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1 . 【课文原文】


As teenagers grow up, they become more independent and start making their own decisions. However, during this period, it can be easy for some of them to form bad habits. These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. For example some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse, which can lead to physical and mental health problems. To prevent harmful habits like these from dominating a teenager’s life is essential. They must learn to recognise bad habits early and make appropriate changes.

To change bad habits is never easy, even with many attempts. There is a famous saying based on the philosophy of Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do.” In many ways, our lifestyle is the sum of choices we have made. We make a choice to do something, and then we repeat it over and over again. Soon that choice becomes automatic and forms a habit that is much harder to change. The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work.

According to modern psychology, we must first learn about the“habit cycle”, which works like this: Firstly, there is “cue”, an action, event, or situation that acts as a signal to do something. Secondly, there is a “routine”, the regular action you take in response to the cue. Thirdly, there is a “reward”, the good thing or feeling we get from the routine.

For example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lots of unhealthy snacks (routine), which makes us feel happy (reward) The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle, and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed.

To facilitate a positive change in our bad habits, we must first examine our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them. We can do this by combining the information from our habit cycles with our own positive ideas. For example, we could try to replace a negative routine with something more positive. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward). Aside from changing bad habits, we can also use the habit cycle to create good habits. For example, when we come toan escalator(cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but we could change this routine into something more positive by taking the stairs instead.

Many of us try to change bad habits quickly and if we are not successful straight away, we often become pessimistic and give up. In fact, the most successful way to change is not suddenly, but over a period of time. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” One step seems small, but it is essential. To reach the goal of change, a person must show some discipline and repeatedly take many small steps. After all, it is not easy to break bad habits.

For young people, there is plenty of time to change bad habits. However, there is no “magic pill” or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes. You have the power to build a happy and healthy life full of good habits!

1. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.How teenagers make a choice.B.How teenagers feel relaxed.
C.How teenagers change their bad habits.D.How teenagers become more independent.
2. Match the main idea with each part.
A.How to change a bad habit and create good ones.
B.The cycle of how habits are formed.
C.Changing habits gradually.
D.No easy way to change bad habits.
E.What a habit is.
F.Why bad teenage habits should be changed.
①Part 1(Para.1) ________
②Part 2(Para.2) ________
③Part 3(Paras.3-4) ________
④Part 4(Para.5) ________
⑤Part 5(Para.6) ________
⑥Part 6(Para.7) ________
3. Why is it a bad habit for teenagers to become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse?
A.Because it is not easy to change.B.Because it can lead to health problems.
C.Because it dominates teenagers’ life.D.Because it is formed early.
4. According to the passage, which is NOT the “reward” in the following activities?
A.We feel relaxed when we smoked.
B.We feel happy when we play computer games.
C.We feel disappointed when we heard bad news.
D.We feel delighted at a new mobile phone given by our parents for good grades.
5. How can we change bad habits?
A.By trying to form a positive routine.B.By eating more snacks.
C.By adapting to our bad habits.D.By creating more negative ideas.
6. The sentence “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” means ________.
A.we should not give upB.we should take small steps repeatedly
C.we should be optimisticD.we should decide on some changes
7. Complete the form according to the text.
Habits for a healthy lifestyleThe ________ for changing bad habits
________ habits are formedWhat a habit is
How the ________ works
An example of the cycle
How to ________ bad habit cyclesChanging bad habits gradually by showing some ________.
There are no shortcuts in changing bad habits.
8. Analyse and translate the sentences.
(1)These bad habits, if left unchecked, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
(2)The good news is that we can change, if we understand how habits work.
(3)For example, when we feel unhappy (cue), we eat lots of unhealthy snacks (routine), which makes us feel happy (reward).
(4)So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks, we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward).
2024-02-02更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 选择性必修三 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle Section ⅠReading and Thinking
2 . 【课本原文】


How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends? What if the only way of getting news from faraway friends was writing letters that took ages to be delivered? This was how things worked not very long ago. Thanks to advances in technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly.

