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1 . I checked my equipment one final time. It was my first ______to climb the highest volcano in the world, Ojos del Salado, in South America.

I’d ______ to climb with a local guide. I left camp just after midnight. “You go first and I’ll be behind you,” he said. As the hours passed and the terrain (地形) became more dangerous, I wondered if I’d made a huge ______ . Looking into the_______ behind me, I listened out for the sound of my guide’s steps but I was all_______ . Finding my way by ______, I knew the icy conditions were merciless. Breathing heavily, I realised I’d run out of ______ soon.

Back home, 11,000 km away in Melbourne, my dad was following my ______with my GPS tracker. ______ , now alone on the side of a volcano, all I could do was to ______ my energy as I climbed higher and higher.

Reaching the top was the ultimate goal, but really it was only half the ______ . As my breathing became more laboured, ______ set in. Had I gone too far this time? I knew all too well how frightening it was to be ______ , for I’d suffered from chronic asthma (慢性哮喘) as a child.

Pushing on, I ______ made it to the top, where I ______ the breathtaking views. But I only spent a few minutes taking photos before I went down the mountain. I was ______ to see my guide on the way down and it turned out that he had______ a climber in danger and had to ______ our exploration to save him.

Through blood, ______ and frozen tears, the last 10 years had taken me all over the globe. And with every high and painful low, I learnt more about myself. I’d pushed my ______ , both in body and mind.

A.out of sightB.out of breathC.out of orderD.out of reach
A.reflected onB.took inC.missed outD.drew up
2024-02-13更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏石嘴山市第三中学2023-2024高三上学期期中考试英语试题
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2 . Sugar-free cookies, reduced-sugar cereal, sugar-free candy, diet soda... are these better for you? Since sugar became a taboo (禁忌) in the nutrition and wellness world, sugar-free food items and drinks have acted as alternatives for once beloved sweet drinks and snacks. Claiming to be ZERO sugar means it is healthier, better for diabetics, and helps you slim down... Right?

In fact, sugar-free is worse. Sugar-free means that artificial sweeteners (甜味剂) are used instead of real sugar. The problem: these sweeteners do not come from natural sources and they can cause you more harm than good.

Let’s get into what these artificial sweeteners actually are. Sugar-free sugar sounds wrong and that’s because there is no such thing as sugar-free sugar. Some of these sugar-free alternatives still contain sugar and the ones that don’t contain sugar have chemicals your body often does not know how to process.

Most artificial sweeteners are a lot sweeter than sugar, so only a tiny amount is needed. That’s why they can market sugar-free alternatives as “low-calorie” or “no-calorie”. It also means that you get no nutritional value from consuming them, which is why many sugar-free substitutes are classified as “non-nutritive”. These artificial sweeteners tend to hide under sneaky names. Actually, they are 200-600 times sweeter than sugar.

When you eat sweet stuff, your body continues to desire it and, even though your body cannot metabolize (代谢) these sugar-free alternatives, your brain does not know the difference. In turn, sugar-free alternatives connect to weight gain and type 2 diabetes (糖尿病).

Artificial sweeteners also damage your gut’s ability to break down sugar, which impacts everything you eat. In other words, your body doesn’t know how to handle artificial sweeteners because they have nothing real to process.

A good rule of thumb: stay away from artificial sweeteners and look for non-sugar, natural sweeteners like Stevia or date sugar. In the war against artificial sweeteners and real sugar, both lose. Satisfy your sweet tooth with natural sugars that come from fruits and stay away from products claiming to be sugar-free or diet!

1. Why are sugar-free alternatives described as “low-calorie” or “no-calorie”?
A.They won’t lead to weight gain.
B.They are greener and healthier.
C.They are much to everyone’s taste.
D.Small quantities of artificial sweeteners are used.
2. What do we know about artificial sweeteners?
A.They present a bigger health risk.
B.They can be easily broken down.
C.They are as sweet as sugar.
D.They improve our ability to metabolize.
3. What is the author’s final conclusion?
A.Real sugar is a better choice.
B.Stay away from sugary products.
C.Sugar-free products are healthier.
D.Choose sugar from natural sources.
2024-01-29更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏石嘴山市第三中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学检测英语试题
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3 . Teaching children in a way that encourages them to empathize (产生共鸣) with others is of great significance to children’s creativity, new research suggests.

