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1 . Emilia Dobek traces her interest in space and the universe back to third grade when she and her father watched a blood moon — a total lunar eclipse (月食)---on the roof of their house.

Now a seven-grader at East Prairie Elementary School, Dobek recently won the national Discovery Education Beyond Challenge by designing a space station for traveling to Mars. She says that night watching the lunar eclipse launched a passion in her that has yet to run out of fuel.

So, when her teacher, Andrea Smeeton, received information about the national challenge, Smeeton said she immediately had one student in mind. “I knew she would love the challenge and that she would go way beyond in her research,” Smeeton said. “She immediately started researching bone density of astronauts and how to have sustenance on Mars.”

“My design will ensure the safety of the astronauts but also make sure their comfort is out of this world,” said Dobek. Dobck’s design calls for building the MSS or Mars Storage Station to accommodate the need for abundant supplies. She explains how her spacecraft—the Adventurer—will get into a space station before flying to the MSS to get supplies. Her design includes the SGF or SelfGrowing Farm, and she details how it would work with the elements on Mars.

Then there is physical and leisure activity for the astronauts under Dobck’s design. A. simulator (模拟器) allows astronauts to choose their exercise machine and virtual reality environment. Rooms have circular ceilings, she says, so astronauts will be able to watch downloaded shows and even see places on Earth, such as their homes. Chief among her immediate goals, she said, is to inspire with this project. want to tell other kids to follow their passions,” Dobek said. “Whatever they want to do, they should kind of just push for it. They should always try their best.”

1. What launched Dobek’s passion for space and the universe?
A.Winning the national challenge.
B.Observing the lunar eclipse with her father.
C.Studying with her teacher Andrea Smeeton.
D.Designing a space station for traveling to Mars.
2. How can astronauts entertain themselves in Dobek’s design?
A.By exercising in outer space.B.By playing virtual reality games.
C.By appreciating places on Earth.D.By enjoying shows of their homes.
3. What is Dobek’s major aim with her project?
A.To realize her immediate goals.
B.To create a leisure design for astronauts.
C.To get inspired by the national challenge.
D.To encourage others to pursue their interest.
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.New Space Station Design
B.Leisure Activities for Astronauts
C.7th-grader Won National Prize
D.Patient Teacher Motivated Innovation.
2020-07-10更新 | 84次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高三高考仿真模拟(一)英语试题

2 . Role models are powerful. No matter what stage of life you’re at, it’s good to have someone who encourages you to be the best version of yourself. Recent winners of national commendations mean we have a wider range of possible role models.

As part of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), President Xi Jinping signed a presidential decree (主席令) on Sept 17 to award 42 people the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and national honorary titles, China Daily reported. Recipients come from various backgrounds, including scientists, lawmakers, educators, artists, model workers and six non-Chinese individuals. All have made big contributions to the nation’s construction and development.

Chinese scientist Tu Youyou is one of the eight who were awarded the Medal of the Republic. Tu, who won the 2015 Nobel Prize for her discovery of the malaria drug artemisinin (抗疟药物青蒿素), is the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She has saved millions of lives worldwide. She has also made important scientific innovation in traditional Chinese medicine.

“It is my dream that Chinese medicine will help us conquer life-threatening diseases worldwide and that people across the globe will enjoy its benefits,” Tu once wrote in the science journal Nature Medicine.

Tu is not the only one who has given her life to the country’s development. Nan Rendong, before his death in 2017, led the research and development of China’s Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope, the world’s largest radio telescope. He worked on the project for more than 20 years. The facility he designed helps humans search for extraterrestrial civilizations (外星文明) and marked a Chinese technological milestone. His contributions to Chinese astronomy earned him the title, “the people’s Scientist.”

Also receiving awards are six foreign friends who have lent their hands to assist with China’s prosperity. Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, an honoree of the Friendship Medal, is an advocate of the Belt and Road Initiative. Having worked to strengthen the friendship between French and Chinese people in the past decades, he told Xinhua that he is “sincerely pleased” with the honor. “To work for this friendship is to work for peace,” Raffarin said.

