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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。J.K. Rowling的书帮助一个单身父亲改善他和女儿的关系,他在Twitter上给J.K .Rowling留言表示感谢。

1 . J.K. Rowling frequently shows there is magic every day. Her Harry Potter series has helped people through times of stress and depression and she is always there to deliver wise words of encouragement.

She is one celebrity who is very active on Twitter. So when a single dad named Matt Burke sent her a message thanking her for the series, she noticed. Her series had helped strengthen his relationship with his 9-year-old daughter Bailey.

He included a link to his article titled Being a Broke Parent. He explained how he hadn’t found a level of financial stability that allowed him to pay bills on time and take his daughter on more activities and events. The family also doesn’t have the Internet or TV, which means there’s no “digital babysitter”, and he has to rely on his own creative ways to bond with his daughter. Since he received the series, the main thing that has occupied them these days is reading books together.

Burke admits that he thought he was “too cool” for the books when they first came out and he was in his twenties, but he’s loving reading them now. “We switch off chapter by chapter reading them out loud,” Burke explains. “This not only allows her to get more used to reading aloud in front of someone, but it gets me directly involved in something she loves, and it gives me the chance to be very dramatic when I read my chapters and bring myself into the characters in the book, which has proven to be a ton of fun.”

After hearing Burke’s story, Rowling said how honored she was when Harry Potter was a part of his family’s life and offered Burke more signed books. Besides, people are also offering to send Burke more books as gifts. For Burke, this experience, far more than gifts, will be what he treasures.

1. Why did Burke thank J.K. Rowling according to the text?
A.She guided him how to write a good story.
B.She encouraged him when he was in trouble.
C.Her books helped him through times of confusion.
D.Her books helped him improve his bond with his daughter.
2. What is implied in Burke’s words in Paragraph 4?
A.He has found it interesting to read the series.
B.He was too old to understand the series better.
C.He has chosen a better way of reading the series.
D.He hopes to play a role in the drama in the future.
3. Which word can best describe Burke’s experience according to the text?
4. What is the main idea of this text?
A.J.K. Rowling chooses to help improve kids’ health.
B.J.K. Rowling gives a magical gift to a single father.
C.J.K. Rowling has a deep influence on others’ growth.
D.Burke comes to know J.K. Rowling through her series.
2024-04-09更新 | 103次组卷 | 17卷引用:江苏省苏州市相城区陆慕高级中学2021-2022学年高一下学期4月线上教学质量检测英语试卷
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Pen Hadow即将进行北极探险,这次探险极具意义,因为他将把探险与探索知识联系起来。

2 . In 2004, Pen Hadow became the first person to trek (跋涉) to the North Pole alone, without being resupplied on the way. That meant swimming through cold waters, and risking meeting polar bears. Just eight months later, he made a similar trip to the South Pole. Now he is back in the Arctic again, preparing for a more ambitious expedition (远征). This time, however, more significance is attached. Pen and two colleagues will set out on a three-month, 1000-kilometre trek to the North Pole, taking detailed measurements of the thickness and density of the ice. Nobody has ever done this before, and he knows the results will be of vital significance to the scientific community. This will be the truest picture so far of what global warming is doing to the ice that covers the polar region.

Pen and his wife, Mary, live in the country with their two children. “It’s much harder to be away from them this time,” he admits. They were one and five when I last went, and I made a mistake in the way I said goodbye. I thought it would be a good idea to say to my son, “You’re the man of the house now, look after your mum and your sister.” He absolutely took it to heart, asking his mum how she was all the time, but the stress eventually became too much. While it was well intentioned, it was an unfair thing to do.

He is spending these last days before departure preparing his things. With him will be Ann Daniels, one of the world’s leading polar explorers, and the photographer, Martin Hartley. They will be supported by a crew of six, flying in supplies. Being part of a team is actually more stressful to someone like him. Besides, something else is on his mind too. “I’m going to be 47 on Thursday. I’ve done far less training.” Why? “Organizational things always seem more urgent. So I’m almost fearful of what I’m going to ask of myself.”