Pupils at two inner London schools were involved in the study. Pupils at one school spent the year following curriculum-prescribed lessons, while the other group’s lessons used a set of engineering design thinking tools which aim to develop students’ ability to think creatively and to cause empathy, while solving real-world problems.

Pupils at the intervention school were asked to design an asthma-treatment “pack” for children aged six and under. Pupils were given various creative and empathetic “tools” in order to do so: for example, they were shown data about the number of childhood asthma deaths in the U.K., and a video which describes a young child having an attack. They also explored the problem and tested their design ideas by role-playing various stakeholder (参与方) — patients, family members and medical staff.

Both sets of pupils were assessed for creativity at both the start and end of the school year. The results showed a statistically significant increase in creativity among pupils at the intervention school, where the thinking tools were used. At the start of the year, the creativity scores of pupils in the control school, which followed the standard curriculum, were 11% higher than those at the intervention school. By the end, however, the situation had completely changed: creativity scores among the intervention group were 78% higher than the control group.

Nicholl, the leading researcher of the study, said, “Teaching for empathy has been problematic despite being part of the National Curriculum for over two decades. This evidence suggests that it is a missing link in the creative process, and vital if we want education to encourage the designers and engineers of tomorrow.”

1. What were pupils at the intervention school asked to do?
A.Watch the process of an asthma attack.
B.Gather data about asthma deaths in children.
C.Show sympathy for the young asthma sufferers.
D.Test their asthma-treatment “pack” on patients.
2. What does the research find about the pupils in the control school?
A.They preferred to study the standard curriculum.
B.They were smarter at the beginning of the school year.
C.They had little empathy for the young children with asthma.
D.There were less creative than those at the intervention school in the end.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Empathy education and creativity go hand in hand.
B.Empathy education was neglected in the creative process.
C.Empathy education is a must for future designers and engineers.
D.Empathy education hasn’t been included in the National Curriculum.
4. What’s the passage mainly about?
A.The standard curriculum limits pupils’ creativity.
B.Teaching pupils empathy improves their creative abilities.
C.Solving real-world problems promotes pupils’ all-round development.
D.An asthma-treatment “pack” was created by pupils at a London school.
2024-01-12更新 | 61次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2023-2024学年高三上学期第五次月考英语试题
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4 . In the blue-green depths of the sea off the coast of Tuscany, Italy, an unusual seafloor sculpture park is defending its watery setting.

Since fisherman Paolo Fanciulli’s teens, he has been heading out daily to fish in these coastal waters along the Maremma coastline. It was in the 1980s that he began to notice the clear signs: a seabed that was becoming barren (贫瘠的), with exhausted fish stocks. Until recently, he has been forced to share catches with a threatening part: illegal “bottom trawlers (拖网捕鱼的人)”, who randomly spoil a large quantity of ocean life as they fish, dragging a weighted net along the seafloor behind their boats.

Fanciulli’s style of artisanal fishing (手工捕鱼), in contrast, needs to be friendly to nature as damaging the ecosystem could reduce fishermen’s income. Fanciulli understood that the success of his fishing activity was linked to the good state of the environment. The underwater “House of Fish” sculpture park, which was started in 2015 was encouraged by this fisherman. “One of the most effective solutions is to physically prevent trawling through artificial reefs…so I started working on this project, trying to combine the protection of the seabed with something that could also give an added value to our environment, something as beautiful as a sculpture,” he said.

Rocks or sculptures can break weighted trawler nets. They can also play a role as artificial reefs, giving corals and other sea life a place to live. Thanks to the underwater sculptures, some species not seen in a long while such as groupers and lobsters have returned. The sculpture park represents both an artistic statement and a physical barrier to seafloor trawling.

Today, 39 huge stone sculptures dot the seabed along an area of Tuscan coastline near the town of Talamone. In the immediate future, Fanciulli hopes to continue his great solution in coastal waters. “Man is still destroying the seas,” he says, “and my task continues.”