Nowadays, we can move around the world and still stay in touch with the people that we want to remain friends with. Social media tools let us see what our friends are up to and maintain friendships. All you need is a wi-fi connection.

The digital age also enables us to find people who share our interests, such as collecting model cars or playing an unusual instrument. Whatever our hobbies, the Internet can connect us with others who also enjoy doing them, even if they live on the other side of the world.

But when you “friend” people online, does this mean that they really are your friends?

It depends. 

If people always exchange true personal information online, then yes, these friendships can be real and meaningful. But we need to keep in mind that what we see on social media is often not the whole truth about a person.

On social media sites, people tend to post only positive updates that make them appear happy and friendly. But smiling photos can hide real problems. Remember the saying: on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. A young person could be old; a woman could be a man; we could even be sharing our information with criminals.

But this doesn’t mean that we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our longing for friends remain the same. As Aristotle said, no one would choose to live without friends, even if he had all other goods.

1. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Disadvantages of making friends online.
B.Making friends on the Internet.
C.How to make friends on the Internet.
D.How to maintain friendships.
2. How do we usually keep in touch with faraway friends nowadays?
A.By writing letters.
B.By making calls.
C.By sending e­mails.
D.By using social media tools.
3. What does the sentence “on the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog” mean?
A.You don't exactly know who the person on the Internet is.
B.You may communicate with a dog on the Internet.
C.You can pretend to be a dog on the Internet.
D.You may have a chance to be a lucky dog on the Internet.
4. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.The author is in favour of making friends online.
B.The author thinks technology makes it hard for us to make friends.
C.The author thinks technology helps us maintain friendship more easily.
D.The author thinks the meaning of friendship has changed.
5. 细读短文并找出文中的夸张句
6. 细读短文并找出文中的比喻句
2023-08-20更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas 英语性必修一(外研版2019)
3 . 【课本原文】


Help us choose some “Living Legends of Sports”. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. Here are our first two choices.

Lang Ping

As a player, Lang Ping brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China women’s volleyball team to medals at world championships and the Olympics. As a person, Lang Ping is loved by fans at home and abroad. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her determination was tested. The team that Lang Ping had built was falling apart. One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had to leave because of heart problems. Losing two important players was a big challenge, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She had faced difficulties before, and she knew that her young players could win if they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions! Then in 2016, Lang Ping led her volleyball team to Olympic gold in Brazil.

Michael Jordan

When Michael Jordan’s feet left the ground, time seemed to stand still. The player who became known as “Air Jordan” changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. Jordan’s skills were impressive, but the mental strength that he showed made him unique. In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win. Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures. “I can accept failure; everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Losing games taught him to practise harder and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club which he started in Chicago has been helping young people since 1996.

Send your suggestions for “Living Legends of Sports” to LLS@sports.net.

1. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.It’s about living legends, Lang Ping and Michael Jordan.
B.It’s about volleyball games.
C.It’s about basketball games.
D.It’s about the Boys and Girls Club.
2. Read the passage quickly and then fill in the blanks.

(1)________ (2)________ (3)________ (4)________ (5)________
(6)________ (7)________ (8)________ (9)________ (10)________
3. How was Lang Ping’s determination tested in the 2015 World Cup?
A.One of the best players had been injured.
B.The team captain had to leave because of heart problems.
C.The volleyball team she had built was falling apart.
D.Lang Ping lost heart.
4. What can be inferred from the text?
A.Lang Ping is stubborn.
B.Lang Ping is determined.
C.Lang Ping is easy­going.
D.Lang Ping is careful.
5. What does the first sentence in the paragraph introducing Michael Jordan mean?
A.Jordan’s determination in the basketball field.
B.Jordan’s success in the basketball field.
C.Jordan’s handsome figure (身材).
D.Jordan’s quick moves in playing basketball.
6. Where can the text probably be found?
A.A guidebook.B.A magazine.
C.A poster.D.An advertisement.
7. 细读短文并找出排比的句子
2023-08-23更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking 英语性必修一(人教版2019)
4 . 【课文原文】


“Life is Precious. To a person nothing is more precious than their life, and if they entrust me with that life, how could I refuse that trust, saying I’m cold, hungry, or tired?” These words of Dr Lin Qiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices.