Pen believes his mission reconnects exploration with the search for knowledge that drove previous generations into the unknown. “Making it to the North Pole was a personal ambition and of limited value to anyone beyond the polar adventuring community. This time, scientists will profit from the data, and we’re creating a platform to expose as many people as possible to what’s happening in the Arctic Ocean. This is important work, and nobody can do it but us,” he says. “Our skills, which are otherwise not that necessary, have become really relevant. Suddenly, we’re socially useful again.”

1. What can we learn about Pen Hadow’s opinion of the new expedition in paragraph 1?
A.He is aware of its huge importance.
B.He feels certain that it will be stressful.
C.He thinks it similar to his previous journeys.
D.He is confident with the help of a regional picture.
2. What does the underlined phrase “took it to heart” in paragraph 2 mean?
A.He started to feel unwell.
B.He memorized his father’s words.
C.He was afraid of the responsibility.
D.He carried out his father’s words carefully.
3. What is worrying Pen about the new expedition?
A.Whether he will be mentally prepared.
B.Whether supplies will be enough in time.
C.Whether he will still be fit enough to take part.
D.Whether the arrangements will turn out well.
4. Comparing the new expedition to his previous ones, Pen feels ______.
A.uncertain if it will collect information
B.doubtful about its long-term usefulness
C.proud that they can contribute to scientific research
D.relieved that the general public will be more supportive
2024-03-22更新 | 69次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南京市中华中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期末英语试卷
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3 . As we close out the final days of this year, treat yourself to a deliciously distracting new book —a book that you can dip into and out of throughout the holidays. Read up, rest up, and enjoy yourself.

Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and beyond

A must-have guide for yoga-loving mamas, Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond offers helpful relaxation techniques and breathing exercises that are tailored to each pregnant woman. The book also lays out valuable techniques for labor and staying in touch with your body as it continuously changes.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids

We could all use a little more peace in our lives. Uniquely suited for children and parents to do together, the 40 mindfulness exercises recommended here —from pausing to fully enjoy a tasty sandwich to taking chalk walk together—will not only teach children calm and gratitude, but also bring grown-ups and their littles closer together.

Before She Disappeared

Frankie Elkin is a recovering alcoholic who devotes her time to solving cold cases, especially those involving people of color. A new investigation brings her to Boston, searching for a Haitian teenager who disappeared months ago. But as Frankie starts asking questions, someone else will stop at nothing to keep the answers hidden.

Oak Flat

Lauren Redniss’ Oak Flat tells the story of the land near the San Carlos Apache Reservation through an Apache family fighting to protect the land which the U. S. government and two world-power mining enterprises are attempting to seize and destroy for its copper resources. Visually striking and deeply reported, Oak Flat tells a larger story of endless westward expansion and native resistance.

1. Which book can help to improve family relations?
A.Oak Flat.
B.Before She Disappeared.
C.Mindfulness Activities for Kids.
D.Yoga for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.
2. What do we know about the book Oak Flat?
A.It’s a brief account of mining enterprises.
B.It centers on an Apache family’s struggle.
C.It sings high praise of the US government.
D.It supports westward expansion and native resistance.
3. Who are the target readers of the four books?
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4 . I almost died when I fell into the boiling (沸腾的) water at the age of three. The ______ left me with serious burns and scars (伤疤) all over my body. I spent many years in hospital having hundreds of ______, which meant years and years of skin grafts (移植).

In my teens, I realized that I was ______ to my friends. They were all beautiful young ladies and I had these terrible scars under my clothes which made me feel ugly. ______, swimming helped me a lot. I can’t ______ that I was burned (烧伤) in the water and yet it also helped to ______ me. In the water I was at my happiest.

I was a competitive (有竞争力的) swimmer for many years and then was ______ to be a swimming teacher for the local swim club. Even though ______ in a gym is difficult for me, swimming is much ______ as I can sweat in the pool.

This year I swam from Asia to Europe alongside the talented physical sports expert Professor Greg. I swam close to Greg asking for his ______ in a swim challenge and he agreed to help me out. When I climbed out, I broke down and wept and just couldn’t control my ______. I was told afterwards that I ______ in one hour and 28 minutes. I couldn’t believe it as I kept stopping wanting to ______ but Greg really inspired me all the way to the finish.

