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1 . It’s never too late to make your dreams come true . After more than half a_________since his last class at the University of Cincinnati , Paul Blom, 94,_________ received an associate ‘ s degree(副学士学位).

The World War II ex-soldier first enrolled(注册)at the_________in 1946, after_________in the Navy for three years. “ I came down to UC_________I was going to go to school , but , you know, it was_________ , it was almost August , and there wasn’t room for me ,” Blom told WCPO - TV. However , Blom enrolled in UC’s evening college program where he took night_________for nine years. But as he became too_________with the family business , he decided to stop_________.

He said, “I think I only lacked maybe two__________for some reason or another. I just didn’t ever go back and__________all the courses .”

Back in May 2020, Blom’s daughter, Paula Baxter,__________ UC to see if her father could receive an honorary degree and the university found that it could__________him much more .

After__________that Blom received more than enough credits to get a__________for an associated degree through a regional college within the University of Cincinnati, university officials were able to issue him the associate’s degree he had earned in full all those years ago.

A.reached out toB.came back toC.turned toD.responded to
2024-01-16更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省昌江黎族自治县昌江中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考三英语试题

2 . Cao Dewang was born in May 1946 in Shanghai. His family is said to have high social standing in Fujian province. But his family background didn’t guarantee a wealthy lifestyle. According to Cao, soon after he was born, his family lost all of their possessions on their way back from Shanghai to Fujian.

After losing their wealth, the family farm became their only means of survival. Cao worked on his family’s farm, and there were many days when he’d go without food. In order to support his family, he dropped out of school when he was 14 and began to work. Nonetheless,he taught himself over a thousand Chinese characters with the help of a dictionary.

Cao began selling tobacco leaves and fruit to earn a living. He also worked as a cook and repaired bicycles. For over twenty years, he worked 16 hours a day to escape poverty.

Cao Dewang was working as a sales manager at a glass factory run by the local government for glass used in water meters. He saved up his earnings until he had enough to buy out the very factory in 1983.

Japanese car producers were looking to set up production of their vehicles in China in the 80’s. Cao saw the opportunity and dove into the production of vehicle glass, establishing the Yaohua Automotive Glass Co. in 1987.

Now named Fuyao Group, it started as a joint venture company before it was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1993 and on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2015. Headquartered in Fuging, Fujian, it is currently one of the largest auto glass producers in the world. Audi, Fiat, Ford, Honda, and Nissan are among Fuyao’s biggest customers.

Since 2013, the Fuyao Group had been looking to establish a factory in the U.S. and was looking at possible sites. It picked the site of an abandoned GM assembly plant in Dayton, Ohio in 2014. The factory brought job opportunities to former GM workers who had been unemployed for a long time.

Not disregarding his contributions to China’s economy, Cao is considered as China’s most generous philanthropist. Cao believes, “The more I donate, the more I realize how little use I have for money.” He further adds that his fortune is better used in the education of children.

1. What can be learned about young Cao Dewang?
A.He led a wealthy life.B.He was home schooled.
C.He struggled to survive.D.He grew up in Shanghai.
2. What was the history of the Fuyao Group?
A.It used to be a car maker.
B.It originated from a local glass factory.
C.It became the world’s largest glass producer in 1987.
D.It first got most of its profits by making water meters.
3. What do we know about Fuyao’s glass factory in Davton?
A.It was built in 2013.B.It won support from GM.
C.It hired many laid-off GM workers.D.It helped restore many abandoned plants.
4. What do Cao Dewang’s words in the last paragraph mean?
A.Money is worthless sometimes.B.A good name is better than money.
C.Money makes the world go around.D.Money should be used for meaningful things.
2024-01-16更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省昌江黎族自治县昌江中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考三英语试题

3 . There are some sounds most of us acknowledge are annoying — the chewing of chips, the low noise of air conditioning or a screaming baby. These noises, for many people, act as a mere inconvenience that can distract them from the task at hand. However, there are some amongst us who have a much more severe response to these noises. Has a noise ever made you feel so angry that you could explode with rage? If the answer is yes, you may be suffering from misophonia (恐音症).

The word “misophonia” literally means “a hatred of sound” and is sometimes called Selective Sound Sensitivity Syndrome. There are some experts who doubt the existence of the condition. However, for those who claim to suffer from it, the experience can be painful. Certain sounds could set off intense emotional or psychological responses that may seem over the top compared with a non-sufferer’s complaints.