As a five­year­old girl, Lin Qiaozhi was deeply affected by her mother’s death. At age 18, instead of following the traditional path of marriage like the majority of girls, she chose to study medicine. “Why should girls learn so much? Finding a good husband should be their final goal!” her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees She responded, “I’d rather stay single to study all my life!”

Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize given to graduates. She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB­GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Within six months, she was named a chief resident physician, a position that usually took four years to achieve. After working for a few years, she was sent to study in Europe and then, in 1939, in the US. She greatly impressed her American colleagues, who invited her to stay. Dr Lin, however, rejected the offer. She wanted to serve the women and children at home.

In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese women ever to be appointed director of the OB­GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department was closed because of the war. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.

The new People’s Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role. In 1954,she was elected to the first National People’s Congress and, over the next several decades, she held many important positions. Her heart, however, was elsewhere. She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. “The OB­GYN department cares for two lives,” she told new staff in her department. “As doctors, we should be responsible for the patients and treat them as our sisters.”

Though Lin Qianzhi never married, she was known as the “mother of ten thousand babies”, having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime. Dr Lin did not retire until the day she died, 22 April 1983. Since she had no children of her own she left her savings to a kindergarten and a fund for new doctors. And even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others. “I’m ready to go,” she said. “Don’t try to rescue me any more. Don’t waste the medicine any more.”

1. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.
(1)What are some important life choices for you?

(2)What do you know about Dr Lin Qiaozhi?

2. Look at the picture and the title on Page 16 and predict what the text is probably about?
Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions.
3. What did Lin Qiaozhi decide to do at 18?
4. Did her brother support her goal?
5. Why did Lin Qiaozhi refuse her American colleagues’ invitation?
6. How did Lin Qiaozhi help poor patients?
7. When did Lin Qiaozhi retire?
B.Careful reading
8. Fill in the form according to the passage.



at five

years old

Lin Qiaozhi was deeply________ by her mother’s death.

at age 18

She chose to study ________.

at age 26

Lin ________ from Peking Union Medical College. She became the first woman ever ________ as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. Within six months, she was named a   ________ resident physician.

after working

for a few years

She   ________ to study in Europe.

in 1939

Dr Lin ________ to stay in America.

in 1941

Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever________ director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. A few months later, she opened a
________ .

in 1954

She was ________ to the first National People’s Congress and, over the next several ________, she held many important positions.

on 22

April 1983

Dr Lin died. She ________over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.

9. What did Dr Lin Qiaozhi think is the most precious?
10. What made her brother angry with her?
A.Her mother’s death.
B.Her goal to study medicine.
C.Her decision to be single.
D.Her marriage like most girls.
11. Why did Lin open a private clinic?
A.To make more money.
B.To do further research.
C.To help poor patients.
D.To stay with her family.
12. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Lin married very late.
B.Lin adopted many babies.
C.Lin died while working.
D.Lin founded a kindergarten.

(Ⅰ)Analyse the sentences
13. Eight years later, Lin graduated from Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) with the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize given to graduates.
[分析] with the Wenhai Scholarship是介词短语作_______;the highest prize是the Wenhai Scholarship的_______;given to graduates是过去分词短语作the highest prize的_______
[翻译] _________________________________________________________________________
14. She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.
[分析] tending,publishing 和training是三个并列的动名词作介词in的_______
[翻译] _________________________________________________________________________
15. 教材对接高考:续写微技能——人物描写
(1)These words of Dr Lin Oiaozhi give us a look into the heart of this amazing woman, and what carried her through a life of hard choices. ________________
(2)She immediately became the first woman ever to be hired as a resident physician in the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital. ________________
(3)She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors. ________________
2024-02-26更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019) Unit 2 Morals And Virtues Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
5 . 【课文原文】


Festivals are celebrated all around the world. They have a wide range of origins, such as the seasons of the year, religions, famous figures, and important events. Every festival has its different customs and unique charms. However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals.

Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture. This important agricultural festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in. People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime—the Egyptian harvest season. It featured a parade and a great feast with music, dancing, and sports. Today, in some European countries, people decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit,and get together to celebrate over a meal. During the Mid­-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shiningmoon and enjoy delicious mooncakes.

Customs play a significant role in festivals,but sometimes they can change over time. With the development of modern society and the spread of new ideas,some traditions may fade away and others may be established. One example is the typical Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting firecrackers to drive away the evil spirits and celebrate the new year. Nowadays, many big cities have given up this custom in order to avoid air pollution. Another example is Halloween, which slowly became an exciting festival for children, in spite of its religious origins.

Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones. Although some believe festivals should not be commercialised, others believe the increase in spending is good for the economy and public happiness.

Festivals are an important part of society. They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes towards life. They are occasions that allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while. They help us understand where we came from, who we are, and what to appreciate. And if you study festivals carefully, you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.

1. Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.
(1). What festivals do you celebrate with your family every year?

(2). Why do you think people celebrate different festivals?

2. Look at the picture and the title on Page 4 and predict what the text is probably about?
3. Match the main idea of each paragraph.
A.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial.
B.Festivals are an important part of society.
C.Festivals have different origins but the spirit of sharing is common.
D.Customs that play an important role in festivals are changing.
E.Harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.
Para.1 ________ Para.2 ________ Para.3 ________ Para.4 ________ Para.5 ________
4. According to the text, festivals around the world share the spirit of         .
A.joy, gratitude and religions
B.love, peace and figures
C.gratitude, peace and joy
D.gratitude, seasons and love
5. Which statement is true about the harvest festival in the world?
A.Every culture in the world has the harvest festival.
B.It falls after all the crops have been gathered in.
C.It is celebrated in all countries during the springtime.
D.People admire the shining moon on the festival.
6. Festivals are becoming more and more commercial because         .
A.the increase in spending is good for the economy and public happiness
B.more and more people spend more money on gifts for their loved ones
C.online shopping websites and social media apps have been used
D.businesses have taken advantage of the celebrations and festivals
7. What is listed in the last Paragraph mainly tells us that         .
A.different cultures actually have a lot in common
B.festivals play an important role in society
C.festivals allow us to relax and enjoy life
D.festivals reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths
8. Analyse the sentences
(1).Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones.
[分析] Online shopping websites and social media apps是本句的 ________; it是 ________,代替的是to spend more on gifts for their loved ones。
(2).And if you study festivals carefully, you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.
[分析] if you study festivals carefully是 ________从句; that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all是find的 ________从句。
9. 教材对接高考:续写微技能——节日气氛描写
A. 写出句中含有节日气氛描写的词汇。
(1)However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, gratitude, love, or peace is common in all festivals. ________
(2)People celebrate to show that they are grateful for the year’s supply of food. ________
(3)They reflect people’s wishes, beliefs, faiths, and attitudes towards life. ________
B. 在课文中找出表示情绪变化的句子。
(1) ___________________________________________________________________________
(2) _____________________________________________________________________________
2024-02-24更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019)Unit 1 Festivals And Celebrations Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking

6 . South Korea has the highest rate of Internet addiction in the world and it is increasingly the country’s children who are spending every waking moment immersing themselves in fantasy role plays or gaming. In the remote mountains of South Korea, teenage Internet addicts are turning up for a 12-day boot camp.

Kyle Won’s addiction is out of control. He spends 10 hours a day on the Internet. Now Kyle’s smartphone is taken away. The teachers here do what they can to get them socializing again; for many, the only friends they have had are online. “I have relationships on the Internet and a real distance has grown with my real-life friends and I know it’s not good,” Kyle said. The teachers show them other possibilities and bring back dreams and hopes that have been buried by their addictions. “We teach them methods of managing their desire to use the Internet so that they can continue to use it when they go back home,” Shim Yong-chool, a teacher here, said. After just two days Kyle said it was helpful. He’s set a good example to others though he hasn’t reached the goal completely.