I was doing this for all those people who had ______ years of self body hating, severe depression (严重抑郁), low self-confidence and of course my wonderful families. ______ women are survivors of life.

A.operations (手术)B.missions (使命)C.experimentsD.experiences
A.trained (培训)B.forced (强迫)C.requested (要求)D.refused (拒绝)
A.stay upB.watch outC.give upD.show off
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5 . India, as a country with plenty of resorts (旅游胜地), is popular with different kinds of travelers. If you’re planning to visit the country, the followings are the places that may interest you.


Delhi is a perfect place for those who love history, and there are plenty of attractions here to keep tourists of all interests entertained. It’s often the first city that many tourists visit on a trip around India. There are many resorts including India Gate, the Lotus Temple, Qutub Minar, and Humayun’s Tomb.


Agra is most well known for the Taj Mahal, which draws a large number of tourists to the city. Built in the 1600s, the Taj Mahal is still standing strong today and is admired by tourists as an important part of India’s heritage (遗产).


Kashmir is one of the most beautiful cities in India. With flower gardens, amazing water-falls, and snow-topped peaks, it’s a simply unforgettable place that tourists want to return to time and time again. Kashmir is especially popular with honeymooners and loved-up couples, because a lot of romantic trips are on sale in Kashmir.


Though Goa is small in size, it’s one of the top resorts for young tourists and those who love taking beach vacations. The golden sands and coconut palm trees are the charm (吸引力) here, and the sunrises and sunsets are so gorgeous that you’ll never forget them.

1. What do we know about Delhi from the text?
A.It is the highest city in India.
B.It is known for the Taj Mahal.
C.It is attractive to history lovers.
D.It is the coolest city in India.
2. What is the special part of Kashmir?
A.It is the smallest place.
B.It is the capital city of India.
C.It offers many tours attracting couples.
D.It drives young people crazy.
3. Where shall we head if we want to spend some days at the seaside?
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6 . A year back I received a full scholarship to attend the University of San Francisco. All of my hard work had paid off. My mom had spent a lot in my attending a private high school, so I made sure to push myself: I volunteered, joined different clubs, and graduated with honors.

I was so excited to start a new life. I had totally packed two weeks and wanted to go to college at once before it was time to leave.

Soon enough, the big day came, but it wasn’t like what I had thought. The first two weeks were the most difficult days of my entire life. Every night I would cry myself to sleep.

I was so homesick (想家) and I didn’t know how to deal with my broken heart. To distract myself, I threw myself into my studies and I applied for a lot of jobs. In any remaining free time, I started forcing myself to the gym. I wanted to keep every part of my day busy so I wouldn’t think how lonely I felt.

Soon after, I began to limit food, and then I became worse. Finally, I went to see a doctor. When the doctor weighed me, I was crazy about the number of my weight. So I continued to lower my goal, and convinced that controlling this number was the solution to my homesickness. But when I was told that I had no choice but to spend time on my studies. I quickly started recovery in my mind.

How could I do? I told myself that school was what I was best at. I decided to get rid of my homesickness and took exercise actively. My first term of college had passed by at last and I had gotten straight A’s. That’s why I want to share my story—to help other students feel less lonely.

1. How was the author during the two weeks before she left for the college?
A.She was as normal as before.
B.She couldn’t wait to leave for the college.
C.She was afraid to leave her home.
D.She didn’t enjoy her mother’s company.
2. What is the author’s problem at the beginning of studying in the university?
A.Her weight.B.Her diet.
C.Her homesickness.D.Her bad study habit.
3. Which can best replace the underlined phrase “distract myself” in paragraph 2?
A.achieve my dreamB.earn money by myself
C.improve my studiesD.take my attention away
4. What is the main purpose of the author in writing the text?
A.To look back at her past middle school life.
B.To help girls to lose weight.
C.To help lonely college students.
D.To increase her own confidence.
2024-03-09更新 | 135次组卷 | 15卷引用:Unit 2 单元测评卷-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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7 . Mary Shelley bends over her latest creation. Although the carving is only half complete, the image of a waitress holding a plate of eggs comes out from the board. Of Shelley’s nearly seven hundred carvings, many show scenes with cows on farms and people in restaurants.