1. What poses a threat to Fanciulli’s work of artisanal fishing?
A.Rocks on the seafloor.B.Frequent terrible weather.
C.A growing number of fishermen.D.Illegal trawling industry.
2. Why was the underwater sculpture park built?
A.To show artists’ creativity.
B.To develop the local green tourism.
C.To protect the ecosystem of the sea.
D.To warn against fishing in coastal waters.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The results of banning seafloor trawling.
B.The process of building the sculpture park.
C.The damaging effects of trawling on sea life.
D.The roles of the sculpture park under the sea.
4. What could be the best title for this text?
A.The first underwater park in the world
B.Fanciulli’s innovation in cleaning the ocean
C.A seafloor park: Artworks for sea protection
D.Waters with sculptures: Better habitats for fish
2024-01-10更新 | 98次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川一中2023-2024学年高三上学期第五次月考英语试题

5 . My memories of those nights I spent with my great-grandmother are still vivid. I_________ them all, because I have_________ else to remind me of her. While my friends_________ display treasures left to them by their grandmothers — precious china, antique silver, jewelry — all that I have of her is a scarf I’d made her.

My great-grandmother didn’t have a china-and-jewelry kind of _________. While we were under the _________, she told me many _________ stories. I felt the pain a mother feels when her only son is _________ missing after a battle. I felt the _________ a wife feels as throat cancer robs her beloved _________ of speech and ultimately of life. I felt the__________ of the Depression (大萧条), what it was like to lose your home and to __________ produce that had gone bad. My great-grandmother never cried when she __________ her past, and afterward, she always said, ” Oh, kid, it’s a great life if you don’t __________.”

A few years ago, my life took a __________ turn, and curiously, I found my great-grandmother and her stories frequently occupying my __________. I realized then that __________ she had not left me any precious objects, she had left me a treasury of stories and a wealth of__________. By turning her soul inside out to me during those nights in bed, she’d given me the greatest gift — her __________, her courage to face life head-on. Her legacy (遗赠) gave me the __________ I’d lacked. If she could survive the __________ of her life, then I knew I could, too.

A.pay offB.get throughC.hang onD.survive on
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . My mother put the golden butterfly pendant (吊坠) on my neck. In her eyes, I saw pride for the first woman of our family to achieve a university education.

My grandmother loved to tell us stories of her first years at primary school on the small island of Chios, Greece: her beautiful handwriting, much praised by her teachers and her good marks. All this changed in Grade 4 when one day my grandmother’s nose started to bleed as she was doing her homework. It scared my great-grandmother, because in those years, many were dying from tuberculosis (结核病). Spending hours indoors studying was associated with growing weak and pale, a sign of that terrible disease. The family prohibited Grandma from finishing primary school and sent her to a local factory.

My mother was able to finish high school on Chios. She was an excellent student and her parents encouraged her to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher. Unfortunately, the Second World War clipped her wings. She ended up marrying and looking after her family’s businesses.

As I grew up, my mother always urged me to get the university education that she was denied. Sometimes I remember wanting to help her out with cooking or baking. “No,” my mother would say. “Go back to your homework! That takes priority!” My father, following the Greek tradition, would tell her: “Teach Sophia to cook! What is she going to feed her family?” I also remember relatives telling my parents to hurry and arrange a marriage for me as soon as I finished high school. “There is time for all that! Later on! First, she will get a degree!” my mother always hurried to reply.

On my university graduation, my mother presented me with my grandma’s special pendant. “But this is the pendant Grandma used to say she would only give me on my engagement day!” I reminded my mother. “A degree is better than an engagement ring; that’s what I told Grandma and she agreed,” my mother replied.

1. Why did Grandma fail to continue learning when she was young?
A.She suffered from tuberculosis.
B.She was forced to drop out of school.
C.She dreamt of becoming a teacher.
D.She worked very hard to support her family.
2. What does the underlined part “clipped her wings” in paragraph 3 mean?
A.Damaged her arms.B.Reminded her of her duty.
C.Expanded her career path.D.Stopped her from achieving her goal.
3. What can we infer about the author’ s mother from paragraph 4?
A.She taught the author cooking skills.
B.She faced much pressure for the author.
C.She got on poorly with family members.
D.She was living up to the Greek traditions.
4. What might the author’s mother want to tell her by gifting her the pendant?
A.She had already come of age.
B.She should remember her origins.
C.She should think about getting married.
D.She had made the family dream come true.
2023-12-31更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏回族自治区银川市2023-2024学年高三上学期联合考试(一)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Are flash floods becoming more severe? Natural disasters are generally getting worse—and that's true for floods, too.