South Korean psychiatrists (精神病专家) are urging more action as they are finding evidence that too much screen time is a barrier to the developing minds. Professor Kang Seak Young from Dankook University said the addiction was damaging critical thinking. “It affects the frontal lobes (额叶) which are important to critical analysis,” Professor Kang said. “Reading a book and guessing what happens in the story next show activity in frontal lobes but playing popular computer games for a long time shows no activity.”

South Korea is one of the most wired nations on Earth, but it does have a cost. One in every ten kids is an addict, so the country is now learning how to manage its high-tech future to avoid more serious consequences.

1. Why does the author mention Kyle’s story?
2. Which saying can explain the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
A.There are two sides to every coin.B.No pain, no gain.
C.It’s good to learn at another man’s cost.D.Prevention is better than cure.
2021-09-22更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 2 单元培优专练(外研版2019选择性必修二)
7 . 【课本原文】


Trade and curiosity have often formed the foundation of mankind’s greatest achievements. To complete the great map of the world was a strong passion for the people of early civilisations. Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. However, merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did.

In ancient times, silk from China found its way overland to India, the Middle East, and Rome, along what became known as the Silk Road. A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, centred around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka ). Here, merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals, which also led to more awareness of each other’s cultures. Over the centuries, further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China, as recorded in Du Haun’s Record of My Travels in the eighth century.

Later, the Ming Dynasty further developed relations with these regions. Between 1405 and 1433, seven large fleets sailed west on voyages of trade and exploration. These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time. Under the command of Zheng He, they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then to the east coast of Africa. African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold, silk, and spices. Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433, these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries.

To reach out across the sea remains a strong desire today. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative. The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas, and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. Trading has grown greatly in recent years, and will continue to do so in years to come. China has invested billions in systems and services along these routes, which will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchange.

China has also joined its friends across the sea on other important projects. Although the ancient sea routes of Zheng He have been travelled many times, there are still many other places left to explore. In recent years, China has joined other nations on several expeditions to explore the Arctic. From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects.

Hundreds of years on, and with the latest technology in hand, the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.

1. What’s the main idea of the text?
A.The stories of sailors.B.Ocean exploration changed human history.
C.Ocean exploration of China.D.The change of the ocean transport.
2. Match the main idea of each paragraph.
A.The future of China to reach out across the sea.
B.The meaning of trade and curiosity.
C.The ancient Silk Road.
D.The Ming Dynasty’s relations with some regions.
E.The Belt and Road Initiative.
F.The other Chinese important projects.
Para.1 _______   Para.2 ________       Para.3 _______   Para.4 ________
Para.5 _______   Para.6 ________
3. Why did merchants and explorers try to explore the seas across the world?
A.Because they liked to do it.B.Because they were forced to do it.
C.Because they needed to complete the world map.D.Because they were inspired by Marco Polo.
4. What’s the role of the ancient Silk Road?
A.Sending troops in the war time.B.Trading only silk among countries.
C.Learning cultures from other countries.D.Bridging the trade and cultures among countries.
5. What’s the author’s attitude towards Zheng He?
6. Why did China start the Belt and Road Initiative?
A.To sell tea to western countries.
B.To make business with neighbouring countries.
C.To spread Chinese culture to other countries.
D.To strengthen the bond between China and other countries.
7. Complete the passage according to the text.

Trade and curiosity often form the ________ (found) of mankind’s greatest achievements.

Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers ________ (search) for sea routes from west to east. However, merchants and explorers from the East set sail many years before Columbus first ________ (do). A trading route across the sea was extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean, ________ (centre) around Ceylon.

Later, the Ming Dynasty further developed relations with the regions to the west of China. Seven large (fleet) ________ sailed west for trade and exploration. ________ the command of Zheng He, they set sail from the South China Sea and eventually to the east coast of Africa.