From memories to carvings

“My work is a visual diary, ” Shelley says. “The carvings describe things I have experienced and felt at different times in my life.”

Every one of her carvings tells a story. Many of the stories in Shelley’s woodcarvings come from memories of her childhood in a rural (乡村的) area outside of Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Shelley’s family managed a small farm. Mary was a serious girl who spent a lot of time raising animals, exploring outdoors, and reading. Although Shelley never felt especially artistic as a child, there was always an art project in the works in the Shelley household. Her grandmother painted. Her father was a commercial artist, who drew and wrote to make a living.


Shelley attended Cornell University and hoped to become a writer, but an unusual present took her in another direction. At age 23, she received a gift her father had made-a woodcarving of her as a girl on the farm. The gift caught her interest. After gathering boards from a building site where she worked as a carpenter, Shelley bought some tools and taught herself to carve.

Shelley soon realized that she loved the slow, thoughtful process of working with wood and painting. “A carving is like a jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏),”   she explains. “I didn’t know how it would all fit together, but the process of solving the puzzle kept me going.”

The Shelley style

Early in her career, people hired Shelley to carve special pieces that took four or five weeks to complete. The money she received motivated her to try more complicated scenes created by carving deeper in the wood. Over time, Shelley’s art began to have its own style. In a typical Shelley woodcarving, some objects seem to reach out of the frame while others drop back, creating a feeling of depth.

1. What can we infer from the “From memories to carvings” part?
A.Art is from but beyond life.B.Life is short and art is long.
C.It is great art to laugh at your own misfortune.D.Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist
2. Which can be the best title for the second part?
A.Life in SchoolB.A Dream Come True
C.A Life-Changing GiftD.Jigsaw Puzzles and Carving
3. What made Mary take up carving?
A.The dream to be an artist in her childhood.B.Her father’s low-relief carving for her.
C.The rugs hooked by her grandmother.D.Her school life in Cornell University.
4. According to the text, Shelley’s art ______.
A.is very popularB.is very expensive
C.has simple scenesD.creates a feeling of depth
2024-03-04更新 | 43次组卷 | 2卷引用:福建省厦门市外国语学校2022-2023学年高一上学期期中英语试卷
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8 . The world’s coral reefs do more for the planet than provide underwater beauty. They protect shorelines from the effects of hurricanes. An estimated 500 million people earn their livelihood from the fishing stocks and tourism opportunities reefs provide. The tiny animals that give rise to reefs are even offering hope for new drugs to treat cancer and other diseases.

Despite their importance, warming waters, pollution, ocean acidification, overfishing, and physical destruction are killing coral reefs around the world. So now scientists around the world are looking for all kinds of ways to protect and maybe even revive(复苏) corals. In the Bahamas, Ross Cunning, a research biologist at Chicago’s Shedd Aquarium, is focusing on corals with genes that could make them natural candidates for restoration projects. He recently published a study of two Bahamian reefs, one that seemed to survive an intense 2015 heat wave, and one that didn’t.“It sets the stage to find out which genes are responsible for thermal tolerance,” says Cunning, adding that he hopes discovering those genes will help scientists one day breed more heat-tolerant coral.

In Massachusetts, Cohen’s research has found two key elements that seem to protect corals. The first: internal(内部的) waves beneath the ocean’s surface that bring cooler currents to heat-struck corals, essentially air-conditioning them as temperatures rise. The second: adaptation, a quality that corals found in Palau’s warm lagoons(环礁湖) seem to display.On average, these lagoons submerge(淹没) coral in water that is two degrees Celsius warmer than the water outside the lagoons. “We think the fact that they can deal with these higher temperatures is built into their genetics and allows them to deal with the heat waves.”

