Words by Bobby Latheron came to be. When writing this book, Bobby remained incredibly focused. Finding the inspiration to write his first book has changed Bobby’s life in so many ways. He’s met others who are like himself, plus, he’s even managed to secure a job he loves. He’s even given multiple interviews for various news and radio stations. Best of all, this new direction in life has given Bobby the opportunity to help others like him to feel less alone and, in doing so, he’s proven to himself that he’s far more capable than he once believed.

“I’m not here to say it’s always been perfect and that I haven’t made mistakes,” Bobby tells InspireMore, “but you have to learn in life.”

1. What can we infer about Bobby’s childhood?
A.He behaved as a grown-up.
B.He had a happy childhood.
C.He was misunderstood at school.
D.He got along well with his teachers.
2. What gave Bobby the idea of writing?
A.His desire for success.B.A teacher’s advice.
C.His unhappy experience.D.A wish to battle loneliness.
3. What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.Bobby benefited from his book.
B.Bobby got more appreciation.
C.Bobby became more popular.
D.Bobby got a job opportunity.
4. Which word can best describe Bobby?
2024-04-15更新 | 39次组卷 | 2卷引用:江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次阶段性考试英语试题
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了美国教育家、社会改革家和人道主义者Dorothea Dix对精神病患者及其祖国做出的贡献。

8 . Dorothea Dix was born in 1802 in Massachusetts. When she was 12 years old, she left her unhappy home to live with her grandmother in Boston. There Dorothea went to school and was so quick at her lessons that two years later she went back to Worcester, Massachusetts and taught in a school for little children. She was only fourteen and rather small for her age. Anyway, she proved herself a good teacher, and the children loved her and respected her. In 1821, she opened a school for girls in Boston.

Gradually, her health broke down, and she began to think that she could never work any more, but after a long rest in England, she came back to America and did something far greater than teaching. She went through the whole country where she first observed the inhumane treatment of the mentally ill. During Dorothea’s traveling for nearly two years throughout the state, and meeting similar conditions, she always spoke kindly to the ill-treated, but she spoke wrathfully to the men who ill-treated them. In January 1843, she submitted to the Massachusetts legislature (立法机关) a detailed report of her fully documented findings.

In the next 40 years Dorothea inspired legislators in 15 US states and in Canada to establish state hospitals for the mentally ill. Her continuous efforts directly affected the building of 32 institutions in the United States. When the Civil War broke out, she went straight to Washington and offered to nurse the soldiers without pay. She hired houses to keep supplies in and bought an ambulance. She gave her time, strength and money to her country.

Dorothea Dix has been called the most useful woman of America. She is an, American educator, social reformer and humanitarian whose devotion to the welfare of the mentally ill led to widespread reforms in the United States and abroad.

1. What do we know about Dorothea Dix when she was 19?
A.She set up a school.B.She lived with her parents.
C.She went to school in Massachusetts.D.She failed to become a good teacher.
2. What does the underlined word “wrathfully” mean in paragraph 2?
3. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.The awards Dorothea Dix received in her life.
B.The contributions Dorothea Dix made to her country.
C.The support Dorothea Dix got from her family.
D.The difficulties Dorothea Dix met during the Civil War.
4. Which of the following can best describe Dorothea Dix?
A.Humorous and well-educated.B.Generous and warm-hearted.
C.Proud and hard-working.D.Romantic and open-minded.
2024-04-15更新 | 82次组卷 | 3卷引用:湖南省衡阳市衡阳县三校联考2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。这篇文章主要介绍了Rachael Ray Foundation的工作以及他们与一些动物救助组织合作的情况。他们支持各种不同的组织,从营救行动到照顾等等,努力为动物提供保护和帮助。

9 . At The Rachael Ray FoundationTM (RRF), we’re pretty big animal lovers. As a part of our work, we support a wide variety of organizations that do good for animals, from rescue to care and more. Get to know a few of them and the work we do together.

Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team

RRF helped enable Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team (PAART) to purchase a new and bigger plane for its rescue missions which bring animals from danger to safety. Whether it be flying dogs in overcrowded shelters to new homes, saving animals caught in the path of natural disasters, or bringing supplies to shelters in need, the brave PAART pilots are always ready to help.