To reach out across the sea remains ________strong desire now. The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He are being revisited with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, ________ belongs to the Belt and Road Initiative.

China has joined ________ (it) friends across the sea on some important projects.The need to trade ________ the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future.

8. Analyse and translate the sentences.
(1)The ancient sea routes travelled by Zheng He   are being revisited   with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,which is part of the Belt and Road Initiative.
(2)Although the ancient sea routes of Zhen He have been travelled many times,there are still many other places left to explore.
2024-02-15更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 选择性必修四 Unit 3 Sea Exploration Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
8 . 课文原文


There are various reasons why people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include economical use of words, descriptive and vivid language, integrated imagery, literary devices such as similes and metaphors, and arrangement of words, lines, rhymes, and rhythm. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express themselves. Now we will look at a few of the simpler forms.

Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes. They are usually the traditional poems or folk songs. The language of these rhymes, like Poem A, is to the point but has a storyline. Many children enjoy nursery rhymes because they rhyme, have a strong rhythm, and often repeat the same words. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite. By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.

One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions that develop a particular theme. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Some rhyme 〔like B and C〕, while others do not.

Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. With these, you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Look at the example 〔D〕.

Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively. It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers. It is easy to write and, like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. The haiku poem 〔E〕 on the right is a translation from Japanese, which shows a moment in the life of a delicate butterfly.

English speakers also enjoy poems from China, those from the Tang Dynasty in particular. A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English, such as this one〔F〕.

With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. Give it a try!


Hush, little baby, don’t say a word,

Papa’s gonna buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird won’t sing,

Papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring turns to brass,

Papa’s gonna buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass gets broke,

Papa’s gonna buy you a billy goat.

If that billy goat won’t pull,

Papa’s gonna buy you a cart and bull.



Hundreds of stars in the deep blue sky,

Hundreds of shells on the shore together,

Hundreds of birds that go singing by,

Hundreds of bees in the sunny weather,

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,

Hundreds of bees in the purple clover

Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,

But only one mother the world over.

George Cooper



Life can be good,

Life can be bad,

Life is mostly cheerful,

but sometimes sad

Life can be dreams,

Life can be great thoughts

Life can mean a person,

Sitting in court.



Beautiful, athletic

Teasing, shouting, laughing

Friend and enemy too



A fallen blossom

Is coming back to the branch.

Look, a butterfly!


Where she awaits her husband

On and on the river flows.

Never looking back,

Transformed into stone.

Day by day upon the mountain top,

wind and rain revolve.

Should the traveller return,

this stone would utter speech.

Wang Jian

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The characteristics and examples of five forms of poems.
B.Encourage readers to write their own poems.
C.Reasons of people composing poetry.
D.Different types of poems.
2. Match the main idea with each poem.
A. It is a list poem which shows the diversity of life.
B. It is a description of a lovely brother.
C. It is a translation of a Tang poetry, which describes a woman who waited for her beloved husband to come back from a journey.
D. It is a nursery rhyme that illustrates a father’s love for his baby.
E. It is a list poem expressing the love for his mother.
F. It describes how a butterfly rests on a tree.
Poem A ________
Poem B ________
Poem C ________
Poem D ________
Poem E ________
Poem F ________
3. Why do poets use different forms of poetry?
A.They want to express themselves.
B.They want to attract more people.
C.They want to describe things in more detail.
D.They want people to learn from them.
4. Which of the following about nursery poems is TRUE?
A.Most of these poems make sense.
B.These poems have weak rhythm.
C.They repeat certain words a lot.
D.They must be repeated by children.
5. What is the cinquain according to the text?
A.A kind of poem with both a pattern and a rhythm.
B.A kind of poem which has five lines.
C.A kind of poem kids in the nursery like to recite.
D.A kind of poem with 17 syllables.
6. What do we know about haiku?
A.It is a traditional form of English poetry.
B.It is made up of five lines.
C.It gives a vague picture of things.
D.It is not difficult to write.
7. What does the last part of the text tell students to do?
A.Read more poems.
B.Enjoy English poems.
C.Write their own poems.
D.Translate poems into other languages.
8. Complete the form according to the text.
A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMSNursery·The language is ________   but has a ________
·have a strong ________ and often repeat the same words
List poem·contain a list of things, people, ________ or descriptions
·have a flexible line length and ________ phrases
Cinquain·made up of ________ lines
·convey a strong picture or a certain ________ in just a few words
Haiku·a ________ form of poetry
·consist of 17 ________; give a clear picture and create a special feeling
Tang poem·the ________ from Chinese to English
9. Analyse and translate the sentences.
(1) Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes.
(2) One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions that develop a particular theme.
(3) Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines.
(4) Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.
2024-02-15更新 | 14次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版(2019) 选择性必修三 Unit 5 Poems Section Ⅰ Reading and Thinking
9 . 【课本原文】