She’s also found evidence of corals evolving more quickly in the past two decades to withstand rapidly warming temperatures. The big question scientists are now enquiring into, says Cohen, is whether there’s a cap on how much more heat corals can adapt to. Cohen calls these regions with heat-adapted corals as “super reefs,” and like Friendlander, advocates for using marine reserves to protect them.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The protection for coral reefs
B.The great value of coral reefs.
C.The benefits for tourism from coral reefs.
D.The relationship between animals and coral reefs.
2. What can be inferred from Cunning’s coral research?
A.Cooling down the waters is the key to their success.
B.Some corals have been genetically improved successfully.
C.He expects to identify the genes of the heat-tolerant corals.
D.Some corals that survived 2015 heat wave surprised people.
3. What is the focus of the study to save corals according to Cohen?
A.How corals survive in the warm lagoons.
B.What are the key elements to protect corals.
C.How they can use natural reserves to protect corals.
D.What is the high temperature limit of the surviving corals.
4. Which section is the text probably taken from?
2024-02-29更新 | 24次组卷 | 2卷引用:中原名校2022年高三上学期第二次精英联赛英语试题
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9 . You are welcome to our channel. An interest in the way ocean currents move led Dr. Erik van Sebille to track garbage. This Dutch scientist hopes that by making us aware of how much we litter our oceans, we’ll be motivated to better stash (存放) our garbage.

Question: Where does the garbage in our oceans come from ?
Answer: It can come from litter people leave behind on beaches. Or from things falling off ships. Almost every river’s garbage will end up in the ocean too. Plastic garbage is the biggest problem, though. That’s because it doesn’t easily break down. It can stay in the ocean for thousands of years. Eventually, it arrives at the garbage patches (垃圾带).
Question: Does this mean that ocean garbage is worse than garbage on land ?
Answer: Litter in the ocean is probably just as bad as litter in a forest or a park. The main problem in either place is that, if animals eat plastic pieces, they can become very ill. But we know how to solve the problem: Just stop polluting!
Question: Many persons love tossing a message in a bottle into the ocean. Is that a bad idea ?
Answer: Finding a bottle with a message in it is awesome, very special! But most bottles will never end up on a beach. They’ll turn up in the garbage patches, where it’s unlikely that someone will find them. If you want to play with ocean currents, go to the website and release virtual bottles. That way, you’re   not littering our oceans.
1. Animals can become very ill if they _______________.
A.turn up in the garbage patches.B.arrive at the garbage patches.
C.eat plastic pieces.D.play with bottles.
2. It is almost _______________ to toss a message in a bottle into the ocean.
3. This passage belongs to a   _______________.
A.story.B.poem.C.scientific article.D.television interview.
2024-02-26更新 | 20次组卷 | 2卷引用:南阳六校2021-2022学年下学期第一次联考高二英语试题

10 . Reading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many people never read a poem once they get out of high school.

It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the nineteenth century, a usual American activity was to sit around the fireside in the evening and read poems aloud. It is true that there was no television at that time, nor movie theatres, nor World Wide Web, to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self-education, of connection to other people or to the world beyond one’s own community. Reading them was a social act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writing poems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way in which poetry has a place in everyday life.

How did things change? Why are most Americans no longer comfortable with poetry, and why do most people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do well without poems?

There are, I believe, three factors: poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the least important is the third: the world surrounding the poem has betrayed us more than we have betrayed the poem. Early in the twentieth century, poetry in English headed into directions unfavourable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or the easy chair at night, and that they belonged where other difficult-to-read things belonged.

Poets failed the reader, so did teachers. They want their students to know something about the skills of a poem; they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword puzzles.

1. Why is reading poems thought to be a social act in the nineteenth century?
A.Because it built a link among people.
B.Because it helped unite a community.
C.Because it was a source of self-education.
D.Because it was a source of pleasure.
2. What does the underlined word “diversion” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. What is the main cause of the great gap between readers and poetry?
A.Students are poorly educated in high school.
B.Poems have become difficult to understand.
C.Students are becoming less interested in poetry.
D.TV and the Internet are more attractive than poetry.
4. What does the author try to tell us by writing the text?
A.The history and changes of poetry.
B.The correct way for teachers to teach poetry.
C.The failure of poetry in people’s life nowadays.
D.The reason why people aren’t keen on poetry today.
2024-02-25更新 | 87次组卷 | 3卷引用:【名校面对面】2022-2023学年高二大联考(12月)英语试题
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