Thanks to the great efforts made by these heroic figures, we can live in a prosperous and peaceful country. Hopefully these role models can also light the way for future nation buildings.

1. What’s the main purpose of the article?
A.To express thanks to national heroes.
B.To tell readers what makes a good role model.
C.To describe the national honorary titles awarded recently.
D.To introduce some of the people who won national awards.
2. What do we know about Tu Youyou?
A.She is the only woman to be awarded the Medal of the Republic.
B.She won a Nobel Prize for her discovery of artemisinin 2017.
C.She has helped millions of people around the world defeat malaria.
D.She has helped traditional Chinese medicine gain popularity worldwide.
3. Nan Rendong was awarded for his contributions in the field of________.
4. Why did Jean-Pierre Raffarin receive an award?
A.He introduced Chinese education To France.
B.He has helped improve China-France relations.
C.He has organized many cultural activities in China.
D.He has devoted himself to China’s economic development.
2020-05-21更新 | 301次组卷 | 5卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高三高考仿真模拟(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . I passed my driving test at the fourth attempt. You might think that means I’m not as safe as someone who passed for the first time. But would you feel safer with no driver at all? Maybe not, and it’s for this reason that automotive firms have included driver-assist functions in their prototype (原型) driverless cars. This allows the human driver to take over if there is a problem.

Google is one manufacturer that has prototype driverless cars. These have been equipped with steering wheels and conventional controls to allow normal driving. But this is just a stage — the vision is to have fully automated cars very soon. The director of Google’s self-drive project, Chris Urmson, hopes his 11-year-old son will never have to take a driving test. To achieve that, the cars need to be on the roads in five years. He says driverless cars will greatly reduce accidents and traffic jams.

According to Chris, “about 1.2 million people are killed on the roads around the world each year. That number is equivalent to a jet falling out of the sky every day.” He thinks gradual changes to existing car designs are not enough to deal with the problem. “If we are really going to make changes to our cities and get rid of parking lots, we need self-drive cars,” he says.

Google’s prototypes have covered over a million kilometers on the road. They have also had to deal with unexpected situations, such as a child driving a toy car in the road, and a woman in an electric wheelchair chasing a duck. In each case, they reacted safely.

Some are not convinced. Seven Beiker of Stanford University thinks driverless cars will still need human input in extreme circumstances. He also worries that people may forget how to operate their vehicles if they do not do it regularly. “I guess I shouldn’t throw away my driver’s license just yet,” he says.

1. What can be known about driverless cars?
A.They are fitted with newly-developed steering wheels.
B.They include functions managed by human drivers.
C.They need traditional controls to avoid traffic jams.
D.They will be purchased on the market in five years.
2. What can we learn from what Chris said?
A.Chris believes that there is a possibility of a jet crashing per day.
B.About 1.2 million people are killed around the world each year.
C.Changing current car designs alone cannot prevent all traffic deaths.
D.Driverless cars cannot deal with extreme circumstances without human help.
3. What’s the attitude of Seven Beiker towards driverless cars?
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Why we need driverless cars in the near future.
B.How to control a driverless car without a driver’s license.
C.Differences between driverless cars and conventional ones.
D.A brief introduction of driverless cars and some opinions on them.
2020-05-08更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高考三诊英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . New York is an overwhelming city to visit with children. Went follows is carefully collected advice from New Yorkers on how to cover the city right.

Tenement Museum

The Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side offers a fantastic glimpse into urban family life. Guided tours reveal the daily routines of generations of Irish, Jewish and Italian immigrants who made their mark then quickly moved up and out. Pick up a copy of “All-of-a-Kind Family” or a vintage toy in the museum shop, one of the city’s best.

MoMa Museum

MoMa Museum does an excellent job making modern and contemporary art accessible to children as young as 4. On weekend mornings, guided tours are divided into age-appropriate groups in which children can observe a number of works and draw; later they gain free admittance to the entire museum. The cafeteria is both grown-up and child-friendly, and there’s an art laboratory with hands-on activities and even an audio guide for young people.

Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

The most significant in the museum is the Space Shuttle Pavilion, which is scheduled to reopen in July, showcasing the Enterprise, NASA’s first space shuttle, which arrived last year. The U.S.S Intrepid, a World War II-era aircraft carrier, is worthwhile in itself. While the complex suffered damage during Hurricane Sandy, most of its facilities are once again shipshape. Families may want to consider Operation Slumber, which allows for overnight visits with special activities for children 6 and older.

Children’s Museum of the Arts

All the artwork here is made by children, and visitors can make their own (bonus: you don’t have to clean up). An area for younger children includes sand, Play-Doh and guided music activities. Children go berserk for the Ball Pond, a closed-in area of oversize balls. Is it experiential art? An installation? Children need not bother with such imponderables.

1. Which of the following museums offer free admission?
A.Tenement Museum.B.MoMa Museum.
C.Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.D.Children’s Museum of Arts.
2. How is Children’s Museum of the Arts different from the other three museums?
A.It provides activities for children of different ages.B.It exhibits a lot of artwork.
C.Its artwork is all created by children.D.It used to be damaged in the Hurrican Sandy.
3. What do the four museums have in common?
A.They are all children-friendly.
B.They all show visitors contemporary artwork.
C.They can offer visitors activities to take part in.
D.They are all suitable for children over 4 years old.
2020-05-08更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高考三诊英语试题
完形填空(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I was working as a lifeguard at Tower 15 on Newport and two blocks to my right was another guard named Mike, working at Tower 17. He called me over the phone and said, “Hey, I have _________ two kids who are swimming in the dangerous zone. I have to give them a warning. Keep an eye on us.” I said “Sure.” In case of _________, anytime we got out of our tower, we were supposed to _________ somebody else.

Mike hung up the phone and _________ the lifebuoy (救生圈). Then he realized that these two kids had been _________ and that there was a great tendency for them to be _________ by the wave. _________, Mike rushed toward the ocean. I _________ the water and all I found was two small heads. The mother of the two kids knelt (跪) down on the beach with _________.

When I dropped my binoculars (望远镜) and reached the mother, Mike was in waist-deep water, ____________ the two kids. I turned to the mum and said, “Hey, it’s OK. They are safe.” I saw the terror started to ____________. Then she glanced back and got her first good look at Mike. A new kind of ____________ washed over her face as though there was another threat to her kids’ lives. She snatch (抢) her kids without ____________.

Mike had some seemingly ____________ behavior, and his shaved head showed a scar. Maybe he had no ____________ manners, but his lifesaving ability ____________ his unsatisfactory skills in PR (public relation). In the mother’s ____________, Mike was a really terrible guy. However, that couldn’t change the fact that he had just ____________ her kids.

Mike just glanced at me and smiled. As I jogged back to my tower, I promised myself I’d never let my own ____________ prevent me from ____________ a hero when I meet one.

A.give in toB.live up toC.make up forD.put up with
2020-04-27更新 | 90次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高考三诊英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Over a million children have developed some form of intellectual (智力) disability over the past two decades after being exposed to chemicals including flame retardants, pesticides, lead, and mercury, a study has revealed.

The study focused on the four chemicals, which can be crossed from a mother to her unborn baby through the placenta(胎盘)and cause neurodevelopmental damage. The researchers looked at data from past studies, including blood samples taken from women of childbearing age and 5-year-olds.

Over the period, flame retardants, resulted in 738,860 cases of intellectual disability and an estimated 162 million lost IQ (智商)points, followed by lead at 330,684 cases, pesticides at 111,830, and mercury at 8,860. In recent years, pesticides and flame retardants have overtaken lead and mercury as the chemicals responsible for the biggest loss of IQ among children.

The researchers believe this is due to regulations cutting down the use of these chemicals. For instance, lead has been banned from gasoline, paint and drinking water systems in the U.S. and plants are not allowed to pump out mercury.

The researchers acknowledged limitations to their study, including that the exposure-response relationships might not relate to all populations. Positively, they found a huge drop in the estimated loss of IQ points among children.