Near the small town of Grottoes, Virginia, a narrow dirt road goes from the house of Stephen Curry's grandfather to the woods nearby. A far cry from the bright lights and shiny courts of the National Basketball Association (NBA),   it was along this road that Stephen's grandfather built a simple basket by attaching a piece of plastic to a telephone pole.

Like his father, basketball star Dell Curry, Stephen spent many childhood hours playing on this muddy basketball court. He probably didn't realise it at the time, but it was where he learnt to be creative and flexible as a player. You see, with every shot, the weak plastic backboard gave way. The bumps and rocks that lined the road under the basket caused the ball to bounce in all directions. Knowing where the ball would go wasn't easy. He had to adjust his own playing style as a result. Shooting with great accuracy was another thing he learnt. Only shots perfectly aimed at its centre went into the heavy, thick basket. In this way, practising day in and day out helped Stephen sharpen his skills.

Despite his father's successful career, Stephen was thought by many people, including his high school teammates and coaches, to be too short, too thin and too weak to follow in his father's footsteps.   But Stephen carried on. Playing basketball was his dream. He would not give up. He finally ended up playing college ball at a small, little­known school, Davidson College, not too far from where he lived. His creativity and perseverance made him Davidson's star player.

Selected for the NBA in 2009, Stephen joined the Golden State Warriors. He performed beyond everyone's expectations with his accurate shooting and continuous efforts. In 2015, Stephen won his first NBA championship, and he led the Warriors to their first championship since 1975.

After receiving the Most Valuable Player award for two years in a row, Stephen explained his philosophy, “I never really set out to change the game... What I wanted to do was just be myself... I know it inspires a lot of the next generation, a lot of people who love the game of basketball to value the skill of it, value the fact that you can work every single day to get better. You've got to be able to put in the time and the work. That's how I got here. That's how I continue to get better every single day. ” Inspiring others to believe in themselves, Stephen Curry is living proof that what other people think of you does not have to influence what you become. Through self­belief, hard work, perseverance and some help from an old hoop, he has shown that anything is possible.

1. What is the theme of the text about?
A.The Most Valuable Player award has a long history.
B.Success comes from confidence, hard work and perseverance.
C.Stephen is the first NBA championship.
D.Stephen Curry followed in his father's footsteps.
2. When was the “simple basket” built?
A.When Stephen was little.
B.When Stephen went to college.
C.When Stephen's father was a child.
D.When Stephen's grandfather was little.
3. What made the ball go in all directions?
A.Stephen's poor skills.
B.The muddy road.
C.The weak plastic backboard.
D.The bumps and rocks under the basket.
4. What do we know about Stephen Curry?
A.He joined NBA in 2015.
B.He was elected the Most Valuable Player in 2009.
C.He won the Most Valuable Player for 3 times.
D.He won his first NBA championship in 2015.
5. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
B.More haste, less speed.
C.It's never too old to learn.
D.Rome was not built in one day.
6. 细读课文并找出环境描写的句子
7. 细读课文并找出人物描写的句子
2023-08-27更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas 选择性英语性必修一(外研版2019)
10 . 课文原文


“Are we alone? What’s out there?” People have always looked up at the stars and wondered about space. Today, scientists design vehicles to carry astronauts into space to make important discoveries.Space exploration has come a long way, and we now hope to discover other planets that are suitable enough to support life.