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (SDF) works to find and train shelter dogs who have the talent and drive to become search and rescue animals. RRF supports SDF’s efforts to identify and transform rescued dogs into rescuers, to provide lifetime care for these dogs and to find homes for all dogs who enter the SDF training program.

Rachael Ray Save Them All Grants

This is a program administered by Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) to support Best Friends’ network partners in their lifesaving efforts. The money has been awarded to organizations across the country to fund initiatives such as adoption drives and shelter intake prevention efforts.

North Shore Animal League America Disaster Relief Grants

This program, administered by North Shore Animal League America (NSALA), provides money for animal welfare organizations impacted by disasters. RRF is proud to help NSALA in its efforts to identify needs in disaster situations and provide targeted, effective relief.

1. What is special about PAART?
A.It provides necessities for-animals in need.B.It conducts animal rescue missions by plane.
C.It is supported by the Rachael Ray Foundation.D.It assists in finding adopters for rescued animals.
2. Which organization is devoted to training shelter animals to do rescue work?
3. What do the last two programs have in common?
A.They both strongly promote animal adoption.
B.They are both in charge of Best Friends Animal Society.
C.They both provide financial assistance to animal welfare initiatives.
D.They are both administered by welfare organizations impacted by disasters.
2024-04-15更新 | 274次组卷 | 3卷引用:2024届湖北省高三十一校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题
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文章大意:本文为一篇记叙文,讲述了遭到意外事故的Mark Raymond在恢复时,看到社区严重缺乏无障碍健身房或设施,成立“瞬间基金会”帮助残疾人重建生活的故事。

10 . In 2016, Mark Raymond learned the hard way that life can change in a split second(一瞬间). One day, Raymond went boating with his friends. He jumped off the back of the boat and hit a sandbank, leading to a severe injury to his neck. He became paralyzed(瘫痪的)and spent months in the hospital receiving treatment. When he was allowed to leave the hospital, he realized that the hard part was just beginning. He still needed to exercise to recover his strength after finishing the outpatient(门诊病人)treatment.

However, when Raymond returned home, he realized there was a serious lack of accessible gyms or facilities that could help people with different abilities work out and improve their health in his community. The lack of them caused Raymond to take action. In 2018, he established the Split Second Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides treatment that takes up from where outpatient treatment left off.

“The Split Second Foundation has equipment for people who have different disabling conditions,” Raymond explained.“Our specially trained staff will evaluate(评估)disabled customers’ physical needs and limitations and then provide recovery, education, and ongoing fitness classes suitable for them. We’re able to push them in a recovery driven fitness environment to be their best selves.”

Raymond’s goal is to open more accessible gyms, not just in New Orleans where he lives. He hopes the Split Second Foundation can help even more people get their lives back after disastrous accidents. “People with disabilities should also be thought of as productive members of society,” said Raymond. “Anybody’s life can change in an instant due to some kind of injury or disabling condition, and we are providing what’s next.”

When Raymond couldn’t find the services he needed, he made some for himself and others. This is the sort of cleverness we love to see in the world.

1. What does the underlined part “the hard part” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.The mental problem.B.The process of recovery.
C.The high pressure of work.D.The treatment in the hospital.
2. What inspired Mark Raymond to set up the Split Second Foundation?
A.His love for a variety of sports.
B.His dream of becoming a businessman.
C.A boating accident that happened to his friend.
D.A lack of accessible exercise resources in his community.
3. What can we know about the Split Second Foundation?
A.It provides treatment by cooperating with hospitals.
B.It focuses on holding basic classes for poor children.
C.It offers fitness and recovery services to the disabled.
D.It creates plenty of job opportunities for disabled people.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Mark Raymond’s Journey from Paralysis to Recovery
B.Mark Raymond: Help the Disabled Rebuild Their Lives
C.The Importance of Accessible Gyms for Disabled People
D.Split Second Foundation: Offer Patients Postoperative Treatment
2024-04-15更新 | 30次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省临沂市兰山区临沂第四中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般