The sound of people chewing their food could trigger sufferers’ anxiety, or make them feel panic. It may even activate their fight-or-flight response, making them want to run away. In extreme cases, that feeling of panic may result in intense anger and even end up expressing rage physically.

Sadly, there’s no known cure. But tinnitus retraining therapy, cognitive (认知的) behavioural therapy and counselling could help sufferers tolerate noises and manage the condition. According to James Cartreine, a clinical psychiatrist, the condition can lead to separation. Sufferers use coping strategies that include avoiding places with lots of noises, like restaurants, or moving away when they feel like raging against someone due to their breathing.

So, the next time you see someone fly into a rage because of a sound that is driving them crazy, it may be due to a difficult condition they are trying to manage, and not just because they hate a certain sound.

1. What is the purpose of paragraph 1?
A.To lead in the topic of misophonia.
B.To introduce different annoying sounds.
C.To show ways of preventing a severe disease.
D.To present the harm of noises to human health.
2. Who is most likely to suffer from misophonia?
A.Jane who usually has lunch alone.
B.Nancy who often screams at her baby.
C.Peter who is always worried about his studies.
D.Henry who is annoyed at the sound of book pages turning.
3. What does the underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What can be inferred about misophonia from the last two paragraphs?
A.It happens mostly in restaurants.
B.Any sound around can drive sufferers crazy.
C.Staying away from noises is a potential solution.
D.It may greatly influence sufferers’ cognitive ability.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Dogs may have earned the title of our best friends through their interactions with humans, but now researchers say these social skills could, be present shortly after birth rather than being learned.

To better understand the role of biology in dogs’ abilities to communicate with humans, the researchers studied 375 eight-week-old service dogs. They looked at how these dogs performed in a series of tasks designed to measure their communication skills. The puppies were still living with their littermates (同窝出生者) and had not been sent to live with a volunteer puppy raiser, making it unlikely that they had learned about his or her behavior.

In the first task, a person hid a treat beneath one of two overturned cups and pointed to it to see if the puppy could follow the gesture. Since dogs are good at using noses to find things a treat was also taped to the insides of, both cups. In the second task, puppies watched as the researchers placed a yellow, block next to the correct cup, instead of pointing to indicate where the puppy should look for the food.

The third task was designed to observe puppies’ tendency to look at human faces. The researchers spoke to the puppy in a voice people sometimes use when talking to a baby. They then measured how long the puppy fixed a stare on the human.

In the last task, researchers sealed a treat inside a closed container and presented it to the puppy. They then measured how often the puppy looked to the human for help in opening the container.

The study found that while many of the puppies were responsive to humans’ physical and verbal cues, very few looked to humans for help with the unsolvable task. Researchers said, “This suggests that while puppies may be born knowing how to respond to human-initiated communication, the ability to initiate communication on their own may come later.” The next step will be to see if specific genes that may contribute to dogs’ abilities to communicate with humans can be identified.

1. Why were eight-week-old service dogs chosen for the study?
A.They were the best age to learn.
B.They were cute and safe to deal with.
C.They were unlikely influenced by their mates.
D.They had had little contact with humans before.
2. What is the researchers’ purpose in taping food to both cups?
A.To provide clues for the puppies’ final decisions.
B.To make comparisons between different conditions.
C.To prevent the puppies from making use of their smell.
D.To check the puppies’ preference for a particular color.
3. What can we know from the study?
A.Puppies can understand our body language.
B.Puppies are good at asking humans for help.
C.Puppies are born to arouse communication with humans.
D.Puppies need specific genes to communicate with humans.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Dogs—talented performersB.Dogs—humans’ best friends
C.Dogs—born to be able to learnD.Dogs—born to understand humans
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . I’ve never had a great sense of direction. And I often wander into shops and, upon coming back out, can’t remember which way I’ve come from — left or right? Many people are like me, and why do some constantly have no idea where they are?

The hippocampus (海马体) is a region of the brain associated with memory and involved in sense of direction. And a nearby region has also been associated with sense of direction. There are four known types of navigation-related neurons (神经元), found in these regions place cells, grid cells, border cells and head direction cells.

In short, you can think of place cells as an internal cognitive (认知的) map; they identify where you are. Grid cells are like a GPS system in our brain; they tell us about the relationship of this place to other places we’ve been to. Border cells respond to the presence of environmental boundaries at a specific direction and distance from us. Lastly, head direction cells are activated when our head faces a specific direction. These cells will fire electrical impulses when we enter familiar locations, with each group of cells relating to a specific place.