As climate change warms the atmosphere, extreme rainfall is rising, which increases the risk of flash floods. Heavy precipitation(降水) events are predicted to increase by 2 to 3 times the historical average. The Federal Emergency Management Agency expects the nation’s floodplains to expand by 45 percent by the end of this century, as the agency reported in a recent study. A study in early 2021 found that increased precipitation—resulting partially from climate change—costs the US an additional $ 2.5 billion each year in flood damage. And some studies show that flood frequency was increasing in the Mississippi River valley and across the Midwest in the last century, as well as in the Northeast over the past 50 years.

There are several steps you can take to prepare for flash floods

First, know the level of risk by looking at flood maps. You may be required to have flood insurance if you live in a high-risk area.

Pay attention to flash flood watches, which the National Weather Service issues to indicate when conditions could result.in flash floods. People in these areas-should be-ready to take action—particularly if the NWS announces a flash flood warning. That’s issued when flash floods are approaching and, at that point, people should immediately leave the area.

But be particularly careful when travelling by car. Don’t drive through flooded streets—it's difficult to judge the water depth, and roadways hidden below the water can collapse. If floodwaters cause your vehicle to lose control, abandon it and seek the higher ground. Rapidly rising water can sweep the vehicle away. Know your surroundings and head to the higher ground, and listen to the radio updates when in a flood.

It’s also important to develop an emergency prepared plan with your family or those you live with to have a few days’ worth of resources.

1. Why does the author ask the question in paragraph 1?
A.To confirm an idea.B.To conclude the text.
C.To introduce a topic.D.To express some doubts.
2. How does the authors support the theme of the second paragraph?
A.By analyzing causes.B.By listing relevant data.
C.By describing processes.D.By making comparisons.
3. What are the drivers especially advised to do in the text?
A.Purchase insurance.B.Look at flood maps.
C.Have an emergency plan.D.Avoid the flooded streets.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.What Is a Flash Flood?
B.Do Flash Floods Need Controlling?
C.How Do We Prepare for Flash Floods?
D.Are Flash Floods Becoming More Severe?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . ISA Summer Camps of Figure Skating in Prague 2023!

Thanks to our considerable experience in organizing international figure skating camps for children, we have again prepared special programs for our summer training camps. The summer figure skating program has been developed with the requirements of international standards in mind, taking into account the age and physical abilities of young figure skaters.

Training week schedule

Monday to Saturday

22 hours of training: 11 hours on ice and 11 hours of training off ice.

On Saturday-shortened program, demonstration performances on ice, awarding all participants with memorable diplomas (奖状) and cups   (costumes required).

* Group workouts on ice 2 hours a day.

* Group off-ice training 2 hours a day.

* The possibility of individual lessons on ice 2 hours a day (optional).

What you need to have with you at ISA Summer Camps

On ice: Tremo suit on the ice, a few gloves for a change.

For training off-ice: Air sneakers, sportswear for training off-ice.


Package price for a week stay in ISA Summer Camps for a skater: € 550 (Price per day € 92)

Package price for a week stay in ISA Summer Camps for an accompanying (陪同的) person: € 350 (Price per day € 58)

Package price includes: 7 nights at the hotel, 3 meals a day.

Health insurance

Participants signing up for this event agree that the price does not include insurance and that the organizer is not responsible for any injuries. Each participant must have health insurance concluded with one of the insurance companies valid (有效的) in the Czech Republic and a certificate of good health provided by the parent. Participation in this event is at your own risk.