Lead researcher Abigail Gaylord, commented: "Our findings suggest that our efforts to reduce exposure to heavy metals are paying off, but that harmful exposures in general continue to represent a terrible risk to people's physical, mental, and economic health. "Unfortunately, the minimal policies in place to remove pesticides and flame retardants are clearly not enough," she said.

She also added. Frequently opening windows to let persistent chemicals found in furniture   electronics, and carpeting escape, and eating certified organic produce can educe exposure to these harmful things"

1. Which contributes most to the loss of children's IQ?
A.Flame retardants.B.Pesticide.
2. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A school report.B.A science fiction.
C.A scientific research.D.A chemistry book.
3. What is the drawback of the research mentioned?
A.It has received bad response from all populations.
B.It has no previous information to refer to.
C.It covers only part of the population.
D.It is not supported by government policies.
4. What's the best title for this passage?
A.Four chemicals harming children.
B.Regulations cutting down the use of heavy metals.
C.Environment risking people's physical and mental health.
D.Children IQ lowered by exposure to harmful chemicals.
完形填空(约270词) | 困难(0.15) |

7 . The first time I went hunting wild geese with my father, I couldn't catch them no matter how hard I tried. Every time I tried to approach them, _______ the wild geese started flying away before I could get close. It _______ me a lot and I turned to my father for help.

Hearing my trouble, my father _______ at a wild goose standing at the highest point and said, “That wild goose is a sentry (哨兵),which we call the wild goose _______     . It will give an alarm to the other wild geese as long as it finds something _______ .

“That's _________it is so hard for you to catch them. Listen, boy! Go and _______ the slave on purpose now, and then hide there motionless."

Not quite understanding why, I _______ to have a try.

I picked up a piece of stone from the ground and threw it at the slave. As _______ , it gave an alarm to its companions __________ . The wild geese resting there fled in all __________ , but they flew back soon when they found nothing happened.

I followed my father's instructions to repeat this __________ for a few times.

____________, a few wild geese thinking they were fooled started __________ the slave. Repeatedly, almost all the wild geese thought the slave gave false __________ and began to attack the slave. The poor slave was pecked (啄)all over with cuts and scratches.

"You can approach the geese now," __________ my father.

So I got close to the wild geese again. The slave saw me, but it took no __________this time. Maybe it was just __________ caring.

__________, I raised my gun and got a good harvest.

The tragedy often occurs in this ____________: the loyal are misunderstood while the misunderstood cannot stick out.

A.busy withB.tired ofC.angry atD.used to
2020-04-19更新 | 650次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳市高三4月线上学习评估英语试题
完形填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Brandon and Derek's mother, Beth Lash, shared a Facebook video on Dec. 25, 2017.when Bandon _______his card out loud. On Brandon Lash's 24th birthday, his little brother, Derek, _______him with a rather large card filled with an even bigger _______

"I have always _______you," Brandon reads from the front of the card, _______by this brother.

"I love spending time with you. I'm so _______I have you for my brother. You have always been there for me, even though I get on your nerves sometimes.You will always have a piece of my heart," Brandon continues, opening up the _______

"And now you will have my _______, too. We are a _______match." Brandon reads, ________the card to the floor and breaking down into ________

Brandon has kidney receives ________three times a week, and was told that he had been recommended for the transplant list. Unfortunately, his parents are not a match, but ________, his brother is.

"I can't believe Derek would ________so much all this for me," Brandon tells the publication. " He's giving me a ________to have a healthy life again. I________can't believe it's happening."

"I________seeing him sick and knew something needed to be done to make him healthy again." Derek adds. "Not only was I the________thing to do, but the only thing to do. He's my brother. We didn't know ________he could be on the transplant list, and I knew I just wanted my ________brother back."

A.taken charge ofB.looked up toC.got hold ofD.lived up to
A.whenB.how longC.how muchD.while
2018-05-10更新 | 361次组卷 | 6卷引用:2020届四川省绵阳南山中学高三高考仿真模拟热身考试(二)英语试题
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