Our reliance on GPS and smartphones may have decreased the ability to use our internal maps. Older adults who regularly used GPS had less activity in their hippocampus, compared with those who did not use GPS. They also performed slightly worse in a cognition test. In contrast, a study involving London taxi drivers found they significantly larger hippocampus than ordinary people.

You can improve your way-finding ability specifically by practicing the skill, according to Aziz, PhD of neurology at Temple University School of Medicine. “The more you get out and go to places, the better,” he says. Physical exercise improves the blood flow to the brain, while mental exercise, such as doing puzzles or learning a new language, stimulates the development of new nerve cells and connections in your brain.

1. How does the author introduce the topic of the text?
A.By raising a question.
B.By making a comparison.
C.By stating personal opinions.
D.By referring to scientific research.
2. What can we learn about the four types of navigation-related neurons?
A.They depend closely on each other.
B.They are responsible for different jobs.
C.They will decrease in numbers as one ages.
D.They will fail to function in unfamiliar situations.
3. What will happen it we rely too much on GPS?
A.We will easily be misled.
B.Our hippocampus will get enlarged.
C.Our cognitive ability will be affected.
D.We will have our hippocampus relaxed.
4. What are we advised to do according to the last paragraph?
A.Build up our body.B.Take training courses.
C.Try different brain exercises.D.Get out to connect with people.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Located deep in the mountains of Chong yang county of Hubei province, the Qingshan Reservoir (水库) looks like a river with many twists and turns.

For Wang Zhijun, a primary schoolteacher who has served the villages near the reservoir for 28 years, the river is an obstacle (障碍) to be overcome. He doubles as a ferryman to help students shuttle (往返) back and forth via boat.

A recent video of Wang went viral on social media and moved many.

He became a teacher at the primary school in Panshan village in 1995. With water in three directions, the village occupies a sort of peninsula (半岛), even though it’s high on Qingshan Mountain.

Wang travels 500 meters of mountain roads to carry water to the school for the students. He rows a boat to pick them up for school, and then he takes them home afterward. Wang said he had suffered many falls with the water buckets, but the ferry trips have always been safe.

With development of the local economy, Panshan Primary School merged with the Chichong Primary School on the opposite bank of the reservoir in 2017. Wang could drive to pick up most of the students, but a few depend on his boat.

He said he had been given several opportunities to get out of the area for better career development, but he felt responsible for the kids and stayed.

Panshan and Chichong villages together have more than 1, 000 residents. Wang is proud that 40 of his students eventually entered college. “My ultimate dream is to send them out from the mountains through education,” Wang said. Meanwhile, he is proud that six of the 40 college students returned to their hometown and became teachers themselves.

1. What does the underlined word “ultimate” in the last paragraph mean?
2. How can we best describe Wang Zhijun?
A.Shy and depressed.B.Selfish and stubborn.
C.Cautious and sensitive.D.Devoted and considerate.
3. Which can be the best title for the news report?
A.Teacher picks up kids by boat for 28 years
B.A talented teacher works at primary school
C.A common teacher makes great achievements in life
D.Teacher refuses opportunities of better career development
2023-12-31更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:海南省儋州市2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder at 19. My first panic attack _______ nowhere, leaving me breathless and _______. Despite taking medication, my chronic(长期的) anxiety and panic attacks required me to _______ ways to deal with it. I've learned to treat _______ as a part of my character, alongside being free-spirited, funny, and creative. As a result, dealing with my condition has made me a _______ person.

Anxiety often makes me feel energetic, and I have two ways to _______ it: Either let my legs shake and mind race while overthinking everything or use that _______ to expand my advantage. Whether I'm at work, home, or my kid's soccer practice, I always find a healthy way to _______ my anxiety. At work, I might take the long way to the kitchen or grab my water bottle to regain my _______. At home, I take the dog for a walk, ________ on my bike, or use free weights. Physical activity not only ________ anxiety but also keeps me in shape.

During therapy, my doctor ________ thinking about something wonderful when my throat feels tight and anxiety strikes. Instead of convincing myself of the worst, I recall a________ in my early 20s in Paris. The thought of cheese, pastries, and the Eiffel Tower overwhelms me with happiness, helping me ________ control.

Although my life isn't ________, accepting that anxiety is a part of who I am has made me feel less like someone with an anxiety disorder.

A.came out ofB.was composed ofC.got involved inD.gave way to
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Have you ever dreamed of having your own custom deck (木制平台)? Decks make a beautiful addition to any home and they are great places to sit and relax. Here, we discuss several benefits of installing a custom deck on your property.