Before the mid­20th century, most people felt travelling into space was only a dream that could never come true. However, scientists were determined to realise that dream. After many experiments, they succeeded in making rockets that could escape Earth's gravity. On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to enter space. Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, famously saying, “That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.” Following this, there were many more important space achievements. For example, on 5 September 1977, America’s NASA space agency launched Voyager 1 to study deep space, and it still transmits data to this day. And the International Space Station (1998) has provided a continuous human presence in space, with astronauts from many different countries on board.

Although scientists try to make sure nothing goes wrong, accidents can still happen. For example, all the astronauts on the Soyuz 11, Challenger, and Columbia spacecrafts died during their missions. However, while such disasters brought much sadness and disappointment, the desire to explore the universe did not die. This is because people believe in the importance of carrying on space exploration despite the huge risks.

China’s space programme started later than those of Russia and the US, but it has made great progress in a short time. China became the third country in the world to independently send humans into space in 2003, when Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft. Then Shenzhou 6 and 7 completed a second manned orbit and the first Chinese spacewalk, followed by the vehicle Jade Rabbit being sent to the moon to study its surface. On 23 July 2020, China sent Tianwen 1 to explore the surface of Mars. It arrived in February 2021 and then sent back lots of valuable information. And from 2021 to 2022, China completed a number of rocket missions to establish its own space station. In 2022, the launch of the Mengtian module signaled the basic completion of the Tiangong Space Station. This modern space station will allow astronauts to conduct many important experiments, greatly furthering our understanding of the universe.

The future of space exploration remains bright. Many countries have plans to further study planets like Mars and Jupiter. Despite the difficulties, scientists hope to make more valuable discoveries that will enable the human race to survive well into the future.

1. Look at the pictures and discuss the following question with your classmates.

Do you think it meaningful for us to spend so much money exploring space?
A.Fast reading
2. Match the main idea of each paragraph.
A.What people achieved in the past years.
B.Why people don't stop exploring space despite risks.
C.The future exploration in space.
D.Human beings always want to explore space.
E.The achievement which China has made.
B.Careful reading
Choose the best answer according to the text.
3. Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou          spacecraft in        
A.2; 2000B.3; 2001
C.5; 2003D.1; 2002
4. Which statement is RIGHT according to the passage?
A.Nobody thought it possible to travel into space before the mid­20th century.
B.On 14 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR.
C.China became the third country to independently send humans into space.
D.Disasters in the space exploration made everyone sad but not disappointed.
5. Despite risks, people continue to explore space because         
A.we want to establish more space stations
B.we plan to carry more brave people into space
C.we can provide a continuous human presence in space
D.we believe in the significance of space exploration
6. Fill in the form according to the text
on 4 October 1957the Sputnik 1 satellite was _____________by the USSR and successfully _____________around Earth
on 12 April 1961Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world _____________space
on 20 July _____________Armstrong stepped onto the moon, saying, “That's one small step for a man, one giant _____________for mankind.”
on 5 September   1977America launched Voyager 1 to study _____________space, and it still _____________data to this day
in _____________China became the third country in the world to _____________send humans into space and Yang Liwei successfully orbited Earth in the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft

7. A.写出句中表示时间的词汇
1.Before the mid­20th century, most people felt travelling into space was only a dream. _____________
2.On 4 October 1957, the Sputnik 1 satellite was launched by the USSR and successfully orbited around Earth. _____________
3.Afterwards, the USSR focused on sending people into space, and on 12 April 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person in the world to enter space. _____________ _____________
4.Over eight years later, on 20 July 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon._____________
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
2024-02-27更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:必修第三册 (人教版2019)Unit 4 Space Exploration Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking
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