1. Which of the following is included in the schedule of the training week?
A.22 hours of training on ice.
B.Group off-ice training 3 hours a day.
C.Individual lessons off ice 1 hour a day.
D.Demonstration performances on Saturday.
2. How much should a child and his mother pay for a package for the camp?
A.€ 900.B.€ 644.C.€ 550.D.€ 406.
3. What must participants of this figure skating camp have?
A.Professional diplomas.
B.A recommendation letter.
C.Health insurance provided by the camp.
D.A certificate of good health provided by a parent.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Languages like Italian or Finnish can be spelled more easily because each letter of the alphabet matches to one sound. Students studying these languages can have 90 percent reading accuracy after the first year. However, students even after years of learning English are still far below Italian or Finnish students in reading accuracy.

English started as a Germanic language. It is most closely connected to German and Dutch, especially in grammar and basic vocabulary. During the Norman invasion in the 12th century, Old English was spoken but French was used in government and legal documents. And Latin was used in religious and educational activities. As a result, more French and Latin words entered the English language. The printing press invented in the late 1400s helped to establish English spelling. The English of today is how the language was written at the time. However, the spoken language started to change in the 1500s with the pronunciation of all long vowels (元音). For example, “bite” was pronounced closer to “beet” in the 1400s, before changing through the years to its current sound. The effect was that the English language had old spellings, but new sounds.

English has 26 letters in the alphabet, but over 44 individual sounds depending on the variation of spoken English. There are several sounds represented by only one letter. For example, the letter “C” can sound like an “S” as in “city”. And it also sounds like a “K” as in “cat”.

There are only 5 or 6 vowel letters in the English alphabet. They include A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. But there are 20 different ways to sound them. At the centre is the most common vowel sound of “uhhh”. It is the most relaxed and natural sound. It takes almost no effort of the tongue or throat to create the sound. Since it takes little effort, the sound “uhhh” often makes its way into pronunciations. For example, the word “please” often turns into “PUH-lease” when someone is trying to call attention. This is another reason why spelling in English is so difficult!

1. How does the author lead to the topic of this text?
A.By making a classification.B.By comparison.
C.By the calculation of an example.D.By describing a process.
2. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
A.The complex history of English.
B.The formation of modern English.
C.The influence of English on other languages.
D.Factors promoting the development of English.
3. When did the current spelling of English come into being?
A.In the 12th century.B.Before the Norman invasion.
C.In the late 1400s.D.In the 1500s.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.What Is the Best Way to Master English
B.Why Spelling in English Is So Difficult
C.So Many Ways to Sound a Vowel
D.How to Improve the Accuracy of English Spelling
2023-12-19更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:宁夏银川市唐徕中学2023-2024学年高三上学期12月月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Join Us in Creating the Sweetest Candy Experience

Search Engine Copywriter

Pay: $80, 000 every year

Job Description:

We are looking for a creative, hardworking person to join our team as a content developer. The responsibilities of the content developer include creating new and interesting content for our website and popularizing that includes product descriptions, social media and technical work.

Shopify Developer

Pay: $120, 000 every year

Job Description:

Candy Funhouse is looking for a Shopify Developer to manage, and improve the e-commerce (电商) store hosted on Shopify. Reporting to the Chief Technology Officer, you’ll be responsible for developing new product pages, and running A/B tests to continuously improve site performance.

Chief Candy Officer

Pay: $100, 000 every year

Job Description:

We are looking for the world’s first and only Chief Candy Officer! This chance is work-from-home. The job includes deciding whether or not to give each treat with the official “CCO (Chief Candy Officer) Stamp of Approval”.

Social Media Personality

Pay: $110, 000 every year

Job Description:

We’ve got a pretty sweet brand, and we want someone to help make that brand as wonderful online as it is in real life. We’re looking for someone with good knowledge of both candy and pop culture, a natural ability to relate to fans, and someone who is willing to do the work necessary to help the brand be great on social media.

1. Which post offers the best pay?
A.Shopify Developer.B.Chief Candy Officer.
C.Social Media Personality.D.Search Engine Copywriter.
2. What is the responsibility of Social Media Personality?
A.Popularizing a brand on social media.B.Developing new product pages.
C.Creating fun product description.D.Managing the e-commerce store
3. Which part of a website might the text most likely be taken from?
A.Privacy Center.B.Job Search.
C.Modern Technology.D.Company Review.
共计 平均难度:一般