● Great meeting places. Does your family love to have a barbecue? A custom deck will give you plenty of space to host a barbecue, family picnics, and neighborhood parties. A deck can make a great meeting place for just about any open-air event.

● Room to grow. Decks are great places to grow your own food. A container garden can grow many of the fruits and vegetables you love to eat without the hassle of a traditional garden. So if you have green fingers (good at making plants grow), you should really think about adding a deck to your property soon.

● Quick installation. Most decks can be built in just a few days to weeks. While they are highly durable and permanent structures, they can be installed fast. This means that you will be able to enjoy your investment right away without the need to wait.

If you want to take advantage of these benefits, contact the decking professionals at https://newdaydevelopment.com/ to help you design and build the perfect deck for your needs. With our help, you can create a beautiful place to relax outside and enjoy special memories together. We’d be happy to discuss your questions or concerns.

1. What makes a deck a great meeting place possible?
A.Plenty of time to host family picnics.B.Plenty of space to have outdoor activities.
C.A secret place to keep your personal room.D.Nice atmosphere to host neighborhood parties.
2. What can we know about the custom deck from the text?
A.Its price.B.Its market prospect.C.Its drawbacks.D.Its function.
3. From which is the text probably taken?
A.A news report.B.A science magazine.C.A product advertisement.D.A culture report.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . During World War II, Duchess Nina Douglas-Hamilton played a vital role in looking after animals.

As the war broke out, the government issued orders for the mass killing livestock (家畜) to prevent them from being captured or destroyed by the enemy. Duchess Nina launched a campaign to save as many animals as possible, and soon became known as the “animal heroine” for her efforts.

Duchess Nina worked with local farmers and animal owners to relocate animals to safer areas, such as the Scottish Highlands. She also established a network of volunteers who helped to care for animals during the war. She organized feeding programs, medical care and transportation, ensuring that animals were well looked after even during the most difficult times. The most challenging aspect of her work was the shortage of food during the war. So she established a vegetable garden and used leftovers to create nutritious meals for animals. She also reached out to the public for donations of food and supplies, and was able to secure enough resources to keep animals healthy and fed.

In addition to her work with domestic animals, Duchess Nina was also a strong advocate for wildlife conservation. She established a center for wild animals Scotland, where she provided a safe place for deer, foxes and other animals that were threatened by the war. She also worked with local protection groups to protect natural habitats.

Duchess Nina’s work during World War II was not without its risks. She frequently risked her life to save animals, often driving through perilous areas.

Sadly, some people saw her efforts as a distraction from the war effort. However, she continued to work tirelessly for animals. After the war, Duchess Nina’s work was recognized by the government and she got an important award for her services to animals.

1. How did Duchess Nina probably feel when she heard the government’s orders?
2. What was the biggest problem that Duchess Nina faced?
A.Nobody gave her any donations.
B.She couldn’t find enough volunteers.
C.The animals didn’t have enough food to eat.
D.Local farmers didn’t give her enough support.
3. Why did Duchess Nina start the center in Scotland?
A.To keep domestic animals there.
B.To attract local protection groups.
C.To provide a home for wild animals.
D.To offer a safe place to animal owners.
4. What does the underlined word “perilous” in paragraph 5 mean?
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . In March 1975, my mother brought my younger sister Cissy and me back to our hometown.

Cissy and I were ________ to moving. We had moved 23 times before I was 18. Altogether I ________ 19 schools. But at 13 and 11 years of age, we were ________ being the new kids in school.

Staying in a motel (汽车旅馆) for weeks, we ________ found a two-bedroom home for $80 a month, which was in the landlords (房东), Mr and Mrs Hendrix’s back yard. It was ________, but Cissy and I thought it was a palace. ________, in October my mother lost her job. November’s ________ went unpaid, so did December’s. Cissy and I knew we’d soon move ________.

On Christmas Day, Mrs Hendrix knocked on the front door. Mom was out, so I ________ it. I’d received eviction (驱逐) notices before, so I knew what to ________. Mrs Hendrix held out a ________ to me, smiling as she said,“I thought you girls might enjoy some bread. I bake it every Christmas.” Unprepared for such ________,I managed a “Thanks”. Closing the door, we ________ the box. There were bread, candy, and new socks and gloves for us three. No eviction notice!

We lived over five years in our twenty-fourth home. The Hendrixes gave Cissy and me something we had never known in our ________ lives: the comfort of belonging, and ________.

A.patient withB.grateful forC.uncertain aboutD.tired of
A.packed upB.dug throughC.focused onD.took over
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